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An interdisciplinary model of firm performance based on a modified and extended Competing Values Model of Organizational Culture combines elements drawn from three different research traditions-organizational culture and climate from organizational behavior, innovativeness from economics, and market orientation from marketing. The model has been used to analyze firm performance in business-to-business markets in a number of countries in the industrial and the industrializing worlds. In general, successful firms are found to be innovative, market oriented, and to have organizational cultures and decision-making climates which are externally oriented. In most countries, there are also identifiable national culture-specific patterns. In this paper, we focus on the inter-relationships among the streams of research upon which the model is built. Using Brazil, previously unstudied in this context, we attempt to identify a structure among the model elements to test hypotheses about (1) the inter-relationships of the explanatory variables, and (2) the relationships of the explanatory variables to each other and to firm performance. We find that the contributing disciplines produce interpretable results, and that performance is improved by achieving good results simultaneously along several inter-related dimensions.  相似文献   

组织文化、组织结构与绩效:中国企业的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓荣霖  吴欣  郑平 《商业研究》2006,(22):23-28
研究中国企业的组织文化、组织结构和绩效之间存在的可能的关系。基于对国内294家企业实证数据的基础上,发现和睦交往型组织文化一定程度上对企业绩效具有负效应;团结一致型组织文化对于企业绩效具有正效应;而组织结构的柔性程度对于企业绩效具有促进作用。  相似文献   


For a sample of South African firms, this paper analyzes the relationships of firm performance and a set of organizational measures which includes organizational culture and climate, market orientation and innovativeness. These organizational measures are drawn from three different disciplines–organizational behavior, strategy and economics. The replicative study is framed in an extended model of competing organizational values which have been used in 13 countries including three transition economies (Vietnam, China and Russia). The work has also been done under a variety of conditions–for example, the US in a period of study growth, Thailand during the Asian Crisis and Hong Kong after the handover to China. Comparisons are made between South African results and those of firms from a group of five industrial countries. Market Orientation is the most important explainer of performance of the South African firms, and Innovativeness is also important. Specific elements of Organizational Culture are apparently less important in South Africa than elsewhere.  相似文献   

《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(1-2):207-229

A study published in the Journal of Global Marketing(Deshpandé and Farley 2000) found that, for a representative sample of Shanghai firms competing in business-to-business markets, success was related to innovativeness, a high level of market orientation, and outward-oriented organizational cultures and climates. Because of the great cultural diversity of China, questions were raised at that time and subsequently as to whether these results generalize to other parts of China. To the extent that the Shanghai results do generalize, the development of a more general strategy for dealing with Chinese business-to-business markets will be feasible. We compare organizational cultures and personal values of managers in representative samples of firms in six Chinese cities. There are indeed systematic differences among the cities- Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shenzhen and Wuxi. Shanghai firms seem the best-positioned for transformation to a more market-oriented economy in terms of innovativeness and market orientation. There are also some differences among State-Owned Enterprises, Joint Ventures, Village-Based Enterprises and Wholly-Owned Foreign Subsidiaries. There are, however, clear patterns of similar response among firms which perform well in terms of high levels of innovativeness and market orientation, plus organizational cultures relatively open to outside influences. All kinds of firms seem to draw their managers from a pool of people who hold much the same kinds of values.  相似文献   

The evidence about how entrepreneurial orientation (EO) affects firms' performance remains inconclusive. This study joins the research by incorporating organizational learning (OL) as a micro-macro link and by extending empirical work to the largely underexplored context of Chinese high-tech industries. Results from a survey of 252 Chinese high-tech firms demonstrate: (1) entrepreneurial orientation is positively related to firm performance; (2) organizational learning is also positively related to firm performance; (3) organizational learning partly mediates the positive impact of entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance; and (4) high-tech companies in the start-up and growth stage are likely to demonstrate stronger linkages in the EO-OL-performance relationship than in mature stage, which shows that the EO-OL-performance relationship is moderated by firms' life cycle.  相似文献   

组织结构是大学存在和发展的形式,组织结构是否合理,对大学的发展有着非常大的影响。为了适应快速的科技创新与全球化的竞争,在大学组织结构创新中应把握目标一致、责权利统一、效率优先、灵活性、精简和管理宽度等六个原则,并从扁平化、柔性化、分立化、虚拟化、边界模糊化等五个方面的发展趋势来考虑大学组织结构创新设计。  相似文献   

基于股权竞争程度的差异,本文对股权结构进行了分类,发现竞争程度高的行业有更多的竞争性股权结构的公司。对我国185家竞争性股权结构公司的分析表明,前五大股东持股比例之间呈现出依次显著性的正相关关系,第一、第二和第五大股东持股比例与公司业绩显著正相关,但这类上市公司并没有比非竞争性股权结构公司具有更好的业绩。  相似文献   

The influence of competitive strategy on the organizational culture and performance relationship in Ghana is examined in this study using structural equation modeling. Results suggest evidence of both direct and indirect effects of organizational culture on firm performance. Firms with a predominantly clan or market culture were more likely to be directly associated with performance, whereas firms with adhocracy or hierarchy cultures were more likely to be indirectly associated with performance, depending on their alignment with a differentiation strategy or cost leadership strategy. However, only the link with differentiation strategy resulted in market performance. Managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

There exists contradictory theoretical arguments and counter-intuitive empirical results regarding the market orientation, learning orientation and organizational performance nexus. We ask, can we simplify relations in this nexus? This study analyzes data from Australian organisations and employs non-nested encompassing tests. Contrary to recent findings extolling the virtues of a learning orientation, our results suggest that a market orientation may be the pre-eminent strategy to achieve superior organizational performance.  相似文献   

近 2 0年来 ,我国企业的外部环境发生了巨大的变化 ,我国加入WTO后 ,这种变化进一步加剧 ,使得原有的组织结构出现了很多问题。企业想生存下来就必须不断的发掘问题 ,对组织结构进行持续性的优化。针对这一现象 ,必须采取一套具体、实用的优化组织结构的方法 ,才能使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地  相似文献   

成力为  王轶群  梁河 《商业研究》2005,(23):153-156
风险投资组织形式和治理结构直接决定和影响风险投资效率。一种有效的风险投资组织形式其治理结构应解决的两个基本问题:激励约束机制问题和选择、监督的成本与效率问题。用三种不同组织形式治理结构效率的比较和有限合伙制为什么成为美国风险投资主流的分析,为我国各地兴起的风险投资及其组织形式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

中小企业通过学习代理人从组织外部获取知识是促进组织学习的重要途径.因此,如何通过有效学习代理模式获取组织所需要知识,如何处理企业发展过程的学习策略以提高学习绩效,成为目前研究中小企业战略的重要课题.文章从学习代理基本理论出发,分析了学习代理的内涵与构成,提出了中小企业三种学习代理模式,提出了学习代理模式与组织学习绩效的概念模型与假设,通过实证研究对假设进行了统计验证,得出了基本结论与进一步研究展望,最后建议中小企业通过学习代理有效获取知识从而提升学习绩效.  相似文献   

论组织结构变革的必要性及障碍分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的组织结构只在目标明确、稳定的情况下是高效的,而在目标变动的情况下效能则会降低。由于现代市场变化速度较快,以往企业所面临的稳定的环境正逐步消失。信息时代企业面临的环境发生了巨大的变化,组织结构变革中可能遇到一些障碍,因此相应企业必须变革其组织,以适应新时代的形势。  相似文献   

企业进化的基因结构模型及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章结合生物进化论和演化经济学等学科的相关研究,以企业成长进化论为理论基础,指出企业核心理念和惯例分别构成了决定企业异质性和成长状况的组织基因的双层结构,并进一步通过构建企业进化的组织基因结构模型对企业进化三种机制进行全面深入论述,以期对企业的成长过程做一新的理论探讨,并对我国企业实现可持续成长有所启示。  相似文献   

中国家族上市公司具有代表性的最终所有权结构是一种宽泛意义上的金字塔控股结构,在这种结构中,中间层持股中介基本都是股权较为封闭的非上市公司,最终控制者的家族和泛家族成员对其持股具有普遍性、隐蔽性和模糊性,使得控制性家族最终控制权与现金流权的分离程度较低但容易被实证研究高估。剖析中国家族PH结构的特征能够为相关研究提供更为合理的前提假设,同时也可供政策制定者和监管当局参考。  相似文献   

本文以763家上海证券交易所A股上市公司2003年的横截面数据为观察值,运用logistic回归分析分别考察了股权结构和组织特征对现金股利发放概率的实证影响。本文发现,股权结构(第一大股东持股、前二大股东持股和前三大股东持股)对现金股利发放概率具有显著的正向影响。公司各项组织特征(成长性机会、每股收益、每股留存盈余、资产规模和财务杠杆)也对现金股利发放概率具有显著的影响。本文的结论支持自由现金流假说。  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the relationship between organizational learning culture (OLC) and firm's innovativeness. The area of innovation as well as organizational culture is crucial for organizations and for entrepreneurs because both provide the basis for sustainable competitive advantage and improved firm performance. The notion of OLC offers a set of customs and principles that enhances imperativeness of an organization. Information acquisition, information interpretation, and behavioral and cognitive changes (BCC) were used as elements of the organizational learning process. Constructs comprising innovativeness are innovative culture, and technical and administrative innovation (innovations). Data were collected from 50 randomly selected Pakistani organizations. The results show significant and positive relationships among all hypothesized variables except for between BCC and innovations.  相似文献   

The influence of organizational ambidexterity on innovation and the growth of enterprises has gradually become an important research topic in the field of strategic management and organization theory. This paper builds up a theoretical framework of the relationship between organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance with regards to corporate entrepreneurship orientation. We select 175 companies from high and new technology industries in China’s three large cities, Beijing, Tianjin and Dalian, as samples to carry out an empirical test. We find that the balance and complement of organizational ambidexterity are positively correlated with the innovation performance of enterprises; a corporate entrepreneurial orientation has a significantly moderating effect on the relationship between the balance dimension of organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance, yet it has no significant positive moderating effect on the relationship between the combined dimension of organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance.  相似文献   

Which Firms Exit and Why? An Analysis of Small Firm Exits in Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines exit behaviour of small firms by using data from The Survey of Retirement of Small Firm Managers, which provides information on exit and post-exit behaviour of Japanese small firms and their managers. First, it is shown that small firm exits occur not just because of economic difficulties in their business (‚economic-forced exit’) but also for various other reasons (‚non-economic-forced exit’). Logit estimates show that the probability of economic-forced exit is significantly higher if the manager is relatively young and male, the firm has loans from a financial institution, its sales are tending to decrease, and so on. It is also shown that a rather large proportion of managers continue to work after exit, and this proportion, especially that of employed workers, is higher in the case of economic-forced exits. These results indicate the potential importance of distinguishing these two classes of exits in exit studies.   相似文献   

文章利用浙江和重庆两地制造业家族企业的调查数据,实证检验了家族涉入对家族企业降低网络交易成本的影响及网络结构的中介效应,研究结果表明:(1)家族所有权、家族承诺对家族企业降低网络交易成本有显著的正向影响,领导企业的家族代数对家族企业降低网络交易成本有显著的负向影响;(2)网络中心度和密度在家族承诺与降低网络交易成本之间起部分中介作用。本文的研究结论对于提高我国家族企业网络组织效率具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

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