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企业社会责任受到越来越多的关注,本文以构建的企业承担社会责任贡献的指标体系分析了浙江民营企业上市公司对于企业社会责任信息的披露状况,实证研究了浙江民营企业上市公司的股票市场对社会责任信息的反映程度。本实证研究具有一定的理论和实际意义。 相似文献
目前,我国企业面临着资源、就业、环境、产品质量等社会问题,并日趋严峻,从而使得企业社会责任问题越来越受到社会各界人士的关注和重视。选取我国沪市上市公司中具有代表性的电子行业,食品饮料行业以及石化塑行业作为样本,揭示在社会责任信息披露上的现状和特点,并指出我国沪市上市公司企业社会责任信息披露中存在的问题,针对性的提出一些建议,从社会责任信息披露的外部环境以及内部环境着手改进社会责任信息披露体系。 相似文献
企业社会责任问题受到我国社会各界越来越多的关注。投资者以及其他信息需求者要通过企业的公开资料了解企业的社会责任活动信息,因此,探讨哪些因素会影响企业披露社会责任信息就很重要。 相似文献
随着市场竞争的日益剧烈,现代公司正日益朝着规模化、大型化发展,众多中小股东也只能将公司的经营管理权让于公司高级管理层。出于个体自利本质的驱动,公司的管理层可能弃公司其他利害关系人的利益于不顾,片面追求自己的私利,如随意增加自己的薪金、职务消费,随意克扣职工工资,侵害职工利益等。由此必然带来公司社会责任信息披露的不真实、不完整等弊端。为此,文章将对目前我国上市公司社会责任信息披露现状进行研究。 相似文献
企业社会责任信息披露质量一直备受各界人士的关注,其与企业价值之间的关系是正相关、负相关、还是不相关,目前研究并没有达成一致的结论。一方面是源于研究思维尚未形成一个完整的逻辑体系。研究视角的不同也会导致两者关系迥异。另一方面在于研究的内生性问题和数据的非完整性。未来的研究可以从完善系统框架开始,讨论了其他学科的融合,从全职的角度关注企业社会责任信息披露质量的路径,企业价值的功能和改进测量方法为特定的情况。并针对具体情况改进计量的方法。 相似文献
随着社会发展的需要,企业作为社会发展的重要部分,社会责任信息的披露也越来越多的受到人们的关注。履行社会责任为企业得到更好的经济效益打下了基础,企业要快速发展就必须承担相应的社会责任,对社会责任信息进行披露。本文就企业社会责任信息的披露进行探究。 相似文献
许铭原 《商讯商业经济文荟》2022,(7):101-104
生态文明建设是国家战略布局的重要内容,“碳达峰”和“碳中和”目标的提出再一次强调了生态文明建设的重要性。文章以2016-2020年采矿业企业发布的社会责任报告为样本,从形式、数量、质量三方面对其进行分析;通过研究发现,采矿业企业社会责任信息披露的形式具有多样性、年度披露数量具有平衡性、发布次数具有随意性、披露内容缺乏完整性以及报告的可靠性不足;进而提出提高采矿业企业社会责任信息披露质量的建议,即完善企业内部治理、增加披露事故信息、加强政府政策监督。 相似文献
企业社会责任负面信息是企业在履行消费者、员工、债权人、社区、政府、环境等社会责任活动方面的坏消息,由于存在股权结构和经济结构等方面的问题,企业在逐利本性的驱使下,企业管理者披露企业社会责任负面信息的意识淡薄,再加上受传统文化的影响以及法规不健全、标准不统一等因素,企业在披露社会责任负面信息方面存在许多不规范之处,应完善公司治理结构,提高企业社会责任负面信息披露意识,完善相关法律法规、建立统一的信息披露规范. 相似文献
Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Ratings by Spanish Listed Firms 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Carmelo Reverte 《Journal of Business Ethics》2009,88(2):351-366
The aim of this paper is to analyze whether a number of firm and industry characteristics, as well as media exposure, are
potential determinants of corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure practices by Spanish listed firms. Empirical studies
have shown that CSR disclosure activism varies across companies, industries, and time (Gray et al., Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
8(2), 47–77, 1995; Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
28(3/4), 327–356, 2001; Hackston and Milne, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
9(1), 77–108, 1996; Cormier and Magnan, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting
1(2), 171–195, 2003; Cormier et al., European Accounting Review
14(1), 3–39, 2005), which is usually justified by reference to several theoretical constructs, such as the legitimacy, stakeholder,
and agency theories. Our findings evidence that firms with higher CSR ratings present a statistically significant larger size
and a higher media exposure, and belong to more environmentally sensitive industries, as compared to firms with lower CSR
ratings. However, neither profitability nor leverage seem to explain differences in CSR disclosure practices between Spanish
listed firms. The most influential variable for explaining firms’ variation in CSR ratings is media exposure, followed by
size and industry. Therefore, it seems that the legitimacy theory, as captured by those variables related to public or social
visibility, is the most relevant theory for explaining CSR disclosure practices of Spanish listed firms. 相似文献
民营企业社会责任的推进对策 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
目前,民营企业普遍存在缺乏社会责任问题,社会上要求民营企业履行社会责任的呼声越来越高。许多民营企业家对履行社会责任的呼声怀有怨言和抵触情绪,对履行社会责任的认识存在误区。因此,只有通过一系列的政策措施,增强民营企业的社会责任意识。 相似文献
随着企业社会责任理念在中国的广泛传播,作为我国综合运输体系的重要组成部分的航空运输企业,其社会责任状况引起了公众越来越多的关注。航空企业承担社会责任,既是企业发展的战略选择,也是推动和谐社会建设的方式。本文就航空企业的社会责任内涵进行深入剖析,重点论述近年来我国航空运输公司社会责任实践状况,并依据企业在社会责任承担上的不足提出针对性的建议,以推动我国航空企业社会责任实践的进一步发展。 相似文献
Mohammad I. Azim Shaila Ahmed Md. Shahidul Islam 《Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business》2013,14(2):130-145
This article presents an empirical investigation into the corporate social reporting practices of listed companies from Bangladesh, where corporate social reporting is a matter of voluntary disclosure. Analysis of annual reports published in 2007 reveals that only 15.45% of listed companies made such disclosures. This article presents an extensive survey of the contents, form, nature, and extent of corporate social reporting practices of listed companies. Analysis over a wide range of industries reveals that companies in the banking sector secure the highest rank in terms of corporate social reporting; three fourths of all disclosures are generalized qualitative statements without any attempt at attestation; more than one half of the disclosures are located in the director's report; and the mean amount of disclosures was less than half a page. 相似文献
企业对各利益相关者承担着不同责任,在相应的社会责任会计信息披露中表现出差异。本文从直接利益群体责任、政府责任、弱势与公益群体责任和环境责任四个层面构建社会责任会计信息披露指标体系,以沪深两市的农业上市公司为样本,运用因子分析法和聚类分析法对农业上市公司社会责任会计信息披露水平进行评价。结果表明:除了国家强制履行的政府责任会计信息披露水平普遍比较高外,其他由企业自愿履行的各类社会责任会计信息披露水平都很低,从而导致农业上市公司社会责任会计信息披露总体水平都比较低。 相似文献
This paper examines the association between long-term compensation and corporate social responsibility (CSR) for 90 publicly traded Canadian firms. Social responsibility is considered to include concerns for social factors and the environment (e.g. Johnson, R. and D. Greening: 1999, Academy of Management Journal 42(5), 564-578; Kane, E. J. (2002, Journal of Banking and Finance 26:, 1919-1933; McGuire, J. et al. 2003, Journal of Business Ethics 45 (4), 341-359). Long-term compensation attempts to focus executives efforts on optimizing the longer term, which should direct their attention to factors traditionally associated with socially responsible executives (Mahapatra, S. 1984, Journal of Financial Economicsit 20, 347-376). As hypothesized, we found a significant relationship between the long-term compensation and total CSR weakness as well as the product/environmental weakness dimension of CSR. In addition, we found a marginally significant relationship between long-term compensation and total corporate responsibility. Our findings are that executives long-term compensation is associated with a firms environmental actions, and that firms that utilize long-term compensation are more likely to mitigate product/environment weaknesses than those that do not. Implications for practice and research are discussed. 相似文献
企业社会责任的战略选择与民营企业的可持续发展 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
本文介绍了一种在国际市场上正逐渐被认可的标准体系———SA8000,即企业社会责任认证体系,对比分析了我国国有企业、三资企业和民营企业履行企业社会责任的现状差别及其原因。在对企业社会责任战略形式进行了分类之后,指出影响企业社会责任战略选择的因素和可能的后果,提出了企业社会责任战略变化的五阶段模型。认为民营企业应该把企业社会责任看成是企业可持续发展的机会和动力,选择企业社会责任战略才是其可持续发展的必要条件和保证。 相似文献
近年来,在华跨国公司社会责任问题层出不断,社会责任缺失事件时有发生。本文使用描述统计的方法,对2008-2012年在华跨国公司社会责任报告发布情况进行分析的基础上,提出了建立和完善社会责任信息披露规范体系的对策思考。 相似文献
Jie Zou 《Frontiers of Business Research in China》2015,9(3):371
This paper attempts to understand selective engagement in corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR involves various issues that can meet demands from multiple stakeholders. A firm can focus on certain CSR issues to satisfy a particular stakeholder while ignoring the demands from other stakeholders, or it can take a more balanced approach to CSR by addressing a wider range of social issues. In this paper, I investigate how stakeholder pressures from three types of primary stakeholders (customer, supplier, and employee) shape selective engagement in CSR. The empirical results based on a representative sample of more than 1,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the early 2000s suggest that firms prioritize their stakeholders based on instrumental considerations. Those stakeholders who have greater power over the focal firm will exert a larger impact on a firm’s CSR engagement. Constrained by limited managerial resources, firms accord attention to a limited range of issues most relevant to salient stakeholders. Specifically, MNCs as major customers pressure the focal firm to assume more responsibility for product quality, as well as on a wider range of social issues; SOEs as both major customers and major suppliers pressure the focal firm to assume more responsibility for employee welfare; employees with higher education pressure the focal firm to assume more responsibility for employee welfare, and for a wider range of social issues. This study contributes to stakeholder theory and research on the CSR of SMEs, and has important implications for CSR practitioners. 相似文献