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贺岁档电影<三枪拍案惊奇>目前正在上映,虽然影评人与观众对该片褒贬不一,电影票房也喜忧参半,但在电影倒一位置的民生信用卡广告却赢得了观众的一致好评.  相似文献   

The curse of the superstar CEO   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When struggling companies look for a new chief executive today, the one quality they prize above all others is charisma. But once they've recruited a larger-than-life leader, they often find that their troubles only get worse. Indeed, as the author's new research painfully reveals, the widespread belief in the powers of charismatic CEOs can be problematic. Why? First, Khurana says, there's no conclusive evidence that charismatic leadership affects an organization's performance. And yet--as Kodak's story over the past decade reveals--when a company is faltering, boards feel compelled to oust the incumbent chief executive and bring in a corporate savior. Second, the insistence on finding a charismatic leader, combined with the undefinable nature of charisma, results in selection processes that are overly conservative and even irrational. Boards end up considering only candidates who have already achieved the rank of CEO or president at a high-performing, high-profile company, even if they are not right for the job. Third, charismatic leaders deliberately destabilize organizations. This can result in a more vibrant company, as it did at General Electric during Jack Welch's tenure, but it can also leave a troubled legacy for the organization to overcome, as GE, Ford, and Enron have all found. Faith in a company, a product, or an idea can unleash tremendous innovation and productivity. But the extravagant hopes invested in charismatic CEOs resemble not mature faith but a belief in magic. If we are willing to reconsider our notion of leadership, this age of faith can be followed by an era of faith and reason.  相似文献   

The paper aims to give an overview of the evolution of the British aluminium industry after 1945. Its objective is to analyse the national character of the sector's evolution over the post-war period. The case seems to illustrate the so-called British economic 'failure' often quoted by economic historians writing about the period (Jones, 1997). Nevertheless, geographical, financial, managerial and cultural factors are crucial to understanding Britain's inability to sustain a domestically owned aluminium industry.  相似文献   

Conclusion Experience has shown that German monetary policy is far from impotent There is consequently no call for passive resignation. The monetary authorities must send clear signals if the current turbulence on the currency markets is to be kept in check. The Bundesbank itself has clearly shown — during the period following German Unification — that an autonomous monetary policy is possible in spite of the high degree of integration on international financial markets. It is hard to see why this should not be the case today simply because it is no longer interest rate hikes but base rate cuts that are called for.If interest rates are not reduced, the interest rate on the German capital market will continue to follow the lead set by American monetary policy. But is it right that the American central bank, on the basis of data on the state of the US economy, indirectly helps to determine whether new jobs are created in Germany and whether existing jobs are made more secure? What is required in the medium term is greater independence on the part of German monetary policy. The globalisation of financial markets does not stand in the way of such a strategy.  相似文献   

Takeover bidding with toeholds: the case of the owner's curse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article demonstrates that a potential acquirer with a toeholdbids aggressively and possibly overpays in equilibrium. Theaggressiveness of a bidder with a toehold increases furtherif he is able to renege on his winning bid. A bidder withouta toehold, however, responds by shading his bids. The targetfirm can increase competition and the expected sale price ifit only entertains nonretractable bids. This article providestestable implications on the probability of bidder success,stock price reactions on bid revisions and on resolution ofthe contest, and expected gains to bidders and the target firm.  相似文献   

We show that a monopolist's profit is higher if he refrains from collecting coarse information on his customers, sticking to constant uniform pricing rather than recognizing customers' segments through their purchase history. In the Markov perfect equilibrium with coarse information collection, after each commitment period, a new introductory price is offered to attract new customers, creating a new market segment for price discrimination. Eventually, the whole market is covered. Shortening the commitment period results in lower profits. These results sharply differ from the ones obtained when the firm can uncover the exact willingness-to-pay of each previous customer.  相似文献   

受经济自由化、国际化及信息科技发展的影响,全球化已成为世界经济体系的主要趋势。在此形势下,会计师业务由传统遵循审计趋向多元化,会计师专业能力要求日益深化与专精,会计师事务所组织形态及营运方式受到冲击,企业国际化也趋动会计师业务由区域性进入国际性,事务所业务发展必须有正确营销观念与策略。  相似文献   

Exploiting the High and New Technology Enterprise (HNTE) certification program in China, we find a significant increase in firm-specific stock price crash risk for certified firms relative to non-certified firms. The result holds after a battery of robustness tests. Importantly, we find that the increase in stock price crash risk is concentrated in firms with poor innovation records before receiving HNTE certification, with less innovation improvement after obtaining HNTE certification, with weak external governance, and for state-owned enterprises. Our findings uncover a novel and substantial cost of HNTE certification as it can stimulate strategic bad news hoarding and release, being associated with greater crash risk, especially for firms less likely to engage in fact-based innovation.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the quantification of tree risk to the British public as a whole; with factors which influence actual risk, such as location and meteorology; and with perceived risk which can be a driver of control actions. The emergent risk is found to be very small and the perceptual factors examined do not support anything other than a proportionate approach to safety management. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

While prior research mainly focused on the impact of third-party-certified web assurance seals on consumers' perceptions and purchasing behaviors, little research has been conducted on the managerial decision-making process about the selection, implementation, and the abandonment of such seals. Of particular interest here is the WebTrust seal, jointly developed by the AICPA and the CICA. We take a qualitative case study approach to understand the motivations and rationale of a large North American telecommunications firm's management behind the decisions about the selection, implementation, and abandonment of its WebTrust seal. Our case firm was one of the first to obtain the seal on its online shopping website. Semi-structured interview results suggest that the implementation and the subsequent abandonment of WebTrust may be explained by several theoretical frameworks — the managerial accounting perspective, organizational slack theory, innovation theory, and institutional theory. First, the case firm's leader attitude in innovation, its extra resources available, coupled with the endorsement of the accounting profession led to the implementation of WebTrust. Second, when the benefits of WebTrust versus its costs were questioned and other companies increasingly abandoned the seal, our case firm decided to follow this trend.  相似文献   

The concept of subsidiarity is examined as a possible golden rule to be applied in restructuring the federal balance, ie the relationship between the EC, the member states and the regions. The concept of subsidiarity is used broadly to include an examination of the kind of institutional rearrangement that the EC is trying to define for itself. Four deficits (capacity, policy, implementation and democracy) of the present institutional set-up are reviewed in order to determine what kind of innovative arrangements need to be designed to enable the EC to face the challenges of the next decade. On the assumption that the process of integration has indeed become irreversible, two options in the institutional development towards political union are evaluated.  相似文献   

This paper examines the AICPA Vision Project, understanding this both as a professional project aimed at repositioning the identity and practice of accountants, and as a window into the activities of professional bodies before recent financial scandals and regulatory reform. Archival and interview material is used to analyze the Vision Project and explicate its meaning and significance. The project is understood in terms of work by Giddens and Abbot concerning the development and repositioning of professional claims. The Vision Project may ultimately be seen as a failure, with professional bodies now distancing themselves from the Vision Project’s goals. Nonetheless, the project itself presents an opportunity to understand the mechanics by which professional bodies seek to expand the domain of practice, even if such exceeds the limits of their technical competency.  相似文献   

Widely-publicized breaches of professional norms among accountants in the United States have kindled their interest in the problem of norms and normative control. This article discusses the current literature on norms. It suggests that normative control, which is always problematic, is especially so when agents are subject to the control of two or more principals having divergent interests. It is argued that the agent’s compliance will tend to flow to that principal upon whom the agent is most dependent. The analysis is illustrated by the case of the rise and fall of the Arthur Andersen accounting firm.  相似文献   

We investigate high-frequency trading (HFT) strategies, inventorying the strategies already studied in the literature and introducing innovative strategies detected by private institutional research. To this end, we expand the existing classification, and we offer names for new categories. In a complementary but original manner, we introduce counter reactions from professional traders in response to HFT predatory strategies. These human answers reverse the usual framework of competition between high-frequency traders (HFTs) and low frequency traders (LFTs) and also widen this cadre to HFTs algos (predators) versus execution algos.This survey notes that a continuous increase in competition, between high-speed trading algorithms themselves through predatory strategies and from professional human traders adapting and building adequate responses has made the business more difficult and has led to shrinking profits for HFT. In the end, we believe that excessive competition and a change in the current regulation (favorable to HFT) could kill the goose that laid the golden egg.  相似文献   

This article assesses the role of the Big Society within the complex pattern of UK service provision. It is argued that the relevance of the Big Society was transient and it has had little impact on practice. Reasons for this are located within the complexity of relationships between public, private and third sectors. Such complexity is a permanent feature of contemporary service provision in which the moment of the Big Society has now passed.  相似文献   

Industrial robots are increasingly used to perform tasks traditionally assigned to humans. Using a sample of Chinese manufacturers, we examine the impact of robot adoption on firm cost stickiness. We find that robot adoption is associated with less sticky costs. The negative impact of robot adoption on cost stickiness is particularly meaningful for state-owned enterprises and firms with higher labour costs, and becomes significantly stronger after the enactment of China's Labour Contract Law, which significantly increases labour adjustment costs. These findings are consistent with the conjecture that the adoption of robots allows firms to reduce their overall labour adjustment costs.  相似文献   

The question we raise is what to do when companies fail to keep pace with societal expectations with respect to their corporate social responsibility (CSR). The response of the Indian government was to make it mandatory for large corporations to spend funds on CSR activities. In this paper, we investigate the success of this legislation both for the companies and the intended beneficiaries. We find that the impact of the legislation has fallen short of expectations both in terms of the volume of CSR expenditure generated and the activities to which it has been directed. In particular, we find that the legislation has had a negative corporate profitability which can impact on the willingness of companies to spend in this area. We conclude that greater care must be taken when implementing mandatory CSR if it is to be effective.  相似文献   

B. M. LALL NIGAM 《Abacus》1986,22(2):148-161
The earliest treatise on accounting is generally thought to be Pacioli's Summar of 1494. The Bahi-khata is a double-entry system of bookkeeping that predates the 'Italian' method by many centuries. Its existence in India prior to the Greek and Roman empires suggests that Indian traders took it with them to Italy, and from there the double-entry system spread through Europe. The Bahi-khata is described and its double-entry principles explained.  相似文献   

Ownership, governance, and institutional diversity among banks are a subject of public and regulatory concern. This paper addresses this issue by using a case study of Spain, where the retail banking market was split evenly between shareholder and stakeholder banks before the crisis. We examine how institutional diversity mattered in the accumulation of risk in the pre-crisis years, in the severity of losses caused by the crisis, and in the resilience to recover from the losses. The method of analysis consists in linking the risk position of the banks in the pre-crisis period and the losses arising during the crisis to the decisions of banks to migrate from business models based on deposit financing to models based on market-debt financing. We find that cajas migrated to more vulnerable business models following the strategy of the shareholder banks, but the losses in the crisis were much higher in the former than in the latter. The paper interprets this result as evidence that what matters the most about the ownership of banks is their resilience in bad times.  相似文献   

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