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对激光焊接工艺方法的简要探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
激光焊接与传统的焊接方法相比,激光焊接尚存在设备昂贵,一次性投资大,技术要求高的问题,使得激光焊接在我国的工业应用还相当有限,但激光焊接生产效率高和易实现自动控制的特点使其非常适于大规模生产线和柔性制造.其中,激光焊接在汽车制造领域中的许多成功应用已经凸现出激光焊接不同于传统焊接方法的特点和优势,也为许多大功率激光器制造商和激光焊接设备制造商提供了更为诱人的经济效益前景.  相似文献   

以AWS D1.1为依据,结合本公司实际,对Q345B材料进行焊接工艺评定试验,用以覆盖本公司大部分产品.通过焊条电弧焊(SMAW)、气体保护焊(GMAW)、埋弧焊(SAW)等方法对试件进行对接、角接的平、横、立等位置的焊接,取得了圆满的结果,为制定正式的焊接工艺指导书(WPS)提供了可靠的依据.  相似文献   

王伟 《市场周刊》2020,(19):0185-0186
近年来,随着人均物质生活水平的显著提升,人均汽车保有量急剧增加,大大促进了我国汽车工业的快速发展,相应带动了汽车主要零部件焊接工艺的创新和完善。焊接工业作为汽车制造技术中较为典型的工艺技术之一,在汽车零部件制造中应用范围较广,对于汽车整体品质好坏具有十分深远的影响。尤其是在科学技术水平不断提升背景下,如何能够应用更加先进的焊接工艺成为当前首要工作内容。基于此,文章主要就汽车零部件焊接工艺的探讨这一论题进行分析。  相似文献   

在分析现有焊接立柱结构特点的基础上,根据相应的设计原则与使用要求,对其结构进行了改进与优化,并详细阐述了焊接立柱各组件的设计依据。同时,通过合理选择立柱的焊接工艺方法及施焊顺序,顺利通过了机械加工,保证了立柱的焊接质量。  相似文献   

介绍焊管CO2气体保护焊单面焊双面成形的焊接工艺、焊接规范、施焊要点以及必要的试验数据等,所编制的焊接工艺切实可行,且经济可靠,为今后类似的焊管焊接提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

激光拼焊是采用激光能源,将若干不同材质、不同厚度、不同涂层的钢材、不锈钢材、铝合金材等进行自动拼合和焊接而形成一块整体板材、型材、夹芯板等,以满足零部件对材料性能的不同要求,用最轻的重量、最优结构和最佳性能实现装备轻量化.在欧美等发达国家,激光拼焊不仅在交通运输装备制造业中被使用,还在建筑业、桥梁、家电板材焊接生产、轧钢线钢板焊接(连续轧制中的钢板连接)等领域中被大量使用.激光焊接在汽车制造领域中的许多成功应用已经凸现出激光焊接不同于传统焊接方法的特点和优势,也为许多大功率激光器制造商和激光焊接设备制造商提供了更为诱人的经济效益前景.  相似文献   

本文结合钛材特性和施工现场分析了钛设备常见焊接缺陷、施工特点及焊接方法,提出了防止和消除焊接缺陷的方法,并给出了钛设备焊接工艺和优化。  相似文献   

焊接是制造压力容器的重要工艺,焊接质量直接决定着压力容器产品的制造质量。严格来讲,焊接工艺评定是指为验证所拟订的焊件焊接工艺的正确性而进行的试验过程及对试验结果的评价。  相似文献   

电弧焊在造船中的主角地位不会改变焊接是最重要的造船工艺之一。五十年来,造船所用的焊接技术一直以电弧焊为主。今后,这种电弧焊在造船焊接中占据主角地位的状况也不会改变,主要原因是钢质船舶的建造仍将占压倒多数,非电弧焊不能胜任。尽管无需电弧焊的非钢质材料(如玻璃纤维增强塑料)船舶的建造日益增多,但毕竟仅占很小的比例。  相似文献   

针对N08020焊接接头的化学成分、焊接性能进行分析研究,通过对焊接试板进行力学性能分析,选用合理的焊接材料并试验出适宜的焊接工艺参数,满足在工况介质的耐蚀要求。  相似文献   

概况 该吊车梁为莱芜某厂二期厂房中所设计的大跨度吊车梁,跨距26m、截面高3m,如图1所示,吊车梁腹板、翼板为整体拼装焊接而成.吊车梁材质为Q345B,上翼缘板宽600mm、板厚28mm下翼缘板宽为500mm、板厚25m,腹板宽度为3000mm、板厚18mm,总重达到了近22吨.  相似文献   

梁尚桑 《上海商业》2005,(12):15-21
第一只轮——做精定制加工 西服的定制加工是培罗蒙几代富有创造力的设计者和心灵手巧的制衣技师长期积累的技艺结晶,培罗蒙的技师从量体、裁剪、式样到料工结合,要求极为严格。  相似文献   

L780自升式钻井平台是大连船舶重工承接的为中国石油集团海洋工程有限公司建造的海洋工程产品。同时入级CCS利ABS。该产品主要用来满足海上石油和天然气勘探、开采工程等作业的需要。自升式钻井平台焊接结构中,桩腿齿条的焊接结构有其自身显著的特点,在焊接建造方面存在着钢板厚度大、强度级别高、焊后精度要求高等特点。  相似文献   

In this study, the construct of motivation to lead (MtL) is considered as a predictor of leadership training effectiveness. MtL, the individual preference to take on leadership roles, is a motivation that specifically relates to the content of leadership training. A total of 132 managers participated in a longitudinal follow‐up study. The influence of MtL on training effectiveness is explained by a serial mediation process. Individuals high on MtL benefit more from training by acquiring more leadership competencies, which in turn results in more effective leadership behavior and ultimately higher training effectiveness 1 year later. Understanding the process through which trainees' individual MtL influences building up competencies is important for identifying mechanisms that drive training effectiveness. Organizational support is revealed to further enhance this training process by moderating the influence of MtL on leadership competencies. From a practical perspective, MtL is important for leadership training effectiveness and measures should be taken to enhance MtL.  相似文献   

<正>2010年1~11月,国内SUV市场销量接近120万辆,2010年,中国SUV市场占狭义乘用车市场的份额延续上升趋势,并且首次超过了10%  相似文献   

We investigate how need for cognition and cognitive effort associated with multi-dimensional pricing combine to influence demand. Experiment 1 shows that individuals with low (vs. high) need for cognition are less likely to purchase products that list price and relative discount separately. The direction of the effect of need for cognition on demand is found to depend on whether consumers’ inaccurate arithmetic generally leads them to overestimate or underestimate final prices. Therefore, experiment 2 finds that individuals with low (vs. high) NFC are more likely to purchase products that list price and relative surcharge separately. As expected, the effect is eliminated for absolute discounts or surcharges and mediated by recalled purchase prices.  相似文献   

Does unemployment lead to self-employment?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The currently burgeoning literature on the nature of and the causes for the recent reverse in the downward trend in self-employment in many developed economies, contains a somewhat inconclusive debate on the relationship between unemployment and self-employment, and whether self-employment fluctuates pro- or countercyclically. This paper reviews this literature, presents some recent evidence for EC countries, and argues that the approach in the previous research of searching for relationships between unemployment and self-employment stocks is fundamentally inappropriate. A new approach, based on an analysis of inflows to and outflows from self-employment, is called for.I would like to thank Steve Johnson, Günther Schmid, David Storey and an anonymous referee for helpful comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of the paper.  相似文献   

焊接是钢结构的主要连接方法,在建筑钢结构的建设中发挥了重要的作用.文章分析了高强钢焊接、低温焊接和厚钢板焊接的施工工艺与安全防护措施.  相似文献   

A study involving over 200 senior managers demonstrates that overall firm performance is strongly influenced by how well a firm's business strategy is matched to its organizational structure and the behavioral norms of its employees. The authors identify a taxonomy comprised of four different combinations of structure/behavior types, which they label as: Management Dominant, Customer-Centric Innovators, Customer-Centric Cost Controllers, and Middle Ground. These alternative structure/behavior types are then matched with specific business strategies (i.e., Prospectors, Analyzers, Low Cost Defenders, Differentiated Defenders) in order to identify which combination(s) of structures and behaviors best serve to facilitate the process of implementing a specific strategy.  相似文献   

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