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“责任”可以创造引领发展的竞争力。随着可持续发展逐渐成为一种引领成功的商业模式,越来越多的企业将企业社会责任纳入企业发展的战略当中。在不断获得商业成功的同时,也更积极地带动各利益相关方履责实践,真正成为了责任的传播者,新商业大潮中的责任领袖。  相似文献   

舒斌斌 《商业时代》2007,(29):68-68,71
在这个利益愈加分化的时代,社会责任是一个新课题。在行业协会履行社会责任过程中,应先了解什么是社会责任及其承担社会责任的理论基础。本文针对我国行业协会履行社会责任的表现,提出了行业协会有效履行社会责任的路径。  相似文献   

近年来,在经济全球化大背景下,企业社会责任受到全球范围的重视,国内外很多企业陆续发布了社会责任报告。据有关资料显示,全球已有超过3000家企业发布了企业社会责任报告,许多跨国公司每年发布由总经理(总裁)亲自签署的企业社会责任报告已经成为制度。截止目前,我国也有40余家大中型企业发布了企业社会责任报告,其中中央企业约占80%以上,这些企业公开向社会承诺,承担社会责任。有的行业组织也积极参与到这里来,成为推动企业履行社会责任的重要力量。  相似文献   

“企业责任竞争力和区域责任竞争力有什么关系?”“地区如何以推行责任竞争力为手段,促进经济发展方式的转变,赢得区域健康、快速、可持续发展的先机?”对于中德贸易可持续发展与企业行为规范项目德方主任Rolf Dietmar提出的这些问题,参加第五届企业社会责任国际论坛分论坛“责任竞争力——区域经济发展方式转变的新动力”的嘉宾们以各地区的实践做了精彩的回应。  相似文献   

三十年来,中国的经济建设取得了举世瞩目的成就。而在突飞猛进的增长背后,潜伏着一系列的社会问题:环境污染日益严重,能源危机初现端倪,产业结构亟待优化,中国的经济社会在"新常态"下面临着诸多挑战。作为推动中国社会经济进步的中坚力量,企业在"新常态"下如何把握机遇,坚持可持续发展,践行企业社会责任,这些问题值得每一个人深入思考。  相似文献   

企业社会责任是自20世纪起西方学者们热于研究的议题,兼具较高的学术价值和一定的现实意义,在众多学科领域中都炙手可热。随着社会日益进步,企业可持续发展与社会责任已经成为两个同等重要乃至相辅相成的课题。  相似文献   

企业的社会责任是组织在追逐自身利益的同时,对社会所需承担的相应义务――维护并提高整个社会的福利水平。加强企业社会责任建设是促进企业可持续发展的重要途径,为了把企业做强作大,使企业立于百年不败之地,就必须把企业社会责任履行好。  相似文献   

“发布首个区域企业竞争力报告的上海浦东新区,早在2007年就按照国家综合配套改革创新的要求,建立了一个政府引导、企业自觉、行业自律等四位一体的企业社会责任战略,这种体系建设对完善投资环境,提升区域竞争力发挥了重要的作用,业已成为浦东新区发展的一个重要推动力”。  相似文献   

自2010年11月1日发布以来,ISO26000已成为社会责任领域内最炙手可热的名词。由其引发的思索,正围绕着两方面的问题不断发声。  相似文献   

网络广告,盈利模式层出不穷 DCCI互联网数据中心2007年9月26日发布的研究报告显示:2007上半年中国网络广告市场营收规模(不合搜索引擎在内)达32.7亿元人民币,预计2007年全年中国网络广告市场整体规模(不包含搜索引擎)达76.23亿,较2006年增长53.07%。网络广告市场最大的发展潜力在于变化。2007年,网络广告联盟、视频广告、游戏内嵌广告、社区广告、文中关键字广告、点击计费和呼叫计费广告等新型网络广告显示了强盛活力,未来将赢得更多用户需求和广告主注意。  相似文献   

Based on the Stimulus–Organism–Response (S–O–R) model, this paper investigates the drivers of salesperson equity by exploring the mediating role of value added by salespeople in the relationships between salesperson attributes and both sales force loyalty and salesperson equity. A questionnaire was constructed and data were collected on customers served by financial salespeople working at five banks. A structural equation model was used to empirically assess the proposed research model. The empirical results reveal that the two dimensions of value added by the salesperson (enjoyable interaction, perceived risk) partially mediate the relationship between salesperson attributes (expertise, trustworthiness) and customer loyalty to the salesperson. In addition, the relationship between salesperson expertise and salesperson equity is partially mediated by both dimensions of value added by salespeople. However, the two dimensions of value added by salespeople fully mediates the positive relationship between trustworthiness and salesperson equity. Theoretical and managerial implications of the study are addressed.  相似文献   

We explore how national industry associations influence the international CSR practices of MNEs. Drawing from a longitudinal case study of the evolution of CSR in the Canadian mining industry, we show how the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) aimed to influence the CSR practices of its member firms operating outside of Canada. Our findings reveal how MAC utilized multiple strategies to influence member firms in both the regulative and normative realm. We uncover the key mechanisms underpinning these strategies and factors that constrained or enabled the degree of their influence. Our study contributes to research on home country influences on MNE CSR practices and research on industry associations as institutional actors.  相似文献   

1982年,邵青锋幸运地成为了中国改革开放后的第一代留学生。邓小平南巡讲话后不久,1992年的春天,他成了第一批海归。  相似文献   

船舶的非批量化建造决定了船舶工业劳动密集性的特点.船舶建造不象制造汽车和生产电子产品那样可以在流水线上生产,而且即使相当工序实现了自动化和机械化,但放样、号料、切割、焊接和舾装等工序仍需要大量依赖于手工操作.正因如此,造船先进国家日本建造一艘7.5万吨级的散货船仍需要耗用13~15万工时,我国还需近100万工时,建造一艘现代化船舶必须集中使用大量的劳动力,消耗大量的活劳动.不仅这样,船舶工业的产业关联度也很高,成为了许多国家和地区的基础工业之一,是吸纳富余劳动力,稳定社会就业的一个工业发展途径.  相似文献   

未来更多的航运需求将由中国这一世界加工厂所拉动,中国已成为世界航运业发展的主要推动力,由此而来,国内新增船舶需求市场将是巨大的.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):835-853
The Korean government intended to promote the cotton industry, and expected that the industry would play a positive role to decelerate the inflation rate and increase exports during 1950–70. However, the ability of Korean public servants to develop the industry was insufficient. Korea had a powerful business association in the industry, the Spinners and Weavers Association of Korea (SWAK), which did have enough organisational resources. The government asked SWAK to support its policies, and SWAK cooperated with the government with good results. SWAK did not simply implement government policies in the business world, but was a partner of the government in accomplishing targets.  相似文献   

3月13日,由商周刊(青岛)文化传媒公司承办荣驭尊驾耀行天玺——海信·天玺赏名宅驾名车活动在青岛市东海东路1号海信·天玺售楼处举行。来自中国银行及车行客户共同相约海信·天玺,共赏凯迪拉克、奥迪新款展示,试驾体验。新车展出在海信·天玺的贺府楼中举行,豪宅、名车、下午茶高端圈层气氛,让前来参加活动的巅峰人士更进一步地体验名流生活方式。  相似文献   


This paper investigates strategic and organisational context determinants of the sophistication of adopted sales force automation (SFA) systems in three UK industries: financial services, pharmaceuticals, and building/construction. Sophistication of adopted systems is associated with the organisation placing greater emphasis on information orientation, which is itself driven by an increased integration of IT and sales coupled with increased organisational slack. Increased integration of IT and sales is itself driven by increased strategic importance of sales coupled with increased use of internal communication networks. Importantly, a firm's marketing orientation, although also driven by the strategic importance of sales, has no impact on either information orientation or SFA sophistication. We discuss the implications of our findings to aid understanding of SFA implementation failure.  相似文献   

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