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道格拉斯生产函数是一种最常见的模型。人们经常利用这个模型对宏观经济进行研究,如对毛积累率和净积累率的研究等。因此道格拉斯生产函数在实际应用中具有重要作用。但笔者经常看到在应用道格拉斯生产函数时人们往往忽略它的具体应用条件,因而得出的结论具有严重的失效性。道格拉斯生产函数是在生产过程处于均衡增长状态下提出来的,对积累率的研究也是在均衡增长状态下进行的,这与在生产一一投入就研究积累问题具有重大差别,前者是待生产进入正常发展阶段后开始积累,后者从某种意义上讲是“杀鸡取蛋”的方式,限制了生产正常发展。为此,正确使用道格拉斯模型,首先必须满足模型的条件,这一点是  相似文献   

张威 《中国房地信息》2022,(11):180-182
本设计为北京市某卫星地面站中心机房暖通空调设计。该卫星地面站场地大小为420m*420m,其中心机房位于场地正中心,主体结构全部在地坪以下,层高3.9米,呈圆形设计,设计控制建筑面积1200平方米。中心机房两侧分别设置生活区和辅房区作为配套用房。根据“设计要求”,中心机房为全地下式结构,地面以上所有构筑物不得超过0.6...  相似文献   

煤、石油、天然气是现阶段我国应用最为广泛的化学能源,虽顺应节能减排要求,但对其开采的力度仍然较大,而且在未来较长一段时间内仍会持续,为了满足需要不得不将开采范围扩展到山地或不等高地区,本文将从不等高地区油库设计的角度进行研究,通过对其设计特点分析,紧抓油库设计的要点,并系统的提出设计中容易出现的问题.  相似文献   

简述了自蓉线工程不等高斜柱式铁塔基础的分坑、制模以及其浇制等子工序的尺寸控制方法。  相似文献   

对最后一点也饥渴没有企业不渴望的,出口企业不想要退税那是不可能的,说提高退税意义不大的肯定不是真正的出口企业,对于出口退税提高最后一点,您觉得意义大吗的提问,北京莱特尔时装有限公司的总经理张莉莉给出了肯定的回答,而且她认为:出口退税对出口企业来说,什么时候都意义重大,不管是升是降,都紧牵企业之心。  相似文献   

设备在使用过程中,如果出现非常见故障或维修者还缺乏对该设备的维修经验时,应十分讲究诊断与处理的方法,以便取得较好的效果。下面,通过对一例故障的分析、诊断与处理,谈谈对设备故障诊断方法的一点粗浅体会。一、故障现象一台日本进口的 DSG—30E 双端面磨床,投产仅一个月便出现故障:在修正砂轮时,左磨头骤然停止转动,并导致整机停车。此时,用手拨不动磨头。  相似文献   

以两门课程期末考试分数随机抽样为例,针对试题难度系数利用方差分析与置信区间,对试题质量进行定量分析,进而提供信息理论,并对教学进行调解,为建立完善的试题库提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

本文应读者要求,着重介绍了格利森硬质合金铣刀盘的数学模型在求解过程中的技巧问题。  相似文献   

简洁离我们有多远?在通往简洁的道路上,有许许多多的敌人,如果有可能的话,应该陆续把一个又一个敌人拍倒、干掉,让它们闪在一旁,少碍事!一般情况下,一个作者把构成一篇文章的材料,搜集到一定程度,就已经很费事、费劲了;取舍时,很难在"舍"字上做足功课。若干添乱的东西,非常有可能,作者看不出来;或者,能感觉到某些素材,差点意思,但依旧舍不得扔了。  相似文献   

正商标功能的实现有赖于商标的实际使用,只有通过在商业活动中实际使用才能实现商标的价值,因此,注册商标权人有积极连续使用注册商标的法定义务,否则将承担法律明确规定的不利后果。对此,现行《商标法》第四十四条做出了有关注册商标连续三年停止使用制度(以下简称"撤销制度")的规定。在实践中,一方面,由于各种原因,我国商标申请量连续多年居全世界之首,由此存在大量"死"商标,这些商标注册  相似文献   

本文在文献[1]的基础上,研究了灰不等式的性质。  相似文献   

城镇化是中国经济持续发展的重要战略平台,影响着个人收入水平的变动及收入分配差距的变化,从而对进口贸易规模及结构产生影响。本文通过VAR模型的构建、Granger因果检验和脉冲图,对城镇化发展影响个人收入分配差距、个人收入分配差距影响中国进口贸易进行分析。研究结果表明:城镇化发展对个人收入分配差距具有长期、相互的影响作用,个人收入分配差距变化对进口贸易增长具有正态效应。应采取相应措施,通过个人收入分配媒介,发挥城镇化对进口贸易的刺激效能。  相似文献   

A fuzzy random continuous review system has been presented in this paper with the annual customer demand assumed to be a uniformly distributed continuous fuzzy random variable. Besides the reorder point and the production lot size, the setup cost and the ‘out of control’ probability for a production process have been assumed to be control parameters in the model. Investments to reduce the setup cost and improve the process quality have been incorporated into the total cost in this regard. A methodology has been proposed to minimize this cost and it has been illustrated by way of a numerical example.  相似文献   

1985~2013年我国的区域收入差距先逐渐扩大2006年后开始缩小。分解分析发现,东部地区内部的省际差异对全国的地区差异贡献份额很大但2005年之后开始缩小,西部地区内部省际差异2002年之后出现了明显扩大的趋势,四大区域之间的差异对全国地区差异的贡献份额最大但2002年后轻微下降。除了发展战略、要素投入等各种传统因素外,产业集聚效应也是导致区域收入差距的重要原因。  相似文献   

Research summary : This study employs longitudinal multilevel modeling to re‐examine the relative importance of business unit, corporation, industry, and year effects on business unit performance. Total variance in performance is partitioned into stable variance and dynamic variance. Sources of these two parts of variance are explored. Empirical results indicate that (1) stable effects of corporation‐industry interaction are substantially important, but were unequally confounded with stable effects of business unit, corporation, and industry in results of previous studies; (2) stable effects of corporation, industry, and corporation‐industry interaction, taken together, are of similar relative magnitude to stable effects of business unit; and (3) random and nonlinear year effects are very important in explaining dynamic variance. These findings extend our theoretical and empirical understanding of performance variability. Managerial summary : Whether stable or changing, business units themselves, corporate‐parents, and industries influence business unit operations. This article investigates the relative effects of these factors on business unit performance. Although the traditional wisdom is that business unit is critical, this research finds that corporate‐parent, industry, and interactions between these, taken together, are as influential as business unit. Specifically, interactions between corporate‐parent and industry are important for over‐time average business unit performance, indicating that a given corporate‐parent unevenly influences its business units in different industries and that a particular industry unevenly influences business units within itself from different corporate‐parents. This study also demonstrates that changes in business unit, corporate‐parent, and industry are important drivers of over‐time volatility of business unit performance and that effects of these changes differ. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We extend previous research on traditional one-year adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) by analyzing the performance of 3/27 hybrid instruments. Under this contract innovation, which first appeared in the mid-1990s, note rates are fixed for three years after which they convert to a traditional one-year adjustment schedule with periodic and lifetime caps. We find high rates of prepayment, particularly at time of initial rate adjustment, and relatively high rates of default, as would be consistent with the payment shock that often affects adjustable-rate loans.  相似文献   

Competitive pressure is lower in markets where goods are more differentiated. I analyze how a change in the degree of horizontal product differentiation affects the incentives of duopolists to disclose quality information. If disclosure is costly, then a firm discloses high qualities but conceals low qualities in equilibrium. The higher the disclosure cost, the higher the equilibrium threshold below which firms conceal quality information. I show that the effect of product differentiation on quality disclosure depends on the cost of disclosure. For low (high) disclosure costs, a firm discloses more (respectively, less) quality information if goods become more differentiated.  相似文献   

The assumption that firms within the same industry are subject to equivalent degrees of basic business uncertainty is widely employed in empirical studies of capital structure effects and underlies many of the approaches to valuation in the security analysis literature.

This paper presents test of this important, but previously untested, assumption. It is shown that, given the validity of a measure of the cyclical variability of a firm's earnings as a proxy uncertainty measure, homogeneity of basic business uncertainty is not achieved by confining samples to single industries. Variation in the proxy measure is as wide within industry groups as among those groups  相似文献   

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