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吴勇毅 《公司》2001,(11):26-27
众所周知,商业流通领域销售基本格局是;生产企业──总经销商──各级批发商──零售商──消费者。在这金字塔式流通格局中,除去生产企业、消费者,其中最为稳定、分布最广的环节,就是零售商。零售商有大小之分:大型零售商是指十多年发展起来、规模较大功能齐全的超市、商厦、百货和连锁店等;小型零售商则指发展较早、月零售额在10万元以下、营业面积不过100平方米、位置优越、临近居民的零售店、食杂店或路边店等。以下将专述小型零售商,简称为零售商。 如今随着我国改革开放的日益深入,社会主义市场经济的不断发履,以个私…  相似文献   

小型科技企业在高科技产业中发挥着重要作用,但是向来小型高科技企业员工的流动率较高。论文认为小型高科技企业应该按照不同岗位,对创业者、外部经理人、关键人员和普通员工进行不同的激励;按照不同部门,对瓶颈部门、销售部门和开发部门实施不同的人力资源管理政策。  相似文献   

现代企业的竞争,归根到底是人员素质的竞争.因此,管好人、用好人是每个企业家必修的功课和面临的难题.不论是经理、厂长对企业全体员工,还是企业财务负责人对财会人员,有4种管理方法,供研究借鉴.  相似文献   

一、管理业务标准化的基本内容管理业务标准化是把企业重复出现的管理业务,按照客观要求、规定其标准的工作程序和工作方法,用制度把它固定下来,作为行动的准则,它类似在生产过程中以产品为对象所规定的工艺路线和加工方法c它有下列几方面的内容:1确定职责企业的总目标或生产管理的各项工程(工序),经过系统分析,按生产和管理的客观要求,划分成一组一组的工作,落实到各个部门、岗位和职务上,明确其职责。同时各个部门和职务之间为了配合好工作,都会相互提出一些协作要求,而这些要求又综合归并到有关部门和职务的职责中去c经过…  相似文献   

顾明 《企业活力》2001,(8):32-33
营销学中80:20的法则,说的是企业80%的销售量或利润来自20%的客户.管理学中的巴雷特曲线,讲的是重要的少数和次要的大多数.两者都是同一个道理,即少数大客户对企业的重要性.因此,在销售通路的零售环节中,制造商对大型零售商一直给予特别关注,而小型零售商往往成为被遗忘的角落.  相似文献   

企业分类管理的实施对工商干部的素质提出了新的要求。为此,一要抓好干部建设和观念更新,增强求真务实精神;二要抓好业务知识更新,提高综合监管能力;三要强化激励机制,促进人才成长。  相似文献   

如何管理问题员工   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
问题员工常令管理者感到头疼。管理者往往抱之成见或指责.其实.管理问题员工另有一些学问。  相似文献   

营运资金管理是企业短期财务战略的核心内容,涉及到往来账项、现金收支与存货持有等经营活动。企业的营运资金管理策略本质上是保持资产与负债期限的适配性,以确保资金流的平稳及安全。  相似文献   

管理沟通的障碍与疏导   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沟通是个人和组织日常生活中的基本方式,沟通就是把信息、观念和想法传递、交流给对方。沟通过程包括:信源、接收器、信息、渠道、反馈、编码和译码。它开始于发送者,把一个想法或观点进行编码,然后以口头、书面或其他形式将其发送给接收者,接收者对信息进行译码,从而获得对发送者想沟通的信息的理解。在一个组织内,信息可纵向流动和横向流动。在任何沟通过程中要达到预期效果,信息的传递能达到互相理解:1、及时发现潜在的问题;2、征求改进工作的意见;3、保持共同目标的实现;4、避免发生意外;5、保证工作顺利进行。莫飞(…  相似文献   

论生产企业对分销渠道成员的管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 随着市场边界的扩大,企业之间的竞争必然加剧。企业能否在竞争中保持优势地位,影响因素众多,其中一个重要因素是对企业产品分销渠道成员的选择、激励与控制。特别是在诸如家电等行业的价格战、广告战、技术战难以凑效的情况下,越来越多的企业开始关注分销渠道的建设与争夺,再加之服务领域加快了开放的步伐,使国内企业选择分销渠道成员的范围扩大了,这就使企业在选择分销渠道成员方面面临新的挑战,在激励与控制分销渠道方面难度增加。在此背景下,研究生产企业对产品分销渠道成员的选择、激励与控制问题,就显得非常重要。  相似文献   

The analysis of data from the Kampong Improvement project in the small and medium sized cities of central Java demonstrates that house upgrading is no longer the only measure of improved welfare for Kampong residents. The privatizing of previously public essential services like water supply and those of MCK facilities (bath, laundry, toilet) currently provide evidence of improved living standards. Kampong residents in larger cities did not exhibit more responsible attitudes toward maintenance than smaller-city residents. Kampong location in relation to the city center, the city's economy and the socio-economic characteristics of the population were more influential factors.  相似文献   

This article examines the work of a number of writers who have attempted critical assessments of management science. Each writer has focused on specific areas that any critical management science would need to consider, viz. the origins of values, relations between organizations and society, the historical development of organizations, and the relationship between management science and developments in the capitalist mode of production. In addition these writers have declined to accept existing modes of organization as given, and have avoided the assumption that management science is inherently, or necessarily, manipulative. Each of the writers, however, has displayed several weaknesses in his analysis: thus Churchman fails to locate the management scientist in the society of which he is a part; Hales has no clear or viable alternative other than to call (in effect) for socialism, and makes the erroneous assumption that managerial strategies are necessarily effective; whilst Whitley too seems to have ‘divested management research of its practical dimension’. In conclusion it is pointed out that the actual effects of managerial strategies must be treated as problematic, since they may be modified by various forms of resistance and class struggle, and that developments in the production process may not necessarily be to the detriment of workers.  相似文献   

The importance of environmental management has long been recognized and has, among other things, resulted in a number of national and international recommendations and guidelines for sustainable business practice. However, although several examples of the actual implementation of environmental management initiatives have been reported, there is little evidence available for an evaluation of the general situation. This is also true for Denmark. A survey was therefore carried out to obtain some knowledge of the extent and nature of environmental management practice in Danish manufacturing companies. Some of the general results indicate a situation where the major driving factor is legislation and where only a few companies have formulated a general environmental policy and written internal environmental guidelines. Many companies have established practical steps in improving their environmental situation, but mainly because of the cost-saving effects. Only a limited number of companies have introduced techniques which can help to monitor and control the environmental situation and development.  相似文献   

<纽约时报>作家弗莱德·穆迪曾说:微软惟一的生产资本是人的想象力.知识存在于员工的头脑中,企业是无法拥有和控制的.只有人的价值受到普遍尊重,才会激发人的创造性,新观念、新创意才会源源不断地产生,进而成为推动高技术产业发展的原动力.  相似文献   

Three common criticisms of management science are highlighted: first, the tendency of researchers to subjectively bias substantive approaches, methodologies and research findings; second, the failure to establish within the discipline a core of consensually validated knowledge or commonly accepted body of truth about the nature of management; and three, the inability of management theory to provide tools and techniques of greater pragmatic relevance to corporate decision-makers. Though a basis for these characterizations of management science is confirmed, their significance is reinterpreted. Instead of being regarded as pathologies, they are viewed as inevitable, and not necessarily dysfunctional, concomitants of the emergence and development of management science as a field of intellectual activity possessing reality and significance in its own right.  相似文献   

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