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市场细分是营销战略实施的前提.关系营销是指企业在赢利的基础上,建立、维持和促进与顾客及其他伙伴之间的关系,以实现参与各方的目标,从而形成一种兼顾各方利益的长期关系.关系营销的概念在消费者市场中的引入,使得市场细分有了全新的内容.同时关系营销的成功实施的一个关键是顾客的选择,即进行市场细分.因此本文对关系营销下的市场细分进行研究.  相似文献   

旅游营销的市场细分探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场细分的目的在于更好的认识和了解市场。通过市场细分,从而更好地贴近消费者,找出与自身资源相符的那一块,使自己能获取更大的竞争优势。本文主要同多对旅游这一特殊的服务产品,从细分的角度来勾勒出整体旅游市场。  相似文献   

本文从市场营销STP策略市场细分、目标市场选择、市场定位的三者相互关系中,强调市场细分在营销活动中重要的战略基础地位。  相似文献   

文章分析了市场过度细分所存在的问题,提出了市场组合的概念,阐述了市场组合的作用,条件,给出了市场组合的四种基本方法,采用市场组合的吸引力和可行性对市场组合进行分析和评估,同时对企业进行市场组合提出了几点要求.  相似文献   

随着经济和网络技术的飞速发展,市场细分理论在指导实践的同时自身也得到了极大的补充和发展,目前出现了一个极端的发展方向:超市场细分理论。  相似文献   

农产品营销中市场细分策略应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李苏  韩科锋 《商业时代》2004,(15):32-33
市场细分是当前我国农户农产品营销成败的关键。在买方市场条件下,对农产品市场进行细分,将会成为农业发展和农民增收的有效措施。农户必须在细分市场中正确选择目标市场,才能在农产品市场营销中取得成功。在市场细分中应避免走入“合成谬误”的误区。  相似文献   

21世纪以来资讯爆炸、瞬息万变,企业经营环境正面临着前所未有的变革,现代营销观念下的营销战略创新正是为了适应这一环境的发展与变化.关系营销的成功实施的一个关键是顾客的选择,这就要求对顾客进行细分.本文分析了关系营销下玻璃纤维企业的市场细分发展及准则,以期对企业对关系营销下的市场细分做全面掌握.  相似文献   

互联网时代,市场作为一种经济总量,具有多样化和开放性的本质特征。 在当前激烈的市场竞争中,对于现代企业来说,充分利用竞争优势资源是现代企业营销战略规划的首要任务。 新形势下,现代企业引入营销策略主要依靠市场细分理论。目前,市场细分中公司的营销策略主要包括不同的营销策略、组合营销策略和集中营销策略。 无论制订什么样的营销策略,都强调以市场为导向,以消费者为中心,从而提高营销的科学性;为满足市场细分的需求,迎合有选择的消费者。 因而,在确定营销手段时,公司应根据市场细分理论制订有差别的、集中性的营销策略,以推动公司的改革发展。  相似文献   

孙伟  张文斌 《现代商业》2013,(32):46-46
营销策略的制定需要建立在对市场需求的充分分析上,在竞争激烈的市场环境中,对产品的销售市场进行细分是确定目标市场,赢得市场份额的重要途径。市场细分的概念引入较早,但是在国内企业营销策略中却时常出现不规范甚至不正确的市场细分现象。本文将对市场细分的基本概念进行阐述,并结合市场细分的概念着重论述市场细分对营销策略制定的重要作用。  相似文献   

在商业银行营销管理的过程中,对市场进行细分和确立市场定位至关重要。银行对市场的细分要注意有效市场变量的标准、须具备的特征、市场细分的变量、完善细分市场等方面。商业银行结合自身实力选择的目标细分市场要满足可盈利性、方向一致性、优势性及可行性等条件。城市商业银行的市场定位在于服务中小企业,其可行性的实施在于有坚实的理论、客户和市场基础。商业银行只有通过细分市场找准定位,有效地实施具体的营销战略,才能实现其营销目的,促进其可持续发展。  相似文献   

李炳义 《江苏商论》2011,(12):130-132
微博营销作为一种新兴起的网络营销工具,具有很高的应用价值。江苏许多旅游目的地适时地运用了微博营销这把利器,不但有助于提高江苏的旅游形象,而且有助于进一步扩大江苏的旅游市场,推动江苏旅游业的发展。  相似文献   

The literature indicates that international manufactured product markets are segmented and imperfectly competitive. An industry pricing equation that encompasses markup pricing is constructed from flexible specifications of the firm's cost and demand functions, along with the profit-maximizing equilibrium condition. Instrumental variables estimation is carried out for 24 three-digit International Standard Industrial Classification industries, with data pooled across Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, for the period 1970–1991. The markup model is rejected for most industries. However, something approaching a fixed markup does exist in many industries, particularly when the Herfindahl index is low. The results indicate that countries with high levels of industry concentration are more likely to have prices and markups that are influenced by competing foreign prices. Nearly all markups are either pro-cyclical or a-cyclical.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine factors affecting consumers' acceptance of mobile marketing across two global markets. Drawing upon technology acceptance and uses and gratifications theories, we develop and estimate a conceptual model of the influences of antecedent factors (including risk acceptance related to the mobile platform and personal attachment related to mobile devices) on behavioral intent related to mobile marketing practice. We further propose that the above relationships are mediated by activities that consumers engage in such as downloading, forwarding content and registering with firms. Focusing on youth consumers, we empirically test the model using data collected in both an established (U.S.) and an emerging market (Pakistan). Findings across these two markets reflect cross-market similarities and differences related to consumer acceptance factors. We draw implications from these findings related to both theory and practice.  相似文献   

In this paper the objective is to examine marketing approaches of companies and their changes in Russian markets. The special interest of the study is, if and how relationship marketing shows up at the new competitive situation and how it is changing. According to the results of the study, several basic conclusions can be drawn. Taken as a whole, marketing has become more important during the 1990s in Russian markets. Marketing is moving from the era of institutional relationship marketing to the era of normal(ized) relationship marketing. In practice relationship marketing does not mean lip service for relationship approach but the very comprehensive and profound understanding of the influence of relationships in the total area of the companies' marketing effort.  相似文献   


This research identifies the extent to which individual marketing mix elements are adapted for international markets and how company, industry, and market factors influence the level of adaptation. The study is based on a survey of executive-level managers in U.S.-based companies that market products internationally. The survey obtained information on the extent of adaptation across the marketing mix elements and on company, industry, and market factors that influence this process. The results indicate that adaptation is greatest for distribution, followed by price, promotion, and product. Product adaptation is influenced by market factors, price adaptation is influenced by market and industry factors, promotion adaptation is influenced by market factors, and distribution adaptation is influenced by company factors. The results of the research can be used to both understand and manage the extent of adaptation necessary for products in international markets.  相似文献   

"Dollarization" of Polish economy affects buyers' perception of relative prices and price changes. More and more foreign made products are being sold in Poland for hard currency and the state-owned retailing organizations still perform a leading role in the process. Despite limited retailing base and low quality of personal selling effort the results are encouraging enough to attract Western companies' direct interaction with the Polish market.  相似文献   

We use a Hotelling-type model of two hospitals, one for-profit (FP) and the other not-for-profit (NFP) using quality to compete for patients. In an equilibrium that constrains the NFP to zero profits, the NFP share of the market decreases as fixed costs or patient’s marginal utility of quality increase, or as transportation and marginal quality costs decrease, conditions that make quality a more effective tool for attracting patients, improving the ability of the FP to compete for market share. We show that an NFP hospital cannot take the entire market without significant fundraising ability. The market shares predicted by our model are consistent with what is presently observed in Europe and the US.  相似文献   


This paper outlines an investigation aiming to increase knowledge of the effects of exclusivity agreements on marketing channels. We focus on one of the more relevant benefits of exclusivity for manufacturers mentioned in the marketing literature: control over resellers. We analyze the different ways these agreements could affect the manufacturer's control over the distribution channel and propose five hypotheses regarding the consequences of exclusive territories and exclusive dealing on the supplier's control. The empirical results provide strong support for the hypotheses regarding their effects on control through bargaining processes.  相似文献   

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