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从融资租赁、经营租赁与购买对企业现金流量的影响角度分析,如果一项资产被界定为融资租赁资产,根据我国会计准则的规定,承租方租入的固定资产可以视同企业购买的固  相似文献   

租赁公司融通资金 ,替承租方购买所需固定资产 ,再将固定资产租赁给承租方 ,并转移与固定资产所有权有关的全部风险和报酬 ,同时按期向承租方收取融资租赁费 ,这种租赁 ,称为融资租赁。对出租方而言 ,向承租方收取融资租赁费不仅包括购买固定资产的价值 ,还包括融资费用 (融资利息、手续费、管理费等 )。根据我国《租赁》会计准则和新《企业会计制度》的规定 ,应收融资租赁款和承租方担保的租赁资产余值构成整个租赁期间应收债权 ,设置“应收融资租赁款”科目核算。应收融资租赁款和未担保余值之和与融资租出固定资产账面价值的差额是一种未…  相似文献   

财政部在2018年对企业租赁再次颁发了35号文,对融资租赁业务的认定以及出租房和承租方对于初始直接费用的处理做了最新规定,文章在会计准则及其相关解释的基础上,结合国内国外研究现状,从学理层面和准则层面分别比较研究了直接费用对融资费用和出租房内含报酬率的影响。  相似文献   

从融资租赁、经营租赁与购买对企业现金流量的影响角度分析,如果一项资产被界定为融资租赁资产,根据我国会计准则的规定,承租方租入的同定资产可以视同企业购买的同定资产每年计提折旧,同时,融资租赁的同定资产所产生的未确认融资费用在转为财务费用时可在税前列支。如果一项资产被界定为经营租赁资产,承租方所负担的租赁费用属于期间费用,可以在税前列支;而购买资产不仅要支付买价,还要根据固定资产的入账价值每年进行折旧摊销。下面笔者根据构建的相关模型来分析融资租赁、经营租赁与购买是如何影响企业的现金流量并用案例加以说明。  相似文献   

张雷 《财务与会计》2016,(21):40-41
租赁会计准则对融资租赁性质的确认、相关分类的会计处理做了较具体的规定,但是在实务工作中会出现一些新的情况,特别是在营改增之后,财税处理出现了新的问题.本文拟探讨新情况下如何处理融资租赁的财务及税收问题,进而促进融资租赁行业的发展.  相似文献   

魏俭 《河北企业》2011,(5):13-14
融资租赁是由出租方按照承租方要求出资购买设备,在较长的合同期内提供给承租方使用的融资信用业务,它是以融通资金为主要目的的租赁。融资租赁的业务原理就是融资与融物于一体,既满足了承租方生产经营需求,又缓解了承租方资金紧张的局面,因此受到企业,特别是中小企业的青睐,  相似文献   

(上接2006年第八期上) 十五、租赁 本章概念较多,理解较难,计算较复杂,考生学习时应根据大纲的内容尽量做重点的练习.重点掌握租赁性质的判断、经营租赁的会计处理、未实现售后租回交易的会计处理、融资租赁作为承租方资产入账价值的确认、负债入账价值的确认、未确认融资费用的分摊等,作为出租方主要是了解在租赁开始日的会计处理和未实现融资收益的分配等.  相似文献   

在新《企业会计准则——租赁》(财会[2018]35号)自2019年1月1日起实施以来,我国融资租赁业务模式也愈加多样化,对承租方财务人员正确识别租赁及其会计处理提出了更高的要求。本文拟通过案例,对承租人直租、售后回租业务的会计处理进行探讨。  相似文献   

谈递延所得税的会计核算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、会计政策变更涉及的递延所得税会计核算根据会计准则的规定,企业变更会计政策能提供更可靠、更相关的会计信息时,企业应变更会计政策。在这种情况下,企业若采用追溯调整法对会计政策变更进行会计处理,则涉及的递延所得税会计核算包括两方面内容:一是正确计算两  相似文献   

中国与东盟各国租赁业务的不断发展使得我们有必要关注中国和东盟各国租赁会计准则的异同.文章以中国和马来西亚的租赁会计准则为研究对象,通过对两国的租赁分类、融资租赁会计处理、经营租赁会计处理等方面进行比较和分析,发现两国的相关规定大体一致,但在融资租赁的认定等方面还存在一些差异.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development and status of empirical research on the question of on- versus off-balance-sheet accounting for leases and examines the implications for the currently debated reform of IFRS and US-GAAP lease-accounting. Research findings show that off-balance-sheet leases (operating leases) affect the economic situation of lessees substantially, especially in lease-intensive industries. Substitution and capital structure effects, especially during the introduction of partial on-balance-sheet accounting for (finance) leases in the 1970s and 1980s, indicate that lessees prefer the off-balance-sheet treatment. Studies addressing the main users of financial statements also demonstrate a differentiated perception of operating and finance leases. However, these differences seem to vanish if users are more professional. So, markets’ perception is not distorted by operating leases per se and there seems to be no sufficiently compelling case for the current lease accounting reform.  相似文献   

There have been recent international moves to require the capitalization of non‐cancelable operating leases. Most prior research on the constructive capitalization of leases has been undertaken on US data. The results from US studies may not apply to international firms because non‐US operating lease contracts may differ in lease term, discount rates, and renewal options. This study presents the financial statement impact of constructive capitalization for 38 firms listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange. New Zealand is an appropriate institutional setting because the required footnote disclosures for operating leases are similar to the International Accounting Standard. The method of constructive capitalization follows the general approach developed by Imhoff, et al. (1991) . The results show that constructive capitalization has a material impact on reported liabilities and financial ratios. The results suggest that, relative to present value procedures of constructive lease capitalization, heuristics used by analysts lead to the overstatement of lease liabilities and lease assets. However, the use of single cross‐sectional parameters (e.g., discount rates, lease life) results in constructed lease assets and liabilities that are similar to more elaborate firm‐specific procedures.  相似文献   

随着租赁行业的不断进步,其已经渗透到了社会发展的各个行业当中并发挥着重要的作用。基于此,租赁准则也在不断完善和修订,新的租赁准则将各种租赁信息纳入资产负债表中,进一步推动了我国会计准则与国际标准的接轨。然而新租赁准则也对企业会计核算产生了一定影响,论文针对新租赁标准下企业会计核算的相关变动进行总结和分析,并针对性地提出应对策略,以提高企业会计核算在新租赁准则下的适应性。  相似文献   

Technology and, more specifically, significant technological innovation is increasingly being recognized by business executives as both an integral part of business strategy and either a major opportunity for, or strong threat to, their firm's development. A growing number of executives are giving equal attention to both process and product forms of technological innovation, and are scanning technological innovations in the international arena.This paper argues that R&D is an important but not exhaustive component of technological innovation. Its main conclusions from the viewpoint of accounting standards and practice are: - Net cash flow rather than net profit (or loss) is the most relevant financial criterion with which to judge the commercial value and results of innovation. - Both accounting practice and standards should be developed with the clear attempt to ensure international compatabilily. - Given the speed of change in technological innovation, accounting practices and standards should be regularly reviewed, and if necessary altered—two-yearly review seems a justifiable suggestion. - Several standards on accounting for the major fields of technology may need to be developed; however, a broad standard dealing with common issues may be possible. - The input of technologists, researchers and general managers is necessary to ensure that accounting practices and standards are conceptually sound and useful to business managers.  相似文献   

刘源 《价值工程》2007,26(8):159-161
新旧企业会计准则对融资租赁出租方租赁开始日会计处理的相关规定中存在两处重要变化:对租出资产计量属性的选择;初始直接费用的会计处理。将以融资租赁的性质为起点,从出租方投出资产、获得的未来收取资产的权利以及在融资租赁过程中获取的收益三个方面,分析了出租方租赁开始日的相关会计处理,得出结论:新会计准则发生变化的原因为"提供与融资租赁性质更为贴切的会计信息"。  相似文献   

新会计准则合并报表分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合并会计报表一直被公认为会计界难题之一,我国新准则体系对原有合并报表方面的规定进行了全面的修正和改进。本文从新准则与旧规定及与国际会计标准的比较分析入手,着重分析合并会计理念对执行新准则合并实务的影响并做简要评述。  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of cross-sectional variation in lease ratios. Results indicate that leases substitute for debt and that relative lease use is negatively related to the size of the lessee. Leased assets, as a fraction of total assets, are negatively related to the financial strength of the lessee. Relative lease use is positively related to the lessee's level of non-debt tax shields, and some support is found for a negative relationship between leasing and the tax rate. Additionally, asset factors, as proxied by industry, provide most of the explanatory power of the model.  相似文献   

新会计准则完善了旧会计准则的不足,且对会计税务处理以及财务人员提出了更高要求。为了使企业在之后的发展过程中能更好地处理税务工作,分析新会计准则给企业经营带来的影响十分必要。基于此,文章分析了政府补助的内涵,以此为依据分析与之相关的会计核算和税务处理工作,并以当前的企业案例为依据,总结新会计准则下政府补助的会计税务处理对企业研发加计扣除产生的影响,进而为企业持续长远发展提供有参考价值的建议。  相似文献   


This paper deals with the internationalisation of Finnish business life and the attempts to introduce and apply international accounting standards (IASs) in Finnish accounting practice before the latest developments at the EU level in 2002. The internationalisation of business life creating economic pressures for changes is illustrated. Analysis of four accounting issues is made in order to exemplify how IASs have affected Finnish accounting legislation and practice. The results of the analysis indicate that the effect of IASs has been notable but secondary because of the implementation of the EU Directives in Finnish accounting legislation in the 1990s. IASs have not caused any drastic changes in accounting practice as their requirements have been written as alternatives in legislation. This approach has provided a possibility to large, listed companies to produce financial accounting information in line with the principles of IASs. In the introduction of IASs there have been political aspects when justifications for the national model and for the international orientation have been presented.  相似文献   

关于租赁会计准则分类标准的质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从承租人的角度,阐述了现行国内外租赁会计准则对租赁业务分类的“风险报酬”标准,然后对这一标准的起源进行了历史回顾,从操作、理论与逻辑上对现行租赁会计准则租赁“风险报酬”分类标准的困境进行了揭示,并对“风险报酬”作为租赁会计准则租赁分类标准的成因作了进一步的分析。表明租赁会计准则需要在真正秉承“实质重于形式”原则的基础上,探索更为科学合理的租赁分类标准或租赁会计政策选择标准。  相似文献   

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