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Broad, John and Hoyle, Richard, eds. Bernwood Adams, S. ed. Household accounts and disbursement books of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester Backhouse, Marcel The Flemish and Walloon communities at Sandwich during the reign of Elizabeth I Stewart, Richard W. The English Ordnance Office, 1585–1625 Wrigley, E.A., Schofield, R.S., Davies, R.S., & Oeppen, J.E. English population history from family reconstitution Grell, Ole Peter Calvinist exiles in Tudor and Stuart England Dobson, Mary J. Contours of death and disease in early modern England Lane, Joan Apprenticeship in England Floud, Roderick The people and the British economy Mandler, Peter The fall and rise of the stately home Davis, John R. Britain and the German Zollverein Crafts, Nicholas Britain's relative economic decline Hendrick, Harry Children, childhood and English society Short, Brian Land and society in Edwardian Britain Webster, P The health services since the war, II Digby, Ann and Stewart, John, eds. Gender, health and welfare Van Ark, Bark, & Crafts, Nicholas, eds. Quantitative aspects of post-war economic growth Oliver, Michael J. Whatever happened to monetarism? Bonneuil, Noel Transformation of the French demographic landscape Shapiro, Ann-Louise Breaking the codes Kranakis, Eda Constructing a bridge Groote, Peter Infrastructure and Dutch economic development Patriarca, Silvana Numbers and nationhood Muir, Edward Ritual in early modern Europe Crossick, Geoffrey, ed. The artisan and the European town Aldcroft, Derek H. Studies in the interwar European economy Paquette, Robert L., & Engerman, Stanley L., eds. The Lesser Antilles in the age of European expansion Johnson, Howard The Bahamas from slavery to servitude Bernstein, Paul American work values Beab, Jonathan J. Beyond the broker state Muirhead, Stuart Crisis banking in the East Sako, Mari, & Sato, Hiroki, eds. Japanese management and labour in transition Frederico, Giovanni An economic history of the silk industry Todd, Jan Colonial technology Ausubel, Jesse H., & Langford, H. Dale, eds. Technological trajectories and the human environment Steckel, Richard H., & Floud, Roderick eds. Health and welfare during industrialisation Cunningham, Andrew & Andrews, Bridie eds. Western medicine as contested knoledge 相似文献
Jose L. Tongzon, The Economies of Southeast Asia: The Growth and Development of ASEAN Economies, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1998, pp. xv + 251. 相似文献
book reviewed in this article BLACKHURST, R., MARIAN, N. and TUMLIR, J. Adjustment SABOT, R. H. Economic Development and Urban Migration THIRLWALL, A. P. (ed.) Keynes and Laissez-Faire. VAN DORMAEL, A. Bretton Woods: Birth of a Monetary System. 相似文献
HARCOURT G. C. (ed.). The Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics. London: Macmillan MEADE, J. E. The Structure and Reform of Direct Taxation. London; George Allen & Unwin SAUNDERs, R. J. and WARFORD, J. J., Village Water Supply: Economics and Policy in the Developing World WALLMAN, Sandra (ed.). Perceptions of Development. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press WILSON, F., KOOY, A., and HENDRIE, D. (eds). Farm Labour in South Africa. Cape Town: David Philip 相似文献
Book reviewed in this article: LOWES, B. and SPARKES, J. R. Modern Managerial Economics. MAASDORP, G. and HUMPHREYS, A. S. B. (eds). From Shantytown to Township. ROELOFSE, E. Sorry I Upset You. 相似文献
Book reviews in this article: DAVIS, Ralph. The Rise of the Atlantic Economies K. A. Munro LOBLEY, Derek. Success in Economics W. A. Pringle 相似文献
Book reviews in this article: CHAMPERNOWNE, D. G. The Distribution of Income between Persons Arnt Spandau. DE SALVO, Joseph S. (ed.), Perspectives on Regional Transportation Planning Gavin Maasdorp. KRAUSS, Melvyn B. and JOHNSON, Harry G. General Equilibrium Analysis: A Micro-economic Text Rob Davies. PICKERING, J. F. Industrial Structure and Market Conduct Stephen Lofthouse. PLANT, Sir Arnold. Selected Economic Essays and Addresses H. M. Robertson. POLLARD, Sidney. European Economic Integration, 1815–1970 Jacqueline Matthews. WEDDERBURN, Dorothy (ed.), Poverty, Inequality and Class Structure Gavin Maasdorp. WOLFF, Richard D. The Economics of Colonialism: Britain and Kenya, 1870 - James H. Cobbe. CHAMPERNOWNE, D. G. The Distribution of Income between Persons. 相似文献
Book reviews in this article: BARRY, N., BURTON, J. et al. Hayek's 'Serfdom' Revisited - Essays by Economists, Philosophers and Political Scientists on 'The Road to Serfdom' after 40 years . R. Lubinsky GOUREVITCH, P. et al. Unions and Economic Crisis: Britain, West Germany and Sweden R. A. Jones HEILBRONER, R. L. and THUROW, L. C. The Economic Problem (7th ed.) B. Bloch MIDDLEMAS. K. Industry, Unions and Government. Twenty-one Years of NEDC . R. A. Jones SENECA, J. J. and TAUSSIG. M. K. Environmental Economics (3rd ed.) . B. Bloch 相似文献
Gavin W. Jones and Terence H. Hull (eds) (1997), Indonesia Assessment: Population and Human Resources, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, and Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, ANU, Canberra, pp. 373. Cloth S$55.00; US$39.90; A$45.00, paper: S$32.00; US$23.00; A$30.00. William L. Collier, Kabul Santoso, Soentoro and Rudi Wibowo (1996), Pendekatan Baru dalam Pembangunan Pedesaan di Jawa: Knjian Pedesaan Selama 25 Tahun [A New Approach to Rural Development in Java: 25 Years of Village Studies], Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, pp. xxi + 188. Paper: Rp 9,000. Martin Klapwijk (1997), Rural Industry Clusters in Central Java, Indonesia: An Empirical Assessment of Their Role in Rural Industrialization, Tinbergen Institute Research Series no. 153, Vrije Uruversiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1997, pp. 213. Chia Siow Yue and Joseph L.H. Tan (eds) (1996), ASEAN in the WTO: Challenges and Responses, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and ASEAN Secretariat, Singapore, pp. xv + 209, S39.90; US$29.90. Eijkemans, C.H.J.F. (1995), Profitability or Security: Decision-making on Land Use among Toba Batnk Peasants in North Sumatra, Indonesia, Nijmegen Studies in Development and Cultural Change, no. 22, Nijmegen Instituut voor Comparatieve Cultuur- en Ontwikkelingsstudies (NICCOS), Saarbrucken, pp. 241. Cloth: DM 42,-; paper: DM 32,-. 相似文献
Hendra Esmara (ed.), Teori Ekonomi Dan Kebijaksanaan Pembangunan: Kumpulan Esei Untuk Menghargai Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Jakarta: P.T. Gramedia, 1987, pp. 645 + xxx, npg. Khong Cho Oon, The Politics of Oil in Indonesia: Foreign Company-Host Government Relations, LSE Monographs in International Studies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp. 253 + x, $89,00. Hal Hill, Foreign Investment and Industrialization in Indonesia, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1988, pp. 179 + xxi, $34.50. 相似文献
Colin Macandrews (Ed.), Central Government and Local Development in Indonesia, Singapore: Oxford University Press, East Asian Social Science Monographs, 1986, pp. 270, 36 Tables, 2 Figures, 4 Maps. Himpunan Peraturan Perundang-undangan Republik Indonesia di Bidang Ketenaga-kerjaan [Labour Legislation in Indonesia], Vols I-III, Jakarta: P.T. Twins, 1986. Michael A. Costello, Thomas R. Leinbach and Richard Ulack, with Marilou Palabrica-Costello and Bambang Suwarno, Mobility and Employment in Urban Southeast Asia: Examples From Indonesia and the Philippines, Boulder: Westview Press, 1987, pp. xvi + 191. $Us 26.50. Susan Abeyasekere, Jakarta: A History, Singapore: Oxford U.P., 1987, pp. xvii + 280. Cloth: $45.00. David P. Chandler and M.C. Ricklefs (Eds), Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Indonesia: Essays in Honour of Professor J.D. Legge, Clayton, Vic. : Monash University Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, 1986, pp. 281. $14.00. Graeme J. Hugo, Terence H. Hull, Valerie J. Hull, Gavin W. Jones, The Demographic Dimension in Indonesian Development, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1987, pp. xxv + 417. $50.00. I Ketut Nehen and Ian R. Wills, Land Preparation in West Java: Benefits and Costs of Alternative Techniques, Agency For Agricultural Research and Development, Indonesia, and International Rice Research Institute, 1986, pp. xii + 159. Michael Smith et al., Asia's New Industrial World, London: Methuen, 1985, pp. vi + 136. £2.95. Australian Institute of Urban Studies, Review of Australian Assistance to the Indonesian Water Supply and Sanitation Sector, A Report for the Australian Development Assistance Bureau, 1986, pp. xxxiii + 305, $26.00 plus postage. 相似文献
Hal Hill, The Indonesian Economy since 1966: Southeast Asia's Emerging Giant, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 1996, pp. xv + 319. Cloth: A$90; paper: A$36.95. 相似文献
Agrawal, Pradeep, Gokarn, Subir V., Mishra, Veena, Parikh, Kirit S. and Sen, Kunal Economic Restructuring in East Asia and India: perspectives on policy reform Bruno, Michael and Pleskovic, Boris (eds) Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1995 Fforde, Adam and de Vylder, Stefan From Plan to Market: the economic transition in Vietnam Garnaut, R., Grilli, E. and Riedel, J. (eds) Sustaining Export-Oriented Development – Lessons from East Asia Garnaut, Ross, Shutian, Guo and Guonan, Ma (eds) The Third Revolution in the Chinese Countryside Ito, Takatoshi and Krueger, Anne O. (eds) Financial Deregulation and Integration in East Asia Koppel, Bruce, Hawkins, John and James, William (eds) Development or Deterioration? Work in rural Asia Little, Ian M.D., Cooper, Richard N., Corden, W. Max and Rajapatirana, Sarath Boom, Crisis, and Adjustment: the macroeconomic experience of developing countries Mohamad, Maznah The Malay Handloom Weavers: a study of the rise and decline of traditional manufacture Mizuno, Kosuke Rural Industrialization in Indonesia: a case study of community-based weaving industry in West Java Naya, Seiji Finch, Tan, Joseph L.H. (eds) Asian Transitional Economies, Challenges and Prospects for Reform and Transformation Pangestu, Mari Economic Reform, Deregulation and Privatization: the Indonesian experience Ravenhill, John (ed.) The Political Economy of East Asia Robison, Richard (ed.) Pathways to Asia: the politics of engagement Sanderson, Warren C. and Tan Jee-Peng Population in Asia Simpson, James R., Cheng, Xu and Miyazaki, Akira China’s Livestock and Related Agriculture: projections to 2025 Singh, Daljit and Kiat, Liak Teng (eds) Southeast Asian Affairs 1996 Stern, Joseph J., Kim, Ji-hong, Perkins, Dwight H. and Yoo, Jung-ho Industrialization and the State: the Korean heavy and chemical industry drive van de Walle, Dominique and Nead, Kimberly (eds) Public Spending and the Poor: theory and evidence 相似文献
book reviewed in this article Fourie, L. J. Falkena, H.B. en Kok, W. J. (red.) (1996). Fundamentals of the South African Financial System. Wiechers, Marinus en Bredenkamp, Francois. (red) Die Staat - Teorie en Praktyk. 相似文献