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The aim of this paper is to empirically test not only the direct effects of information and communication technology (ICT) capabilities and integrated information systems (IS) on firm performance, but also the moderating role of IS integration along the supply chain in the relationship between ICT external and capabilities and business performance. Data collected from 102 large Iberian firms from Spain and Portugal are used to test the research model. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis is employed to test the direct effects and the moderating relationships proposed. Results show that external and internal ICT capabilities are important drivers of firm performance, while merely having integrated IS do not lead to better firm performance. In addition, a moderating effect of IS integration in the relationship between ICT capabilities and business performance is found, although this integration only contributes to firm performance when it is directed to connect with suppliers or customers rather than when integrating the whole supply chain.  相似文献   

大型自动化物流系统是复杂的系统工程,从而形成了一个完整的项目供应链.物流系统集成商对于这一供应链的管理、评估及改善,对于项目的成功实施显得非常重要.  相似文献   

宝供物流企业集团有限公司是国内第一家以物流名称注册的企业集团。目前,公司已在全国78个城市建立了分、子公司或办事处,形成了覆盖全国的业务运作网络和信息网络。  相似文献   

工程业的快速发展,为工程公司带来发展机遇的同时,也使其面临极大的风险与挑战。文章分析了国际性工程公司的发展现状,并对公司适应国际化的造价管理体系的建设提出了初步的探讨和见解。  相似文献   

Information used to manage the business and support the decision‐making of stakeholders is being subject to an evolution. In this context, traditional financial reporting is considered not sufficient anymore. This has translated into a sharp increase in the number of firms that have begun to adopt emerging reporting practices. This study aims to examine the influence that both firm‐ and country‐specific characteristics have on the voluntary uptaking of integrated reporting internationally. In order to do so, it analyses a sample of 71 international listed companies that have adopted this reporting form in 2016. The results show that firms are more likely to implement integrated reporting if they are located in countries with a higher level of corruption perception and a better risk rating and that are considered as relatively more collectivist and feminist and with a long‐term orientation. Legal system has resulted to be not significant. As for firms' characteristics, large size, profitability, market‐to‐book ratio, and the size of the board are found to be significant variables. Moreover, the results indicate that the adoption of integrated reporting is not influenced by a higher level of leverage, firm efficiency and board diversity and independence.  相似文献   

The bottom-line financial impact of supply chain management has been of continuing interest. Building on the operations strategy literature, Fisher's (1997) conceptual framework, a survey of 259 U.S. and European manufacturing firms, and secondary financial data, we investigate the relationship between supply chain fit (i.e., strategic consistencies between the products’ supply and demand uncertainty and the underlying supply chain design) and the financial performance of the firm. The findings indicate that the higher the supply chain fit, the higher the Return on Assets (ROA) of the firm, and that firms with a negative misfit show a lower performance than firms with a positive misfit.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the correlation among integrative information technology (IT), supply chain integration (SCI), and firm performance. The results show that integrative IT is positively associated with firm performance through SCI. However, the results of this study show that integrative IT does not have a positive correlation directly with firm performance. It is considered that in the relationship between integrative IT and firm performance, a new approach such as business process-oriented view arguing that performance is yielded through the primary influence of IT is necessary rather than a traditional view that sets up their direct correlations. The findings have the following implications. First, this study presents an endeavor to investigate the consequences of integrative supply chain strategy. Second, this study provides implications in decision making so that supply chain managers can use IT in an effective way.  相似文献   

库存控制是一个很复杂的问题,是一个企业运营的核心问题,库存控制的好坏直接决定了企业的生死存亡!从本期开始,我们定位于制造业库存控制技术与策略,请资深专家系统讲解库存控制的目的,库存的形成,寻找库存控制的开关;库存控制与仓储、采购、生产、销售管理的关系,库存控制KPI体系,库存预测与监控体系,库存控制与人等内容,给读者提供库存控制与管理的思路和方法。[编者按]  相似文献   

曼哈特联合软件公司(Manhattan Associates,Inc)1990年成立于美国加州,从仓库管理软件起家,是目前世界领先的供应链解决方案供应商,在世界各地拥有1300多家客户.在ARc咨询集团发布的最新市场调研报告中被评为"全球最佳仓储管理系统供应商".2004年,曼哈特正式进入中国,并将上海作为其亚太区总部,成立了曼哈特软件(上海)有限公司.  相似文献   

A supply chain is a series of customer and supplier relationships that extend throughout and beyond the company. It is an interwoven set of links that together form a chain supplying our customers in a seamless and integrated fashion delivering a high level of customer satisfaction. Supply chain management (SCM) integrates all activities so they are focused on customer satisfaction (both internally and externally). One of the things this article will attempt to accomplish is to provide a clear understanding of SCM's positive impact on customer service as well as on improving profitability, cash flow, product cycle times, and communication. Whether we go forward in the supply chain to the final end-user or backward in the supply chain to our supplier's suppliers, SCM will significantly improve our ability to serve our customers.  相似文献   

There is growing awareness of the importance and role of the top management team (TMT). Little is known about how this group of executives should be treated from a human resource management (HRM) perspective since most research and writing on human resource management practices have focused on lower level personnel. A unique study of top management teams in specific firms affiliated with Fortune 500 companies is described which examined the relationship of 18 Executive Human Resource Management (EHRM) practices to a measure of organizational performance. A number of those were found to be associated with higher firm performance. © 1995 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

As a growing number of customers tend to view corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a key purchase decision criterion, demands for CSR including environmental sustainability have accelerated in today's business world. To meet such demands, many firms consider embracing environment-friendly business practices. However, many firms are still hesitant to implement those practices due to sceptical views about their real managerial benefits. Although the previous literature confirms the positive link between a firm's commitment to environmental sustainability and its performance, the varying degree of impact of different kinds of environment-friendly supply chain practices on the firm's operational performance is still unknown. To fill the void left by prior research, this paper aims to classify various types of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices and then assess the impact of each of these distinct types on the firm's operational performances (especially manufacturing and marketing performance). Also, this paper examines how the firm's organisational profiles such as firm size affect the particular firm's choice of GSCM practices. Our experimental results reveal that the chosen type of GSCM practices influences the firm's performance differently.  相似文献   

This study tests whether strategic human resource management (SHRM) effectiveness significantly affects organizational level outcomes. Using the resource-based view of the firm, this study examines the effective use of human capital on organizational performance. Further, the role that a contextual factor - capital intensity - plays in modelling is explored. Results show that SHRM effectiveness significantly reduces employee turnover and increases overall market performance assessment. However, SHRM effectiveness affected both firm productivity and return on equity only when moderated by capital intensity.  相似文献   


Artificial intelligence (AI) extends the limits of current performance in data processing and analysis many times over. Since this states a great improvement in managing public data, this conceptual study discusses the use of AI in public management structures in connection with their risks and side effects. The exercise of state power and public influence through intelligent machines make ethical and political guidelines essential for their operation, constituting the cornerstones of the AI framework model developed here. The organizational structure and technical specification are additional aspects of the AI that determine design and functionality of the framework model in practical application.  相似文献   

How can a company reduce its inventory costs as much as 35 to 50% of its current assets? The key to reducing inventory is to evaluate the entire supply chain, including an assessment of procurement, production, and distribution.  相似文献   

Quality management (QM) has received a high degree of attention in extant literature. Several research papers attribute superior firm performance to adoption of QM practices. The availability of a large number of research papers that investigate the impact of QM practices on performance provide an ideal setting for theory extension and refinement using meta-analysis techniques. In this paper a meta-analytic study is presented that fulfills two objectives. First, the paper formalizes performance implications of adopting QM practices and present hypothesized relationship between QM practices and performance. Second, a meta-analysis of correlation (Hunter and Schmidt, 1990) approach is used to examine the empirical research in QM to determine which QM practices are positively related to improved performance. The study also examines the presence of moderating factors in the association between QM practices and performance. The results support many hypothesized relationships and also point towards the presence of moderating factors in almost all QM practice–performance relationships. A discussion of the findings is presented and directions for further development of QM theory are proposed.  相似文献   

Facing uncertain environments, firms have strived to achieve greater supply chain collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge of their suppliers and customers. The objective of the study is to uncover the nature of supply chain collaboration and explore its impact on firm performance based on a paradigm of collaborative advantage. Reliable and valid instruments of these constructs were developed through rigorous empirical analysis. Data were collected through a Web survey of U.S. manufacturing firms in various industries. The statistical methods used include confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling (i.e., LISREL). The results indicate that supply chain collaboration improves collaborative advantage and indeed has a bottom-line influence on firm performance, and collaborative advantage is an intermediate variable that enables supply chain partners to achieve synergies and create superior performance. A further analysis of the moderation effect of firm size reveals that collaborative advantage completely mediates the relationship between supply chain collaboration and firm performance for small firms while it partially mediates the relationship for medium and large firms.  相似文献   

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