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Organizational entrainment captures the temporal fit in the activity cycles between exchange partners. We argue that organizational entrainment between international new ventures (INVs) and their most important international customers positively moderates the relationship between the degree, scope, and speed of internationalization and performance of INVs. We test our hypotheses on INVs from China, India and South Africa. The results support the contingent role of entrainment for degree and scope of internationalization but not for speed. Findings suggest that, when INVs attain temporal fit with their most important international customers, they can implement their strategic goals in international markets more effectively.  相似文献   

The study is theoretically grounded in the resource-based view and applied to a service industry-tourism. It examined the performance of small ventures by utilizing an integrated dynamic model of entrepreneur choices and resource accumulation. Each phase in the process is added to previous one. Findings from 305 small tourism ventures revealed that the human capital of the entrepreneur, particularly managerial skills, were the greatest contributing factor to performance. This was followed by venture type. The study illustrates the unique nature of the entrepreneurial process among small ventures, often defined as “lifestyle businesses”.  相似文献   

Building on network theory and the resource-based view of the firm, this paper uses three case studies to explore how networks facilitate resource development in the international new venture. Set in the context of the conception, commercialization and growth stages of venture development, four propositions are advanced. These pertain to the dynamics of organizational, human, physical, financial and social capital, and the nature of these resource flows as they pertain to the INV network. Implications for research and INV management are discussed.  相似文献   

Firms in geographic regions with industry clustering have been hypothesized to possess performance advantages due to superior access to knowledge spillovers. Yet, no prior studies have directly examined the relationship between a firm's location within a cluster, knowledge spillovers and firm performance. In this study, we examine whether technological spillovers explain the performance of new ventures in cluster regions. We find that ventures located within geographic clusters absorb more knowledge from the local environment and have higher growth and innovation performance, but contrary to conventional wisdom, technological spillovers are not the contributing cause of higher performance observed for these firms.  相似文献   

This study uses goal orientation theory to investigate why managers of international new ventures make adaptations to markets served, entry modes used, and the organization. We use the case method to identify the international adaptation behaviours of six new ventures and managers’ explanations regarding those adaptations. We infer two different profiles of managerial goal orientation. The goal orientation associated with proving one’s competence is common across managers, but firms only pursue international adaptation if their managers also hold a learning goal orientation. In contrast, if managers have the goal orientation associated with avoiding failure, firm-level adaptation is not apparent.  相似文献   

Although improvisation is often considered to be an elemental component of entrepreneurship, little work has been done to evaluate factors that influence the relationship of entrepreneur improvisational behavior with important outcome variables. In an attempt to partly fill this gap, the current study examines the moderating effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on the relationship of founders' improvisational behavior with both the performance of their startups and their individual level of work satisfaction using a national (United States) random sample of 159 entrepreneurs. In alignment with our predictions, improvisational behavior was found to have a positive relationship with new venture performance (i.e., sales growth) when exhibited by founders who were high in entrepreneurial self-efficacy, whereas improvisational behavior was found to have a negative relationship with new venture performance when exhibited by founders who were low in entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Contrary to our expectations, entrepreneurial self-efficacy was found to have a negative moderating effect on the relationship between entrepreneur improvisational behavior and work satisfaction.  相似文献   

Emerging market exporting firms in advanced economies must manage a highly dynamic landscape owing to factors such as changing market needs and fierce competition. Hence, these firms need to develop unique marketing skills for superior performance. Accordingly, this study draws on the resource-based and dynamic capability theory to empirically examine the role of marketing skills in developing a dynamic capability—market responsiveness—for improved marketing performance, and the changes in this relationship under highly competitive intensity. Using a sample (n = 98) of firms originating from an emerging market (Pakistan) mainly exporting to advanced markets (the United Kingdom, the United States or both), the findings show that marketing skills, positively mediated by market responsiveness, influence the marketing performance of such firms in advanced markets. The indirect relationship is positively moderated by a higher level of competitive intensity. This study extends the dynamic capability and export marketing streams of literature, particularly for emerging market exporting firms in advanced markets, and provides useful performance implications to export marketing managers.  相似文献   

This article develops and tests a conceptual model to identify the impact of internal drivers (personal and organizational) on the international performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm and its capability extensions, it is argued that the effect of drivers is mediated by organizational innovation. To test the proposed theoretical model, we collected data from 120 exporting SMEs in Portugal. Results show that the indirect mediating effect of innovation is particularly relevant with regard to the organizational driver-performance link. Insights contribute to research on the importance of innovation for capability and resource deployment during internationalization.  相似文献   

In this analysis, we empirically investigate market‐based transaction costs. We measure market‐based transaction costs indirectly by examining variations in market prices when selling Morgan Silver Dollars on eBay. We find that the reputation of both the seller and the coin‐rating agency employed significantly influences the price premium obtained. Moreover, we find that the use of a coin‐rating agency with a poor reputation proved more damaging than the use of no coin‐rating agency. Thus, we find support for the suggestion that the reputation of sellers and third‐party verification agencies have a significant influence on perceived market‐based transaction costs.  相似文献   

As a consequence of globalization and advancements in technology, international collaborations, which bring together partners from different cultural backgrounds, have become increasingly prominent in the business world. While several studies have examined the impact of cultural distance on the performance of such partnerships, they have tended to focus on bilateral relationships, and the results they have produced are conflicting. By building on the resource-based view and distinguishing the differences between the concepts of cultural distance among partners and the cultural distance of partnerships from target markets, the present study provides insights into the role of cultural distance in the performance of multilateral project-based non-equity collaborations. Drawing on a sample of 1183 movies that were released in the U.S. between the years 2000 and 2020, this study demonstrates that while projects co-produced by culturally distant partners have yielded higher revenues, the cultural distance of partnerships from target markets can have a negative impact on economic performance. Furthermore, the results show that partnerships formed with firms that originated in countries that have greater diversity perform better in the target market, and such partnerships manage cultural distance more efficiently.  相似文献   

This study examines how different types of venture capital relate to new venture internationalization. Using a sample of 646 U.S. new ventures that executed IPOs between 1995 and 2010, we find that ventures with foreign or corporate venture capital have higher levels of international intensity. We also investigate the moderating role of VC reputation on the relationship between foreign venture capital and international intensity and corporate venture capital and international intensity. Our results suggest that VC reputation weakens the positive relationship between corporate VC and international intensity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we build on social cognitive career theory to examine the relation between entrepreneurial intention and new venture creation (i.e., the entrepreneurial career choice). We model how contextual influences at different levels may favor or inhibit the translation of entrepreneurial intention into new venture creation. Using unique longitudinal data from almost the entire population of Italian university graduates, we are able to assess how the immediate (i.e., the influence of relevant others) and larger context (i.e., organizational and environmental influences) affect new venture creation. Our research contributes to the emerging literature of the intention–behavior link in entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Enhancing international performance is a critical issue for internationalizing SMEs. Researchers have suggested that firms need to enhance their international market orientation (IMO) in order to increase performance; but the way this association works is rather unexplored. This is important for both theory and practice since its exploration would lead to a better understanding on how SMEs can effectively enhance their international performance. In this paper, we examine whether alliances through which firms access knowledge and resources play a mediating role in the IMO and performance relationship. We investigate our hypothesis on a sample of 94 companies based in the United Arab Emirates. We discovered that alliances mediate the IMO-performance relationship and we extend the knowledge- and resource-based views of the firm.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between firm multinationality and financial performance with a focus on firm-specific assets and dispersion of these assets for MNCs from emerging markets. Drawing upon internalization theory, the authors reveal that while the financial performance of manufacturing MNCs depends on technological assets, service MNCs are more dependent on marketing assets to succeed in international markets. Study findings further emphasize the critical role of the industry context in emerging markets as the authors demonstrate that international asset dispersion weakens the effects of internationalization on financial performance more for MNCs in manufacturing industries than for MNCs in services.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of early foreign market entry on new ventures’ performance outcomes. Venture age and international commitment are theorized as moderators to address the inconsistent findings of previous research surrounding the performance implications of early internationalization. Results from a sample of international new ventures in China found that the earliness of internationalization positively contributes to firm performance in terms of sales growth, but not innovation and profitability. The performance advantage of early internationalization becomes obsolete as young ventures become mature, especially among those with a low level of international commitment. This study highlights the importance of incorporating time-based dimensions of international venturing for a better understanding of the performance implications of early internationalization.  相似文献   

Poor performance has been a major concern in research on international joint ventures (IJVs). This study integrates the IJV management mechanisms from transaction cost theory (TCT) and social exchange theory (SET) in order to gain insights into management mechanisms that improve IJV performance. The framework consists of three structural (i.e., symmetric dependence, symmetric equity share and resource complementarity) and three social (i.e., trust, communication and cultural adaptation) IJV management mechanisms, which are considered as potential determinants of IJV performance. Based on the analysis of data collected from 89 IJVs established by Nordic firms in Asia, Europe and the USA, results indicate that TCT-based symmetric dependence and resource complementarity on the one hand and SET-based trust, communication and cultural adaptation on another significantly improve IJV performance. However, impact of symmetric equity share on IJV performance remains negative and non-significant, explaining that IJV partners may consider it rather a safeguard to their own stake and interests in IJVs. In addition, SET-based IJV management mechanisms are found to be more effective than the TCT-based IJV mechanisms in improving IJV performance.  相似文献   

The present study examines the performance consequences of a market orientation for new entrepreneurial ventures in a globalized world. We show that market orientation indeed positively impacts the performance of new entrepreneurial ventures, regardless of their geographical setting. While market orientation turns out to be a general success factor in a globalized world, the strength of the performance relationship however is contingent to the national culture as one major differentiator between geographical settings. The effect turns out to be stronger in collectivist and high uncertainty avoidance cultures. Findings are derived based on large samples with German and Thai new entrepreneurial ventures. Partial least square is applied as the method of analysis.
Florian HeinemannEmail:

Minniti [Minniti, M., 2004. Entrepreneurial alertness and asymmetric information in a spin-glass model. Journal of Business Venturing 19 (5), 637-658; Minniti, M., 2005. Entrepreneurship and network externalities. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 57 (1), 1-27] argues that new venture creation decisions are interdependent and that the non-pecuniary network externalities and path dependencies of such decisions influence the geographic concentration of venturing activities. We apply her framework at the county level to study the association between prior and subsequent new venture creation in the U.S. Our findings indicate that there is a non-linear relationship between prior new venture creation and subsequent new venture creation, with venturing activities increasing at an increasing rate based on the amount of prior new venture creation.  相似文献   

International new ventures (INVs) contend with environmental dynamism in global markets, compelling firms to enhance their innovation and marketing capabilities. While the INV literature is growing, it is not informative as to how INVs develop and utilize dynamic capabilities to overcome resource-constraints to enhance performance. We utilize the concept of international entrepreneurship culture (IEC) to better understand how INVs advance innovation and dynamic marketing capabilities to succeed in their internationalization activities. Building on the dynamic capabilities view (DCV), we empirically examine the relationships among IEC, ambidextrous innovation, dynamic marketing capabilities, and INV performance under varying levels environmental dynamism. The findings highlight that IEC influences both ambidextrous innovation and dynamic marketing capabilities; and, together, these link to INV performance gains. Furthermore, this research finds support for the mediating effects of ambidextrous innovation and dynamic marketing capabilities in the IEC – INV performance relationship. Additionally, the results indicate an international entrepreneurial culture is of greater significance in developing ambidextrous innovation when environmental dynamism is present. The study context is a sample of 286 high-technology INVs from India, a large and dynamic emerging market.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze how parent control strategies affect the degree of innovation in international joint ventures (IJVs) and how different types of innovation strategies - divided into radical and incremental innovation strategies - influence the performance of IJVs. This study uses the most widely adopted definition and operationalization of control in IJVs by Geringer and Hebert (1989), including the three dimensions: mechanisms, focus, and extent of control. These relationships are further analyzed by integrating internal and external moderating factors and their connections with IJV performance. Our theoretical analysis proposes that various control strategies differently influence an IJV’s innovation activities under various internal environmental moderating factors. These, in turn, differently influence the IJV performance. Furthermore, we suggest that the external environmental factors moderate the relationship between innovation strategies and performance of IJVs.  相似文献   

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