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为研究车流径路对铁路货物运输需求的影响机理,提升铁路运输市场竞争力,文章首先分析了车流径路调整对铁路运输组织的影响,梳理影响货主决策的关键因素。设计建立Logit模型,定义效用值为运输环节完成后货物的剩余价值,实现运输效用的货币化展示。模型分析了车流径路调整对不同货物品类铁路运输分担率的影响及对区域路网的影响。最终通过选取中国铁路唐山北站—丰润南站车流径路调整的案例,证明了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

车流径路选择是铁路运输生产中一项重要的基础工作,车流径路选择的优劣直接影响铁路网的运输效率和效益。从国铁集团调度指挥的视角,阐述铁路车流迂回运输现状,分析车流迂回产生的原因和车流迂回组织中存在的主要问题。在提高调度指挥水平、及时调整机车机班和车流结构、制订车流迂回调整方案、升级迂回调度命令系统、优化列车编组计划与车流径路、建立车流迂回运输组织考核制度方面,提出车流迂回运输优化对策,建立科学、合理、有序、可控的车流迂回运输组织体系,实现合理利用通道能力,高效组织车流输送的目的。  相似文献   

通过对承德地区铁路运输能力现状及运输需求的分析,针对铁路及企业专用线运输组织存在的问题,采取优化铁路内部运输组织和车流径路,加强与地方企业的协作和配合等措施,实现了提高机车效率,扩大运输能力,满足企业对铁路运输需求的目的。  相似文献   

铁路枢纽运转效率的高低直接影响着铁路运输企业的竞争力。随着石太、侯月、丰沙大线三线增量及车流的调整,榆次站枢纽的地位显得尤为重要。调研榆次站枢纽现状,分析车流现状、各场能力及运用情况,针对既有运输组织方式下局部运转不畅的问题,提出优化作业组织、人员配备、编组计划等提升榆次站枢纽能力的扩能建议。  相似文献   

青岛铁路枢纽是全国的重要铁路枢纽之一,车流组织优化有助于充分发挥青岛铁路枢纽运输能力,提高铁路枢纽作业效率。在阐述青岛铁路枢纽现状的基础上,分析青岛铁路枢纽车流、主要车站车流和车流径路。针对青岛铁路枢纽折角车流、疏港车流、蓝村西站车流、中欧班列车流组织,提出相应的折角车流组织优化方案、疏港车流组织优化方案、蓝村西站车流组织优化方案、中欧班列车流组织优化方案等,加快提升青岛铁路枢纽的运输能力,切实提高车流组织水平。  相似文献   

为解决抚顺城市发展规划与地区铁路运输能力紧张及列车穿越市区、严重制约城市经济发展的矛盾,在分析抚顺地区铁路存在主要问题的基础上,根据城市经济发展态势和抚顺市发展规划,提出修建大南环铁路分期实施方案,并分析了车流组织及新建铁路的具体规划.  相似文献   

根据青岛地区铁路现状和铁路线路的发展建设,从解编能力、区间通过能力、客运系统能力3个方面,对青岛地区铁路运输能力的适应性进行分析,提出合理组织优化车流,采用大功率机车,压缩列车追踪间隔时间等扩能的技术组织措施,以及组织客货列车分线运输等其他技术改造的扩能措施。  相似文献   

分界站列车交接计划的交换方式对提高铁路局、铁路分局两级车流调度工作效率、实现生产信息的综合应用有很大影响。利用铁路现有计算机通信网络,与车号识别、列车预确报和DMIS等系统结合,能较好地实现近期车流调整的实时性问题,为铁路运输调度信息系统的综合应用提供有力支持。  相似文献   

针对目前铁路运输组织的新形势,编组站在车场布局及调速系统的设计上应有新的突破。提出通过对编组站进行改造,以适应接发长大重载货物列车、增加解编能力及加强对路网车流的调节能力等。同时提出编组站调速系统配置的新设想,以满足铁路车流组织改革的需要。  相似文献   

铁路装车地直达列车作为一种高效的车流组织形式,可以提升铁路货物运输效率和服务质量,对于增强铁路运输市场竞争力具有积极作用。分析铁路车流的3种典型运输模式,以所有货车的总运输时间最短为优化目标,建立装车地直达列车编组计划优化的线性0-1规划模型,利用MATLAB软件求解。通过算例分析,验证了在装车量较小的装车站或装车量较大而无法满足整列出车条件的装车站组织开行装车地直达列车的合理性。  相似文献   

The airline industry contributes largely to the economic development of a region. At the same time, the fortunes of the industry can also be affected by regional economic change. This paper uses geographically weighted correlation analysis to investigate the spatial heterogeneity and temporal change of this interdependence as seen in China over the years from 2005 to 2016. The results show that the interdependence between the airline industry and provincial economies is non-stationary, generally with a spatial variation along the east-west axis across China's provinces. Further, the temporal change in the interdependence was affected by specific economic changes, such as the global crisis of 2008, when it weakened. Specifically, air passenger activities in the eastern provinces were more sensitive to some economic changes of 2012, while air freight activities in the western and central provinces were more sensitive to the global economic crisis of 2008. The size of urban agglomeration and regional GDP also influence the spatial heterogeneity of this interdependence with weaker links as GDP increases. It is possible that liberalization of the airline industry could enhance the interdependence in advanced regions. Thus, our results provide significant policy implications for a joint focus on the development of the regional economy and the airline industry.  相似文献   

铁路职工违章违纪问题的分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职工劳动纪律和作业纪律松弛直接威胁运输安全。在调查铁路职工违章违纪问题现状的基础上,分析了违章违纪问题产生的7方面原因和5方面心理状态,提出从建设安全文化、加强教育培训、坚持以人为本、实施科学防控等方面,采取综合手段,努力实现违章违纪问题的根本性好转。  相似文献   

The research refines the author's earlier conceptualization of ‘personal memory tourism’, a form of travel motivated by memories of one's own past and focused on the revisiting of sites and destinations associated with key moments in a person's life or the retracing of memorable previous journeys. The concept is compared with and differentiated from overlapping and related types of tourism. Based on some scholarly insights into the functioning of human memory, it is argued that travelling can be considered a deliberate and organized extension of the process of remembering, associated with issues of identity and an exploration of the self, especially in relation to significant others. Using an interpretive approach based on in-depth interviews with 20 participants, the research found that the majority have engaged in some form of personal memory tourism, but with great divergences in how such trips were organized and for what reasons. The research concludes that personal memory tourism should not be considered a type, but rather a form of tourism due to the heterogeneous and highly individualized nature of the phenomenon.  相似文献   

科学发展观的核心内涵是,"第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本,基本要求是全面协调可持续,根本方法是统筹兼顾".在国有企业,尤其是对于经历了计划经济时代长期发展历程而面临改革重组的老牌国有企业,如何解决好富余员工安置和劳务项目外包的矛盾,一直是制约企业顺利改革推行的一大难题.  相似文献   

Holiday participation, although widespread, is not universal. This paper summarises a study of the meaning and significance of the holiday for families who are rarely able to go on holiday because of personal economic and social circumstances: a subgroup of Haukeland's category C non-travellers. Holidays are likely to have particular significance for them. Studies of women’s holiday experiences are examined in order to contribute to the context of this study. Informants were interviewed in their own homes and a number of meanings emerged including the significance of ‘change’ and establishing relationships. The study confirms the diversity of holiday experiences and meanings and the particular significance for this study group in conferring the ‘excitement and spectacle’ that are particularly limited in their every-day lives. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The first and last mile (FLM) problem, namely the poor connection between trip origins or destination and public transport stations, is a significant obstacle to sustainable transportation as it is likely to encourage the use of cars for FLM travel, if not for the entire trip. This study examines the role of modality style and built environment in FLM mode choice behaviour, in order to identify the key features that might invoke a travel mode shift from cars to more sustainable travel options for both mandatory and discretionary trips. More specifically, this study draws on disaggregate data from the South East Queensland household travel survey and presents a latent class choice model to unravel modality style groups. Results reveal two distinct individual-level modality style groups: (1) driving and walking oriented; (2) multimodal travellers. Individuals in the second modality style group were found to be relatively inelastic to FLM travel time for mandatory trips, while individuals in the first group were largely unaffected by built environment characteristics and highly habitual in their mode choice behaviour for both mandatory and discretionary trips. Home residence environments with high road intersection density and public transport accessibility, and home residence environments with diverse land use mix, respectively encourage individuals within the second modality style to walk for mandatory trips, and discretionary trips. To this end, when place-based policies seek to change certain built environment features, individuals in the second modality style are more likely to shift their preference from cars to more sustainable modes. Finally, our findings have practical planning implications in targeting mode shift through highlighting the importance of considering the intersection of individual modality style in a given locale and mode choice behaviour. More specifically, our findings advocate for place-based policies that seek to target particular locales with the certain modality style deemed to be more predisposed to adopting a mode shift.  相似文献   

为满足铁路列车提速和车流密度加大的行车安全要求,设计研制了YH-468B型电子响墩替代爆炸式响墩作为铁路运输安全专用防护设备。在阐述电子响墩的设备结构和工作原理的基础上,介绍了电子响墩的接收部分、音频放大器、锁相环频率合成器、发射部分的主要技术要点。该设备经过铁路现场试用,取得良好效果。  相似文献   

论铁路的自然垄断及其规制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代西方规制理论认为,成本的劣加是衡量一个产业是否自然垄断的关键条件。铁路的成本劣加性大,属于自然垄断性较强的行业,因而国家必须管制。可采用区域竞争的内部激励规则,将客动与货运分开,分别组建公司,并进行股份制试点,将线路经营权分离出去;铁道部主要负丽监管职能。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current socio-cultural and political state of cycling in Brazil and the policies and activities over recent years that have aimed to reverse its marginalisation. In particular it focuses on the city of Pelotas in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul and the significant societal and material transformations that are causing conflict and dissonance in relation to the future role of cycling on city streets. Using a combination of empirical evidence from existing literature; a focus group with members of the cycling stakeholder forum; interviews with planning officials whilst observing cycle infrastructure; interviews with participants whilst taking part in a ‘protest’ bicycle ride (bicicletada); and on street intercept interviews with cycle commuters, this paper highlights the tensions, conflicts, aspirations and imaginaries of a city grappling with significant growth and urban transformation.  相似文献   

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