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Climate change can lead to a substantial reduction of the strength of the thermohaline circulation in the world oceans. This is often thought to have severe consequences particularly on the North Atlantic region and Northern and Western Europe. The integrated assessment model FUND is used to estimate the extent of these impacts. The results indicate that, owing to a slower warming (rather than cooling) of the regions most affected by a thermohaline circulation collapse, climate change induced damages in these regions would be smaller in case of a shutdown of the thermohaline circulation. However, even with a thermohaline circulation collapse, the total and marginal impacts of climate change are negative.JEL Classification: Q510, Q540We are grateful to Till Kuhlbrodt for providing the CLIMBER data and to Andre Krebber for processing them. The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research through the INTEGRATION project, the US National Science Foundation through the Center for Integrated Study of the Human Dimensions of Global Change (SBR-9521914) and the Michael Otto Foundation provided welcome financial support.  相似文献   

A function u(z) is a utility function if u′(z) > 0. It is called risk averse if we also have u′′(z) < 0. Some authors, however, require that u (i)(z) > 0 if i is odd and u (i)(z) < 0 if i is even. The notion of a multiattribute utility function can be defined by requiring that it is increasing in each variable and concave as an s-variate function. A stronger condition, similar to the one in case of a univariate utility function, requires that, in addition, all partial derivatives of total order m should be positive if m is odd and negative if m is even. In this paper, we present a class of functions in analytic form such that each of them satisfies this stronger condition. We also give sharp lower and upper bounds for E[u(X 1,... , X s )] under moment information with respect to the joint probability distribution of the random variables X 1,... , X s assumed to be discrete and representing wealths. Partially supported by OTKA grants F-046309 and T-047340 in Hungary.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a statistical formulation of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) and discusses the major econometric problems raised in the literature in testing this hypothesis using panel data. A simple t‐test is then presented that avoids these econometric problems. The result from applying the t‐test confirms conclusively the EKC for CO2 as formulated.  相似文献   

Summary. Many economics problems are maximization or minimization problems, and can be formalized as problems of solving linear difference systems of the form and r k -r l > c kl , for r-unknowns, with given c-constants. They typically involve strict as well as weak inequalities, with infinitely many inequalities and unknowns. Since strict inequalities are not preserved under passage to the limit, infinite systems with strict inequalities are notoriously hard to solve. We introduce a unifying tool for solving them. Our main result (Theorem 1 for the countable case, Theorem [2] for the not-necessarily-countable case) introduces a uniform solvability criterion (the -Axiom), and our proof yields a method for solving those that are solvable. The axioms economic intuition extends the traditional ordinal notion of revealed preference to a cardinal notion. We give applications in producer theory, consumer theory, implementation theory, and constrained maximization theory.Received: 21 May 2003, Revised: 29 October 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: C69, D21, D11, D82. Correspondence to: Marcel K. RichterWe thank Professor Leonid Hurwicz for helpful discussions, and a referee for helpful comments.  相似文献   



To evaluate the costs and outcomes associated with different sequences of oral anti-muscarinic agents and the selective β3-adrenoceptor agonist, mirabegron, for the treatment of overactive bladder (OAB).  相似文献   

This article explains how economic analysis can be applied to understand environmental problems and to suggest appropriate policies to deal with these problems. Economic analysis is performed using static and dynamic models, and one‐person and several‐person game theoretical models. Policy recommendations include the control of industrial pollution in China and the regulation of world CO2 emission through the application of a resolution by the United Nations.  相似文献   

We are given a list of tasks Z and a population divided into several groups X j of equal size. Performing one task z requires constituting a team with exactly one member x j from every group. There is a cost (or reward) for participation: if type x j chooses task z, he receives p j (z); utilities are quasi-linear. One seeks an equilibrium price, that is, a price system that distributes all the agents into distinct teams. We prove existence of equilibria and fully characterize them as solutions to some convex optimization problems. The main mathematical tools are convex duality and mass transportation theory. Uniqueness and purity of equilibria are discussed. We will also give an alternative linear-programming formulation as in the recent work of Chiappori et al. (Econ Theory, to appear).  相似文献   

The standard linear model where ut is generated from an ARFIMA process, is considered. The sensitivity of the predictor and sensitivity of variance estimates of the linear model to long memory are investigated by constructing the statistical measures BL/S and DL/S , respectively. BL/S and DL/S is interpreted as a sensitivity measure for the long‐memory process without the short‐memory effects. As an application, the memory characteristics of per capita GDP of 30 countries are investigated from the Maddison GDP dataset. It is found that per‐capita GDP exhibits long memory characteristics, and the long‐run growth estimates are sensitive to the long memory characteristics.  相似文献   

Simple sequencing problems with interdependent costs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we analyze simple sequencing problems under incomplete information and interdependent costs. We prove the necessity of concave cost function for implementability of such problems. Implementability means that one can achieve aggregate cost minimization in ex-post equilibrium. We also show that simple sequencing problems are implementable if and only if the mechanism is a ‘generalized VCG mechanism.’ We then consider first best implementability, that is implementability with budget balancing transfer. We prove that for implementable n agent simple sequencing problems, with polynomial cost function of order (n−2) or less, one can achieve first best implementability. Finally, for the class of implementable simple sequencing problems with “sufficiently well behaved” cost function, this is the only first best class.  相似文献   



Multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with a substantial economic burden resulting from direct medical costs associated with health and disability-related resource utilization and indirect costs relating to reduced productivity. However, reduced health-related quality of life (HR-QOL) may be associated with additional costs, often termed ‘intangible costs,’ that should be considered as part of the economic burden from the societal or patient perspectives.


To review the contribution of intangible costs to the overall economic burden of MS.


Medline was searched through March 2010 for relevant articles that included the terms ‘multiple sclerosis’ in combination with ‘intangible costs,’ ‘QALY,’ ‘quality-adjusted life year,’ ‘willingness-to-pay,’ and ‘WTP.’ Other than the restriction that the articles were published in English, there were no other exclusionary criteria for the search. Identified references were hand-searched to determine if intangible costs were estimated.


Thirteen studies across ten countries were identified that estimated intangible costs based on the number of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) lost due to a reduction in HR-QOL multiplied by accepted willingness-to-pay (WTP) thresholds. Although absolute costs varied depending on thresholds used and year of evaluation, the intangible costs accounted for 17.5–47.8% of total costs of MS. Furthermore, evidence suggested intangible costs are positively correlated with worsening disability. The largest increase in intangible costs occurred at the transition between mild and moderate disability. However, since no value has been established as being acceptable to pay for a QALY, a limitation of these studies was their dependence on the definition of the WTP threshold.


Intangible costs substantially add to the economic burden of MS. There is not only a need to further characterize these costs and incorporate them into economic studies, but also to determine how these costs can be reduced through appropriate management strategies.  相似文献   

This paper reviews six approaches to binary response (y1) structural forms with an endogenous regressor y2: (i) the two‐stage least squares estimator‐like substitution approach, (ii) the control function approach, (iii) the system reduced‐form approach, (iv) the artificial instrumental regressor approach, (v) the transformed‐response instrumental variable estimator approach and (vi) the classical maximum likelihood estimator approach. The applicability of the six methods differs greatly, depending on whether y2 is a continuously distributed random variable or a discrete transformation of a latent . We conduct a real‐data‐based simulation study, and provide an empirical illustration. Our overall recommendation is using (i) and (ii), as the others have undesirable features such as analytic complexity in (iii), computational difficulty in (iv) and (vi), and poor finite‐sample performance in (v).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** ** Résumé en fin d'article; Zusammenfassung am Ende des Artikels; resumen al fin del artículo.
: The quantity vs. quality trade‐offs in network industries are well known from the theoretical literature and have been the subject of many empirical assessments, although mostly for the telecoms and energy sectors. The purpose of this paper is to expand the evidence for the railway sector by documenting the importance of this trade‐off in the context of the Brazilian freight railway industry reform, the first example of a railway sector in which tariff revisions are subject to joint output and quality performance indicators. The analysis is based on the calculation of the Malmquist productivity index proposed by Färe et al. (1995) . The decomposable nature of this total factor productivity (TFP) index reveals the prevalence of quantity‐quality trade‐offs up to the end of the reform period, but a positive correlation between them during the period just afterwards. This type of information would certainly be useful for regulation purposes, particularly as an alternative way of taking into account quality without introducing complex, and very often ineffective, penalty schemes.  相似文献   

This article is devoted to the evaluation of the institutional matrices theory (IMT), which was designed to illustrate the differences between Russian and Western political economic systems. IMT has no matrix, and it is an ideological declaration rather than a theory. It is a set of assertions and assumptions that are adopted without evidence, and then hypostatized to be Russian and Western socioeconomic systems. IMT literature claims to utilize the reciprocity, redistribution, and exchange model of Karl Polanyi (1944 Polanyi, Karl. The Great Transformation. New York, NY: Rinehart &; Company, 1944. [Google Scholar], 1957 Polanyi, Karl. “The Economy as Instituted Process.” In Trade and Market in the Early Empires: Economies in History and Theory, edited by Karl Polanyi, Conrad M. Arensberg and Harry W. Pearson, pp. 239-270. New York, NY: Free Press, 1957. [Google Scholar]). However, IMT suffers from a number of assumptive and methodological problems in its application, the first of which consists of the complete exclusion of reciprocity from consideration. The first section of the article is an explanation of problems with IMT, and the second section demonstrates some particulars of the IMT problems with a real-world social fabric matrix from a Western nation.  相似文献   

Joint production in teams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consider Holmström's moral hazard in teams problem when there are n agents, each agent i has an ai-dimensional strategy space and output is m-dimensional. We show that a compensation mechanism that satisfies budget balance, limited liability and implements an efficient allocation generically exists if and only if . Moreover, under a weak additional condition, the equilibrium implemented by this mechanism is unique in the class of pure strategy Coalition-Proof equilibria.  相似文献   

It is argued if xt ~ I(1) and yt ~ I(1), then running a regression xt on yt would produce spurious results because e t would generally be I(1). However, there may exist a ‘b’ such that e t  = x t - by t is I(0), then running a regression x t on y t would not produce spurious results. This special case of two integrated time series is known in the literature as cointegration. In this particular case, x t and y t are said to be cointegrated. In our review of the development of the concept of cointegration, we identified that the underlying reason for this special case to arise is the proposition that if x t  ~ I(d x ), y t  ~ I(d y ), then z t  = bx t  + cy t  ~ I(max(d x ,d y )). In this research, we offer evidence against this proposition.  相似文献   

We consider the following abstraction of competing publications. There are n players in the game. Each player i chooses a point xi in the interval [0,1], and a player's payoff is the distance from its point xi to the next larger point, or to 1 if xi is the largest. For this game, we give a complete characterization of the Nash equilibrium for the two-player game, and, more important, we give an efficient approximation algorithm to compute numerically the symmetric Nash equilibrium for the n-player game. The approximation is computed via a discrete version of the game. In both cases, we show that the (symmetric) equilibrium is unique. Our algorithmic approach to the n-player game is non-standard in that it does not involve solving a system of differential equations. We believe that our techniques can be useful in the analysis of other timing games.  相似文献   

This research examines whether earnings per share (EPS) and dividends per share (DPS) exhibit a short and long causality. The data employed in this study consist of quarterly EPS and DPS for 28 of the DJIA companies obtained from Bloomberg over a recent 10-year period. The companies under investigation all have EPS and DPS data available over the period studied. Dividends are generally paid out of earnings. The amount and timing of the dividend paid is a function of the respective company’s dividend policy. Therefore, the EPSt can be expressed in terms of the DPSt as follows: EPSt = αDPSt where α is a nonnegative constant. The equation suggests that there is a linear relationship between the EPSt and the DPSt. The results of this study indicate that bi-directional causality exists for some of the companies.  相似文献   

An alternative to traditional regulations of fisheries to avoid rent dissipation is the use of individual transferable quotas (ITQ s ) where prices in the quota market provide the necessary information to owners of harvest rights to contract with each other. However, even under such a decentralized regime, information on the underlying technology of the fishing vessels is also necessary. First, since most fisheries consist of many interrelated production processes, in order to avoid rent dissipation by discarding wrong output mix etc., the structure of production in the multispecies fishery must be known to design a proper quota system. Second, an ITQ system may create incentives for misreporting by understating the actual catch. This may especially be the case where the expected degree of self-enforcement is low. The paper proposes a way to reduce the information requirements under regulation with asymmetric information by constructing a typical firm and comparing performance for the other vessels to this firm. Based on the typical firm, and if the industry is relatively homogenous, the performance and hence catch of any other firm in the industry can be predicted within a certain range. Further, the paper applies this idea to the Norwegian trawler fleet to assess the production structure in terms of jointness, input-output separability, and the supply and demand elasticities for the fishing firms. This information characterizes the fishery and thus how the quota system may be designed and how to construct a yardstick in order to reduce the enforcement cost under a decentralized regulation of ITQs.The authors would like to thank Trond Bjørndal, Røgnvaldur Hannesson, Ola Flaaten and two referees for useful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

The continued expansionary policy of the Federal Reserve gives rise to speculation whether the Fed will be able to maintain price stability in the coming decades. Most of the scientific work relating money to prices relies on broad monetary aggregates (i.e. M2 for the United States). In our paper, we argue that this view falls short. The historically unique monetary expansion has not yet fully reached M2. Using a cointegration approach, we aim to show the hidden risks for the future development of M2 and correspondingly prices. In a simulation analysis we show that even if the multiplier remains substantially below its pre-crisis level, M2 will exceed its current growth path with a probability of 95%.  相似文献   

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