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The effects of the Canadian disability insurance program on the labor force participation of older men are studied using pooled cross-sectional time series data from ten Canadian provinces.  相似文献   

This paper distinguishes among three types of generosity of social security systems: average generosity, generosity towards early retirement and generosity towards the poor. On the basis of theoretical predictions, it examines the statistical correlations among those types of generosity for 14 OECD countries over the period 1985–2000. It also shows how they have evolved over time and tries to relate this evolution to the process of economic integration. There are three main findings, the first one being a positive relation between average social security spending and poverty alleviation. There is the negative relation between average spending and inequality reduction. Finally, over the period 1985–1995 one sees that poverty alleviation increases on average, but to a degree that decreases with economic openness.  相似文献   

The average US state has 40 benefit mandates, laws requiring health insurance to cover particular conditions, treatments, providers or people. We investigate the extent to which these mandates increase the health insurance premiums paid by employers, and the extent to which these higher premiums are passed on to employees in the form of higher employee contributions. We use state-level data on premiums and employee contributions to health insurance from the insurance component of the 1996–2011 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Our main analysis is a fixed effects regression that controls for age, race, income, union membership and the presence of state mandate waivers. We find robust evidence that the average mandate increases premiums by approximately 0.6%, and that mandates lead to similar increases in employee contributions for single-coverage health insurance plans. Alternative specifications using an AR(1) error structure estimate a larger effect of mandates, while those using generalized estimating equations estimate smaller effects. We find that mandates requiring insurers to cover a specific benefit, as opposed to a specific type of provider or person, lead to the largest increases in employee contributions.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the welfare effects of unemployment insurance reforms in a general equilibrium incomplete market model. In particular, it decomposes the total welfare effect for each individual into different factors. I consider a model where the consumers face an uninsurable unemployment risk, can save in an interest-bearing asset, and are subject to a borrowing constraint. The labor market is modeled using a Diamond–Mortensen–Pissarides style search and matching model. The decomposition exercises reveal how each factor contributes to the heterogeneity of welfare effects among different consumers.  相似文献   

中国行业垄断的收入分配效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
收入分配差距过大是中国社会发展的难点和热点问题,行业垄断已经成为加剧中国收入分配矛盾的重要原因。为此,本文构建新的垄断-竞争两部门利润分享模型,揭示行业垄断影响收入分配的内在机制,并结合中国的经验数据进行实证分析。研究表明,行业垄断在产品与要素市场中,通过最终产品消费的福利转移、要素的区别定价以及垄断利润在不同就业者之间的非均衡分享导致收入分配差距的扩大;在行业垄断力量对经济干预较多的阶段,收入差距扩大问题较为严重,并且往往表现为劳动总收入的下降。因此,持续提升劳动者收入,保持收入分配的合理化,必须配合行之有效的行政垄断部门改革,打破行业垄断所形成的二元经济结构,降低行业垄断在生产和分配领域中的影响。  相似文献   

We examine how tax avoidance in the form of trade in well-functioning asset markets affects the study of labor supply. We discuss the implications for tax policy analysis, and we show that a failure to account for avoidance responses may lead to huge errors when analyzing how tax reform affects labor supply, tax revenue and the welfare cost of taxation. Our model may explain a number of otherwise hard to understand dimensions of taxpayer response.  相似文献   

农民工城镇医疗保险与新型农村合作医疗的衔接   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
胡务 《财经科学》2006,(5):93-99
现阶段我国正加强社会保障的制度建设.在城镇,今后社会保障的一个重要内容是将农民工纳入社会保险,首先保障其大病(住院)医疗和工伤;在农村,正试点新型农村合作医疗,主要通过大病统筹的方式解决农民的医疗风险.农民工是一特殊群体,他们多数流动于城市和农村之间.他们是只参加城镇的社会医疗保险体系或新型农村合作医疗?抑或可以两者同时参加?本文作者根据大量的调查和我国社会保障制度的设计,提出了自己的观点:鉴于两者的保障程度有限,近期不宜作出硬性规定,两者的结合可以提高农民工医疗保障的程度.  相似文献   

How the valuation of environmental goods is related to income is a key question for economics, but the role of income inequality is often neglected. We study how income inequality affects the international transfer of the estimated value of environmental goods from a study to a policy site—a practice called value or benefit transfer. Specifically, we apply theory-driven, structural transfer factors to test whether adjusting for income inequality affects errors made in benefit transfer, drawing on a multi-country valuation study on water quality improvement. Our convergent validity analysis shows that the structural income inequality adjustment reduces benefit transfer errors by between 1.5 and 1.8 percentage points on average across all transfers. We therefore find that adjusting for income inequality offers only a minor improvement of benefit transfers as compared to adjusting for differences in mean income. Overall, our results shed light on the potential of structural approaches to benefit transfer for environmental valuation and public policy appraisal.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the political support for a social insurance that includes elements of redistribution when there exists an imperfect private insurance alternative. Individuals differ both in their income and risk. The social insurance is compulsory and charges an income-related contribution with pooling of risks. The private insurance is voluntary and charges a contribution based on individual risks. However due to the adverse selection problem, private insurance companies provide only partial insurance. Adopting a non-expected utility model, we show that there is a general majority support for social insurance and that this support is increasing with risk aversion. We also show that a mixed insurance is politically impossible, regardless of the degree of redistribution of social insurance and the joint distribution of risk and income in the population. Lastly, we analyse how the political support for social insurance is affected by any change in its redistributive component and the possibility of using genetic tests.  相似文献   

The United States changed its tax treatment of married couples in 1948, from a system in which each spouse paid taxes on his or her own income to a system in which a married couple is taxed as a unit. The switch from separate to joint taxation changed incentives for labor supply and asset ownership. This paper investigates the effects of the conversion to joint taxation, taking advantage of a natural experiment created by cross-state variation in property laws. Married individuals in states with community property laws had always been taxed as if each spouse had earned half of the couple's income, and thus were unaffected by the 1948 legal change. Comparing the behavior of highly-educated taxpayers in affected and unaffected states indicates that the tax change is associated with a decline of approximately 2 percentage points in the employment rate of married women, consistent with the higher first-dollar tax rates they faced after 1948. Women married to self-employed men were also less likely to have non-wage income after 1948, reflecting pre-1948 allocation of family assets to wives for tax purposes. The effects of joint taxation on married men's labor force participation and non-wage income holding are generally not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Using the 2008 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, this study examines the impact of receiving disability income on a respondent’s decision to calculate a retirement income need, use tax-advantaged accounts and accumulate retirement wealth. Respondents who received disability income were 4.4% less likely to report calculating a retirement income need and 4.5% less likely to report using a tax-advantaged account, compared to a reference group of respondents who did not receive disability income. Respondents who received disability income also accumulated 41% less retirement wealth compared to the same reference group.  相似文献   

有效保险需求是在当前特定时期内,在一定保险价格、一定购买力条件下现实的保险需求,是保险公司真正面对的业务来源。本文使用最近几年健康保险保费收入、城镇居民可支配收入、城镇基本医疗保险基金总收入及居民医疗保健支出等数据,通过建立回归模型对健康保险有效需求进行分析。结果显示:居民购买力和医疗费用的增长对我国健康保险的有效需求有显著影响,社会保险并未对商业健康保险产生替代作用,相反与健康保险保费收入同向增长。  相似文献   

理论与实证分析表明,决定城乡收入差别的宏观因素主要包括经济发展程度、城乡劳动力负担差异程度与城乡劳动生产率差异。其中,城镇劳动力负担、城乡劳动生产率差距与城乡收入差距负相关,农村劳动力负担与城乡收入距正相关,经济发展程度与城乡收入差距存在倒“U”型关系。为此,要缩小城乡收入差距就需要在继续促进经济快速稳定发展中,坚持市场化改革的方向与现有人口政策,以规模化、科技化和产业化推动传统农业升级,提升农村劳动生产率。  相似文献   

It is well known that public insurance sometimes crowds out private insurance. Yet, the economic theory of crowd out has remained unstudied. Here, I show that crowd out causes two countervailing effects: (a) the intensive margin effect-since high demanders are crowded out, the private market now has a larger proportion of low demanders on the intensive margin (The intensive margin are those who have already bought private insurance), and so will drop quality to lower the price to the low demanders liking; and (b) the extensive margin effect-before the public insurance expansion, the private sector had lowered quality to make insurance more affordable at the extensive margin (The extensive margin is the next group of people who would buy private insurance if the price decreased), but now that public insurance crowds out the extensive margin, quality can then be raised back up to the high demanders liking.If the extensive margin effect dominates, then a new phenomenon of push out occurs, in which crowd out causes the private sector to raise quality and to increase the number of uninsured low demanders not eligible for public insurance. If the intensive margin effect dominates, then crowd out will cause the private sector to lower quality, causing the phenomenon of crowd-in, in which the number of uninsured low demanders that take-up private insurance increases.These two countervailing effects have important implications for any government policy that desires to eradicate all uninsurance. First, if push out is dominant, then the private sector will respond to the public insurance by pushing out and leaving some people newly uninsured. If crowd-in is dominant, then all people can be insured and the government can do it at a lower-than-anticipated level of expansion due to the private sector crowding in.Received: April 2002, Accepted: February 2003, JEL Classification: I11, I38The views herein do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of AHRQ, nor the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. I thank Pedro Pita Barros, Hugh Gravelle, and Lise Rochaix-Ranson, and participants at the 2nd Health Economics Workshop at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa for helpful comments.  相似文献   

This paper specifies an adoption model based upon Bayesian learning and exogenous information generation. Formulae for welfare effects are derived and calibrated using Green Revolution agricultural data. The effects of intervention through the dissemination of new information are then estimated numerically. The simulations indicate that gains to intervention can be substantial. Intervening with slowly adopted marginal technologies is as beneficial as intervening with superior technologies. Taken from Shampine [Am. J. Agric. Econ. 2 (1998).], which examined intervention in the presence of learning externalities, the results suggest that if adoption is slow, and information is the primary constraint, the gains to intervention are generally substantial relative to the costs.  相似文献   

The expansion of health insurance in emerging countries raises concerns about the unintended negative effects of health insurance on labour supply. This article examines the labour supply effects of the Health Care Fund for the Poor (HCFP) in Vietnam in terms of the number of work hours per month and labour force participation (the probability of employment). Employing various matching methods combined with a Difference-in-Differences approach on the Vietnam Household Living Standard Surveys 2002–2006, we show that the HCFP, which aims to provide poor people and disadvantaged minority groups with free health insurance, has a negative effect on labour supply. This is manifested in both the average number of hours worked per month and the probability of employment, suggesting the income effect of the HCFP. Interestingly, the effects are mainly driven by the non-poor recipients living in rural areas, raising the question of the targeting strategy of the programme.  相似文献   

This paper uses panel data techniques to investigate the impact of state mandates to cover telehealth services on private insurance premiums and enrollment, health-care utilization, and health outcomes. There is evidence that telehealth insurance mandates are associated with an increase in primary care, but no significant changes in overall health outcomes. However, there is evidence of a reduction of secondary care and improvement in health outcomes in non-metropolitan areas. The results provide useful information regarding the potential of telehealth to reduce health-care costs as well as to reduce disparities in access to health care and in health outcomes.  相似文献   

孙文杰 《经济研究》2012,(5):120-131
理解现阶段我国经济系统中劳动报酬的形成机理和产生效率,对于中国顺利实现产业结构转型,避免落入"中等收入陷阱",具有极其重要的意义。本文利用非竞争型投入产出模型,重点从需求结构和技术效率两个视角深入分析了开放背景下1987—2007年中国劳动报酬份额的演变趋势及其背后动因。研究发现,最终需求变动和技术效率变化对我国1987—2007年劳动报酬份额的演变具有非常显著的影响,最终需求结构、以需求衡量的产业结构、最终需求进口替代、劳动回报率、进口中间投入和投入产出效率对1987—2007年劳动报酬份额下降的贡献率分别为11%、14%、2%、38%、2%和33%。进一步研究发现,1997年之后,国内消费、投资和出口对我国劳动报酬的拉动系数呈大幅下降趋势,且拉动重心逐渐由国内居民消费转向投资和出口,这在很大程度上导致了1997年之后劳动报酬份额的显著下降。此外,包括劳动回报率、进口中间投入和投入产出效率在内的技术效率变化也是引起劳动报酬份额下降的重要原因。  相似文献   

中国寿险需求实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李良 《时代经贸》2006,4(9):76-78
本文对国内外的寿险需求分析研究进行了简单综述,在此基础上抽取全目30省市1998—2003年的数据.采取面板数据模型就收入、通货膨胀、社会保障、银行利率、死亡率等寿险需求影响因素与保费收入相关性作了Granger因果性检验分析。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of risk aversion of single-parent households with at least one child under 18 on life insurance ownership. Analysing the 1992–2013 Survey of Consumer Finances datasets, we found that the likelihood of owning term life insurance decreases as risk aversion increases, but the likelihood of owning cash-value life insurance increases as risk aversion increases. Smokers were less likely to own term life insurance but more likely to own cash-value life insurance than comparable non-smokers.  相似文献   

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