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<正> 1 绝不放走一个顾客一对夫妇经常光顾一家大盘鸡店,有时一周一次,有时二次,大约持续了三四年之久。有一次,店内的服务员对他们的态度不友好,于是他们就换到其他店去了。5年后他们再度经过这家店,大盘鸡的老板恰巧在门口,并认出了这对曾经的"常客",就笑问这么多年为什么不来了?这对夫妇想了想,还是把原因告诉了老板,老板很认真的听着,并向他们表示道歉。等这对夫妇走后,她拿起计算器算起了损失:假如这对夫妇每周都到店里消费一次,两人共花50元计,一年2600元,5年就是1.3万元。大盘鸡店开业十几年来,因为这  相似文献   

夏天的时候冰淇淋可谓最受欢迎的甜品。在自助冰淇淋店,消费者可以发挥自己的想像和创造力,把不同口味的冰淇淋和各色糖果、果酱、小食混合在一起,然后放到秤上按斤两计算价格。谭先生就开了这么一家自助冰淇淋店,叫"酷小丑"。一次偶然的机会,回国创办教育机构的谭先生认识了一位做了30年冰淇淋出口的商人,他正想把经营的重心转移到国内。有了供货源又有好想法,谭先生认为这是一个绝佳的契机,于是就和朋友开起了国内第一家自助冰淇淋店。不过他们并没有照搬国外的  相似文献   

张海鹰 《商界》2010,(3):108-110
钟伟清想不通,自己怎么突然就成名人了?他的“蹿红”方式很简单:2009年11月1日上午9时,西安钟少白发型连锁店店经理在总部集合。这是一次“兑现承诺”会。10月份有两家店没能完成目标业绩。而老板钟伟清曾经当众承诺.只要有一家店业绩没完成,他就自罚20个耳光,有一家算一家。  相似文献   

书刊店———赚知识钱学校旁开书刊店理由十足,但要注意区别对待。小学生对辅导资料不感兴趣,最喜欢的是小人书。可惜现在小人书太贵,薄薄的一本定价就在10元左右,一般小学生零花钱不多,只好忍痛割爱。所以,小学校尤其是农村小学校旁的书刊店应以经营卡通画片为主。不过也有例外。1999年,青年农民朱月青在江苏省阜宁县沟墩镇丰唐小学旁开了一个小书刊店,她以六折优惠价一下子从图书市场批发回300本小人书,然后出租,五角钱一次,一次半小时。这样既不占用学生过多的课余时间,又丰富了学生的课外知识,还加快了周转,半个…  相似文献   

<正> 书刊店——赚知识钱学校旁开书刊店理由十足,但要注意的是不能太多,要区别对待。小学生对辅导资料不感兴趣,最喜欢的是小人书。可惜现在小人书太贵,薄薄的一本定价就在10元左右,一般小学生零花钱不多,只好忍痛舍爱。所以,小学校尤其是农村小学校旁的书刊店应以经营卡通画片为主。不过也有例外。1999年,青年农民朱月青在江苏省阜宁县沟墩镇丰唐小学旁开了一个小书店。她以六折优惠价从图书市场批发回300本小人书,然后出租,五角钱一次,一次半小时,这样既不占用学生过多的课余时间,又丰富学生的课外知识,还加快了周转,半个月就收回了1600元的投资。中学旁的书刊店则应以辅导资料,特别是高考复习资料为主,兼顾一些登载考试信息的报刊。王一祥(电话:13851126734)对此很有体会。他本人是  相似文献   

读者小优:"十一"自驾游回来,我们就把车送到4S店检修过,但最近天气转冷,4S店又发短信说该做入秋保养了,请问有这个必要吗?主持人:虽然自驾游回来已经做过保养,但是我还是建议您再做一次全面的检查,为爱车过冬做好准备。毕竟经过一个炎热多雨的夏季,车辆多多少少都可能出现一些小问题。  相似文献   

一条街上有三家水果店。一天,有位老太太来到第一家店问:“有李子卖吗?”店主见有生意.马上迎上前说:“您看我这李子又大又甜,还新鲜得很呢!”没想到老太太一听扭头就走。店主纳闷着:奇怪啊.我哪里得罪老太太了?  相似文献   

看到贵刊前两期的“零售商茶馆”,我一下子就兴奋了,经过大家这么一聊,原来让我犯难的问题就迎刃而解了,我感觉找到了我们零售商说话的地方。这两天我又有了犯难的事,我家开的店在市中心,按说位置是够不错的了,这里居民和客流都不少,生意也应该不错,但奇怪的是我家的生意就是不如周边其他几家店的好,所以没事的时候我就到别的店去逛逛,学习一下别人经营卷烟的经验。  相似文献   

进入新年里连续两期文章都在分析多哈回合谈判,这是因为今年确实是谈判的关键一年。本期还要继续这一话题。前两期的结论基本上可以概括为,多哈谈判在今年成功结束的机会非常渺茫,但只要有一线生机,中国就应尽全力争取。具体做法就是通过巧妙地同美国周旋,尽最大可能摸清其谈判底线,为我所用。下面就想不避浅陋,探讨一下如何与美周旋。  相似文献   

<正>眼见这小伙子拿着一条看似平常的毛巾在又脏又黑的马路上擦了又擦,然后将毛巾在桶里这么涮一涮,一下没搓,毛巾就干净如初了。嘿!真神!吴金生干了不少生意,做哪个他都搞得有声有色。这不,做沙县小吃一年光景就做起了几家店。可吴金生有眼光,他没靠着老底儿推着干,他一直琢磨着弄个新玩意试试。  相似文献   

Despite the ever increasing levels of fashion consumption, neither retailers nor consumers have as yet implemented sustainability principles to a significant degree. This is despite the fact that sustainability principles are increasingly understood and will be applied by consumers, as long as affordable alternatives in mainstream fashions are available. In a highly competitive fashion retail sector, there exists an opportunity for UK high street fashion retailers to differentiate their brand image through aligning products with consumers' moral frameworks. Using phenomenological interviews, this research explores the fashion consumption experiences of professional women with young children and living in or near Edinburgh, with particular focus on their expression of their own sustainability concerns in their day‐to‐day practices. The findings reveal that in the absence of suitable products, information and labelling, consumers apply heuristics to their choices, especially price. They refer to the more familiar ethical food market which serves as a metaphor for fashion‐related practices. They talk about trustworthy retailers and about how they deal with and rationalize their own practices where they reveal an obvious attitude‐behaviour gap. The women's role of providing for the family adds further complexity in a sector which provides affordable alternative options.  相似文献   

零售企业自有品牌问题的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尚慧丽 《商业研究》2005,(24):158-160
自有品牌,是零售企业通过搜集、整理、分析消费者对于某类商品的需求信息而开发出来的新产品的品牌。零售企业在功能、价格、造型等方面提出设计要求,自设生产基地或者选择合适的生产企业进行加工生产,最终用自己的商标注册该产品,并在本商店销售该品牌。由于自有品牌能够给零售企业带来更多的利润,赢得顾客的忠诚,因而受到越来越多零售企业的青睐,开发、销售自有品牌产品已成为零售企业广泛采用的营销策略。  相似文献   

Retaining self-initiated expatriates is a challenge for many organizations. Self-made expatriates tend to be mobile. They are willing to manage their own careers and to take up opportunities to live and work in countries of their own choice. Despite their importance as a source of human capital there are few studies on the work experiences of self-initiated expatriates and on the factors that affect their decisions to stay or leave their jobs. This article examined the effects of both job embeddedness and shocks on the turnover intention of self-initiated expatriates. Drawing on a sample of 204 self-initiated expatriates working in public healthcare organizations in the United Arab Emirates we found that both on-the-job embeddedness and shocks played a key role in predicting turnover intentions. The study also revealed that off-the-job embeddedness moderated the relationship between shock and turnover intentions such that self-initiated expatriates were more likely to consider leaving their organizations when they were firmly embedded in their community. We discuss the practical and theoretical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

目前,内蒙古经济型酒店营销存在的问题是:市场竞争激烈,产品缺乏创新;缺乏专业的营销人才;市场营销手段单一,网络技术水平较差;营销策略缺乏特色。针对这些问题,内蒙古经济型酒店应创新产品策略,注重对产品质量把关,发挥特殊民族风情优势,制定符合自身的产品策略,加大酒店营销人才的培养力度,提高全体员工服务意识,加强网络营销和有效沟通,树立品牌形象,增强客人对酒店的信赖感和真诚度,以提高内蒙古经济型酒店的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

近年来的经验证明 ,中小企业对各国经济的贡献率在不断上升 ,在各国的国民经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用 ,是全球经济重要、且具有活力的驱动力。借鉴国外对中小企业扶持的经验 ,对我国中小企业的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来的经验证明 ,中小企业对各国经济的贡献率在不断上升 ,在各国的国民经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用 ,是全球经济重要、且具有活力的驱动力。借鉴国外对中小企业扶持的经验 ,对我国中小企业的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The paper notes the recent spread of business ethics courses in American higher education, observing that teachers trained in economics have not readily incorporated ethical notions or theory into regular courses, such as finance, management, accounting, and marketing. The presumed ethically neutral, value-free approach of economists, who dominate business courses, is increasingly inadequate to meet the needs of business managers – or of business students. Technological and political changes, creating an interdependent environment within which managers operate, have eroded older ethics based on tradition and common backgrounds. They have also raised ethical issues of new orders of complexity. With corporate business managers finding ethical concerns more pressing matters than do many teachers, the paper offers some tentative answers to three questions about how to interest business students in ethical issues: What Approach to Business Ethics Gets student's Attention? What Is the Value of Simulations and Games? What Can Be Said About the Business System And Its Values? The answer to the first question is simulations and games. Case method analysis is serviceable, engaging students' intellect, but all too often without emotional involvement or self-revelation. Experiential learning through class-room games accomplish both engagement and involvement in ways that are exceedingly helpful to business students, who have had "less occasion for critical reflection on self and world than have others of their age." The answer to the second question is: They engage the whole student, stimulating the player to examine the source of her ethical strengths and the reasons for ethical lapses. Generating emotional involvement the games leverage and enhance reasoning, allowing students to learn more about their own values and question their own behavior. The answer to the third question is: A socially justifiable (community-legitimated) competitive market system requires of its managerial participants an emotionally informed response – as well as a rational analysis and use of business techniques. Business operates with enhanced effectiveness efficiency at appropriate levels of such virtues as loyalty, trustworthiness and cooperativeness; they ensure externality benefits as well as promote justice for its own ultimate social justification.  相似文献   

对创业企业而言,很有必要盘点一下自己做市场的方法——哪些是用起来轰轰烈烈,也合乎常规的屠龙术?哪些才是一剑封喉,看起来却不一定光鲜的实用招法?笔者刚刚看到一个书稿:《向毛主席学营销》,这个话题常用常新。毛主席创业成功一个很重要的基础就是——坚决抛弃光鲜又合乎逻辑的攻打城市  相似文献   

This study uses the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1997) to examine the factors that impact homeownership among young adults, with an emphasis on student loan debt. Three key findings arise from the research. First, life cycle and demographic characteristics, such as marital status, education, and income, continue to be strong predictors of homeownership. Married households with a college degree and children are among the most likely to own a home. Second, young adults with student loan debt are no more or less likely to own a home than someone without debt after controlling for a number of factors; however, students who have already paid off their loans are more likely to own a home. Finally, respondents who express a willingness to take risks in finances are more likely to own a home while those who are more conscientious are less likely to own a home.  相似文献   

A problem of Japanese electronics firms and automobile makers is to develop too many products too frequently. They must give thought to a radical change in their product development practices, for the sake of their own financial health as well as for the good of society. It is difficult, however, for them to reduce the number of new products and extend their life span, because they have a built-in bias against doing so.  相似文献   

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