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Previous research has investigated the determinants and consequences of customer loyalty, but, in banking, a critical measure largely neglected in previous studies is the customer's ‘share of wallet’. This study, based on a survey of 1,924 retail banking customers, suggests that a large proportion of the variance in stated behavioural intentions can be predicted, in particular, by customers' attitude measures. More importantly, the study shows that a substantial amount of the variance in share of wallet can be predicted, allowing banks to identify and focus on customer segments where there is most potential for growth. In recognition of the fact that dissatisfied customers are a distinct segment, the study models actual behaviour in terms of share of wallet for dissatisfied customers. Implications for research and for business are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, the impacts of the three dimensions of justice (distributive, interactional, and procedural) on customers’ post-complaint behaviour (ie exit vs loyalty) of both conventional and Islamic banks in the UAE were investigated. The results showed that interactional justice (eg courtesy) and distributive justice (eg refund) play predominant roles, since they impact both positive and negative emotions and the exit-loyalty behaviour of customers regardless of the type of bank (conventional or Islamic). The results show, however, that procedural justice (eg timeliness) has no impact on either negative or positive emotions and the exit-loyalty behaviour of either conventional bank customers or Islamic bank customers. The results were interpreted in terms of cultural context and in terms of managerial implications for conventional and Islamic banks that are mostly dealing with complaint handling and employee training. The limitations of this study are also discussed at the end.  相似文献   

It has been established that increasing the role of technology in a service organisation can serve to reduce costs and improve service reliability. It is argued, however, that there remains an important role for personalised relationships in the delivery of any service proposition. Throughout this paper both of these perspectives will be discussed and an attempt is made to reconcile these apparently opposing views in the emerging age of technology-enabled remote relationships. Findings from a longitudinal research study with a large UK case bank that focused on the area of remote relationships are revisited and reinterpreted with management from the case bank in question. Through this reflective lens the bank's recent strategic decision to no longer proactively relationship manage its personal customer base is examined. In light of this deliberate relationship disconnection strategy key marketing implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article employs British cross-section time-series data to examine the competitive behavior of retail banks in the period 1985–1989. Product offerings are found to consist of both survivor and dominated products over time. In addition, there is evidence of price discrimination being practiced by banks. Individual banks are found to be influential in the setting of interest rates for retail bank products, though there is wide variation across banks and products.  相似文献   

The desire to treat all customers equally, irrespective of their value to the organisation reflects the laudable but uneconomic service mantras of the past. New Zealand banks, using modern database management tools in conjunction with individual customer information, are migrating customers to cheaper delivery systems and adjusting their customer service levels (customer support, privileges, fee waivers, discounts, etc) according to customer profitability. The essence of this database management is still customer segmentation. Using a retail bank's proprietary customer contribution data in combination with survey-based customer data, this paper presents a quantitative eight segment ‘extension’ of Reinartz and Kumar's (2002) behavioural segmentation solution. Potential profitability in the customer-bank relationship is drawn from incorporation of share of wallet into the segmentation solution, providing insight into the management of each segment's customers, especially the ‘barnacles’ (loyal, loss-making customers) and the ‘butterflies’ (short-term, profitable customers).  相似文献   

客户识别客户细分客户互动个性化服务图1实施CRM的基本步骤CRM(客户关系管理)不仅是一个系统,一个技术解决方案,更是一种管理思想、全新的营销理念、向客户提供优良服务品质的新做法。其目的是为了更有效率地获取、开发并留住企业最重要的资产———顾客。换句话说,它需要知道顾客最主要的需求是什么?最在乎的是什么?并在和顾客接触的过程中,针对个别的差异提供与其需求一致的营销和服务计划。对企业而言,客户关系管理最深刻的内涵在于经营理念的变革,也就是从以产品为中心、以企业为中心的经营模式向以客户为中心的经营模式转变,进而引…  相似文献   

The effect of increasing competition, globalization and tough economic conditions has led to changes in how banking and life insurance firms operate. This has resulted in banking and life insurance firms focusing on retaining and building long-term relationships with their existing customer base by implementing a relationship marketing strategy. However, not all customers are willing to invest in building long-term relationships. Therefore, firms need to identify and target those customers who intend to support long-term relationships with the firm, that is those with a high relationship intention. The objective of this research was to investigate South African banking and life insurance customers’ relationship intention by determining the constructs constituting relationship intention and to determine whether differences exist between high and low-relationship intention customers for the identified relationship intention constructs. A non-probability, convenience sample was used to gather data from 401 respondents, with 202 from banking and 199 from life insurance customers. The results identified five constructs constituting relationship intention for the sample of respondents and indicated that high- and low-relationship intention respondents see four of the five constructs differently.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing competition, globalization and tough economic conditions has led to changes in how banking and life insurance firms operate. This has resulted in banking and life insurance firms focusing on retaining and building long-term relationships with their existing customer base by implementing a relationship marketing strategy. However, not all customers are willing to invest in building long-term relationships. Therefore, firms need to identify and target those customers who intend to support long-term relationships with the firm, that is those with a high relationship intention. The objective of this research was to investigate South African banking and life insurance customers’ relationship intention by determining the constructs constituting relationship intention and to determine whether differences exist between high and low-relationship intention customers for the identified relationship intention constructs. A non-probability, convenience sample was used to gather data from 401 respondents, with 202 from banking and 199 from life insurance customers. The results identified five constructs constituting relationship intention for the sample of respondents and indicated that high- and low-relationship intention respondents see four of the five constructs differently.  相似文献   

The crisis in the UK financial services industry has led to retail banking customers treating transactions with growing scepticism. Retail banks are having to work very hard to regain customer trust. Despite recent research in marketing that acknowledges the importance of service loyalty to service firms, studies that have examined the relative effects of trust and the different types of switching costs on attitudinal and behavioural loyalty are scant. Therefore this article aims to build a model to examine the strength of the relationships between these constructs. Using survey data collected from a convenience sample of 290 retail banking customers in the United Kingdom, the article reveals that the main drivers of attitudinal loyalty are trust and relational switching costs. In contrast, the main drivers of behavioural loyalty are trust, relational switching costs and attitudinal loyalty. Interestingly, financial and procedural switching costs exert no significant effect on either attitudinal or behavioural loyalty. Trust and relational switching costs exert a stronger effect on attitudinal than behavioural loyalty.  相似文献   

Banking in South Africa is known for its small number of companies that operate as an oligopoly. This paper presents a strategic fit assessment of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in South African banks. A network DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) approach is adopted to compute the impact of contextual variables on several types of efficiency scores of the resulting virtual merged banks: global (merger), technical (learning), harmony (scope), and scale (size) efficiencies. The impact of contextual variables related to the origin of the bank and its type is tested by means of a set of several robust regressions to handle dependent variables bounded in 0 and 1: Tobit, Simplex, and Beta. The results reveal that bank type and origin impact virtual efficiency levels. However, the findings also show that harmony and scale effects are negligible due to the oligopolistic structure of banking in South Africa.  相似文献   

德利多富信息系统有限公司(以下简称“德利多富”)作为全球金融自助设备的领先供应商,集研发、市场、销售和技术支持为一体。德利多富于20世纪90年代进入中国市场,几乎与所有国内银行均有合作,提供给客户广泛的增值产品、解决方案和相关服务,是业内解决方案和客户服务的领头企业。近年来,德利多富将零售业和银行业经验迅速扩展到邮政业、彩票业等其他领域,从而使零售银行进入了自助服务创新的新时代。  相似文献   

We use proprietary data to analyze the importance of retail banking relationships to commercial banks and their depositors when banks underwrite securities. We find lead underwriters’ retail customers benefit as they demand and end up with significantly more of the highly underpriced issues. We find it is actual underpricing beyond that predicted by grey markets that drive the differential demand from the lead bank retail clientele, suggesting that banks pass on information about underpriced initial public offerings to their retail depositors. We analyze banks’ incentives for such behavior and find evidence of banks benefiting through retail cross-selling—both brokerage accounts and consumer loans increase significantly.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的突飞猛进,网上银行近几年超常规发展,客户保有量增长迅猛,综合业务量也节节攀升。以招商银行为例,目前招商银行超过50%的对私业务和约15%的对公业务实现非柜台操作,网上企业银行每月完成的结算量占招商银行对公结算总量的22%(按金额)和15%(按笔数)。依托技术创新和体制创新,特别是网上银行的推波助澜,招商银行在2000年初至2003年初的3年间对公业务交易量达29229亿元,交易笔数518万笔,收益高达10360万元鸦个人业务交易量高达1239亿元,交易笔数达714万元,收益达6500万元,每年的综合成长率高达16%~30%。招商银行是网上银行竞争…  相似文献   

One of the primary concerns of companies is to develop loyal customers, and banks are no exception. Past research attempted to examine the role of satisfaction, perceived quality and image, as drivers of bank brand loyalty. However the characteristics of specific bank brands were not taken into consideration. Using data collected from a sample of 216 retail bank customers, banking with five different banks in Athens Greece, this paper investigates whether similar antecedents could be used to predict brand loyalty in various institutions. The results imply that, depending on the bank, different drivers could influence in a dissimilar manner the formation of loyalty and therefore further research is needed to generalise the suggested models.  相似文献   

We empirically quantify the welfare implications of bank entry in the United States between 2000 and 2008. We use a fully structural framework that combines a differentiated demand model with an endogenous product model to investigate the market outcomes. We find no evidence for under- or over-entry. Compared with the socially efficient outcome, there is a mild welfare loss resulting from banks entering wrong locations in product space. Compared with the observed outcome, consumer surplus drops by 20–38% and bank profits decline by 48–59% when banks are homogeneous. Therefore product differentiation significantly improves welfare under free entry.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to investigate the integration process within the European Union retail banking sector by analysing deposit and lending rates to the household sector during the period 2003–2011. Secondly, to assess the impact of the 2008 global financial crisis on the banking integration process, an area that is yet unexplored. An important contribution of the paper is the application of the recently developed Phillips and Sul (2007a) panel convergence methodology which has not hitherto been employed in this area. This method analyses the degree as well as the speed of convergence, identifies the presence of club formation, and measures the behaviour of each country’s transition path relative to the panel average. The empirical results point to the presence of convergence in all deposit and lending rates to the household sector up to 2007. In sharp contrast, the null of convergence is rejected in all deposit and credit markets after the onset of the 2008 financial crisis. These results show that the global crisis has had a detrimental effect on the banking integration process. We find some convergence in a few sub-clusters of countries but the rate of convergence is typically slow and several countries are identified as diverging altogether. In addition, we find that the credit market, in general, is far more heterogeneous than the savings market.  相似文献   

As banking markets in developing countries are maturing, banks face competition not only from other domestic banks but also from sophisticated foreign banks. Given the substantial growth of consumer credit and increased regulatory attention to risk management, the development of a well-functioning credit assessment framework is essential. As part of such a framework, we propose a credit scoring model for Vietnamese retail loans. First, we show how to identify those borrower characteristics that should be part of a credit scoring model. Second, we illustrate how such a model can be calibrated to achieve the strategic objectives of the bank. Finally, we assess the use of credit scoring models in the context of transactional versus relationship lending.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to study the impact of the antecedents—brand experience, service quality, and perceived value on word of mouth (WOM) recommendations by retail banking customers in an emerging market. The paper also investigates the mediating effect of loyalty on WOM with respect to the abovementioned antecedents. A survey of 412 retail customers of various banks in India was undertaken using a structured questionnaire developed using existing constructs. The results show that brand experience, service quality, and perceived value have a significant impact on WOM recommendations of customers of retail banks. Further, the relationships between the abovementioned antecedents and WOM are mediated by loyalty. This study makes several contributions to the academic literature. First, it establishes the importance of brand experience, service quality, and perceived value as antecedents of WOM in the context of retail banks in an emerging market. Second, it also establishes that loyalty plays a mediating role for the abovementioned antecedents for WOM recommendations by retail customers of banks in an emerging market.  相似文献   

Journal of Financial Services Marketing - This qualitative study examines the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of market orientation (MO) in the context of retail...  相似文献   

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