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The Intelligent Business Process Reengineering System (IBPRS) is an interactive expert system. This paper presents a framework for IBPRS which utilizes case-based planning and problem-solving techniques in identifying requirements and problems and in searching for alternative opportunities from previous experiences (cases). IBPRS comprises two major components: Planner and Constructor. The IBPRS Planner's problem solving consists of four stages: problem formulation, case retrieval, case refinement, and evaluation. In generating business process reengineering (BPR) alternatives, IBPRS identifies appropriate case(s) among previous BPR cases that are represented in the form of process model(s) using search algorithms and other rules stored in the Planner's knowledge base. In evaluating the generated BPR alternatives, various simulation models and economic analyses are used. The best BPR alternative is then selected through a multi-attribute criteria decision analysis. In the refinement stage, IBPRS employs case-based substitution method for case adaptation and refinement. The Planner Knowledge Base and the Case Repository are updated as new knowledge develops and new cases are built and entered into the system. The main benefits of IBPRS is to facilitate BPR efforts by identifying problems, evaluating alternatives, and choosing the most appropriate BPR alternative.  相似文献   

According to the consumption-smoothing view, a high degree ofcapital mobility implies that agents are able to fully smooththeir consumption in the face of shocks. This article developsa framework to test whether, indeed, the current account indeveloping countries acts as a buffer to smooth consumptionin the face of shocks to national cash flow, which is definedas output less investment less government expenditure. Usingvector autoregression analysis, we estimate the optimal consumption-smoothingcurrent account with data from a sample of forty-five developingcountries. We find that for a majority of the countries, thehypothesis of full consumption smoothing cannot be rejected,suggesting that capital mobility may after all be quite highin this group of countries.  相似文献   

在当前传统信贷业务增速放缓、不良率高企、利润下滑的背景下,商业银行将重点转向了低成本、低资本要求的同业、投资类业务,形成了一系列以发放贷款、逃避监管为实质目的,以跨银行、证券、保险、信托等多类型金融机构为表现形式的业务模式。创新型业务模式为商业银行带来效益的同时也造成了业务风险的交织叠加,防范化解此类风险成为亟待解决的重点问题。目前,针对同业业务发展与风险的研究大多集中于操作风险、市场风险及流动性风险,而对新型同业业务的风险本质及其与基础资产的关系问题则较少涉及。本文以山东辖内商业银行的同业业务为研究对象,运用VAR模型测算各项贷款信贷质量对同业业务资产质量的影响效应。结果表明,各项贷款的信贷质量对同业业务资产质量的影响具有时滞性。本文据此建议,应及时捕捉同业业务的实质性风险,从基础资产入手寻找同业业务的演化路径,控制关键因素,以抑制银行类信贷业务的非理性扩张冲动,促进同业业务的规范发展。  相似文献   

内部控制理论与管理理论之间的天然血缘关系及其演进发展过程中呈现出的历史对称性,表明管理理论既诱导着内部控制理论的变迁且管理控制应是内部控制不可或缺的关键职能之一.然而,传统的着眼于财务与审计视角的内部控制无不背离了这一点,于是,循着管理理论变革的逻辑,重新审视现行的内部控制理论框架,以指引其与企业流程实现高度的契合,纠正和改进内部控制的不正理论认知和实务观念,是顺应时代的必然要求.  相似文献   

注册会计师积极配合新准则实施的几点意见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新会计审计准则的实施一方面为注册会计师提供了新的业务机遇,但由于许多新概念、新规定的引入,也必然会加大相应的执业风险,特别是相关  相似文献   

关系型交易模式可能会在议价能力、关系专用性投资成本转换等方面加剧上市公司的经营风险,进而影响审计费用。已有研究主要集中于关系型交易对审计行为的影响,鲜有文献关注其中的作用机制。本文基于经营风险理论视角,选取2008~2017年沪深A股制造业上市公司的相关数据,实证分析了关系型交易对审计费用的影响,结果表明:关系型交易显著加剧了企业经营风险的集聚,进而提升审计费用,即经营风险在关系型交易对审计费用的影响中起到了中介作用。进一步研究,在区分了产权性质以及耐用品特征后,实证结果显示关系型交易与审计费用的正相关关系在非国有企业以及耐用品行业的企业中较为显著,为审计师进行合理审计定价提供了经验证据支持。  相似文献   

经济周期是资产配置的大背景,只有从经济周期的角度出发来配置资产,才能从中长期的角度,获得战略性收益。虽然大多数经济周期表现出共同的运行规律,但每个周期都不同于以往,所以必须摸清引起资产价格变动的经济变量运行轨迹,才能掌握好资产配置的方向和节奏。本文先对以往的文献做简要回顾,然后对经典经济周期的资产配置原理和方式做重点阐述,最后对非典型资产配置方式做一些探索,以丰富和补充经典模式的不足,使之更具实用性。  相似文献   

In this article we analyze the effectiveness of fiscal policy—for a group of four Central and Eastern European countries. The recent literature shows that fiscal multipliers in the developed economies are higher during recession than expansion. So far, similar empirical analyses have been lacking for CEE countries. The results presented in this article show that fiscal multipliers in CEE countries differ with respect to the phase of the business cycle. Based on the SVAR methodology in which we allow for deterministic regime switching, we show that the government spending multipliers are significantly higher when the output gap is negative.  相似文献   

葛永彬 《银行家》2003,(2):156-157
保理业务是一项集贸易融资、商业资信调查、应收账款管理及信用风险担保于一体的新兴综合性金融服务.近年来随着国际贸易竞争的日趋激烈,国际贸易买方市场渐成主流.由于信用证结算费时费力,且增加了买方的采购成本,因此,目前国际贸易赊销日益盛行,结算方式大多倾向于O/A、D/A等.  相似文献   

电子货币的诞生及流通虽然只是经历了短暂的五十年,但它的发展空间潜能巨大,大有同纸币相比拟的趋势.如何做好当前电子货币非面直业务客户身份识别与流程控制,保证电子货币的安全流通,本文对此进行研究,并提出相应的方案和实施措施.  相似文献   

刘创 《涉外税务》2002,(2):66-67
一般说来,私人直接投资有两种经济组织形式可供选择,一类是法人企业,以公司为代表。另一类是非法人企业,以个人独资、合伙企业为代表。……  相似文献   

文章在揭示住房按揭贷款的内涵与本质的基础上,总结出现阶段我国住房按揭贷款业务中借款人面临的主要问题有:开发商虚假承诺为业主办理按揭贷款、商业银行实施强制保险问题、商业贷款与公积金贷款问题、等额本金还款法与等额本息还款法的利息负担等。针对这些问题产生的原因以及影响,文章从保护借款人的角度分别提出相应的对策建议,包括:保费应与贷款余额同步减少,购房者应事前了解商业银行拒贷原因,购房者应结合自身的投资能力选择还款方式,人民银行应进一步明确对提前还贷违约金的规定等。  相似文献   

Essentially, this study asks: Does the business risk audit (BRA) approach increase audit production efficiency? To answer this question empirically, direct and indirect tests are employed using proprietary, working paper data from the larger clients of a major Australian public sector audit provider and an efficiency frontier analytic methodology, data envelopment analysis (DEA). Results based on this proprietary, audit hours data for audit engagements carried out just after BRA approach implementation show that they have high levels of production efficiency and are risk-adjusted, with no significant difference in production efficiency between higher and lower business risk audit engagements. Results based on audit fees data for audit engagements carried out shortly before and after BRA approach implementation show that overall production efficiency significantly improves. Importantly, while this improvement is significant for lower-risk audit engagements, there is no significant improvement for higher-risk audit engagements. In the context of this study's research site, this is consistent with the BRA approach addressing inefficiencies created when lower-risk audit engagements are being over-audited. That is, the BRA approach can result in both risk-adjusted and more efficiently produced audits. With the re-emergence of the BRA approach in the literature and in practice, this study provides empirical evidence to support the claim that this audit approach can lead to ‘creating auditing efficiencies’ (Bell et al., 1997, p. 1).  相似文献   

Preparers of financial statements have a vital interest in the development of the accounting standards which set out the requirements for disclosure. This paper discusses some elements of the standard-setting structure and focuses on the crucial question of international harmonisation of accounting standards.  相似文献   


As the engine of China’s economy, small enterprises have been the central to the country’s economic development. However, given the characteristics of the small enterprises loan (i.e., short borrowing period, large volume, small amount and incomplete information), it is extremely challenging for financial institutions to assess their creditworthiness. Thus, it seriously delays and restricts the financing access for small enterprises. In an attempt to relieve the financing difficulty of small enterprises, this article makes use of 687 small wholesale and retail enterprises in a regional commercial bank in China, to establish a credit rating indicator system composed of 17 indicators by using both partial correlation analysis and probit regression. It then utilizes TOPSIS together with fuzzy C-means to score the credit ratings of our sample of small enterprises. With the dual test of default discrimination and ROC curve, the prediction accuracy of the established indicator system has reached 80.10% and 0.917, respectively, indicating the robustness and validity of our credit rating system.  相似文献   

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