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We constituted Team “Lee C. Baker”, which won the online tourism forecasting competition. Our forecasts had the smallest MASE for the first part of the competition involving 518 annual time series, and the second smallest MASE for the second part of the competition involving 427 quarterly time series and 366 monthly time series. In this article, we briefly describe the methods we used.  相似文献   

The M4 competition identified innovative forecasting methods, advancing the theory and practice of forecasting. One of the most promising innovations of M4 was the utilization of cross-learning approaches that allow models to learn from multiple series how to accurately predict individual ones. In this paper, we investigate the potential of cross-learning by developing various neural network models that adopt such an approach, and we compare their accuracy to that of traditional models that are trained in a series-by-series fashion. Our empirical evaluation, which is based on the M4 monthly data, confirms that cross-learning is a promising alternative to traditional forecasting, at least when appropriate strategies for extracting information from large, diverse time series data sets are considered. Ways of combining traditional with cross-learning methods are also examined in order to initiate further research in the field.  相似文献   

Providing forecasts for ultra-long time series plays a vital role in various activities, such as investment decisions, industrial production arrangements, and farm management. This paper develops a novel distributed forecasting framework to tackle the challenges of forecasting ultra-long time series using the industry-standard MapReduce framework. The proposed model combination approach retains the local time dependency. It utilizes a straightforward splitting across samples to facilitate distributed forecasting by combining the local estimators of time series models delivered from worker nodes and minimizing a global loss function. Instead of unrealistically assuming the data generating process (DGP) of an ultra-long time series stays invariant, we only make assumptions on the DGP of subseries spanning shorter time periods. We investigate the performance of the proposed approach with AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models using the real data application as well as numerical simulations. Our approach improves forecasting accuracy and computational efficiency in point forecasts and prediction intervals, especially for longer forecast horizons, compared to directly fitting the whole data with ARIMA models. Moreover, we explore some potential factors that may affect the forecasting performance of our approach.  相似文献   

The M4 Competition: 100,000 time series and 61 forecasting methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The M4 Competition follows on from the three previous M competitions, the purpose of which was to learn from empirical evidence both how to improve the forecasting accuracy and how such learning could be used to advance the theory and practice of forecasting. The aim of M4 was to replicate and extend the three previous competitions by: (a) significantly increasing the number of series, (b) expanding the number of forecasting methods, and (c) including prediction intervals in the evaluation process as well as point forecasts. This paper covers all aspects of M4 in detail, including its organization and running, the presentation of its results, the top-performing methods overall and by categories, its major findings and their implications, and the computational requirements of the various methods. Finally, it summarizes its main conclusions and states the expectation that its series will become a testing ground for the evaluation of new methods and the improvement of the practice of forecasting, while also suggesting some ways forward for the field.  相似文献   

We analyze periodic and seasonal cointegration models for bivariate quarterly observed time series in an empirical forecasting study. We include both single equation and multiple equation methods for those two classes of models. A VAR model in first differences, with and without cointegration restrictions, and a VAR model in annual differences are also included in the analysis, where they serve as benchmark models. Our empirical results indicate that the VAR model in first differences without cointegration is best if one-step ahead forecasts are considered. For longer forecast horizons however, the VAR model in annual differences is better. When comparing periodic versus seasonal cointegration models, we find that the seasonal cointegration models tend to yield better forecasts. Finally, there is no clear indication that multiple equations methods improve on single equation methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we survey the most recent advances in supervised machine learning (ML) and high-dimensional models for time-series forecasting. We consider both linear and nonlinear alternatives. Among the linear methods, we pay special attention to penalized regressions and ensemble of models. The nonlinear methods considered in the paper include shallow and deep neural networks, in their feedforward and recurrent versions, and tree-based methods, such as random forests and boosted trees. We also consider ensemble and hybrid models by combining ingredients from different alternatives. Tests for superior predictive ability are briefly reviewed. Finally, we discuss application of ML in economics and finance and provide an illustration with high-frequency financial data.  相似文献   

One of the most powerful and widely used methodologies for forecasting economic time series is the class of models known as seasonal autoregressive processes. In this article we present a new approach not only for identifying seasonal autoregressive models, but also the degree of differencing required to induce stationarity in the data. The identification method is iterative and consists in systematically fitting increasing order models to the data, and then verifying that the resulting residuals behave like white noise using a two stage autoregressive order determination criterion. Once the order of the process is determined the identified structure is tested to see if it can be simplified. The identification performance of this procedure is contrasted with other order selection procedures for models with ‘gaps.' We also illustrate the forecast performance of the identification method using monthly and quarterly economic data.  相似文献   

Adaptive combining is generally a desirable approach for forecasting, which, however, has rarely been explored for discrete response time series. In this paper, we propose an adaptively combined forecasting method for such discrete response data. We demonstrate in theory that the proposed forecast is of the desired adaptation with respect to the widely used squared risk and other significant risk functions under mild conditions. Furthermore, we study the issue of adaptation for the proposed forecasting method in the presence of model screening that is often useful in applications. Our simulation study and two real-world data examples show promise for the proposed approach.  相似文献   

How well can people use autocorrelation information when making judgmental forecasts? In Experiment 1, participants forecast from 12 series in which the autocorrelation varied within subjects. The participants showed a sensitivity to the degree of autocorrelation. However, their forecasts indicated that they implicitly assumed positive autocorrelation in uncorrelated time series. Experiments 2 and 2a used a one-shot single-trial between-subjects design and obtained similar results. Experiment 3 investigated the way in which the between-trials context influenced forecasting. The results showed that forecasts are affected by the characteristics of previous series, as well as those of the series from which forecasts are to be made. Our findings can be accommodated within an adaptive approach. Forecasters base their initial expectations of series characteristics on their past experience and modify these expectations in a pseudo-Bayesian manner on the basis of their analysis of those characteristics in the series to be forecast.  相似文献   

We develop a Bayesian median autoregressive (BayesMAR) model for time series forecasting. The proposed method utilizes time-varying quantile regression at the median, favorably inheriting the robustness of median regression in contrast to the widely used mean-based methods. Motivated by a working Laplace likelihood approach in Bayesian quantile regression, BayesMAR adopts a parametric model bearing the same structure as autoregressive models by altering the Gaussian error to Laplace, leading to a simple, robust, and interpretable modeling strategy for time series forecasting. We estimate model parameters by Markov chain Monte Carlo. Bayesian model averaging is used to account for model uncertainty, including the uncertainty in the autoregressive order, in addition to a Bayesian model selection approach. The proposed methods are illustrated using simulations and real data applications. An application to U.S. macroeconomic data forecasting shows that BayesMAR leads to favorable and often superior predictive performance compared to the selected mean-based alternatives under various loss functions that encompass both point and probabilistic forecasts. The proposed methods are generic and can be used to complement a rich class of methods that build on autoregressive models.  相似文献   

We participated in the M4 competition for time series forecasting and here describe our methods for forecasting daily time series. We used an ensemble of five statistical forecasting methods and a method that we refer to as the correlator. Our retrospective analysis using the ground truth values published by the M4 organisers after the competition demonstrates that the correlator was responsible for most of our gains over the naïve constant forecasting method. We identify data leakage as one reason for its success, due partly to test data selected from different time intervals, and partly to quality issues with the original time series. We suggest that future forecasting competitions should provide actual dates for the time series so that some of these leakages could be avoided by participants.  相似文献   

This article has three objectives: (a) to describe the method of automatic ARIMA modeling (AAM), with and without intervention analysis, that has been used in the analysis; (b) to comment on the results; and (c) to comment on the M3 Competition in general. Starting with a computer program for fitting an ARIMA model and a methodology for building univariate ARIMA models, an expert system has been built, while trying to avoid the pitfalls of most existing software packages. A software package called Time Series Expert TSE-AX is used to build a univariate ARIMA model with or without an intervention analysis. The characteristics of TSE-AX are summarized and, more especially, its automatic ARIMA modeling method. The motivation to take part in the M3-Competition is also outlined. The methodology is described mainly in three technical appendices: (Appendix A) choice of differences and of a transformation, use of intervention analysis; ( Appendix B) available specification procedures; ( Appendix C) adequacy, model checking and new specification. The problems raised by outliers are discussed, in particular how close they are from the forecast origin. Several series that are difficult to deal with from that point of view are mentioned and one of them is shown. In the last section, we comment on contextual information, the idea of an e−M Competition, prediction intervals and the possible use of other forecasting methods within Time Series Expert.  相似文献   

This paper presents the winning submission of the M4 forecasting competition. The submission utilizes a dynamic computational graph neural network system that enables a standard exponential smoothing model to be mixed with advanced long short term memory networks into a common framework. The result is a hybrid and hierarchical forecasting method.  相似文献   

Forecasting competitions have usually compared the accuracy of different forecasting methods across a number of different time series. This paper describes a study of the application of ten forecasting methods to a single time series: that of peak electricity demand in England and Wales. The performance measure used, however, is not one of the usual forecast ones, e.g., MSE or MAPS, but a managerial one in that the impact of different forecast methods on the profitability of the Central Electricity Generating Board for England and Wales is assessed using a financial simulation model. As well as examing the effects of forecast method on profitability the effects of two other factors, namely the use of a temperature corrected data series and the impact of log transformation of the data are considered. All these effects are both statistically and practically significant. The results are then examined from a different standpoint: specifically the extent to which the financial impacts of alternative forecast methods can be explained using a number of conventional forecast accuracy measures. This question is of major importance in applications since accuracy is one of the few easily measured characteristics of a potential forecasting method. It is concluded that much, though not all, of the results can be explained by accuracy considerations.  相似文献   

It has long been known that combination forecasting strategies produce superior out-of-sample forecasting performances. In the M4 forecasting competition, a very simple forecast combination strategy achieved third place on yearly time series. An analysis of the ensemble model and its component models suggests that the competitive accuracy comes from avoiding poor forecasts, rather than from beating the best individual models. Moreover, the simple ensemble model can be fitted very quickly, can easily scale horizontally with additional CPU cores or a cluster of computers, and can be implemented by users very quickly and easily. This approach might be of particular interest to users who need accurate yearly forecasts without being able to spend significant time, resources, or expertise on tuning models. Users of the R statistical programming language can access this modeling approach using the “forecastHybrid” package.  相似文献   

In a recent study Nelson and Granger (1979) reported on their experience with using the Box-Cox transformation to forecast twenty-one actual economic time series and four simulated series. The objective of this brief note is to offer some qualifications to the results of Nelson and Granger, and to offer a few alternative interpretations.  相似文献   

Multi-horizon forecasting often contains a complex mix of inputs – including static (i.e. time-invariant) covariates, known future inputs, and other exogenous time series that are only observed in the past – without any prior information on how they interact with the target. Several deep learning methods have been proposed, but they are typically ‘black-box’ models that do not shed light on how they use the full range of inputs present in practical scenarios. In this paper, we introduce the Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFT) – a novel attention-based architecture that combines high-performance multi-horizon forecasting with interpretable insights into temporal dynamics. To learn temporal relationships at different scales, TFT uses recurrent layers for local processing and interpretable self-attention layers for long-term dependencies. TFT utilizes specialized components to select relevant features and a series of gating layers to suppress unnecessary components, enabling high performance in a wide range of scenarios. On a variety of real-world datasets, we demonstrate significant performance improvements over existing benchmarks, and highlight three practical interpretability use cases of TFT.  相似文献   

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