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有效质量管理是企业在最高管理者直接领导下,以质量为中心,以全员参与为基础,以长期让顾客满意、让本企业成员及社会受益为目的的,因情况制宜的质量管理方法。 有效质量管理要求企业奉行真正的“顾客至上”,顾客的需要是企业产品标准的主要依据,向顾客提供满意的产品和服务是企业的质量宗旨。  相似文献   

随着家电市场竞争的日益激烈,顾客流失较为普遍,顾客的维度减弱已成为家电制造企业生存和发展中的最大困惑。产品质量缺陷、顾客对售后服务不满意、竞争对手夺走顾客、与顾客缺乏沟通是主要成因。有效防止顾客流失,企业应加快从"以产品为核心"向"以顾客为中心"转变,采取积极建立顾客档案、实施全面质量管理、提高服务质量、对顾客进行关联管理等有效措施,增强企业对顾客的维系度,降低顾客流失风险,提升市场竞争力。  相似文献   

全面质量管理将人们对质量管理的认识提升到了一个新的高度。全面质量管理是对传统质量管理的继承与创新,其特点主要体现在参与人员的全面性、过程的全面性、范围的全面性和方法的全面性等方面。对于一个企业来说,技术创新和管理创新就是质量创新,企业进行质量管理,是为了使产品更能够满足顾客需要,为顾客提供更大的质量利益,从而为自己赚取更多的利润,而技术创新和管理创新的目的,最终要体现在提高质量,增加效益之上。企业应当继续树立全面创新的意识,不断强化创新理念,打造属于自己的质量文化,做到质量强企。  相似文献   

现代企业要具有能够持续地比其他企业更有效地向市场提供产品或服务,并获得赢利和自身发展的综合素质,必须认真贯彻执行质量管理体系、以顾客为中心、技术创新、持续改进、提升人员素质、弘扬企业文化。对本企业施行全面质量管理,提升产品质量,这将是立于市场竞争不败之地的有力保证。  相似文献   

基于顾客生涯价值的品牌管理思路   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
品牌发展战略的本质就是向顾客提供价值。促使品牌可持续发展的驱动力显然是品牌的长期盈利能力,它来源于顾客对品牌的长期贡献——顾客生涯价值。从总体思路来看,提升顾客生涯价值的品牌管理工作包含一个中心两个支撑点,即以顾客为中心、以全面质量管理(TQM)和顾客关系管理(CRM)为支撑点。  相似文献   

顾客是企业经营的核心,在顾客经济时代,顾客资产对企业价值创造的贡献作用日益凸显,将顾客资产作为企业战略资产进行管理,对顾客资产质量进行评价,可以帮助企业更加高效的管理顾客资产这项战略资源,在顾客资产方面形成持久的竞争优势,提升企业核心竞争力,满足企业长期良好发展的需要。研究顾客资产的质量,把握顾客资产质量特征,对顾客资产进行客观分析与评价,可以为企业顾客资产的管理提供决策支持,最优化企业顾客资产,最大化企业价值。对于企业而言,顾客资产质量的评价基于对顾客资产信息的详细记录。我国企业目前电子化信息建设尚不完善,这为企业准确评价顾客资产质量,加强顾客资产管理造成了难以逾越的障碍。  相似文献   

全面预算管理是全面提升企业管理水平、管理质量和持续发展的能力重要环节之一。但是当前很多集团企业存在对于预算工作认识不够、预算编制与经营管理脱节、预算执行与考核力度不足等问题。文章通过对集团企业全面预算管理中存在的问题进行分析,并针对性地提出以战略为导向进行编制预算、进行合理绩效评价等优化方法,以期为全面提升企业价值提供支持和参考。  相似文献   

由于顾客对质量需求呈现出多样性,尤其对产品服务越来越重视。因此,企业在市场竞争中必须为顾客提供一条“满意链”,顾客满意是企业质量改进的思想基础,而质量改进是动态的和持续性的。本文分析了感动服务的出现的原因及感动服务的特征要求,并探讨了利用连续质量改进的方法,实施感动服务,把质量管理从满意服务提升到感动服务这一层次,以适应现代社会发展的要求,为企业提升质量管理做些参考。  相似文献   

如果说JIT(及时生产)和TQM(全面质量管理)等概念是上个世纪80年代管理理论与实践的主旋律的话,BPR(Business ProcessReengineering,业务流程重组)则无可争辩地成为上个世纪90年代以来企业管理最热门的话题之一。基于以“3C”(顾客、竞争和变化)为特征的  相似文献   

<正> 在市场竞争中,对企业来讲,顾客忠诚度管理已成为企业营销管理的一个重要组成部分,因此,企业管理人员应在全面了解顾客忠诚度与顾客满意度的关系的基础上实施顾客忠诚度管理,努力培养忠诚的顾客。 一、顾客忠诚度与顾客满意度 顾客忠诚度表现为顾客的一种行  相似文献   

The emphasis on quality in most organizations has called for an evaluation of the role of each department or functional area in creating a TQM system. This article discusses the basic TQM philosophy, principles, implementation steps and the specific role of marketing personnel in implementing a TQM system including: defining quality from a customer perspective, marketing quality internally to marketing and non-marketing personnel, aligning promotion and distribution systems to deliver quality, and assessing quality satisfaction among customers.  相似文献   

基于优质客户盈利能力的客户保持策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今的客户管理已经不再仅仅局限于树立"客户是上帝"的传统观念,客户也有可能成为"魔鬼",给企业带来坏账、诉讼等,导致企业经济利益流失,单纯地扩大市场份额并不一定能够确保持久的竞争优势.为更好地实现企业价值,现代企业应通过分析客户盈利率来寻找优质客户,通过理解并响应客户的需求和愿望、提升质量与品牌形象、进行感情投资及忠诚营销计划等来维系优质客户.  相似文献   

CRM:企业营销管理的新策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在激烈的市场竞争中,越来越多的企业开始通过实施客户关系管理(CRM)来赢得更多的客户并且提高客户的忠诚度。本文认为,客户关系管理(CRM)作为企业营销管理的新策略,其目的在于建立一个系统,使企业在客户服务、市场竞争、销售和支持等各方面形成全新的关系实体,为企业带来长久的竞争优势,一方面通过优质服务吸引和保持更多的客户;另一方面通过对企业业务流程的全面管理降低企业成本。CRM与ERP(企业资源规划)、SCM(供应链管理)一起,已成为现代企业提高竞争力的三大法宝。  相似文献   

基于客户需求的供应链物流服务质量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于客户需求的物流服务是供应链物流服务质量管理的核心,具有可得性、经济性、时间性和可靠性等特点,其内涵在基本物流服务系统、物流运作绩效、客户认同的物流服务质量等三个方面中有所体现。企业要持续长久地赢得客户满意,必须从整体上建立令客户满意的物流服务运作体系,建立完善的物流服务质量系统,充分认识和把握物流服务质量的显著特点和基本内涵,从满足客户需求出发,为客户提供价廉质优的物流服务。  相似文献   

Many academics and practitioners have alluded to the importance of total quality management (TQM) principles and the important role the purchasing function plays in the quality process. However, the role of the buyer–supplier relationship in the TQM process has not been directly investigated to any large extent. Three hypotheses concerning the role of buyer–supplier relationships in the success of TQM implementation were tested. The results demonstrate that buyer–supplier relationships are different in firms with successful TQM programs. Hypothesis 1 suggests that those firms with successful TQM programs will have more formal mechanisms for interacting with suppliers. The second hypothesis suggests that business units with more successful TQM programs exhibit a greater degree of competitive focus and single sourcing. The third hypothesis relates to a higher level understanding of internal and external customer needs by successful TQM adopters. All hypotheses were supported. The buyer–supplier relationships in firms with successful TQM programs are different than firms with less successful TQM programs.  相似文献   

不断改进质量 赢得顾客满意   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙金红 《商业研究》2003,(16):103-104
在激烈的市场竞争中处于领先地位的企业 ,都是各行业领域中的质量先驱。由于顾客对质量需求呈现出多样性 ,因此 ,企业在市场竞争中必须为顾客提供一条“满意链” ,在这条“顾客满意链”上 ,顾客对产品使用价值的满意 ,顾客对产品附加价值的满意 ,顾客对企业服务的满意和顾客对产品的社会性满意是“链节”。顾客满意是企业质量改进的思想基础 ,质量改进是动态的和持续性的。处处站在顾客的立场上 ,使顾客满意的工作贯穿于产品质量形成的全过程 ,是当今全面质量管理思想的新扩展。质量改进是一个不断发展的概念 ,与传统质量改进相比 ,现代质量改进的思想内涵在于突出强调质量改进的持续性 ,并把持续改进确定为企业的一个恒久目标  相似文献   

全面质量管理(TQM)作为供应链管理(SCM)质量的关键成功因素,越来越引起业界重视。从信息技术和绩效衡量两个维度来探讨TQM提升供应链稳定性的方法,并以美国汽车业的成功案例进行说明。  相似文献   

This study seeks to examine the relationship between TQM social and technical factors and their effects on organizational results, and takes the EFQM model as a reference. Moreover, through structural equation modeling (Partial Least Squares), the study hypothesizes and tests a mediation model between social factors, technical factors and overall results. The study uses a sample of 116 Spanish firms undergoing complete assessment processes according to RADAR logic. The results show that: (1) an open, flexible and continuous improvement oriented culture, a committed and involved leadership, and efficient management of human resources (TQM social factors) exert a direct and significant impact on the effectiveness of the quality system deployed (TQM technical factors) and on the results; (2) the management and improvement of processes, the alliances with suppliers and other partners, and the management of resources (TQM technical factors) also directly influence results; moreover, (3) this variable partially mediates the effect of social TQM practices on organizational results.  相似文献   

Total quality management (TQM) has become a basic business practice in organizations throughout the world. Implementation of TQM in these organizations has been driven by the desire to increase profits in the highly competitive business world. Total quality management techniques are designed to improve performance.Concurrently, organizations are striving to eradicate the concept that the termbusiness ethics is an oxymoron. Corporate codes of conduct have been developed to indicate the outside boundaries of acceptable organizational behavior and companies are espousing and enforcing the ideals contained within these codes.It is our contention that these two business trends are intimately related. TQM encompasses concepts and practices that are in the best organizational interest for all stakeholders. Additionally, TQM promotes activities that encourage high moral behavior. To support this notion, consider the following six important concepts that provide a foundation for TQM:Empowerment of employees Throughput that is prompt and without defects Helpfulness of managers and employees in task accomplishment Integrity of products, services and people Change in process and behavior Stakeholder emphasis (stockholders, customers, and equity)Viewed in the above form, TQM is simply good ethics put into practice. Cecily Raiborn is a Professor of Accounting at Loyola University. Her teaching and research interests include managerial accounting, cost accounting, business ethics, and international business. She has published articles in the Journal of Business Ethics,the Labor Law Journal,the Journal of Corporate Accounting and Financeand Management Accounting.She is the author of two accounting books: Cost Accountingand Managerial Accounting.She is heavily involved in professional and student organizations. Dinah Payne is an Associate Professor of Management at the University of New Orleans. Her teaching and research interests include business ethics, the legal environment of business, international business and international management: She has published articles in the Journal of Business Ethics,the Labor Law Journal,the Journal of Managerial Issuesand Management Accounting.She is the Secretary/Treasurer of the Southern Academy of Legal Studies in Business.  相似文献   

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