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This study used computable general equilibrium (CGE) models to investigate the economic effects of three exogenous shocks to Alaska fisheries: (1) reduction in pollock allowable catch (TAC); (2) increase in fuel price; and (3) reduction in demand for seafood. Two different model versions, ‘Keynesian’ and ‘neoclassical’, were used to estimate impacts on endogenous output, employment, value added, and household income. By using a CGE model, this study overcomes the limitations of fixed-price models (such as input–output models) including (1) inability to calculate welfare effects due to fixed prices; and (2) difficulty of addressing supply-side shocks. There are currently few examples of CGE studies addressing fisheries issues appearing in the literature. Among those, this study is unique in that it uses a relatively disaggregated sector scheme and examines both supply-side and demand-side shocks.  相似文献   

This paper uses Kennan's (1988) model to separately identify supply-side and demand-side dynamics in US import data. Dynamics arise from both autocorrelated shocks to supply- and demand-side fundamentals, and from lagged adjustment to these shocks. The model consists of a pair of partial adjustment models in which consumers and producers each attempt to follow a stochastic target level of imports subject to a quadratic adjustment cost. The model is applied to quarterly data on US imports of seven narrowly defined commodities: Autos, Beer, Cameras, Wine, Cigars, Tea, and Soap. Two main results emerge. First, adjustment costs are important on both sides of the market. Second, supply-side adjustment costs are larger than demand-side adjustment costs. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a comparison of technical coefficient stability in demand-side and supply-side input-output models using a seven-sector aggregation of the 1947, 1958, 1963, 1967, 1972, and 1977 U.S. input-output tables. Sectoral and total output forecasts of the two models, generated with known final demand and value added figures from all subsequent tables, are compared to known output figures. Although the demand-side model performs somewhat better in terms of total output forecasts, the supply-side model provides better forecasts for a larger number of sectors. This analysis suggests that both models should be used in order to determine the extent to which an economy or a sector are demand- or supply-driven.  相似文献   

The paper studies empirically how relative supply and demand conditions on the capital market affected US firm-level investment over the business cycles from 1977 to 2011. A dynamic econometric specification of capital accumulation including sales growth, Tobin's q, the cash flow-capital ratio and the cost of capital as covariates is fitted by a rolling window System GMM estimator using quarterly data on publicly traded US corporations in order to obtain time-varying coefficients. We find that the investment effects of the variables capturing the demand-side of the capital market, i.e. sales growth and Tobin's q, behave counter-cyclically, whereas this does not hold for the investment effects of supply-side variables such as cash flow or the cost of capital. Our results suggest that investment was typically driven by adverse demand rather than supply conditions on the capital market during the most severe recessions.  相似文献   

根据新供给经济学的观点,刺激经济发展最有效的手段是减税降费,因为减税降费不仅可以使企业降低成本、增加利润,进而扩大生产规模和投资科技创新领域,而且可以增加员工收入,提高员工积极性,使其更好地投入生产,这与供给侧结构性改革侧重于对生产者的激励不谋而合。中国经济进入新常态后,出现了如产业结构不合理、创新能力不强等问题,而需求侧宏观经济政策不能解决这些问题。基于此,论文就供给侧结构性减税降费进行了思考。  相似文献   

Britain has experienced a dramatic relative deterioration in workforce quality and productivity. This is seen as a central element in national economic decline. Current analysis assumes that this is essentially a supply-side problem. Here it is argued that deficiencies in demand have been more important in preventing the emergence of a better-trained and more productive workforce. The re-emphasis on demand-side failure has implications for analysis and policy at macro and micro levels.  相似文献   

高慧 《价值工程》2010,29(26):144-144
"中国有一千万人喜欢看FLASH,有七,八十万人喜欢做FLASH"这样的数字已经表明,一个有着大量需方和供方的市场已经形成了。只有课程内容设置与职业岗位能力要求相对应,才能为社会培养适销对路的符合市场需求的高级平面动画制作职业技术人才。本文借鉴德国职业教育先进思想,提出了基于工作过程系统化的《Flash动画制作》课程开发的理念、思路和实践等问题。  相似文献   

Exports have long been assumed by many to be the most important variable in driving regional growth, although factors such as government expenditure, investment demand, and remittances, among others, have also been recognized as significant. In addition, supply-side constraints to the promotion of regional growth and development have recently received increased attention in the literature. This paper evaluates the relative importance of exports, investment demand, and remittances, as well as supply-constrained agricultural production, in determining levels of regional output, value added, and household income in a single region in Kenya. The analysis is based on a mixed endogenous/ exogenous model derived from a social accounting matrix (SAM) which allows for incorporation of both demand and supply-side considerations. The paper finds that exports are, in fact, the most important factor in explaining regional output and wage income in the region studied, although not overwhelmingly so. In addition, the analysis demonstrates the importance of supply-constrained agricultural production as a determinant of income at the household level.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the formation of cities has been explained by such supply-side phenomena as scale economies in production or such demand-side phenomena as public goods. This paper presents an integrated demand and supply approach to the formation of cities in spatial economy. Demand considerations, in the form of consumer agglomeration economies (i.e., product variety), are presented as a major cause of urban agglomeration. On the supply side, scale economies are introduced. Both aspects are examined by using the Dixit-Stiglitz model of monopolistic competition to characterize the equilibrium and optimum city size. We also discuss a subsidy scheme that produces an equilibrium city size corresponding to a first-best optimum. Then we analyze the distribution of population in a system of two cities.  相似文献   

We present a multi-region input–output (MRIO) model of the University of Sydney embedded in the Australian economy, which forms the centrepiece of a new data-driven framework for strategic forecasting and planning of the University's financial operations. This framework incorporates both Leontief's well-known demand-pull, as well as Ghosh's supply-push exercise. It is therefore able to estimate the immediate financial implications for the University, and the economy-wide flow-on effects, for example as a result of changes in demand for courses by students, or as a result of supply-side changes such as wage increases. We report on recent scenario studies on the financial performance of the teaching and research functions of the University, and the lessons learned for management practice.  相似文献   

A key issue in health care reform is the need to contain the inflation rate of the CPI for health care services without substantially reducing the quality of health care. Althought the previous literature has widely debated the causes of increasing inflation in the CPI for health care services, very little has been done to empirically test these arguments. We use an econometric framework that allows us to expressly examine the determinants of the inflation rate of the CPI for health care services. The data cover the period from 1960–1994. The main results provide empirical verification for many of the demand-side and supply-side theories of the inflation rate of the CPI for health care services that have been widely discussed in the literature.  相似文献   

The low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) was originated in conjunction with the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA 86) to provide incentives for private sector production of low-income housing. In this note we examine whether these units have added to the existing stock or merely substituted for unsubsidized units that otherwise would have been built. We explicitly control for effects of the number of other supply-side (e.g., public housing, Section 8 New Construction, Section 236 housing) and demand-side (vouchers and Section 8 Certificates) subsidies. From estimations of a simple cross-state model of the determinants of the stock of housing per 1000 population, we find no significant relationship between the number of LIHTC units (and other subsidized units) built in a given state and the size of the current housing stock, suggesting a high rate of substitution. However, our test is not sufficiently powerful to reject some alternative null hypotheses that suggest a lower rate of substitution, and we make some suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

加大保障性安居工程财政补贴支持力度,确保财政补贴的高效运行成为推进安居工程建设的关键。依据住房供给弹性和住房过滤理论,从经济学角度分析了供方补贴和需方补贴的实施效率。基于不同城市的住房市场差异,考察我国11个典型城市的住房供给弹性和住房过滤,在识别本地区住房市场特性的基础上探讨适宜采取的补贴方式。研究表明,不同城市由于住房供给弹性和过滤情况的不同,保障性住房财政补贴的效率存在显著差异,采取合适的保障房补贴方式,能够优化资源配置,打破财政压力对推进保障房工作的限制。  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper is a survey of the existing research on structural change at various levels of aggregation with a special focus on the relation to productivity and technological change. The exposition covers the research concerning the development of the three main sectors of the private economy, multisector growth models and recent evolutionary theories of structural change. Empirical studies of the reallocation of market or sector shares as a result of differential productivity developments are also discussed. The synthesis emphasizes the crucial interaction of supply- and demand-side forces in shaping structural change.  相似文献   

Using an extensive, time-series, cross-sectional data-set of actively traded Indian stocks with up to 1.75 million firm-day observations, we discern the key determinants of commonality in liquidity among emerging markets. The paper shows evidence for both supply-side and demand-side factors contributing to liquidity commonality. However, the results are more supportive towards supply-side rationale for liquidity commonality among the firms where regulators and banks play an important source of commonality in liquidity, especially during market turmoil. Results are partially driven by the fact that the Indian stick exchange is an order-driven market. Economic activities like cheap exports and undervalued currency, rather than correlated trading by the institutional investors determine the demand for liquidity. These findings endorse the effect of high firm value, market return, liquidity, volatility, turnover, and alternate proxies of commonality in liquidity estimation.  相似文献   

Drawing on the literature pertaining to the role universities play in promoting technology transfer, this paper develops an insightful conceptualization of spin-off processes, and applies it to a current regional case study. The suggested typology of university spin-off/start-up firms is based on several variables, including the type of university sponsorship, university involvement in firm formation, the character of knowledge applied, and co-localization of the founders. The empirical case study is used to demonstrate the usefulness of this approach in analyzing spin-off firms, and their dynamics. The study is based on interviews conducted with university spin-offs/start-ups in the information technology (IT) sector located in the Kitchener and Guelph metropolitan areas. This region, which is home to the University of Waterloo – one of Canada’s premier science and technology universities – has experienced an impetus of spin-off processes originating from university research dating back to the 1970s.The results of our analysis expose several trends: Sponsored spin-offs are largely the result of particular university research projects, and apply specific knowledge inputs in the development of their initial core technology. Unsponsored spin-offs, which find their foundation in decentralized idea development outside of the university setting, almost entirely rely on generic broad knowledge bases for the development of innovative products and services, which have enabled the firm-formation process. Overall, it is surprising that even firms that have received some form of university support described the role the University of Waterloo had in their start-up process as marginal. The dynamic research approach applied in this study, which outlines the university’s changing role over time and the regional dynamics associated with spin-off firms, further demonstrates the potential of our typology. As such, our typology of university-related start-up/spin-off firms is designed to support studies concerned with the wider impact of universities on technology transfer and regional development.  相似文献   

Barclay M. Hudson 《Socio》1974,8(4):181-194
The paper describes five economic linkages by which a university might promote regional development. Both theory and empirical evidence are considered In general, the benefits of a university are found to dissipate too quickly outside of a local region to have very decisive local effects; however, there are exceptions which suggest ways to make the university a more powerful agent of regional development. Major attention is given to the possibility of enhancing the ‘amenity’ effects and the ‘expenditure’ effects of a university. Basic issues of cause-and-effect are also reviewed in light of their policy implications.  相似文献   

This paper develops a rational expectations framework for interpreting the coefficient on age in a standard hedonic model. The model demonstrates that there are two components to the age coefficient: a pure cross-sectional depreciation component and a demand-side component that changes over time. We also show that a constant quality price index with age constant can be estimated by using any repeat sales database that contains the year of construction (or property age). When Fairfax County data are fitted to the model, the time series of age coefficients is non-stationary: they change from negative in the early 1980s to positive in the late 1980s; we infer that the demand-side component dominated in the latter period.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on how the evolving roles of a university and its Technology Transfer Office (TTO) are stimulating academic entrepreneurship in a non-mature entrepreneurial ecosystem. A more mature entrepreneurial ecosystem was built gradually by these actors through their progressive creation of innovation intermediaries and coordination among the local players involved in the creation of start-ups. We analyse how the university became a hub organisation. We use the case of the University of Strasbourg to show that the university contributed to the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem by acting as a boundary spanner and by building and orchestrating the network of the stakeholders in the local system of innovation. This ‘hub’ university became a leading regional organisation at the political level. The TTO played a central role in supporting academic entrepreneurship at the operational level based on its evolution from a revenue maximising model to a model that takes account of social and economic regional development. The progressive adoption of a more selective model of start-up creation requires good coordination among the local actors. Over time, the TTO’s boundary spanning function increased to encompass the development of operational network building and orchestrating functions.  相似文献   

Abstract Social welfare programs in the USA are designed to serve as safety nets for people in hard times, in contrast with the universal approach found in many other developed western nations. In a survey of cliometric studies of social welfare programs in the USA, we examine the variation in the safety net in the USA across states in the 20th century, the determinants of the variation and its impact on socioeconomic outcomes. The USA has always displayed substantial variation in the extent of the safety net because the features of most public social welfare programs have been and currently are determined by local and state governments, even after the federal government became involved in the 1930s. Differences across states persist strongly for typically a decade, although the persistence weakens with time, and there are some periods when federal intervention led to a re‐ordering. The rankings of state benefits differ from program to program, and economic and political factors have different weights in determining benefit levels in panel data estimation of their effects. Variation in benefits across programs during the early 1900s had significant impact on labour markets, economic activity, family formation, death rates and crime.  相似文献   

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