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电力供应情况发电装机稳步增长,"关小"工作进展顺利。截至6月底,全国6000千瓦以上电厂发电生产设备总容量为6.23亿千瓦,比去年同期净增1.07亿千瓦。五大发电集团发电设备容量合计达到25536万千瓦,同比净增5156万千瓦,2007上半年,全国小火电机组的关停工作进展顺利。截至6月30日,已关停小火电机组551万千瓦,占全年关  相似文献   

“九五“以来,为促进电力工业提高效率和设备的升级换代,我国相继出台了限制小火电机组发展、关停小型凝汽式火电机组、以大代小等一系列电源结构调整方针和政策,小火电机组淘汰关停工作取得了一定的成果.“九五“期间,全国共关停小火电机组964万千瓦,其中原国家电力公司系统关停779万千瓦,地方电厂关停185万千瓦.“十五“前两年,共关停479万千瓦,其中原国家电力公司系统关停244万千瓦,地方电厂关停235万千瓦.从2002年下半年开始,我国出现了新一轮电力供应紧张局面,小火电关停工作随之放缓.……  相似文献   

国家经贸委印发《关停小火电机组实施意见》8月31日国家经贸委以电力[1999]833号文,印发了《关停小火电机组实施意见》,主要内容为:一、关停小火电机组的范围1-此次关停小火电机组的范围是:5万千瓦以下(含5万千瓦)的常规小火电机组。热电联产、综合利用机组和燃气蒸汽联合循环机组,经审核符合有关规定的,不属关停范围。2-对隐瞒真实情况,假冒热电联产、综合利用之名逃避关停的机组,一经查实,立即关停,并追究有关人员弄虚作假的责任。二、关停小火电机组的进度目标1-总体目标:单机容量5万千瓦以下(含5万…  相似文献   

电力供应情况 发电装机稳步增长,“关小”工作进展顺利。截至6月底,全国6000千瓦以上电厂发电生产设备总容量为6.23亿千瓦,比去年同期净增1.07亿千瓦。五大发电集团发电设备容量合计达到25536万千瓦,同比净增5156万千瓦,2007上半年,全国小火电机组的关停工作进展顺利。截至6月30日,已关停小火电机组551万千瓦,占全年关停目标的55名,  相似文献   

节能减排:电力主旋律2007   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
节能减排是当前全国经济工作的一项关键任务,电力行业处于突出的位置; 电力行业落实节能减排有三大主要任务:改进发电调度方式、关停小火电机组和加大脱硫力度; 改进发电调度方式是电力行业节能减排的主要环节; 国家对于关停小火电机组的指导思想正在发生重要转变; “十一五”期间,电力行业已成为削减二氧化硫排放的主战场。  相似文献   

7月30日,在国家能源局举行的“十一五”关停小火电机组任务提前超额完成新闻发布会上,国家能源局副局长孙勤表示,截至今年6月30日,全国累计关停小火电机组7467台,总容量达到5407万千瓦,提前一年半完成“十一五”关停小火电机组任务。孙勤表示,小火电机组的关停,有力促进了电力工业结构调整和节能减排。他介绍说,关停5407万千瓦小火电机组的主要成效体现在三个方面:  相似文献   

2009年全国关停小火电机组2617万千瓦 工业与信息化部近日消息,2009年全国关停小火电机组容量2617万千瓦,“十一五”关停小火电任务提前完成。2009年,全国热电联产机组大幅增加,全年共投产1614.7万千瓦;全国发电生产耗用原煤13.99亿吨,同比增长6.08%;全国6000千瓦及以上电厂供电标准煤耗为342克/千瓦时,  相似文献   

<正>2009年全国关停小火电机组2617万千瓦工业与信息化部近日消息,2009年全国关停小火电机组容量2617万千瓦,"十一五"关停小火电任务提前完成。2009年,全国热电联产机组大幅增加,全  相似文献   

今年1-6月份,全国已关停小火电机组836万千瓦,完成全年关停任务的64.3%,加上2006年、2007年分别关停的314万千瓦和1438万千瓦,"十一五"以来,全国已累计关停小火电机组2587万千瓦,占"十一五"关停5000万千瓦目标的51.74%o这些小机组的关停,每年可节约煤炭3260万吨,减排二氧化硫55多万吨,节能减排效果显著.  相似文献   

农源 《广西电业》2007,(4):17-17
云南省委常委、常务副省长罗正富近日在云南省关停小火电机组工作会议上表示,“十一五”期间,云南省将关停小火电机组105.026万千瓦。电力工业是节能降耗和污染减排的重点领域,关停小火电机组又是电力行业中节能降耗和污染减排的重中之  相似文献   

The distributed generation as well as the combined production of electrical energy and heat for domestic use in order to increase the energy efficiency becomes more important and both technically and financially feasible. However, feasibility and efficiency can be significantly increased by decoupling the production of heat or power or the referring demand in order to operate the production units in the most efficient way. Thermal storage systems connected to combined heat and power units offer the opportunity of such a decoupling of production and demand for heat in domestic or industrial use. In this article, based on an analysis of different thermal storage technologies, a model is introduced for optimal operation of thermal storage connected to combined heat and power units in terms of the generation costs or contribution margin as extension of an energy generation planning and trading optimization method. Moreover, the application, coordinated operation and participation in spot markets of such plant-storage-combinations are evaluated.  相似文献   

日本的火力发电机组能源利用效率高,常规的燃煤发电的热效率达到了43%以上,燃气机组由于采用了联合循环系统,其热效率水平更高,达到了53%以上。其综合的热效率较我国的火力发电的热效率高很多,这与发电机组的设计制造水平有关,也与机组的运行工况有关。从日本的一次能源供给情况、发电用能源的结构状况、各种类型发电机组的负荷情况等分析其热效率高的原因,并对我国的电源结构及各种类型发电机组的负荷情况进行分析,提出应适当调整我国的电源结构、提高能源利用效率的相关建议。  相似文献   

随着天然气价格上涨,燃机发电上网电价政策成为热电联产燃机项目生存的重要条件之一.通过理论分析和实证检验,就当前热电联产燃机发电上网的"高电价"对燃机项目运营的影响进行了探讨,结果表明:相对于热价,偏高的上网电价易导致电厂愿意多发电,少供热,结果降低了全厂的热效率,不利于全社会的节能降耗.  相似文献   

付蓉 《电力技术经济》2011,23(12):56-60,65
在火电厂大气污染物排放新、老标准比较的基础上,分析了现有机组需要进行除尘、脱硫和脱硝的改造容量及改造技术,结合“十二五”电力发展预测,测算了“十二五”期间火电行业现有机组及新建机组的环保投入和运行费用,并提出相关对策。  相似文献   

Research summary : When faced with a new technological paradigm, incumbent firms can opt for internal development and/or external sourcing to obtain the necessary new knowledge. We explain how the effectiveness of external knowledge sourcing depends on the properties of internal knowledge production. We apply a social network lens to delineate interpersonal, intra‐firm knowledge networks and capture the emergence of two important firm‐level properties: the incumbent's internal potential for knowledge recombination and the level of knowledge coordination costs. We rely on firm‐level internal knowledge networks to dynamically track the emergence of these properties across 106 global pharmaceutical companies over a 25‐year time period. We find that a firm's success in developing knowledge in a new technological paradigm using external knowledge sourcing is contingent on these internal knowledge properties . Managerial summary : Incumbent firms in high‐tech industries often face competence‐destroying technological change. In their effort to adapt and develop new knowledge in a novel paradigm, incumbent firms have several corporate strategy options available to them: internal knowledge development and a wide array of external knowledge sourcing strategies, including alliances and acquisitions. In this study, we make an effort to address a critical question: How effective is external knowledge sourcing under different internal knowledge generation regimes? We find that external sourcing strategies are less effective when firms can already internally generate new knowledge or if they have high internal coordination costs. Therefore, when considering external sourcing, managers must carefully weigh the benefits of it vis‐à‐vis its commensurate costs as the benefits of external sourcing may be overstated . Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

我国火力发电厂环境成本控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在"厂网分开、竞价上网"的竞争环境下,各火力发电厂加强环境成本控制,完善环境成本管理已经成为提高企业竞争力的必然选择.这里首先介绍了我国火力发电厂的环境污染和成本开支现状,重点分析了燃煤火力发电企业的各环境成本项目,得出了环境成本公式,并依据公式确立了环境成本控制的三个核心目标,提出了环境成本控制的方法与绩效考核办法,最后指出加强环境成本控制意义重大,是各火力发电厂可持续发展的必由之路.  相似文献   

大多数小火电机组处在电网的负荷中心,对电网起着提供灵活有功和无功电源的作用。通过分析可知,按照要求关停的小火电规模,对国家电网公司经营范围内的"十一五"电网规划总体影响不大,对局部电网供电能力、网架结构、动态无功和网损将产生一定影响,需要增加部分配套的电网建设项目和适当调整原规划中某些电网项目的建设时序,以满足"上大压小"方案实施后安全、可靠供电的需要。  相似文献   

About 99% of all firms in the European Union are small, and politicians are increasingly emphasizing their importance for job creation, technological development and prosperity. Consequently, the political focus is on these firms and a large number of decisions influencing their business activities are constantly taken by political actors at various levels. The aim of this article is to investigate small firms' interaction with political organizations in the EU. Previous studies have shown that these firms have been obliged to follow the coercive political decisions of the EU's political units. In this paper, however, we identify some changes which demonstrate political support and influence by small firms. Based on a case study approach as well as data from a Swedish survey, four propositions concerning small firms' interaction patterns within the political context of the EU will be highlighted and further discussed.  相似文献   

贾岩 《电力技术经济》2011,23(7):5-9,18
实施节能发电调度是电力行业落实科学发展观的重要举措。介绍了河南、四川两省3年来开展节能发电调度试点工作的情况,总结了开展“上大压小”和节能发电调度在优化电源结构、降低煤耗水平及污染物排放方面取得的显著成果,针对试点中反映出来的问题,对今后进一步开展节能发电调度、推广试点经验,就市场机制建设、可再生能源项目建设、经济补偿政策和电网建设等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

The establishment and effective use of R&D potential is considered as a way to reduction of technological delay. On the basis of analysis of alternative starting positions of a follower on the technological scene the adequate trajectories for technological pursuit are drawn. Five strategies are indicated as the most typical ones. Illustration is given for respective strategies of pursuit based on S-shaped performance development within given technological generation. Conditions and limitations are indicated in order to adapt general analysis to the practice of a company willing to overcome the technological gap and/or reduce the existing delay.  相似文献   

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