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我国现有的航海人才培养质量、规模与结构已经不能完全适应国家海运强国、海员强国、海洋强国战略实施和航海科学技术快速发展的需要。卓越海员人才培养方案的构建,可以推动航海教育教学改革,提升航海职业教育的关注度和影响力,提高航海人才培养质量以及服务航运转型升级,增强我国航海人才的国际竞争力。本文从高职院校航海类专业课程体系重构、实践体系完善、教学模式创新及混编师资团队构建等四个方面进行研究,提出构建"卓越海员"人才培养模式,为航海职业教育体制机制创新、改革航海人才培养模式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

组建航海职业教育集团是航海职业教育发展的趋势所向。通过构建航海职教集团,可以实现企业与院校资源共享、优势互补,充分发挥航海职业教育的潜能;可以彰显航运人才培养基地作用,培养出符合国际公约要求的航运高级复合型人才。目前全国范围内组建了各类职教集团,但是却没有航海类职教集团。研究表明,航海职教集团组建模式应为纵向联合加多元合作;运行机制应采用市场与创新、竞争与合作、校企联合互动等混合型机制。  相似文献   

航海文化是航海高职院校园文化的特质。用航海文化来指导海事高职院校园文化建设,尤其是大力加强宿舍航海文化建设,是实现职业教育传递时代精神、塑造时代品格的生机和活力的重要途径。针对航海高职院学生宿舍文化建设的现状和不足,应在航海高职院宿舍文化建设中构建提升学生党员质量的平台,构建学生享受未来职业认知的平台,让学生感受关爱的平台和建立管理制度运行平台。  相似文献   

以来豫旅游者发布在携程网上的游记为研究资料,运用内容分析法从认知形象、情感形象、推荐意向三方面进行质性分析,探讨游客对河南旅游目的地的感知形象。研究发现,游客对河南旅游目的地的认知形象、情感形象、推荐意向均以中立和正面为主,但仍有不尽如人意的地方。  相似文献   

在就业岗位对高职航海专业毕业生的英语应用能力不断提高的情况下,论文通过研究航海英语教学质量的制约因素,从采取合理教学方法、创设实践教学模式、优化教学过程中,抓好师资队伍建设、改革教学管理制度以及追踪航海英语动态、采用多种考核方式等多方面开展以就业为导向的提高航海英语教学质量的策略研究。  相似文献   

本文从以下几个方面探讨航海类兼职教师队伍建设管理:一是航海类兼职教师队伍建设管理中存在的问题,包括管理制度松散、兼职教师队伍素质有待提高、兼职教师聘任机制单一、兼职教师队伍人员流动性大等问题;二是加强航海类兼职教师队伍建设管理的对策,根据航海类兼职教师队伍建设管理中存在的问题,采取有针对性的管理措施,提高兼职教师队伍建设管理水平,提升航海类高职院校兼职教师队伍的教学水平与综合素质。  相似文献   

类似"鲁荣渔2682号"远洋杀戮的案例在航海业界时有发生,社会对海员的关注度也逐步提升,社会支持薄弱、家庭支持系统匮乏、海员心理素质有待加强的问题日渐凸显,相应的心理教育体系却略显单薄。航海院校、航海职业培训中的心理健康教育是培养高素质航海人才的关键步骤,只有从生态系统的角度分析制约海员心理的行为体系,提出相应的教育、评价、辅导综合体系,才能从根本上改善传统航海心理教育现状,建立起系统全面的海员心理教育体系。  相似文献   

高职航海类专业校园文化与航运企业文化之间存在诸多方面的联系、融合,为实现高职航海类专业校园文化建设与航运企业文化建设融合提供了理论和实际工作的依据。同时,高职航海类专业教育必须贴近企业、贴近社会,不断提升校企合作、工学结合的深度和广度。本文以南通航运职业技术学院航海类专业为例,分析我院航海类专业校园文化与航运企业文化融合途径中最重要也是最实用的做法——"双向四段"工学结合人才培养模式进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

高职航海类院校可以全方位、多层次地与航运企业文化相对接。尽管航运企业文化与高职航海类院校校园文化具有一定的差别,即航运企业文化是一种偏向于生产文化和利益文化,而高职航海类校园文化主要是一种教育文化和学术文化。但两者同时具有内在的逻辑联系,进而决定了高职航海类院校校园文化与航运企业文化对接的可能性。因此,本文就高职航海专业校园文化与航运企业文化对接模式进行分析研究。  相似文献   

文章阐述了当前成人教育航海类专业学生综合素质教育的现状,结合成人教育航海类专业学生特点,探讨STCW公约马尼拉修正案履约过渡期来临,成人航海教育必须适应新规则的要求,加强成人教育航海类专业学生综合素质教育的主要途径。  相似文献   

中国大陆游客,在旅游台湾时要正确对待台湾地域文化的差异,尤其要认清殖民文化遗存中的。日本情结”的本质。旅游业界要正确引导游客体验当地多元文化的特色,要合理挖掘、精心组织、大力宣传,使台湾旅游文化为中华民族文化繁荣作出贡献,在沟通两岸同胞骨肉感情上发挥无可取代的作用。  相似文献   

分析了在体验经济时代,百色市红色旅游发展的有利条件和背景。并提出百色市红色旅游的发展要以体验为创新点,以游客体验为立足点,从而提高百色市红色旅游发展的质量和内涵。百色市应该借助2005红色旅游年,挖掘独具特色的红色旅游资源,提升红色旅游的品牌效应,扩大红色旅游知名度,为拉动经济发展提供新的契机。  相似文献   

从上个世纪八十年代以来,随着改革开放和"文化热"的兴起,学界开始重视对近代海外游记,包括海外旅行的研究,从资料整理到论著、论文,面世了很多新成果,再现了近代中国历史变化的另一个侧面,推动了中国近代历史研究的深入.然而,其研究也有不尽如人意的方面,如大多的研究仅仅停留在客观叙述之上,缺少理性分析;资料整理亦不够全面.所以,学界当加强这项课题的研究.  相似文献   

Previous research on the arts, entertainment, and other cultural objects has found, at most, a weak link between expert judgments of aesthetic excellence and audience appeal to nonexpert consumers. However, this tendency for audience appeal only weakly to reflect expert judgments of excellence raises the question of how this fragile relationship might be mediated by audience judgments of excellence. As the first study to examine the potential intervening role of audience judgments, the present article investigates the links between expert judgments, audience judgments, and audience appeal in an illustrative case based on 200 recordings of the song “My Funny Valentine.” The results support a scenario in which audience appeal is weakly related to expert judgments through the hitherto neglected intervening role of audience judgments so as to suggest refinements in our approaches to marketing entertainment, the arts, or other cultural offerings, as well as various consumer services, durables, or nondurables. Morris B. Holbrook (mbh3@columbia.edu) is the Dillard Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York. Holbrook graduated from Harvard College with a B.A. in English (1965) and received his M.B.A. (1967) and Ph.D. (1975) in marketing from the Columbia Business School where, since 1975, he has taught courses in Marketing Strategy, Research Methods, Consumer Behavior, and Commercial Communication in the Culture of Consumption. His research has covered a wide variety of topics with a special focus on communication in general and on aesthetics, semiotics, hermeneutics, art, entertainment, music, motion pictures, nostalgia, and stereography in particular. Kathleen T. Lacher (ktlacher@comcast.net) lives in Tallahassee, Florida, where she has a consulting business. She received her B.M.E. in choral music (1978) and her Ph.D. in business administration—marketing (1991), both from Florida State University. She taught at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, and Georgia Southwestern State University, Americus, teaching courses in Consumer Behavior, Research Methods, and Strategy. Her research covers consumer behavior, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. She performs with the Tallahassee Community Chorus, which debuted at Carnegie Hall in 2004, and holds the position of Secretary for the Board of Directors at the Tallahassee Habitat for Humanity. Michael S. LaTour (michael.latour@unlv.edu) is a professor of marketing and chair, Department of Marketing, College of Business, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He earned his Ph.D. (1986) in business administration from the University of Mississippi with a major in marketing. He graduated with multiple honors. His research has covered a variety of topics including psychophysiological response to promotional stimuli, gender issues in advertising, advertising ethics, cross-cultural consumer behavior, industrial buyer behavior, and consumer memory of advertising stimuli and product experience.  相似文献   

While there is a significant amount of research on determinants of selling effectiveness for individual salespeople, there is a surprising lack of study offactors that affect selling effectiveness in team-selling situations. The authors focus on the context of key account management (KAM) and develop a conceptual model offactors that affect KAM effectiveness. They test hypotheses with data from 385 firms using structural equation modeling and find that firms should seek to build esprit de corps among those involved in KAM, should proactively initiate activities with key accounts and do these activities more intensively, should ensure that key account managers have access to key resources within the marketing and sales organization, and should involve top managers of the firm. John P. Workman Jr. is an associate professor of marketing at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. He conducts research on the organization and role of marketing within the firm, on new product development in high-tech firms, and on the interpretive process of learning about the market. His research uses concepts from organization theory, strategy, and sociology to examine the interactions between marketing and other groups in the firm. He has a B.S. from North Carolina State University, an MBA from the University of Virginia and a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He formerly was on the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Christian Homburg is a professor of business administration and marketing and chair of the marketing department at the University of Mannheim in Germany. He received his Ph.D. and master's degrees from the University of Karlsruhe and earned his habilitation at the University of Mainz. His research interests include organizational issues in marketing, customer orientation, industrial marketing, and relationship marketing. He has consulted and delivered executive education programs for more than 100 companies, including, for example, Daimler-Benz, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, Hoechst, RWE, Thyssen, Krupp-Hoesch, and Sodexho. Ove Jensen is a partner and managing director at Prof. Homburg & Partners, a strategy consulting firm (www.homburgund-partner.de). He has studied in Germany, France, and the United States. He holds a master's degree from the WHU Koblenz (Otto Beisheim Graduate School of Management) and received his Ph.D. from the University of Mannheim, both in Germany. His research interests encompass key account management, marketing organization, sales management, incentive systems, and pricing issues. He has conducted many consulting projects, market research studies, and management seminars in Germany, the United States, France, and Japan. Among his clients are Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Bayer, BASF, Lafarge, and Saint-Gobain.  相似文献   

利益相关者合作视野下跨国公司社会责任的强化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
跨国公司处于一系列多边关系的中心,各种利益相关个体或团体受益或受损于跨国公司的运营,因此,跨国公司应对其利益相关者负责任,在确保股东利益的同时,跨国公司还应该考虑其行为对员工、消费者、供货商以及对社区、对环境、对跨国公司母国、跨国公司东道国和国际社会等利益相关者的潜在影响。而这些利益相关者之间是一种合作互惠的动态博弈的关系。因此,跨国公司社会责任的强化依赖于跨国公司利益相关者,即跨国公司母国、东道国、国际组织、社会团体、媒介、公众、消费者以及跨国公司自身的合作引导与共同治理。  相似文献   

人本是自然的一部分。但是,人又绝非一般自然物,而是与一般自然物相区别的、高度发展了的、特殊的、有生命的自然物。他是自然的异化,是最有智慧的、知情意发展最高的那一部分自然。就此而言,他又是非自然。人是一种非自然的自然物或者说自然的非自然物,一句话,人是文化的动物。从外在表征看,文化的种种形态以“符号”的形式表现出来;而从内在蕴藏看,文化的深层内核是价值,就此而言,人生活在一个价值的世界中,人是价值的动物。这可以提供我们从另一角度界定人与动物的根本区别:对于动物而言,不存在“价值”问题,周围环境对于动物来说只是一个“物理”的世界、“事实”的世界;只有人才有“价值”问题,他所面对着的根本上是一个价值世界、文化世界、意义世界,一个主体性的充满理想的世界。  相似文献   

当前,P2P网络借贷已经成为小微企业民间融资的一种新途径,但是,在其方便、快捷、成功率高的背后,也存在不少隐忧。小微企业进行P2P网络借贷,有可能陷入洗钱、非法集资、诈骗、隐私权泄露等诸多风险。而产生这些风险的成因,与P2P网络借贷平台法律制度缺失、监管职责不明、征信体系不完善等有着密切联系。因此,应当建立健全相关法律规范,明确P2P网络借贷平台的法律性质,明确其监管主体,建立多层次的监管体系,完善征信体系,完善资金担保及托管服务。并且,各地区也应该因地制宜,探索P2P网络借贷平台的区域发展模式,方能降低融资风险,促进小微企业的发展。  相似文献   

以1998-2019年中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)数据库收录的1243篇产学研合作相关文献为样本,采用文献计量工具Citespace软件进行可视化分析,通过对产学研合作研究的进程分析,发文作者、研究机构、关键词共现分析,文献共被引等方面的剖析,绘制出产学研合作研究的知识图谱.研究结果表明:该领域论文于1998-2...  相似文献   

抓住南朝至唐五代绝句体哀悼诗的特点,选取遗物、遗屋、遗诗、遗孤、遗孀、坟墓、送葬、典型往事、醉、梦以及即兴之景等哀悼典型,多用比喻、婉曲、衬托、借代、用典等表示含蓄委婉的辞格和第三、四句言已尽哀无穷的表达方式抒发死亡哀悼之情。往往依靠第三、四句的疑问代词、时间名词构成语意转折,大体形成死-哀式、写景-抒情式、生-死式三种章法形式,构成南朝至唐五代绝句体哀悼诗语言概括、凝炼含蓄、章法紧凑、言简意丰、意味无穷的特点,呈现出含蓄蕴藉之风格。  相似文献   

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