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Coalition Analysis in Group Decision Support   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
GMCR II, a decision support system based on the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution, now contains an algorithm for Coalition Analysis to alert users that certain decision-makers would find it both feasible and beneficial to co-ordinate their actions. The theory and implementation of Coalition Analysis in GMCR II are discussed and illustrated.  相似文献   

The Graph Model for Conflict Resolution is a methodology for the modeling and analysis of strategic conflicts. An historical overview of the graph model is presented, including the basic modeling and analysis components of the methodology, the decision support system GMCR II that is now used to apply it, and the recent initiatives that are currently in various stages of development. The capacity of this simple, flexible system to provide advice to decision-makers facing strategic conflicts is emphasized throughout, and illustrated using a real-life groundwater contamination dispute.  相似文献   

The Graph Model for Conflict Resolution constitutes a unique and flexible approach to the representation, analysis, and understanding of strategic conflict. This methodology, as implemented in the Decision Support System GMCR, constitutes a useful tool for negotiation support. Because GMCR includes efficient algorithms for calculating the stability of states, it encourages extensive comparisons of the consequences of different models of negotiators' decision making. GMCR also facilitates modifications to the way in which the conflict is represented, encouraging sensitivity and what-if analyses. The applicability of GMCR to negotiations is discussed in general, and in the context of a specific case study in environmental conflict resolution.  相似文献   

从依附于产业政策和竞争政策,到发展成为一项独立的制度,中国国家安全审查制度的演化与审批权限配置的变更息息相关,具有明显的"路径依赖"特征。与美国的制度相比,现有的国家安全审查制度在政治性、专业性和合法性方面存有很大的改进空间。应将国家安全审查行为排除在法院的受案范围之外,改进部际联席会议机制,由决策者承担相应责任。此外,还应建立政治问责制,以避免内部人控制。  相似文献   

This article examines US foreign investment policy in the historical and current security contexts and provides an analytical discussion on the trends in foreign investment review on national security grounds. It finds that the concept of national security has been gradually broadened to include economic security, critical infrastructure, and homeland security as components of national security. This has allowed the foreign investment review process to become highly politicized. The article concludes that national security is far too important to be mixed with domestic political debates on economic and social concerns from foreign takeovers. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

从中长期看来,我国经济安全保障必须走向规范化和体系化,建立健全相关法律,从总体上看,应该建立《国家经济安全法》法律体系,同时修改《国务院组织法》。从分领域看,在能源领域,建议短期出台《国家石油储备管理办法》,中长期尽快制定《石油法》。在产业领域,短期内尽快出台《国家产业安全保障实施务例》,中长期建议制定《国家产业安全法》。在金融领域,建议修改《中国人民银行货币政策委员会条例》,并且进一步完善《证券法》、利率和汇率法律规定。在社会领域,建议出台《最低保障法》或《基本保障法》,建议尽快出台《常住人口管理条例》。  相似文献   

Far from being the leader, the US has been a ‘domino’ belatedly falling into line in the global rush toward bilateral and regional free trade arrangements. Often the initiative for negotiations has come from seemingly weaker trading partners. Once in the game, however, and aware of the asymmetries of market power and issue salience that enhance US bargaining leverage, the US has been aggressively pursuing a variety of commercial and diplomatic interests, both tactical and strategic, that include bolstering local democratic institutions and processes of economic reform, strengthening US security ties, accelerating region‐wide commercial liberalisation by allying with a regional leader, establishing new precedents to use as bench markers in future trade negotiations, and otherwise using free trade accords to advance its comprehensive global trade policy agenda. Bilateralism and regionalism have opened the door to an explicit introduction of political criteria, in contradiction to GATT/WTO apolitical universalism. While often reactive to the initiatives of other nations, the US has not been indiscriminate, deflecting the entreaties of suitors where US international political economy interests are not served.  相似文献   

WTO安全例外条款解释的不确定性使该条款为WTO成员任意适用提供了可能性。乌克兰诉俄罗斯运输限制案中,专家组从管辖权、法律要件及法律解释三方面对安全例外条款做出了正式规制,并以国际公法上的善意原则对WTO各成员的行为进行反面限制。结合TikTok被禁案,笔者在对国家安全概念的内涵与外延作出界定后,从言论自由和反对主权扩张两个方面,对美国以国家安全为由限制贸易的非正当性和不可行性进行论证。最后,为避免国家安全滥用、遏制贸易保护主义兴起,我国应该遵循国家安全内涵扩大化趋势,明确适用WTO国家安全例外条款的态度及立场,加大对安全例外条款的研究力度,积极援引安全例外条款审查贸易制裁的正当性,维护我国国际贸易安全。  相似文献   

Internet-based, real-world applications require appropriate security mechanisms because potentially millions of users and their agents (or participants) will access billions of objects of information content in complex workflow processes (e.g., commerce, learning, healthcare). Security is one of the strategic technologies that will increase the value and utility of the Internet and Internet-based applications. Traditional security issues deal with the authentication and authorization of users in network domains. Today there are numerous novel security issues concerning users, information content, and application systems in information domains. Among these, we will consider a novel role/object-based access control mechanism for both participants and objects in workflow processes of information domains. In particular, we will present our implementation of this mechanism for digital libraries.  相似文献   

An Intelligent Distributed System for Strategic Decision Making   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The decision-making process in strategic planning is often too complex to be handled by conventional methods. Strategic planning problems (building new plans, new product planning, etc.) belong to the class of problems called ill-structured by H. Simon. They involve a decomposition of the main problem into a set of subproblems, a reasoning process at the subproblem level, and then a coordinated and aggregated process to build a global solution. Because partial solutions are generated without having a complete view of the global objective, this type of decision-making process very often generates incoherent and contradictory hypotheses and actions. Therefore, the main problem is to find a way to achieve coherence and coordination among decisions made locally by different agents, at different levels.Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence, particularly in the field of multi-agent theory, offer great promises in modeling strategic planning processes. In this article we present a general framework called 'A Coherent Plan of Coordinated Actions (CPCA)' for building intelligent distributed strategic decision making systems which integrates advances in both distributed decision making and Distributed Artificial Intelligence. We then describe a multi-blackboard system, ARISTOTE, which is aimed at helping corporate managers address the feasibility and coherence of a plan of actions.  相似文献   

开放经济下的产业安全问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,随着经济全球化进程的不断深化,开放经济、引进外资已经成为发展中国家促进本国经济发展的基本国策。但是如果不加限制地扩大外资的规模也会产生负面影响,即出现产业控制倾向,进而引发产业安全问题,这是事关国家经济安全的重大问题。对产业安全问题的研究,无论在现实经济运行还是在理论研究中,都具有非常重要的意义。随着国家经济结构的调整和产业升级的进程,产业安全的内涵和外延也将会有所拓展,金融安全、能源安全、网络安全、幼稚产业保护、经济结构、产业结构调整等都将成为产业安全研究所应关注的问题。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has been a focal area of United States (US) Science and Technology policy since President Clinton’s administration. The Unites States is investing more funds in nanotechnology research and development than any other nation. The US National Laboratory community and Sandia National Laboratories in particular is responding to their country’s interest by generating exceptional Nano-based science and technology and focusing these efforts on national security and safety concerns. The United States and others are finding that the technological, safety, ethical, economic, and policy considerations centered on nanotechnology are complex and interconnected. Further, that tomorrow’s decision makers need an expanded educational background for them to make optimal choices concerning nanotechnology. Sandia National Laboratories responded to this need by initiating the National Institute for Nanotechnology Engineering (NINE). NINE is prototype educational effort designed to provide an exceptional foundation for the next generation of US nanotechnology decision makers.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the strategic and policy implications of franchise system expansion overseas. The study is based on survey data of 76 Mexican buyers of US franchise systems and information provided by seven directors of national franchise associations from both industrialised and developing countries. Globalisation, economic liberalisation and advances in communications provide strong incentives for franchising firms to seek access to foreign markets. This work delineates the conditions that favour, and that work against, international expansion of franchise networks from the perspective of franchisors, local franchise buyers and policy makers. The study questions the commonly held notion that franchising is consistent with successful firm strategies and the economic development goals of governments.  相似文献   

The adoption of sustainable laundry technologies by US consumers has lagged behind that of other countries and even behind the projections for adoption made by the US government. Most US household currently own and use the top‐loading vertical axis (v‐axis) agitator type washers, which use large amounts of water as well as additional energy to heat the water. More sustainable laundry practices include the use of energy‐ and water‐efficient front‐loading horizontal‐axis (h‐axis) washers. These washers have been demonstrated to use 38% less water and 58% less energy than the standard top‐loading v‐axis models. The adoption of more energy‐efficient washing technologies is of interest to many, including policy makers, because of their water‐ and energy‐saving potential. Little is known about the attributes and issues consumers use in their decision to adopt high‐efficiency washers for their home. This study uses Roger's Diffusion of Innovations Theory to understand the adoption of h‐axis washers by US consumers. An online survey of 330 consumers who own washing machines found that 23% currently own h‐axis washers and 24% of consumers intend to purchase an h‐axis when they replace their top‐loading vertical (v‐axis) washers. Energy and water savings are the most frequently cited reasons overall for adopting the h‐axis washer and cost was the main reason for not adopting the technology. Other issues, such as dissatisfaction with cleaning power and problems with machine cleanliness and maintenance, did not play a major role in adoption. Specific marketing and education channels, where US consumers are looking for information about h‐axis washers, are also identified. Overall, the results suggest that the rate of h‐axis adoption in the US is accelerating, but that many of the benefits of the technology are not easily observed by non‐owners.  相似文献   

猪肉是我国居民消费的主要肉食品,猪肉质量安全关系百姓健康。大中型屠宰加工企业作为核心企业在安全猪肉供应链上对质量控制起主导作用,安全猪肉供应链质量管理重心在于对养猪户的质量控制,在各自追求利益最大化的动机驱使下,核心企业与养猪户之间展开博弈。本文在运用博弈论方法分析了核心企业与养猪户的博弈过程之后,提出了建立供应链成员之间的战略合作伙伴关系;加强猪肉质量安全可追溯体系建设,实现优质优价;加强质量监管和舆论监督,加大对生产加工不安全猪肉企业的处罚力度;加强对源头生猪的监督检查;扶优扶强,壮大优质屠宰加工企业等政策建议。  相似文献   

This article argues for an extension to the scope of corporate social responsibility (CSR) research to include a contemporary issue of importance to national and global security, critical infrastructure resilience. Rather than extending the multiple perspectives on CSR, this study aimed to identify a method of recognising CSR-related issues, before applying it to two dissimilar case studies on critical infrastructure resilience. One case study was of an international telecommunications company based in the US while the other was of the railway network in Britain during a period of privatisation. The method used was derived from Okoye’s (J Bus Ethics 89(4):613–627, 2009) common reference core for CSR. Both case studies satisfied all the criteria sought which points to critical infrastructure resilience as being an emerging CSR issue. Because ongoing change characterises CSR, the method may have application for identifying future new CSR strands. As the findings suggest that some aspects of national and global security are CSR-related phenomena, the study demonstrates how CSR research may be significant at a societal, national and global level. Implications of the study include a broadening of the value and reach of contributions from CSR researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

中国棉花的进口依赖与棉花进口安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨莲娜 《财贸研究》2012,23(2):54-59,126
中国不仅是棉花的生产与消费大国,同时也是棉花的进口大国。入世以后,中国棉花的进口迅速增加,自给率逐年降低,而且棉花进口呈现出波动剧烈、进口地理集中度较高的特点。对外部市场较高的依赖程度对中国棉花的进口安全产生了一定的影响。为了促进棉花产业和纺织业的健康发展,应该充分利用国内国外两个市场,满足国内棉花需求。但是棉花需求的满足不能过度依赖国际市场,应规范棉花进口,进一步发展多元化进口市场,弱化国内企业对进口棉花及少数国家的过度依赖。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,俄罗斯经历了乌克兰危机、西方经济制裁、国际油价下跌等外部因素的冲击,经济安全遭受严重威胁,在此背景下的俄罗斯政治经济战略势必波及中俄经贸合作,进而影响丝绸之路经济带建设。本文从贸易合作和对外直接投资合作方面,基于计量模型剖析俄罗斯国家经济安全对中俄经贸合作的影响过程及关联因素。研究表明俄罗斯国家经济安全危机提升了中国在俄贸易伙伴国中的地位,促使俄与中国产能合作的意愿强烈,直接投资和产能合作逐渐成为推动中俄经贸合作向纵深发展的强劲动力;俄罗斯国家经济安全危机对中俄罗贸易有显著负向影响,中俄政治关系对贸易合作有显著正向影响。这是提高中国对俄罗斯投资、提升高新技术产品在俄罗斯进口比重的机遇期,亦是推进丝绸之路经济带的重要机遇期。经济强势崛起的俄罗斯和经济体系全面崩溃的俄罗斯对丝绸之路经济带的推进均有重要影响,在与其发展战略协作伙伴关系过程中,中国恰到好处地拿捏平衡其中的大国利益边界至关重要。  相似文献   

政府审计作为经济社会运行的“免疫系统”,维护国家经济安全是审计工作的第一要务。审计机关的主要职责就是通过独立行使审计监督权,保证国家各项政策能够有效实施,使囱家机器健康、安全地运行,也是最大限度的实现专项资金的良性运转,维护国家资财使用和管理中经济秩序的践行者。政府审计只有发挥其《宪法》赋予监督权,与立法权、行政权、司法权的相互补充,建立健全决策权、执行权、监督权既相互制约又相互协调的权力结构和运行机制,这对于保障国家经济安全意义十分重大。  相似文献   

发展信息安全产业需要中国的战略投资人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟浪辉 《商业研究》2003,(2):152-154
信息安全产品具有特殊性,我国的核心信息安全产品必须在国内自主研发,才能在国家政策、政治、技术和管理上得到保障,所以战略投资人必须是中国之内的。使中国的战略投资人和信息安全产业中的企业优势互补,共同把我国的信息安全产业做好,做大。  相似文献   

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