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研究目的:揭示购房者认知价值对“小产权房”购买行为的影响,测度购房者认知价值各类因子对“小产权房”购买行为的影响方向和程度。研究方法:文献资料法、问卷调查法、因子分析法、结构方程模型法。研究结论:1.“小产权房”购房者认知价值因子可分为功能服务、购买成本、持有风险、心理诉求。2.功能服务、购买成本、心理诉求对“小产权房”购买行为动机层面有正向影响,其中功能服务的影响程度最大;购买成本、功能服务对“小产权房”购买行为决策层面有正向影响,持有风险对“小产权房”购买行为决策层面有负向影响,其中购买成本的影响程度最大。  相似文献   

Despite the move in recent years towards supplier partnerships, buying firms need at times to make use of competitive procurement strategies for certain purchases. This study examines the impact of reverse auctions on buyer–supplier relationships through six case studies, analysing primarily the supplier perspective through participant interviews. The authors identify that there are potential benefits for both parties in a reverse auction, which can offer tendering and transactional cost advantages. For buyers, it offers a competitive procurement process. The effect on relationships will depend on the extent to which buyers employ the auction as a price weapon, or whether it is used primarily as a process improvement tool.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom as well as economic theory suggests it is more costly to reassemble fragmented land due to transactions costs and strategic bargaining costs. Both costs are expected to increase with the number of sellers. Inefficient allocation of land resources may result including property entropy (Parisi, 2002), urban sprawl (Miceli and Sirmans, 2007) and deteriorating inner cities. Given the difficulty of observing actual values attached by buyers and sellers to land, little empirical evidence exists to support the conventional wisdom and theoretical work. We use experimental methods to examine transactions costs and strategic bargaining costs in a land-assembly market game with one buyer, 1-4 sellers, and complementary exchanges. The buyer’s final earnings vary inversely with the number of sellers, ceteris paribus, indicating an incentive to purchase consolidated land. Delay costs reduce holdout, but result in lower payoffs for both buyers and sellers. Competition between sellers reduces holdout and the buyer’s total purchase price.  相似文献   

Hidden Talents: Entrepreneurship and Pareto-Improving Private Information   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Two entrepreneurs, each privately informed about her own talent, simultaneously and noncooperatively choose their efforts in producing a new product. Product quality depends on both entrepreneurs' talents and efforts, but is unobservable by potential buyers prior to purchase; however, buyers can observe the entrepreneurs' individual efforts. Because the entrepreneurs share the payoff, each is tempted to shirk. However, the need to signal quality to potential buyers serves as a credible commitment to provide greater effort. Thus, the "problem" of adverse selection mitigates the problem of moral hazard, so that a new venture can perform better than the corresponding mature market.  相似文献   

We propose a simultaneous descending price auction mechanism to sell multiple heterogeneous items, each owned by a distinct seller, to a number of buyers. Each buyer has known private valuations on items, and wants at most one item. We show that if the sellers follow a descending price offer procedure and the buyers follow a greedy strategy for accepting the offers, the auction results in a nearly efficient allocation, and terminates close to a competitive equilibrium price vector. The descending price offer strategy of the sellers is close to a Nash equilibrium. However, we show that the buyers are better off waiting in our auction. There is a maximum limit (corresponding to the minimum competitive equilibrium price vector) till which they can wait without running into the risk of not winning any item. If the buyers wait within this limit, the prices can be brought arbitrarily close to a uniquely defined competitive equilibrium price vector.  相似文献   

We study revenue-maximizing allocation mechanisms for multiple heterogeneous objects when buyers care about the entire allocation, and not just about the ones they obtain. Buyers’ payoff depends on their cost parameter and, possibly, on their competitors’ costs. Costs are independently distributed across buyers, and both the buyers and the seller are risk-neutral. The formulation allows for complements, substitutes and externalities. We identify a number of novel characteristics of revenue-maximizing mechanisms: First, we find that revenue-maximizing reserve prices depend on the bids of other buyers. Second, we find that when non-participation payoffs are type-dependent, revenue-maximizing auctions may sell too often, or they may even be ex-post efficient.  相似文献   

汽车采购项目与其他政府采购项目相同,都经过规范、严密的过程才使采购方获得需要采购的汽车。文章以广西科文招标有限公司某一汽车采购项目为例,解读了汽车采购项目的具体过程和采购文件拟定事项,探索汽车专业技术在政府采购过程中的应用。  相似文献   

汽车采购项目与其他政府采购项目相同,都经过规范、严密的过程才使采购方获得需要采购的汽车。文章以广西科文招标有限公司某一汽车采购项目为例,解读了汽车采购项目的具体过程和采购文件拟定事项,探索汽车专业技术在政府采购过程中的应用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to enhance understanding in the P&SM field of supplier behaviour by exploring their needs, wants and preferences. The characteristics of customers that suppliers need, want and prefer have been conceptualised as ‘Sources of Supplier Value’ (SOSV) and the article seeks to establish a vocabulary for describing supplier needs, wants and preferences and their impact on buyer attractiveness. To achieve this a pilot study was conducted using face-to-face interviews with key account managers and Managing Directors in 14 SMEs supplying UK supermarket buyers. The research identifies 49 elements in buyers’ purchase offerings, behaviours and characteristics that suppliers regard as important. The practical implication of this research is to improve the P&SM field's understanding of the behaviour of suppliers with a longer term view to improving the ability of all buyers to influence the behaviour of suppliers in ways that match the buyers’ requirements and preferences. Furthermore, in view of the current paucity of research and understanding in this subject area, the article presents a coherent theoretical framework, terminology and rationale for investigations into the phenomenon of Organisational Supplying Behaviour.  相似文献   

We develop a simple model with heterogeneous agents and search frictions to study how increases in matching intensity between buyers and retailers as a result of e‐commerce determine the level of income inequality among retailers. Our findings indicate that a reduction in search frictions leads to higher inequality and induces buyers to purchase goods and services only from specialized retailers.  相似文献   

This paper examines a model of duopoly firms selling to an exogenously formed buyer group consisting of members with heterogeneous preferences. Two research questions are addressed: (1) when is it optimal for a buyer group to commit to exclusive purchase from a single seller, and (2) how does the presence of group buying and the exclusive purchase commitment associated with it affect firms’ incentives to invest in quality improvement? We find that, even though exclusive purchase commitment benefits buyers when the competing products provide similar quality, it may lower buyer surplus if one product is significantly advantaged and/or the competing products are not highly differentiated horizontally. This result is robust even if the buyer group is formed endogenously. In addition, contingent on the similarity between the competing sellers’ investment costs, the sellers’ incentives to improve quality may be positively or negatively affected by the presence of group buying.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread adoption of e-procurement by firms in recent years, academic research examining the mechanisms through which e-procurement applications lead to performance has been scarce. Anecdotal evidence points to numerous situations where companies have failed to harness the potential of e-procurement. In this paper, we argue that online purchase volume and mix flexibilities facilitated by these applications play a significant role in the ability of firms to benefit from e-procurement. We examine this tenet from both an economic as well as a social perspective. We propose that increased online purchase volume flexibility as well as online purchase mix flexibility can be facilitated by two mechanisms – supplier customization as explained by transaction costs perspective, and information sharing between supply chain partners using a social exchange theoretical perspective. The increased purchase volume and mix flexibility in turn leads to better performance along the dimensions of cost, quality, and delivery. We present and test a nuanced perspective where we argue that (i) the effect of supplier customization on both purchase volume and mix flexibilities will be moderated by the frequency of transactions conducted online, and (ii) the effect of information sharing on both purchase volume and mix flexibilities will be moderated by trust in the supplier. We estimate our research model using survey data collected from 130 purchasing and procurement managers. We find strong support for our proposed research model with results indicating that purchase volume and mix flexibilities play a vital mediating role in impacting e-procurement performance. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The equilibrium concept defined by Dubey et al. ,  and  generates equilibria such that asset buyers could raise expected returns by paying more for the assets that they purchase. A simple example shows that, in fact, all equilibria may be return-dominated in that sense. Universal existence in the DGS model thus depends critically on the assumption that lenders are unable to exploit an obvious profit opportunity.  相似文献   

Imperfect competition amongst buyers for a non-renewable resource is modeled as a Stackelberg differential game. The buyers may act as a cartel or behave non-cooperatively in setting tariffs, which the sellers take as given. The buyer's optimal policy is not consistent when extraction costs depend on the stock level. Both optimal and consistent, unit and ad valorem tariff's are analyzed. When a buyers' cartel uses a consistent tariff, the sellers may prefer to behave as perfect competitors or a monopolist, depending on the functional form of demand and cost. Non-cooperative buyers who are constrained to act consistently are unable to extract any rent from competitive sellers.  相似文献   

Consumer return rates have been steadily rising in recent years, resulting in growing costs for retailers who must manage the returns process and the disposition of returned products. This cost pressure is driven in part by extremely generous return policies, such as giving consumers a full refund upon return. Interestingly, this common retail practice of full refunds is inconsistent with the recommendations of many analytical models of returns, which nearly always show that a partial refund is optimal. Such inconsistencies between theory and practice might arise when the decision drivers included in the analytical models do not match the decision drivers in practice. It might also be the case that retailers are overly optimistic about the value that consumers assign to a full refund, and thus assume that the value of such a policy outweighs its costs. In this paper, we use data collected from eBay, where identical products are sold with different return policies, to investigate these open questions in the literature. We analyze both the return policy drivers from the retailer's perspective and the return policy value from the consumer's perspective. Our results suggest that the value of a full refund policy to consumers may not be as large as one might expect, and it also exhibits a large heterogeneity across buyers with different levels of online purchase experience. In addition, we provide empirical evidence for what has long been suspected by online retailers – that a non-refundable forward shipping charge quickly erodes any value that consumers assign to return policies. The generality of our results is limited by the fact that eBay differs from traditional retail contexts in many respects, including the fact that eBay buyers may not be representative of the general buyer population. However, our study of how eBay consumers value free returns provides new insights into an understudied area, and it can serve as a starting point for future studies of the value of return policies in other retail contexts.  相似文献   

Why is it so common for the seller to provide guarantees that say “Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” along with the sale of a product? Newly introduced goods and mail-ordered products are usually sold with such guarantees. In honoring money-back guarantees, why is it a common business practice to pay back exactly the purchase price rather than a portion of it? In this paper we study the informational role and optimality of the common business practice of money-back guarantees in a signaling model with quality uncertainty and risk-neutral buyers. We find that money-back guarantees and price together completely reveal a monopoly firm's private information about product quality, Moreover, the private information is revealed at no signaling cost. Furthermore, we show that in terms of the level of monetary compensation specified by a guarantee, price is the profit-maximizing level of monetary payback in case of product failure.  相似文献   

考虑了生产率和需求率均为常数情形下的变质性物品生产库存模型,通过考虑原材料、生产商、需求商三方面的相关费用之和,得到了一体化生产库存模型。最后讨论了模型的性质并给出了求解最优生产库存策略的算法。  相似文献   

The relative cost of prediction error in the economic order quantity model that results from the incorrect prediction of parameter values for annual demand, purchase order cost and carrying cost is described as a function solely of the relative error in those parameter values, and is shown to be independent of the absolute magnitude of these parameters. This function is shown to have, over a certain range, an important contraction property so that the relative cost of prediction error will be (significantly) less than the relative error in the parameter value.  相似文献   

Research has shown that men and women respond differently to cause‐related marketing (CRM) appeals with fictitious brands; however, few studies examine how CRM works for existing brands or measure long‐term effects. To fill these gaps, we explore the influence of sponsor brand use and gender on responses to a CRM campaign at three points in time (premessage, postmessage exposure, and 2‐week delay). We are the first study to identify the moderating effect of brand use on gendered responses to CRM messages. Nonbrand users increased their purchase intentions after CRM message exposure; this was especially true for men. Overall, our findings reinforce past research showing that CRM can positively influence short‐term purchase intentions. We reveal new insights that show CRM can work especially well among nonbrand buyers; however, no significant long‐term influence was found. Our results demonstrate the importance of segmenting the market by demographics and brand use as well as considering the long‐term implications of CRM persuasion.  相似文献   

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