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We show that cost reduction by a domestic firm may reduce domestic welfare if it changes a foreign firm’s production strategy from foreign direct investment to export. Domestic cost reduction can be welfare reducing when the domestic market is sufficiently small and domestic firm’s marginal cost of production is higher than the foreign firm’s marginal cost of production under foreign direct investment, which is a usual feature of trade between developed and developing countries. So, developing countries with small domestic markets need competent competition policies when encouraging domestic innovation and also trying to attract foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

K. Farla 《Applied economics》2013,45(34):4231-4241
This article investigates the determinants of firms’ investment behaviour using firm data from 101 developing and emerging economies. A substantial number of firms does not invest in fixed capital or invests little relative to sales revenue. Using a multilevel probit model we study what factors trigger investment, and using a multilevel Heckman selection model we study what factors influence a firm’s investment-to-sales ratio. We find that firms’ investment behaviour has relatively little dependency on a country’s macroeconomic setting. Additionally, we find that, on average, firms that are completely foreign-owned have a relatively lower investment-to-sales ratio. Finally, we find evidence which suggests that the probability of investing is higher for firms located in countries with more control of corruption and we find some evidence which suggests that partially foreign-owned firms located in countries with relatively less corruption have a relatively higher investment-to-sales ratio.  相似文献   


Many developing countries are establishing a new export sector by accepting foreign direct investment. Developing a three-sectors three-factors general equilibrium model with tariff, this paper considers the condition under which the acceptance of direct investment is desirable for the developing countries. We show that the factor intensity rankings among the sectors play a key role on the welfare effects and that direct investment increases the output of both the new export and the traditional export sector and promotes the export-led growth in developing countries.  相似文献   

In this paper, we re-examine the effects of equity control of multinational firms on resource allocation and national welfare in a model with rural–urban migration and urban unemployment. A large number of recipient (host) countries are developing countries with dual economies. We indicate, among other things, that a restriction on multinational investment may lower the unemployment rate and increase the total employment in the host country. Furthermore, we find that the restriction on multinational investment raises the national welfare in the host economy if the tariff imposed on imports is sufficiently large and the difference between domestic and foreign capital rental is sufficiently small.  相似文献   

This paper explores the causal relationship between growth, total investment and inward FDI in 47 countries. Using error‐correction model, the significance, direction and sign of long‐run and short‐run causal effects between GDP, capital stock and FDI stock are investigated. The miscellaneous results echo the divergent theoretical viewpoints and the mixed empirical results of previous works. However, the evidence found in this study suggests that there are differences in growth mechanism between developed and developing countries, between various developing regions, and between oil‐exporting and non‐oil‐exporting countries. The main policy implication is that capital investment is essential for growth while FDI’s effect is uncertain in developing countries. FDI as well as total investment enhances growth only under some conditions.  相似文献   

This article investigates how agricultural R&D investment affects the food self-sufficiency ratio (SSR). Several studies have argued a causal relationship between agricultural R&D investment and food security. However, most of these studies are based on conceptual logic and few studies have conducted an empirical analysis. This study verifies whether agricultural R&D investment affects the food SSR as a representative indicator of food security. A total of 822 data sets of 41 countries have been used in the analysis in this study and include developed and developing country data over the period 1981–2009. Food self-efficiency is used as a dependent variable, and agricultural R&D investment and other variables are used as explanatory variables. The estimation results show that, first, the cereal SSR and income are in an inverted U-shaped relationship. Second, increases in land productivity increase the cereal SSR and, lastly, the cereal SSR ratio and agricultural R&D investment are in a U-shaped relationship.  相似文献   

朱东平 《经济研究》2004,39(1):93-101
本文在一个由发达国家企业和发展中国家企业所构成的寡头垄断的产量竞争模型中 ,考察了在发达国家企业所进行的产品创新型R&D投资具有溢出效应的情况下 ,发达国家企业对发展中国家的外商直接投资 (FDI)所产生的福利效果。本文发现 ,即使发展中国家拥有生产成本相对低廉的优势 ,发达国家企业对发展中国家的FDI也只有在溢出效应较小时才可能发生。但这种情况下的FDI也可能损害发展中国家的同类竞争企业 ,甚至损害发展中国家的社会福利。当然 ,以上结论并不意味着引进外资必然损害发展中国家的利益 ,外资引进对发展中国家所产生的福利效果 ,在很大程度上取决于FDI的性质 (产品市场的所在国 )、发展中国家成本优势的大小以及它对知识产权的保护力度等因素。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between public and private investment in developing countries. We set up a simple theoretical model where two countervailing forces coexist. On the one hand, public investment raises the marginal productivity of private capital and leads to potential crowding-in of private investment. On the other hand, weak institutions and restricted access to financing could diminish the positive effects of public investment projects and crowd-out private investment. The empirical results - which exploit both the time series and cross sectional variation in the data using a panel of 116 developing countries with annual observations between 1980 and 2006 - suggest that on average the crowing-out effect dominates. Moreover, we find that this crowing-out effect is dampened (or even reversed) in countries with better institutions - where the marginal productivity of public investment is conceivably higher - and that are more open to international trade and financial flows, such that financing constraints are less binding.  相似文献   

陈立敏 《技术经济》2008,27(9):60-66
行业选择和地点选择分别是跨国公司进入战略的主要论题,但现有研究缺少对两者之间是否存在相关性的分析。本文以中国FDI的“引进来”部分(IFDI)和“走出去”部分(OFDI)为倒,分析中国作为东道国引进外资时和其作为母国对外投资时在行业选择上的差异;并考虑地点选择因素,研究“走出去”的中国企业在发达国家和发展中国家的行业选择上是否存在差异,以及在中国投资的发达国家和发展中国家在行业选择上是否存在区别。通过跟踪200家外商来华投资企业和40家中国对外投资企业(118个项目)的投资产业、母国和东道国信息,运用描述统计和卡方检验得出实证结论:外商来华投资和中国对外投资在行业选择和地点选择上都存在差别;发达国家和发展中国家在华投资行业的技术含量有显著不同,即跨国公司的行业选择与地点选择存在相关性;但中国企业在对外投资中受资源寻求动机的强烈影响,其到发达国家和发展中国家进行投资时在行业选择上没有体现出差异性。  相似文献   

This paper examines the long-run effect of the level of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the level of total factor productivity (TFP) for 49 developing countries for the period 1981–2011 using panel cointegration and causality techniques. It is found that (i) FDI has, on average, a negative long-run effect on TFP in developing countries, (ii) long-run causality runs in only one direction, from FDI to TFP, (iii) in the short run, TFP has a negative effect on FDI, and (iv) the long-run effect of FDI of TFP differs between selected groups of countries: While the estimated long-run FDI–TFP coefficients are always relatively large, negative, and significant for countries with lower levels of human capital, financial development, and trade openness, the estimated effects are relatively small, insignificant, or even significantly positive for subgroups of countries with higher levels of human capital, financial development, and trade openness.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国对外直接投资的力度不断加大,在这个阶段,投资效率的问题开始成为中心问题。而投资区域的选择则是提高投资效率、保证投资收益的关键。文章分析了我国向发展中国家投资的比较优势以及发展中国家的可利用因素,指出现阶段我国企业向发展中国家直接投资的可行性和效益性。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to make a contribution to the empirical literature of investment by examining the effects of FDI inflows on private investment in developing host countries. We employ panel data for 91 developing host countries over the period 1970–2000 and estimate our model by a means of system generalized method of moments. The results show that FDI stimulates private domestic investment which supports the “crowd-in-hypothesis”. Moreover, after grouping countries based on their level of income, we find that the positive effects of FDI on private investment in low-income countries depend on the availability of human capital.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of disaggregated government expenditure on investment using fixed- and random-effect methods. Using the government budget constraint, the analysis explores the effects of tax- and debt-financed expenditure for the full sample, and for subsamples of developed and developing countries. In general, tax-financed government expenditure crowds out more investment than debt-financed expenditure. Expenditure on social security and welfare reduces investment in all samples while expenditure on transport and communication induces private investment in developing countries.  相似文献   

Over the last fifteen years, China rapidly expanded its outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) through remarkable economic growth and the “go global” policy. Chinese firms explored investment avenues especially in developing and emerging countries. As a result, China became the third largest contributor of OFDI. We examine the determinants of Chinese OFDI in 67 countries during the period lasting from 2006 to 2015 using the feasible generalized least square method. We find that the size of the economy, market opportunities, cost advantages due to low wage structure, ease of doing business, country risk, and geographical proximity are the prominent factors leading to changes in Chinese OFDI in developing and emerging economies. We find that China’s investments in different developing and emerging countries are driven by a different set of factors and the determinants of Chinese OFDI vary in low and high per capita income countries.  相似文献   

Does unrestricted control on the movement of capital increase capital mobility? Theoretically, the answer is yes. This paper uses the Feldstein–Horioka savings–investment methodology to examine the impact of financial openness on the degree of capital mobility in 104 countries. Our estimates suggest that financial openness has increased capital mobility in developing countries, while its effect is statistically insignificant in OECD countries. This also implies that a developing country with more financial openness can have more access to external capital markets for borrowings. Foreign aid also appears to supplement domestic savings for investment in developing countries. In line with the previous findings, our study also confirms that capital is more mobile for developing countries.  相似文献   

Foreign aid is a sizable source of government financing for several developing countries and its allocation matters for the conduct of fiscal policy. This article revisits the fiscal effects of shifts in aid dependency in 59 developing countries from 1960 to 2010. It identifies structural shifts in aid dependency and uses treatment effect methods to assess the fiscal effects of aid. It finds that shifts in aid dependency are frequent and have significant fiscal effects in developing countries. In addition to the traditional evidences of tax and investment displacement and ‘aid illusion,’ we show that upward shifts and downward shifts in aid dependency have asymmetric effects on fiscal accounts in developing countries. Large aid inflows undermine tax capacity and public investment while large reductions in aid inflows tend to keep recipients’ fiscal behaviour intact. Moreover, the tax displacement effect tends to be temporary while the impacts on expenditure items tend to last. Finally, we find that the undesirable fiscal effects of aid are more pronounced in countries with low governance score and low absorptive capacity.  相似文献   

Bangladesh is the 8th largest remittance recipient country in the world and one of the heavily dependent (11 % of GDP) countries of remittances. Despite its importance in policy making in developing countries like Bangladesh, there is absence of any study regarding the effect of remittances on the level of investment. In an attempt to fill the gap, we examine the cointegrating property and stability of the relationship among these variables using the ARDL bounds testing approach combined with CUSUM and CUSUMSQ tests. Our findings show that both remittances and trade openness positively and significantly influence the level of investment in Bangladesh, meaning that contrary to most conclusions found in the literature, migrant remittances in developing countries are not entirely spent in basic consumption needs. We also find that foreign aid has very little and insignificant impact on investment. Finally, we find long-run unidirectional causal relationship running from remittances to investment indicating that favorable policies to increase the flow of remittance will promote investment in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Das and Serieux (2010; 2015) and Serieux (2011) used the term “reverse flows” to define the part of external resources that is not domestically absorbed; instead used to finance debt obligations, capital flight, and accumulate reserves. While there is a vast literature on the growth and development impact of remittances in developing countries, the existing empirical literature has mostly ignored the potential diversion of remittances to reverse flows. This paper bridges the gap in the literature by estimating the reverse flows in the case of Bangladesh, which is one of the top remittance recipient countries in the world. The data set runs from 1976 to 2015. Econometric results obtained by employing the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach show that almost 13–14% of remittances (as the ratio of gross domestic product, GDP) are diverted to finance reverse flows. In other words, the effects of remittances (as the ratio of GDP) on consumption and investment rates are no more than 86–87%. Therefore, the underlying assumption made in the existing literature that all remittances are used to increase consumption and/or investment overstates the impact of this external resource flow in Bangladesh. Findings from this study have important policy implications not only for Bangladesh but for other remittance recipient developing countries. Our findings will help the government to design policies to ensure the optimum allocation of remittances in the domestic economy.  相似文献   

The paper examines the real per-capita growth effects of the quality of democracy, the rule of law, and capital flows in developing countries. The direct growth effects of democracy are positive and often statistically significant. Moreover, the estimates from a three-stage least-squares regression offer evidence that democracy has indirect growth effects that work by encouraging schooling and that the rule of law influences growth indirectly by encouraging foreign direct investment. A higher FDI to GDP ratio is associated with a faster growth rate. The estimated growth effect of the FDI to GDP ratio is several times higher than the estimated growth effect of the domestic investment to GDP ratio. By contrast, this study does not find a clear asso-ciation between other types of capital flows and growth.  相似文献   

“Do Fiscal Deficits Influence Current Accounts? A Case Study of India”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the effects of fiscal deficits on the current account deficits in the Indian economy. In many developing countries, fiscal deficits are mostly financed through monetization, causing crowding out of private investment expenditures. However, fiscal deficits in India are mostly financed through official borrowings from various external sources, leading to higher interest payments and outgoings on the external account. Such a policy could eventually precipitate balance of payments crises despite favorable trade account and real exchange rate. Data over three decades for the Indian economy show that, in addition to the real exchange rate and the ratio of private investment to GDP, fiscal deficits significantly contribute to the current account deficits.  相似文献   

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