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乡村旅游者旅游动机研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
不同的乡村旅游者的旅游动机是有差异的。乡村旅游动机由主到次可归结为"缓解压力"、"交际"、"求知"和"怀旧"四大类。必须对乡村旅游者的旅游动机进行研究,这样对指导乡村旅游产品开发和完善乡村旅游服务体系是具有重要意义的。  相似文献   

本文从心理学角度分析旅游动机的产生,阐述了旅游动机的多样性、复杂性、交叉性、周期性等特征,在此基础上论述了旅游动机对旅游购物行为有激发、维持、调整、评价作用,然后再结合旅游购物行为特点分析了对旅游者求补偿、求解脱和求平衡三种最基本心理的满足程度.  相似文献   

《对民族旅游者的认识》一文中,研究者采用实证研究法以旅游者视角对民族旅游者的特性、旅游动机等问题进行了剖析,并通过旅游者的出游动机这一辨别因素将民族旅游者分成了四种类型,在研究人员列举出的8种民族旅游动机中,而受访者选择最多的动机因素是去感受淳朴的民风民俗。通过阅读思考,围绕旅游者希望得到的"淳朴体验"还是研究者所研究的"原真性文化"——这一问题展开了分析研究并提出相应建议。  相似文献   

女性旅游者是一个潜力很大的市场,旅游企业只有了解女性游客独特的心理特征,才能提供出对路的旅游产品和服务。对于女性旅游者市场,我们也有必要去进一步开发与探索。本文在分析女性旅游者普遍的消费心理和类型的基础上,提出对女性旅游者营销策略的建议。  相似文献   

郴州市国内旅游者行为特征初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄静波  徐飞雄 《商业研究》2006,(17):176-179
利用实地问卷调查数据,分析郴州市国内旅游者人口学特征、国内旅游者空间分布特征、旅游者动机和行为。研究郴州市国内旅游者特征及行为,可为郴州开发旅游产品,规划旅游设施,制定市场营销策略和旅游服务质量标准,提供决策依据。  相似文献   

徐娥 《江苏商论》2010,(2):89-90
本文分析了盐城海滨湿地国内旅游者客源地空间分布状况,从旅游者旅游动机、旅游消费和逗留时间、出行方式等特征出发,阐述了盐城海滨国内旅游客源的结构特点,揭示出不同类别旅游者在逗留时间、旅游消费等方面的行为特征规律,并就盐城海滨湿地如何开拓国内客源市场,促进旅游业可持续发展提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

通过对西安市不同家庭类型旅游者的问卷调查和访谈,借助对比分析的方法从信息来源、出游动机、出游方式、出游时间和频率、目的地选择、旅游项目选择,以及限制不同家庭结构旅游者出游的影响因素等方面,研究了单身、夫妻二人、核心和延续等四种家庭结构的旅游者旅游决策行为特征及规律。分析得出,家人结伴游已成为城市居民普遍选择的出游方式,而在家庭旅游决策制定中,不同类型家庭的决策行为呈现出不同的特点。  相似文献   

滨海旅游目的地选择行为比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对旅游者和潜在旅游者滨海目的地选择影响因素及选择行为进行大规模问卷调查发现,虽然不同性别、年龄、受教育程度、收入、组别的受访者对滨海旅游目的地选择影响因素中多个指标的看法存在显著差异,但受访者组别(潜在旅游者、旅游者)是造成差异的主要原因;在选择滨海旅游目的地时,旅游者更重视旅游体验,而潜在旅游者更关注旅游目的地形象。  相似文献   

通过分析旅游者的心理行为对旅游景区所造成的正、负面影响,从调节供给和调节需求两方面系统地提出了解决旅游者行为对旅游景区造成负面影响的对策。  相似文献   

近年来,随着新疆旅游扶持政策的出台、私家车数量的增多,以及交通条件的改善,新疆自驾车旅游业逐步发展起来。然而,由于对市场需求缺乏了解,对自驾游旅游者的动机与行为研究不足,自驾游的发展缺乏指导,自驾车旅游产品开发滞后。本文通过问卷调查对乌鲁木齐自驾车旅游者的旅游动机及行为特征进行研究。研究归纳了乌鲁木齐自驾车旅游者在出游距离、频次、时间、信息获取渠道等方面的特征,并发现了自驾游旅游产品和服务存在的问题。基于此,提出乌鲁木齐自驾车旅游产品开发的建议。  相似文献   

以往关于乡村旅游意向的研究,关注点较多为旅游者自身的特点,忽视了旅游者与乡村人员之间的关系可能发挥的作用。文章引入社会资本为前因变量、心理距离为中介变量,通过调研探讨了后疫情时代城市居民的乡村旅游意向。首先,关系信任与共同愿景会降低城市居民的心理距离,进而提高其乡村旅游意向,而交互联结的影响并不显著;其次,心理距离对乡村旅游意向具有显著的负向影响;最后,心理距离在关系信任和共同愿景与乡村旅游意向之间发挥中介作用。文章是首次将社会资本三个维度运用到我国乡村旅游现象中的实证研究,研究结论可以帮助后疫情时代乡村了解和运用社会资本,重视心理距离的影响,制定更加灵活有效的乡村旅游发展策略。  相似文献   


Natural and cultural tourism are the two main motivations for international tourists. The country of Italy is recognized for both of these dimensions. To fully understand the tourism characteristics of this geographically diverse and historically rich land, we compare 20 regions of Italy and identify major natural, cultural, and dual (both natural and cultural) tourist attractions as well as the number of tourists across these 20 regions. As far as we know, it is the first study of its kind to analyze tourism in Italy at the regional level. The findings of this research reveal four distinct clusters based on the regions resulting from “high versus low number of attractions” by “high versus low number of tourists.” We also analyzed secondary data on region-wise tourist-nights using discriminant analysis. The results showed that the dual (both cultural and natural) attraction sites are the most important in explaining differences in tourism across the different regions of Italy. We discuss implications of the results for global tourism marketing.  相似文献   

陶然 《江苏商论》2021,(2):72-74
厘清入境旅游发展过程中游客的负面感知情况,有助于针对性解决入境旅游市场增长缓慢、游客结构失衡等问题.本文选取苏州作为案例地,搜集入境游客的网络点评和游记,并运用扎根理论的方法进行分析,归纳出苏州入境旅游负面感知评价包括:传播形象不鲜明,核心吸引力不足,旅游服务质量不高,国际化旅游环境氛围欠缺4个核心范畴,且入境游客负面...  相似文献   

旅游偏好和旅游行为研究——以丝绸之路入境游客为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以丝绸之路沿线旅游热点城市入境游客市场调查为基础,以入境游客的个人特征、出游选择与偏好等作为调查的主要内容,对丝绸之路地区国际旅游游客旅游选择偏好和行为决策模式进行分析和研究,有助于促进丝绸之路旅游目的地更加合理的市场细分和具有针对性的市场策略.  相似文献   

随着国际旅游的迅速发展,入境旅游影响因素成为旅游界关注的热点问题.一般来说,影响国际间旅游的因素主要包括汇率、国家间相对物价水平以及人均 GDP等.通过选取2002—2011年的月度数据,采用广义最小二乘回归法分析上述因素对韩国游客来华的影响程度,结果表明大部分系数均通过了显著性检验  相似文献   

One popular tourism promotional medium available to tourism destination marketing organizations is destination-specific travel information packages made available to potential visitors upon request. This paper discusses the importance of the tourist-directed information package as a promotional tool. The findings of this study indicate significant differences between information-seeking tourists and non-information-seeking tourists with regard to their socio-economic and vacation travel characteristics.  相似文献   

Pre-leisure trip planning is often lengthy, and its consideration shifts from fantasy to reality. Using overseas international cities as the destination, and through destination image attributes, this paper uses construal level theory and temporal psychological distance to understand the dynamics behind this shift. The shift is, by and large, as predicted by construal level theory. This study shows that tourists are consistently concerned about certain attributes as the shift unfolds. It is recognized that although tourism is dream packed, it is filled with risks and constraints. The shift also reflects tourists’ increasing needs to address practical issues and to fill their itinerary as a trip approaches. This study proposes that the destination information provision service offered by DMOs have to address the needs for tourists to ‘dream’ about a destination, allay their concerns, and help them schedule their itinerary at various phases of the pre-trip planning stage.  相似文献   

As nature-based tourism has recognized the seriousness of environmental issues, tourists’ pro-environmental behaviors have gained the attention of scholars and practitioners. However, previous empirical studies have not considered motivational factors and destination-related constructs within the tourism context. With the data collected from nature-based tourists, the findings of this study reveal the significant association between personal values and motivations and the significant impact of anticipated positive affect on pro-environmental behavior among nature-based tourists. Also, the findings address that the impact of empathetic concern on pro-environmental behavior is moderated by a level of place attachment to a nature-based destination.  相似文献   

Travel motivation is prevalent in the tourism literature. Very few studies however have examined travel deterrents to visiting popular destinations. This study approaches from travel motivation understand why tourists do not visit regional destinations and from tourists’ background to identify who do not visit these destinations with a focus on well-known regional destinations in Australia. The results show that convenience to the destinations, timing, motivation and tourist attractions are the major deterrents, and the level of these deterrents is dependent upon some of the demographic background of tourists. The findings and implications conclude this paper.  相似文献   

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