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The relationship between business and society changes over time, and periodically there is a ‘legitimization crisis’. The paper will briefly explore some important questions about company legitimacy: why is company legitimacy important; why do legitimacy crises occur; and finally, are we in a crisis at the moment, and if so how can it be solved? The legal institutionalization of business firms prescribes narrow accountabilities and limited responsibilities: the challenge for business in the new millennium is to open these up and to broaden our understanding of the social significance of business activity without destroying its wealth creating processes. This will require a rethinking of the relationship to the shareholder and a new definition of the relationship with stakeholders.  相似文献   

The term "technology" is notoriously ambiguous, but Robert Friedelbegins this well-organized, informative, and elegantly writtenbook by providing his own definition: the invention or adoptionof "tools, instruments, machines, structures and the like" (1).He also states his basic thesis: that over the last thousandyears there has emerged in the West a "culture of improvement,"which takes it as axiomatic that technological innovation isbeneficial to society, and that the rate of technological changehas accelerated over  相似文献   

《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(9-10):1107-1122
Long-term, collaborative business relationships are like marriages where tolerance, forbearance and some reduction of freedom as well as innovation are necessary to ensure success. Trust and co-operative behaviours are known to be essential ingredients in securing an environment of continuous improvement but, how they are correlated has yet to be tested. The paper describes a research project within a sample of long-term monopoly businesses as a novel approach to bringing trust and cooperation, co-ordination and collaboration (C3 Behaviour) into sharper focus without competitive distractions. It was found that a correlation between trust and C3 Behaviour and the success of the collaborative relationship exists.  相似文献   

我国零售业发展中长期三大战略要点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放以来,我国零售业取得了巨大成就,目前正处于从外延快速扩张阶段向内涵平稳发展阶段过渡的时期,要尽快并顺利地完成这种过渡,零售业必须正视三种关键性的战略:一是走出"中等规模陷阱"的大型企业成长战略,促使零售企业按照自愿、平等、互利、双赢(多赢)的原则,尽快提高市场集中度,加快结构调整和资本重组,自下而上推出一批重量级大型企业;二是主营业务回归的发展战略,增强零售企业自有资金实力和主营业务的能力,重建买手队伍,稳步提高大额采购销售、买断经营的比重,增强开店零售商承担风险的能力和责任;三是向海外延伸的扩张战略,在继续实施服务业对外开放政策的同时,注重国内零售企业的成长,鼓励零售业的海外扩张,在海外构建强大的自主渠道,力争掌握价格主导权,国家应将此作为国家战略,采取与零售业国内整合、国外抢滩相关的政策措施。  相似文献   

在中国,新千年是继续以多语言厦更大规模和涉足前所未有更多领域为特征的翻译发展又一高峰的纪元;这一纪元出现了更科学的翻译策略及翻译的众多问题。应用翻译与严肃文学翻译之间的巨大差距似乎成了阻碍中国翻译平衡发展的重大问题。翻译事业在中国以多向度发展,两大主流是新时期的翻译实践和翻译研究。此外,在新时期之前的翻译研究初期。我国如果有翻译理论的话,也多半是资深译者翻译实践的总结。中国第四次翻译高峰中的热点锁定在翻译的单位、翻译的定义、翻译作为独立于语言学之外的独立学科分支和翻译研究走向等等。  相似文献   

We present a trend‐based alternative to the standard first‐order autoregression model in persistence of profits studies. This is motivated by reservations over the interpretation of the standard model, and rests on a different concept of dynamic competition. A nine‐category taxonomy of long‐run persistence stereotypes is developed. Structural time series estimates are presented for a sample of UK companies. We find the null of long run competitive equilibrium not rejected in nearly a third of cases, but non‐eroding persistence to be present in around 60%.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

<正>在千年交替的2000年,来自189个国家的元首和政府领导人于9月6~8日齐聚纽约,召开了联合国千年首脑会议,发表了历史性的《千年宣言》,其中就发展与消除贫困达成了一致,这后来被归纳为8项"千年发展目标"(MDGs),依次为:消灭极端贫穷和饥饿;普及小学教育;促进男女平等并赋予妇女权  相似文献   

立筒仓长期储粮温湿度检测试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对立筒库在长期储粮过程中所发生的粮情不稳定、储粮难、不放心等问题,开展了生产性(大量)试验研究,采用定点、定时连续观测的方法对几年来所观测的大量数据进行了综合整理、加工、分析和研究,并将该研究结果与不同类型的房式仓储粮情况进行了对照分析,总结出了立筒库长期储粮温湿度变化规律,提出了利用立筒库长期储粮是可行的,也是安全的科学结论。  相似文献   


Information technology is transforming the economy at a breathtaking speed. The effect of technology on global business practices is profound and pervasive. These trends are changing and shaping the global economic landscape in the new millennium. These developments have major implications for the knowledge skills required for success in business in the information age. Students must be prepared for the challenges and opportunities that each of these trends represents. Therefore, the new knowledge economy demands changes in the models of global business education. Based on our experiences at our respective universities, this article describes how we are changing not only the way we teach, but also what we teach-as well as altering the way our universities do business.  相似文献   

The continued rise in U.S. healthcare spending, along with growth in the number of uninsured, has spurred the move toward consumer-driven health plans. We review new legislation covering such plans, analyze their penetration in the marketplace, and predict their growth. We also use current information about plans that are compatible with Health Savings Accounts to compare them to traditional Preferred Provider Organization plans. Next, we discuss some concerns about the impact of these plans on vulnerable populations, such as the poor and sick. Finally, we suggest how consumer-driven health plans may help to improve the functioning of the healthcare market, especially by producing more transparent information on cost and quality. JEL Classification I110, I180  相似文献   

经济全球化是当代资本主义的一个重要新发展,它给当代资本主义社会的经济结构、社会关系及阶级结构带来了深刻变化,使资本主义发展进入最新阶段。随着资本全球化,资本所固有的负面影响迅速在更大的范围扩展,资本主义的各种危机互相影响,互相促进,波及所有资本主义国家,形成资本主义世界的失调、失衡和危机。全球资本主义发展到尽头,取代它的必将是全球社会主义的新时代  相似文献   

Tourism is facing increasingly difficult conditions as the global economy deteriorates and Asia and the Pacific, one of fastest growing tourism regions in the world,is also strongly feeling the impact of the global slowdown.But,as concluded by the over 100 experts from 25 countries gathered in Guilin for the 2nd UNWTO Conference on Tourism  相似文献   

Dunning's recent discussions of the morality of global capitalism, as developed from his eclectic theory, are critically reviewed. It is argued that, in highlighting the benefits of globalisation, Dunning has underestimated the extent to which globalisation amplifies the costs of capitalism. The nature of capitalism varies according to the social and religious framework within which economic activity is embedded. An effective framework creates a high-trust form of capitalism based on self-regulation and self-control. This framework aligns private and social interests in cases where the forces of law and competition are weak. Late twentieth-century Western culture is secular and atomistic: it has fostered a low-trust form of capitalism, based on a selfish, individualistic and competitive concept of the entrepreneur. Low-trust capitalism provides entrepreneurs with unrivalled opportunities to manipulate consumer tastes, and frees them from any inhibitions about exercising this power. The globalisation of consumer product markets has reinforced this tendency, by strengthening the incentive to refine manipulative marketing techniques. The increasing reliance on mass media - especially television - for advertising distinguishes modern global capitalism from the international capitalism of the late nineteenth century. Because of these changes, people's wants are satisfied with unprecedented abundance, but their social needs are met much less adequately than before.  相似文献   

高校的校园文化是社会主义先进文化的一个重要组成部分。当前,大学校园文化建设存在的主要问题是校园精神文化建设与物质建设不同步,校园文化建设主体缺失,校园文化建设缺少特色内容。提升校园文化建设水平,应树立校园文化建设的精神导向,建设特色化的校园文化,扩展校园文化建设的载体,形成全方位育人的教育氛围。  相似文献   

银行异质性假设、要素市场不完全与长期竞争优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对银行长期利润和竞争优势的形成问题,始终没有一个理论给予有针对性的解释。在完全竞争的分析模型中,所有银行的利润均为零。在新古典主义同质性假设条件下,银行的竞争优势是短暂的,无法形成持久的利润差距。本文结合有关产业组织理论,提出银行异质性假设,认为长期成长过程中内部积累的核心知识和能力构成了银行之间的根本差异。作为关键性要素资源,核心知识和能力是非竞争性的,难以模仿和替代。正是这些特征使得银行长期利润和竞争优势得以形成。本文对我国商业银行在改革发展过程中如何构建并保持自身独特的竞争优势将提供有意义的启示。  相似文献   

The collapse of communism, the success of the US economy and the rise of the internet have led many to argue that the rest of the world should adopt American capitalism. This article uses evidence from the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East to argue that the most successful form of capitalism in each area (and era) depends on the context of the time, the culture of the people and the history of the region.  相似文献   

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