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[目的]通过探讨目标价格改革对棉农收入的影响机理,揭示影响南疆四地州棉农增收的主要因素。[方法]从棉农角度出发,基于南疆四地州370个样本农户的实地调研数据,结合当地特有的自然地理、农业生产、社会经济条件以及目标价格政策实施状况,理论分析目标价格补贴对棉农增收的作用机理,并运用多元线形回归模型实证分析目标价格补贴政策等对棉农收入的作用方向和影响程度。[结果]户主受教育程度、是否外出务工、社会关系、棉花种植面积、县域经济发展水平和棉花销售价格等对棉农人均收入均存在显著影响。[结论]基于此,要避免将补贴化为主要的收入保障措施,继续加快土地流转,扩大棉农财产性收入来源,加快新型职业农民培育,发展农民职业教育,加快县域经济发展,多管齐下,破解制约南疆民族地区棉农增收难题。  相似文献   

目的 文章利用河南省滑县503个农户的调查数据,来研究环境规制、生态认知对农户有机肥采纳行为的影响,从而更好地引导农户采纳绿色生产行为。方法 运用Logistic模型来分析环境规制、生态认知对农户有机肥采纳行为的影响,并运用中介效应来分析生态认知在环境规制影响农户有机肥技术采纳行为中所发挥的作用。结果 (1)环境规制、生态认知对农户有机肥采纳行为均具有促进作用,环境规制中的引导规制、激励规制会促进农户采纳有机肥行为,而生态认知中的生态环境污染感知、农田保护责任意识和化肥减量认知正向影响着农户有机肥采纳行为;(2)环境规制中的约束规制未显著,说明目前的环境规制存在“相对性制度失灵”,尤其在约束农户行为方面的效果较差;(3)生态认知在环境规制影响农户有机肥采纳行为中起中介效应。结论 基于当前以环境规制为主的治理背景下,政府相关部门不仅要继续增强环境规制对农户行为的约束,也要发挥好农户生态认知在环境规制影响农户行为中的作用,从而推动农村生态环境和经济效益得到较好的发展。  相似文献   

目的 农户行为理论中的行为动因决定了农户在生产过程中的技术采用行为,农户的技术采用行为受到农业资源稀缺性的约束,由于农户自身生计资本的异质性,农户生计方式的选择和技术偏好都有所差异,导致农户在生产技术采用行为上也有差异。方法 文章基于农户分化背景下,从农户可持续生计的角度出发,将农户的荔枝龙眼主产区广东、广西区域的农户荔枝龙眼技术采用行为作为研究对象,选择二元Logit模型从多维的农户生计资本的视角研究农户的技术采用行为差异以及影响因素。结果 农户生计资本中的人力资本、社会资本、金融资本、自然资本和物质资本五个方面影响着农户生产技术采用与效率。结论 健全和完善保障机制,提升农户的人力资本;拓展多元化的社会网络,提升农户的社会资本;健全农村信贷制度,提升农户的金融资本;加快土地提质增效,提升农户的自然资本;加强果园设施建设和完善补贴措施,提升农户的物质资本。  相似文献   

目的 随着农业结构调整深入推进,农户的收入来源逐渐多元化,文章通过研究农户兼业化程度对不同类型农业保险偏好的影响,为针对性推广农业保险提供依据和参考。方法 以湖北、湖南、河南3省粮食主产区的732份农户调查数据为基础,运用Logit模型和多元Logit模型分析农户兼业化程度对保险种类偏好的影响,讨论种植规模在务农收入占比和保险种类选择之间的调节效应,以是否有固定非农工作将农户分为不同类型的兼业农户进行异质性分析。结果 (1)务农收入占比高的农户偏好传统的物化成本保险,务农收入占比低的农户更喜欢新型指数保险。(2)兼业化程度相同的情况下,大规模农户比小规模农户更愿意保成本、保产量。(3)不同类型的兼业农户保险偏好存在差异,有固定非农工作的兼业农户比没有固定工作的兼业农户更愿意选择新型指数保险。结论 有必要在务农收入占比高、种植规模大、没有固定非农收入的农户中推广传统的物化成本保险;在务农收入占比低、种植规模小、有固定非农收入的农户中推广新型指数保险。  相似文献   

The steady decline of birds living in cereal steppe lands is a worrying situation that the European Common Agricultural Policy is attempting to remedy through the application of agri‐environmental schemes (AES). We assess farmers' preferences towards these AES, which call for a number of environmental practices to protect birds. Using a face‐to‐face survey in farming communities in Aragón (Spain), and through the estimation of an Ordered Logit model (OL), we assess the ranking of AES attributes, and obtain their economic valuation according to the farmers' preferences. We find that social factors are also important in determining farmers' decisions. In particular, the importance of social trust and expectation of compliance by other neighbours, encourage farmers to sign up to AES. These and other results may be used to design more effective AES and help to solve this important biodiversity problem.  相似文献   

We examine heterogeneous consumer preferences in Chinese milk markets. Using a discrete choice experiment, we examine how the brand, quality certification, traceability label and price influence consumers' milk choices. We identify four consumer segments using a latent class model: price conscious (9.8%), balanced thinking (19.8%), health conscious (57.5%), and environment conscious (12.9%) consumers. These four segments have distinct preferences: price conscious consumers prefer green certification; balanced thinking consumers have the highest willingness to pay for traceability labels; health conscious consumers have strong brand awareness; and environment conscious consumers prefer organic certification and traceability labels and use price as a quality signal. Such diversity of consumer preference can be explained by four psychological factors: price consciousness, food safety concerns, health consciousness and environmental concerns.  相似文献   

目的 文章基于农户施药的视角,探讨新兴金融业态——数字金融能否实现农业绿色发展,并分析两者之间的影响机制。方法 以中国土地经济调查(CLES)数据为样本,利用IV-Probit模型,在检验数字金融信息效应的基础上,分析数字金融对农户绿色施药的作用效果及机制,并通过分样本回归的方法进行异质性分析。结果 (1)数字金融发展促进农户采用高效低毒低残留农药。(2)机制检验发现,数字金融发展对农户发挥显著的信息效应,提升了农户信息可得性,进而促进农户绿色施药。(3)数字金融发展对农户采用高效低毒低残留农药的促进作用在接受过农业技能培训、金融素养高的群体中更明显,在环境规制强的地区,数字金融对当地农户采用高效低毒低残留农药的促进作用也更强。结论 未来应进一步推动数字金融发展,同时提高农户农业生产技能水平与金融素养,地方政府应强化环境规制,充分发挥自身对农业绿色生产的外部约束作用。  相似文献   

[目的]探究黑土区农户保护性耕作技术采用行为,对推动黑土区农业可持续发展具有重要意义。[方法]文章从感知价值视角出发,利用东北黑土区的733份农户调研数据,采用结构方程模型,探讨了政府规制在农户感知价值与保护性耕作技术采用行为过程中的调节作用。[结果](1)农户的感知利益和感知风险对农户采用保护性耕作技术的意愿和行为都具有直接和间接的显著影响,其中感知利益对农户采用保护性耕作技术意愿的正向影响程度最大,感知风险对农户采用保护性耕作技术行为的负向影响程度最大;(2)政府规制在农户感知价值与保护性耕作技术采用行为发生过程中具有调节作用,激励型政策的实施促进了农户技术采用意愿向采用行为的转化,约束型政策的实施扩大了农户感知风险对技术采用意愿的负向影响。[结论]地方政府应通过提升农户保护性耕作技术感知利益、降低感知风险、优化激励型和约束型政策等方面,引导黑土区农户采用保护性耕作技术。  相似文献   

目的 秸秆资源化利用是促进农业经济增长和缓解环境污染的重要措施。方法 文章基于选择实验法和山东省978个农户调研数据,对农户秸秆资源化利用政策偏好问题进行研究。结果 (1)随着农户经营规模增加,其对秸秆进行资源化利用意愿将不断增强,小规模、中规模和大规模农户选择“愿意”的比重分别为54.9%、77.7%和82.8%。(2)秸秆禁烧政策、农户直接补贴、技术培训和完善市场等政策能显著提高农户秸秆资源化利用率。(3)是否参加合作社、便利性认知、污染认知、政策认知和资源化利用意愿对农户秸秆处理行为有显著影响。(4)不同规模农户对秸秆资源化利用政策偏好优先序存在较大差异。其中,小规模农户对农户直接补贴的接受意愿最高,其次为技术培训;中规模农户对农机购置补贴的接受意愿最高,其次为技术培训;大规模农户对完善市场的接受意愿最高,其次为农机购置补贴。结论 要提升农户秸秆资源化利用积极性,必须制定多元化、综合性的秸秆资源化利用政策,同时强化对农户的技术培训和设备支持。  相似文献   

Explaining farmer decision making using cumulative prospect theory is of increasing importance. We present a systematic review on European farmers' preferences under the cumulative prospect theory framework. We identified 17 studies covering 2324 farmers from 12 European countries. All studies report that (on average) farmers are: (i) risk averse, (ii) loss averse, and (iii) overweight small probabilities and underweight large probabilities. However, there is a large heterogeneity across and within studies. These findings have implications for the analysis and design of policy and insurance.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a marketing strategic approach to commodity futures exchanges to optimise the (hedging) services offered. First, the environment of commodity futures exchanges is examined. Second, the threats and opportunities of commodity futures exchanges are analysed. Our analysis demonstrates that market orientation is an important element in the market strategies of commodity futures exchanges. Our market strategic framework is applied to the Dutch hog futures market. It is concluded that market penetration is an appropriate strategy. Consequently, to identify the variables that distinguish between farmers who initiate futures positions and farmers who do not, we conducted a discriminant analysis on data gathered from 418 Dutch hog farmers. The discriminant analysis shows that latent variables, such as farmers' perceived performance, farmers' reference price and farmers' market orientation, are important discriminating variables. Furthermore, farmers' cash market behaviour (in terms of the frequency of selling in the spot market) is an important discriminating variable as well. The usefulness of these results as input for a penetration policy is demonstrated.  相似文献   

目的 中国是世界上最大的化肥和农药使用国,农业绿色发展面临严峻挑战,这与缺少国家层面和农田管理层面为农户专门设计的环境友好型技术及配套激励政策不无关系。方法 文章利用离散选择实验(Discrete choice experiment,DCE),以环境友好型农业技术(Agri-environmental technologies,AETs)及配套政策为基础设计农业环境政策方案(Agri-environmental schemes,AES)。用混合Logit模型(Mixed Logit model,MXL)来揭示农户在假想的AES情景下对AETs的选择行为及影响因素,证实农户偏好异质性的存在。后续条件Logit模型(Conditional Logit model,CLM)引入交互变量进一步揭示农户的偏好异质性来源。结果 研究表明补偿额度及农户社会经济变量是影响其参与AES的主要因素,且相对于退出保持现有耕种方式不变农户更偏好于实施AES。该研究还证实了农户对AETs选择偏好存在异质性,因此灵活的政策设计是AES顺利实施的重要保障。结论 鉴于对农户选择偏好及异质性的充分了解,政策制定者可以科学地制定和微调农业环境政策,设计AES以最大限度地减少各类农户反对意见,吸引绝大多数农户采纳AETs实践,提高项目参与率。  相似文献   

The growing importance of economic factors in farmers' decisions to go organic has raised interest in characterizing the economic behavior of organic versus conventional farms. In general, published analyses so far have not considered differential uncertainties, abilities to control production risk, and farmers' risk preferences between conventional and organic practices when comparing these techniques. Our article attempts to assess this issue. We use a model of farmer decision under risk to analyze the differential values between organic and conventional Spanish arable crop farms and to assess the incentives for adoption of organic practices. Results show that organic and conventional farms do have different production risks as well as different aversions to risk. Organic price premiums and subsidies are found to be powerful instruments to motivate adoption of organic techniques.  相似文献   

This article examines farmers' preferences for both cropping and management practices, which are of policy interest because of their environmental impact. We present the results of a choice experiment survey of all agricultural decision makers in the Camargue region. A latent class model identified three classes. The main class encompasses farmers complying with the norms of the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI): Riz de Camargue. We estimated the monetary value of each of the relevant agricultural practices. Our results make a strong case for differentiating incentives to encourage environmentally friendly practices and identify the diversity of values attached to the main components of rice cropping technology in the area. Estimates of the implicit prices indicate that most rice growers can be persuaded to adopt environmentally friendly practices. These findings could help in designing targeted contracts according to farmers' preferences, in line with conservation or environmental objectives.  相似文献   

In addition to production risks, farmers desire to balance personal risks of health care. A theoretical framework is developed for holistic health and crop insurance products that provide the opportunity to switch a portion of existing crop insurance subsidy for greater health coverage. A random utility discrete choice experiment is used to assess farmers' stated preferences for holistic insurance products. Farmers prefer higher levels of coverage and are price sensitive. A sample of farmers did not prefer the subsidy switch. However, the subsidy switch is preferred by older farmers, those with higher health care spending, and farmers who have experienced major health problems.  相似文献   

Risk-taking preferences were elicited from small semi-commercial farmers in Northern Thailand using an experimental procedure that included real monetary payoffs of meaningful magnitudes. A total of five sets of lotteries with increasing payoffs were offered. The farmers were found to be risk averters, and their preferences conformed to the hypothesis of increasing (nondecreasing) partial relative risk aversion. Using regression analysis, farmers' expected variation of rice yields and farm size were found to be directly related to a decrease in risk aversion, while the extent of multiple cropping, availability of non-land household assets, and tested mathematical ability were found to be indirectly related to a decrease in risk aversion. The variables expected variation of rice prices, farmers' age, and tested abstract ability scores were not related to risk-taking preferences.  相似文献   

目的 通过分析资本禀赋、农业政策对东北地区农户“旱改水”行为的影响,从农业支持政策、经济资本、社会资本、文化资本等方面探究农户“旱改水”行为的作用机理。方法 文章基于布尔迪厄的实践理论建立资本禀赋理论分析框架,利用黑龙江、辽宁两省639个农户微观调研数据,采用Logit模型实证分析东北地区农户“旱改水”行为的影响因素。结果 (1)预期稻谷最低收购价水平提高,农户继续改种水稻意愿增加,说明农业支持政策与“旱改水”意愿正相关。(2)农户收入水平、耕地面积、水田面积对用户“旱改水”意愿具有负向影响,表明经济资本与农户改种水田的意愿负相关。(3)加入合作社、亲戚朋友和邻里信任程度均对农户继续改种水田产生显著正向作用,表明社会资本与农户“旱改水”行为正相关。文化资本的影响并不显著。(4)农户年龄越大、具有外出务工经历其继续改种水稻意愿较低。结论 加强和完善农业政策支持,打通“地、技、利、义”等关键要素,引导农户合理调整种植结构,保障国家粮食安全。  相似文献   

Whether farmers form price expectations adaptively or in a forward-looking manner has implications for supply response analysis and for the implementation of agricultural policy reform. This paper examines the formation of price expectations by Kenyan export-crop farmers who market their produce through a monopsonistic parastatal. The analysis allows for relaxation of the small-country assumption within a rational expectations framework. Production behavior is consistent with expectations of future prices based on indicators of aggregate supply and of the marketing board's purchasing capacity. The finding that price forecasts may be formed using information other than previous price levels implies that marketing reforms that raise prices may not raise the relevant price expectations. To elicit a positive supply response, market reforms should be sensitive to farmers' interpretation of institutional signals as well as previous prices.  相似文献   

Against a background of steadily mounting cereal surpluses in the European Community and a recognition that the cereals sector is a major contributor to the Community's budgetary problems, a survey was carried out of English farmers' attitudes and preferences concerning a range of alternative cereal supply policy instruments. Personal interviews were held with 102 farmers in two contrasting agricultural districts — one an intensive cereal-growing district in eastern England, the other an area of mixed livestock and arable farming in western England. Amongst cereal producers in both areas a quota was the preferred policy instrument; in the east because of the security it offered, but in the west because it was perceived to be the least damaging instrument for the industry as a whole. A price reduction was the preferred option of small livestock farmers in the western area. None of the other instruments — co-responsibility levy, set-aside, nitrogen use restrictions — received much support. Farmers were particularly negative about schemes involving the withdrawal of land from agricultural use.  相似文献   

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