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探析旅游卫星账户(TSA)的基本思想   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文陈述了旅游卫星账户(TSA)方法作为国家账户体系有机延伸的基本内涵,描述了TSA框架之内旅游、旅游商品、旅游业等概念的定义与范围,介绍了国家账户体系的相关内容与TSA之间的关系,结合加拿大TSA方法用于旅游经济影响分析的实例,对中国的情况给出建议。  相似文献   

TSA与I/O法评价旅游经济效应的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游卫星账户(TSA)和投入产出(I/O)法是评价旅游经济效应的有效方法,并在实践中被广泛使用.旅游卫星账户是作为国民经济的附属账户,通过构造子账户对旅游经济效应进行评价;投入产出法则是在投入产出理论的基础上分析旅游经济效应.二者在评价机理、理论视角、假设基础等方面都不相同.文章在分析这两种方法不同之处的基础上,以期在实际评价过程中将二者融合.  相似文献   

旅游卫星账户的发展与方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
葛宇菁 《旅游学刊》2007,22(7):11-18
本文首次概述了旅游卫星账户在国际范围内的发展。旅游卫星账户的发展可分为三个发展阶段:概念发展阶段、探索阶段和融合与深化阶段。本文也讨论了旅游卫星账户运用的主要方法,包括基本概念、投入产出表和旅游卫星账户中的报表系统。最后,本文也论及旅游卫星账户未来发展中的重要问题,例如区域和城市旅游卫星账户。  相似文献   

我国区域旅游卫星账户理论与实践的若干问题研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在对TSA一般理论进行较深入的分析和论述的基础上,本文结合江苏省正在编制的、严格遵从国际规范的省级区域旅游卫星账户的实践,分析和论述了我国区域旅游卫星账户的一些理论与实践问题,如区域旅游卫星账户的特点、编制过程、主要困难等。  相似文献   

旅游宏观统计积弱,致使旅游业既难以"摸清自身家底",也难以形成明确的产业"身份"进入国民经济产业研究的话语体系,甚至在产业规模测定的实践和理论研究当中还存在明显误区,造成旅游经济的感性认识有余,而理性的量化支撑不足。为此,文章应用旅游卫星账户和投入产出理论,结合入境旅游和国内旅游统计调查实际,构建了一套符合国际统计核算标准和旅游卫星账户框架要求的旅游业增加值算法流程,测算得出2007年我国旅游业增加值占国民经济的比重约为2.67%,与美国、加拿大等国家的测算结果相近。文章所构架的算法体系,有助于更加客观和准确地了解旅游业在国民经济中的地位,更为借助可计算一般均衡、投入产出价格影响等模型测算旅游业完全经济影响,提供了一个更加精确和有效的基础性框架。  相似文献   

由于需要大量的人力、财力和物力的投入,在国际统一框架模式下的旅游卫星账户(TSA)编制还是有一定的难度,因此,在一定程度上限制了该方法的普及应用.本文提出一种简化的TSA编制方法,并给出数学模型,它采用3种途径获得建模数据:①旅游消费数据采用问卷抽样调查;②对确定性旅游供给信息采纳政府部门公布的统计年鉴和经济普查年鉴等作加权折算;③对不确定信息采用专家访谈和所属部门调研.该方法更具有普遍应用意义,构建的数学模型便于TSA信息的计算机处理.通过对大连2005年TSA的核算结果,表明该方法是可行的,并得到旅游增加值对地区GDP的贡献为3.9%.  相似文献   

进入旅游卫星账户(TSA)的新里程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2001年5月8日至10日,由加拿大旅游委员会、世界旅游组织(WTO)、世界旅游委员会(WTTC)和世界经合组织(OECD)主办,在温哥华举行了“旅游卫星账户(TSA)--为良好决策提供可靠数据“的国际会议,来自50多个国家的200多名代表出席了这次会议.会议强调,一方面要提高各国开发TSA的规范化水平,另一方面要强化TSA的分析应用和预测功能,加强为市场服务、为企业服务的力度.……  相似文献   

随着旅游业的快速发展以及对国民经济产生的巨大作用。旅游卫星账户这一新的旅游统计方法应运而生。2003年3月联合国统计署正式批准了世界旅游组织提交的《旅游卫星账户(简称TSA):建议的方法框架》,该框架将统计计量作为一种经济现象纳入宏观经济统计主流,将其与国民经济核算中的其他产业进行比较。是一个由联合国统计委员会批准的新的国际标准,是一个测量旅游业总体经济水平及其对国民经济贡献的统计工具。[第一段]  相似文献   

酒店及旅游管理行业中的很多人都听说过旅游卫星账户(TSA),但很少有人知道投入产出(I-O)模型、社会核算矩阵(SAM)以及国民账户体系(SNA).国民账户体系(SNA)是当前全球性的法定标准,是世界各国用于测量国家经济活动中重要基准数据的一种方法,如国民生产总值(GDP)等.国民账户体系是完全嵌入在投入产出(I-O)模型框架中的.因此,不了解投入产出(I-O)模型,就不能很好地理解国民账户体系如何运作.  相似文献   

中国旅游规划的市场研究历程(下)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
许春晓 《旅游学刊》2003,18(4):52-57
文章回顾了中国旅游规划工作中的市场研究的发展历程。划分出了中国旅游规划工作的起步与旅游市场的简单研究阶段(1980~1991年)、中国旅游规划工作的发展与旅游市场的探索研究阶段(1992~2000年)、中国旅游规划工作的成熟与旅游市场的系统研究阶段(2001年以后)三个基本阶段,以旅游规划研究国际先进水平为参照,评述了各阶段的发展水平。  相似文献   

旅游罩:类型、形成机制及其对旅游业发展的启示   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
旅游罩(tourism bubble)的研究在我国尚未见相关文献,相比较而言,国外的研究已有一定的基础.本文首先引入旅游罩的概念范畴,并对其基本类型作了进一步的划分,认为在旅游活动中,主要存在旅游者罩(tourist bubble)、旅游业罩(tourism industry bubble)和旅游目的地罩(tourist destination bubble)三种不同类型的旅游罩.在此基础上,探讨了不同类型旅游罩的形成机制,认为旅游者的心理因素形成了旅游者罩,大众旅游组织方式形成了旅游业罩,旅游目的地的规划和管理因素形成旅游目的地罩.最后,文章分析了旅游罩对旅游业发展的启示,认为旅游罩的形成和存在在一定程度上对旅游业的发展是不利的,需要采取相关的措施,控制旅游罩的形成或打破旅游罩,以促进旅游业的健康、有序、协调发展.  相似文献   

非大众型旅游(Alternative tourism):起源、概念及特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
吴波  桑慧 《旅游学刊》2000,15(3):51-54
近年来,Alternftive tourism频繁出现在有关学术刊物上,人们一般将Altenative tourism译为“选择性旅游”或“可替代旅游”。笔者认为这种译法并不能准确地表达Alternative tourism的涵义,而且人们也没有进一步说明Alternative tourism的内涵和特征。本文通过分析Alternative tourism的起源、概念及特征,探讨到底什么是Alte  相似文献   

This paper identifies the need to consider the impact of tourism as an economic and social activity in any broad assessment of the impacts of tourism developments. A number of factors must be accounted for in measuring such impacts, which derive from the nature of the tourism activity, eg tourism is a dynamic agent of change, it is an amalgam of a number of industrial activities, it occurs within distinctive contexts etc. The question therefore centres on the methodology employed to measure the distribution of the costs and benefits of tourism.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between “rural peripherality” and “tourism transition” to describe the ongoing transformations within the tourist supply in rural areas, highlighting the importance these concepts are acquiring in both the theoretical debate and the formation of policies. Based on the classification of peripheral areas provided by the Italian Strategy for Inner Areas, the authors have undertaken a detailed statistical analysis at the municipality level, considering tourism as an important driver of socio-economical change. A model of governance based on “transition management” is put forward as a practical tool to guide these processes. A case study conducted through participatory action-research offered the opportunity to overcome existing governance practices and experiment with more adaptive methods to manage the transition.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of tourism development in reducing regional income inequality in China. First, the theoretical foundation for how tourism affects regional income inequality is discussed. Second, based on the conditional convergence framework, this study proposes a spatiotemporal autoregressive model to capture spatial and temporal dependence as well as spatial heterogeneity. Tourism development is introduced as a conditional convergence factor in an attempt to examine whether the convergence speed is accelerated by regional tourism development. Third, the effects of international and domestic tourism in narrowing regional inequality are compared both globally and locally. The empirical results indicate that tourism development contributes significantly to the reduction of regional inequality, with domestic tourism making a greater contribution than international tourism.  相似文献   

This article makes the case for tourism culture; the new cultural expressions, practises and identities, influenced by hosts, guests and industry context, which may develop in destinations, as a useful perspective with which to draw together various conceptual narratives within the tourism studies literature. Research in three small islands finds evidence of a distinctive cultural landscape which emerges from the interaction of host and guest cultures, and the exchange, change and creativity that results. Tourism industry dynamics are found to facilitate or undermine this process, as in turn they may be influenced by. This tourism culture has implications for the continuation and evolution of indigenous culture, as it does for the absorption of elements of tourist cultures. The emergent fusion may be symptomatic of a richer cultural landscape and might be considered as an indicator of more sustainable communities and forms of tourism development.  相似文献   

Camping is a nature-based tourism activity where individuals spend one or more night away from home in an outdoor setting. Inherent in the definition are time and space, as well as exposure to natural elements such as weather or extremes. This study introduces the novel Camping Climate Index (CCI) to explore the impacts of weather and climatic variability on camping occupancy and optimal camping conditions. Daily meteorological data for 29 for-profit camping locations is analyzed and matched with daily camping occupancy data for the tent, recreational vehicle, and cabin categories. The CCI is empirically validated for camping behaviors compared to other tourism indices including the Tourism Climate Index and Holiday Climate Index. This study is the first to create an index using observed camping occupancy data for the three categories of camping matched with daily weather data that also captures the overriding effects of extreme/adverse weather events.  相似文献   

Considering the recognized pressures of tourism on the natural environment, it is important to quantify and understand those pressures. This paper adopts an approach based on the Tourism Satellite Accounts conceptual framework to measure selected environmental pressures of tourism. Egypt is selected for the case study and the accommodation industry group is used as a pilot test (reference year 2009) for the feasibility of the proposed methodology. Results show that each US$ 1 million of direct value added supported by tourists expenditure in the accommodation industry group requires 18.6 thousand m3 of water, 51.1 tons of fuel, and 426 megawatt hours (Mwh) of electricity. Similarly, each US$ 1 million of the direct value added generated by tourists expenditure for accommodation creates directly about 464.3 tons of CO2 emissions. It is estimated that serving inbound tourism is a higher user of energy resources than serving domestic tourism, which is higher in terms of water use. These environmental performance measures enable the Egyptian Government to examine the potential environmental pressures and financial costs of attracting new tourists.  相似文献   

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