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城市居民环境行为的形成受到环境敏感度、环境知识和价值观的影响,这些因素通过主观规范和态度等中介变量对环境行为意图和环境行为产生作用。针对山东省内大中城市居民的调查结果表明,环境知识不仅影响居民的环境敏感度,而且直接影响环境态度,是环境行为最重要的前置变量;环境敏感则通过外部规范压力、内在态度和行为控制感影响环境行为意图;环境价值观能直接影响居民的环境态度。因此,城市居民环境行为的激发应以环境知识和敏感度为基础,进而形成全社会范围内的环境行为。  相似文献   

产业簇群发展环境探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何静  农贵新 《经济问题》2003,(10):10-12
产业簇群发展环境有硬环境和软环境之分,随着基础设施等硬环境的不断改善,经济竞争越来越依赖于软环境,而政府服务环境在软环境建设中居主导地位。目前产业簇群发展环境主要包括政府服务环境、产业环境、制度环境和生态环境等。我国产业簇群发展实践证明,良好的环境对产业簇群发展至关重要。目前营造良好的产业簇群发展环境,应加强领导和监督,注重硬件和生态建设,强化政府服务职能,优化产业环境和制度环境,改善收费环境和经营环境等。  相似文献   

潘颖 《经济研究导刊》2014,(17):265-266
基于环境经济建立企业环境会计体系具有宏观和微观方面的双重意义。在贯彻借鉴与创新和渐次推进原则的基础上,我国企业环境会计体系应从环境财务会计和环境管理会计进行构建。环境财务会计是帮助外部利益关系人了解会计主体的经济活动对财务和环境的影响;环境管理会计是帮助内部管理者了解环境信息对企业经营决策的影响,两者相辅相成,在企业环境管理中发挥不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

面临日益严峻的环境形势和进展缓慢的全球环境治理体系,金砖国家积极谋求发展转型,将合作范围扩展至环境领域。金砖国家环境合作已形成以金砖国家峰会为指导,环境部长会议为依托,新开发银行为支撑的初步架构。共同的发展转型和环境可持续发展诉求,多样化的环境和资源禀赋,差异化的应对环境问题需求和技术优势,为金砖国家深化环境合作奠定了坚实的基础。同时,深化环境合作也面临着地缘环境联系不够紧密,以及竞争性分歧和经济环境的不确定性带来的挑战。未来,金砖国家环境合作可以从环境基础设施建设、环境技术转让、高效环境合作平台以及环境领域的跨国政府与社会资本合作模式等方面展开。  相似文献   

应借鉴日本企业的环境经营   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本企业环境经营的主要内容包括制定环境经营战略和方针、构筑环境组织体制、加强环境管理、推行环境生产和开展环境营销.日本企业的环境经营对我国企业经营方式的转变有重要启示.  相似文献   

本文对江苏省现行的主要环境经济政策进行了系统梳理和分析,总结了江苏省环境经济政策的实践经验和存在的主要问题,并结合江苏省"十二五"期间将面临的环境形势和环境经济政策需求,提出了完善环境价格政策、加大环境财政投入、完善生态补偿机制、创新环境金融政策和农村环境经济政策的具体建议,以期为环境经济政策在我国其他地区的进一步探索和实施提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

开展环境审计是评价企业环境责任,适应企业自身发展,保证环境会计信息可靠和实现可持续发展等的需要,应通过强化环境审计意识、加快环境审计立法、规划环境审计实践、拓展环境审计范围、提高审计人员素质和加强环境审计研究等促进我国环境审计的发展.  相似文献   

日本企业环境经营的主要内容包括制定环境经营战略和方针、构筑环境组织体制、加强环境管理、推行环境生产和开展环境营销。日本企业的环境经营对我国企业经营方式的转变有重要启示。  相似文献   

环境审计刍议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
环境审计是环境管理和现代审计的交叉学科,是世界范围内的新生事物。本文讨论了环境审计的基本内涵、环境审计的层次和类型、环境审计的程序,以及我国开展环境审计的现实意义和作用。  相似文献   

从会计的视角就如何规范和加强企业履行环境治理等社会责任的有关信息披露问题进行了探讨.首先,探讨了环境会计包括环境资产、环境负债、环境费用、环境收入、环境利润与环保基金等环境会计要素所包含的具体内容,进一步提出了企业环境披露内容应包括:企业环境法规执行情况、企业环境质量情况、环境治理和污染物利用情况.最后,提出了我国环境信息要素披露模式和环境信息与现行财务报告的混合形式和单独报告两种报告形式.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed bilateral comparison of GDP between China and the U.S. with 1986 as a reference date, using the purchasing power parity (PPP) approach formulated by the United Nations International Comparison Program (ICP). An estimate of PPP over GDP made for Chinese currency in this study was used t o estimate China's dollar per capita GDP in 1986 and 1991. The specific issues in the comparisons of the housing and the comparison-resistant services categories were discussed and an approach similar to the estimation of shadow rent was exercised. The possible errors in the bilateral comparison were analyzed.  相似文献   

《中国国民经济核算体系(2002)》刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过 10年的发展 ,中国国民经济核算体系研究与应用方面取得了巨大成就。即将颁布实施的《中国国民经济核算体系 (2 0 0 2 )》相对于 1992年的《中国国民经济核算体系实施方案》无论是在基本框架、账户体系、主要指标、统计分类等方面 ,还是在理论上的系统性、应用上的可操作性、资料的使用价值以及国际可比性等方面都得到了进一步完善和发展。本文主要讨论《中国国民经济核算体系 (2 0 0 2 )》修订的主要内容及其实施的重要作用。  相似文献   

可持续发展是环境与经济发展的有机统一体,它要求一个与之相适应的核算体系。现行的国民经济核算体系,由于其固有的缺陷,不能完成这一任务。1993年联合国出版的《综合环境与经济核算手册》(即SEEA)提供了环境与经济核算相结合的核算体系,可供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper explains environmental problems from the point of R to the "System of Integrated Environmental and Economical Accounting" (SEEA) promulgated by United Nations in 1993, the authors have set up a model of environmental and economic accounting after the discussion and m tion of the concepts ction, assets, and environmental costs. Taking ecological environment of Chongqing as an the en tal and economic analyses is done. The results of the model reflect sustainability of ecological environment and mental costs directly or indirectly in macro-economy.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了国外现代化指标体系和标准,其中定性标准有:箱根模型、列维模型、现代人模型和比较模型等;定量标准有:布莱克标准、英格尔斯标准、世界银行的人均收入划分标准、联合国开发计划署的人类发展指数以及《联合国千年发展目标》中的指标体系等;接着介绍了国内有代表性的现代化指标体系和标准,如;中国《社会指标》课题组的社会指标体系、《中国现代化报告2001》评价指标体系;《中国可持续发展战略报告200177评价指标体系,最后简要分析了国内外现代化指标体系和标准对未来我国构建统一的现代化评价指标和标准的启示。  相似文献   

金融排斥问题是当前世界大多数国家面临的共同难题,要解决金融排斥问题首先必须对金融排斥的程度进行科学测算。文章借鉴联合国开发计划署编制的人类发展指数,构建了金融排斥指数的测度模型,确定了衡量金融排斥程度的金融服务的深度、金融服务的可得度、金融服务的使用度、金融服务的可负担度等四个维度和相应的评价指标体系,并基于省际数据和确定的金融排斥指数测度模型,对我国各省份的金融排斥程度进行了具体测度和分析。研究发现,我国各省区金融排斥程度普遍较重而且存在巨大差异。  相似文献   

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was formed in 1964 to ‘create a forum in which the more prosperous member countries [of the United Nations] would come under pressure to agree to measures benefiting the less-developed countries’. More specifically, its formation was ‘a deliberate effort to use international bureaucracy and conference diplomacy to alter current norms affecting trade and development’. UNCTAD's founding reflected the growth in membership of the United Nations of newly independent states. A large number of the e´lites of these new entities keenly felt the iniquity of the world order which had ushered in their formal statehood. UNCTAD and the later call for a ‘New International Economic Order’ (NIEO) therefore were rejoinders to problems encountered by developing countries as a result of the creation and operation of the Bretton Woods system.  相似文献   

Michael Mason 《Geopolitics》2014,19(4):806-828
Within the United Nations, the United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme and Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs have all highlighted climate risks as relevant to their work in areas affected by conflict, endorsing human security approaches as valid for mapping the relationships between climate stresses and conflict-related harm. While this policy interest has limited operational presence, I discuss salient assessments of climate vulnerability in (post)conflict areas, arguing that these agencies have applied a natural disaster rather than conflict regulation inflection of humanitarian reason. The former entails a biopolitical paradigm of disaster risk reduction, prescribing technical-managerial measures to build the resilience of vulnerable populations. This framing supports a depoliticised stance reflecting UN norms of neutrality and impartiality. I claim that this position nevertheless disregards its own geopolitical conditions and effects, which dilute the scope for international humanitarian law to assign responsibility for conflict-related harm.  相似文献   

Documents Selected from the Material Prepared for a United Nations Seminar Held in Rangoon from March 15th to March 26th. 1954
Under the Auspices of The Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East The United Nations Technical Assistance Administration The International Institute of Administrative Sciences The Seminar dealt with the Organization and Aministration of Public Enterprises in the Industrial Field. * )  相似文献   

This paper assesses the United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP) Gender-Related Development Index (GDI). Although the GDI has increased attention on gender equality in human development, it suffers from several limitations. A major problem is that it conflates relative gender equality with absolute levels of human development and thus gives no information on comparative gender inequality among countries. Using the same indicators as the GDI, the paper constructs a Relative Status of Women (RSW) index, which demonstrates how using a measure of gender equality that abstracts from levels of development results in very different country rankings. However, the RSW is not an ideal measure of gender inequality. The GDI indicators are not the most appropriate ones for measuring gender inequality and hence both the RSW and the GDI have limited validity. The paper concludes by offering a conceptual framework that provides the basis for an alternative measure of gender inequality.  相似文献   

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