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草根企业是中国经济发展的重要组成部分,动态能力有助于草根企业的生存和成长。本文以大连食品加工行业的三家知名草根企业为研究对象,分别从它们的生存、成长和发展三个时期各选择一个典型事例共九个案例进行多案例分析,从创业者二面能力的视角,对草根企业发展过程中,由创业者思变和创造的常规能力以及整合和运作的非常规能力所构成的二面能力与企业的包括生产能力、技术能力等的一阶能力和动态能力之间的演化机理进行研究,研究结果揭示了在企业发展的不同时期,创业者二面能力的常规和非常规能力对企业动态能力演化影响的重要程度不同。  相似文献   

随着世界各国经济的发展,采购标准作为领导企业衡量商品合规性和可靠性的重要工具日益受到企业的重视。本文基于采购者能力和生产者能力将价值链划分为四种治理模式,并从GVC视角研究不同治理模式下领导企业所关注的采购标准及其对供应商升级的影响。基于此,对纺织服装产业、汽车产业、地方农业及IT产业的采购标准和供应商升级进行了实证检验,旨在为经济全球化背景下我国产业结构调整和升级提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

尚扬 《物流科技》2021,(2):62-65
电子商务的发展,打破了商业活动的客观限制,拓展了发展空间。从国家层面来看,这种商业模式带来了新的经济增长点,对于经济发展产生促进作用;从企业层面来看,电子商务的兴起和发展打破了企业原有的界限和商业活动边界,降低了企业的活动成本;从消费者的角度来看,电子商务模式提供更多的选择,同时可以极大地降低消费者的交易成本,提高消费者剩余。作为电子商务活动中产品实体完成交易的实现者的快递行业,其发展状况却不甚理想,落后于电子商务行业的发展水平,这对整个电子商务行业在未来的发展是相当不利的。文章利用灰色系统理论,确定影响电子商务行业发展的不同因素的相关性,有针对性地对电子商务行业及快递行业的发展进行研究,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

正一、引言本文站在发展的角度,研究广瑞物业企业文化与企业核心竞争力之间的关系,旨在从广瑞物业企业文化形成与提升的过程中找出利用企业对核心理念把握的有效途径,对企业所具备能力提供文化指引方向,从而形成具有企业特色的核心竞争力。二、广瑞物业企业文化与核心竞争力的有机作用关系(一)精神层面文化与创新能力精神层面的企业文化包含企业精神和企业价值观。广瑞物业的企业精神可以概括为六个字"求实、忠诚、奉献"。求实的精  相似文献   

通信技术的快速发展缩短了企业间的技术差异,增加了企业在技术层面的双元创新难度。现有研究表明,随着通信技术的快速发展,企业双元创新能力对管理层面的依赖性将会越来越强。本研究尝试从战略型领导的领导行为理论切入,构建战略型领导对企业双元管理创新的一般研究框架,并通过单案例研究方法深入探索战略型领导的领导行为对企业双元管理创新的影响。研究发现,战略型领导的领导行为分别通过不同的整合路径促进企业双元管理创新(理念塑造——理念双元创新;制度规范——制度双元创新、结构双元创新;人情整合——方式双元创新)。本文有效弥补企业双元管理创新所存在的理论不足,同时深刻揭示通过最高管理者帮助企业获取双元管理创新能力的关键路径,为试图构建双元管理创新能力的企业实践提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

李益娟 《财会通讯》2010,(5):73-74,83
本文以我国上市公司为研究对象,选取了49家公司作为样本,对上市公司的成长能力进行了实证研究。结果发现,上市公司的成长能力低下,并从企业偿债能力、获利能力和发展能力方面进行了原因分析,从政府、产业和企业三个层面上提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

物流企业服务柔性能力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹英 《物流技术》2007,26(7):21-22,76
分析了我国物流企业现状,研究了服务柔性能力内涵,提出从三个层面研究发展物流企业服务柔性能力。  相似文献   

自从对国有企业改制以来,国企得到了一定的发展,但是也存在着遗留下来的金融债务、对政府行政部门依赖严重、管理制度相对落后、传统观念束缚严重等问题。要解决这些问题,就需要企业分别在思想层面、管理层面和经营层面上下工夫,以促进企业沿着更好更快的道路发展。  相似文献   

聂铁力  张虹 《价值工程》2012,31(15):115-116
对于中小民营企业主而言,组织文化是企业稳定发展和成长重要的资源,如何真正有效地引导中小民企将企业主自身的领导风格与组织文化进行有效的连接,并促使深层组织文化的落地,将是一个重要的挑战。本课题在已有研究成果基础上,运用Denison模型,设计了企业文化问卷,对近50家具备一定规模的中小型企业进行相应的调查,分别从参与性层面、适应性层面、使命感层面和一致性层面调查分析中小民营企业的组织文化状态,以便进一步深化中小民营企业深层组织文化研究。  相似文献   

以生产型服务企业为研究对象,建立模型对该类企业发展电子商务就绪能力影响因素进行了实证研究,探究了战略与领导、业务流程、商务活动、人力资源、IT资源和外部环境六大因素对生产型服务企业电子商务就绪能力的影响程度。通过对300家企业进行调研,收集了179家企业的有效数据,基于该数据的结构方程分析结果表明:战略与领导、商务活动、人力资源、外部环境对企业发展电子商务就绪能力均有显著的正向影响,其中战略与领导,商务活动影响较大,而业务流程和IT资源对企业发展电子商务就绪能力的正向影响效应不显著。  相似文献   


To enrich the knowledge of the value of ethical leadership in a more entrepreneurial setting, we focus on technology-based young firms and theorize through the lens of CEO-TMT interface whether and how founder-CEOs’ ethical leadership influences young firms’ ambidexterity. We argue that founder-CEOs’ ethical leadership can enhance young firms’ ambidexterity in an indirect way, through promoting top management team (TMT) members’ advice-seeking behavior and team satisfaction. Data from a multi-source and time-lagged survey of founder-CEOs and all TMT members in 81 Chinese technology-based young firms supported our predictions. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our study to the extant research.


In addressing the notion of team ambidexterity, we propose that socio‐psychological factors (i.e., team cohesion and team efficacy) may help team members to resolve paradoxical challenges and to combine exploratory and exploitative learning efforts. In addition, we theorize that senior executives may play an important role in facilitating the emergence of ambidexterity at lower hierarchical levels. In doing so, we develop a multilevel contingency framework and propose that the effectiveness of teams to achieve ambidexterity is contingent upon supportive leadership behaviours at the organizational‐level. Using multilevel, multisource, and temporally separated data on 87 teams within 37 high‐tech and pharmaceutical firms, we not only reveal how team cohesion and efficacy may matter for the emergence of team ambidexterity but also show that the effectiveness of supportive leadership behaviours from senior executives varies across cohesive and efficacious teams.  相似文献   

While researchers continue to debate how firms might attain ambidexterity, recent research demonstrates that top management teams (TMTs) play a pivotal role. We enrich this line of inquiry by specifying a model that blends the effect of the CEO and the TMT on ambidexterity. Specifically, given the importance of networking and building social capital to the access of timely, valuable, and diverse information, we first envision that the CEO's network extensiveness will positively impact ambidexterity. Next, we argue that this impact will be bolstered when the CEO–TMT interactional interface, including communication richness, functional complementarity, and power decentralization, enable the entire TMT to process disparate information demands essential to attaining ambidexterity. We test and find general support for our model using multi‐source survey data from 122 small‐ to medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs).  相似文献   

Organizations face a common intertemporal choice problem, where actions suitable in the shortterm are different from those that work in the longterm. Building on the organizational ambidexterity theory, we argue that organizations can reconcile their short‐term and long‐term tensions, but this does necessitate managerial endeavours that orchestrate this reconciliation. We introduce the concept of temporal ambidexterity and define four intertemporal tensions involving an organization’s objectives, resources, markets, and uncertainty. We examine how firms can address these tensions successfully in the context of new ventures, and to do so we focus on three managerial capabilities of founder‐CEOs: expertise breadth, external connectivity, and empowering leadership. Results from 243 new ventures in China suggest that temporal ambidexterity improves with these managerial capabilities, and more so for younger ventures. Our findings shed light on solutions and mechanisms by which intertemporal balance is fulfilled, particularly for new ventures in a dynamic environment.  相似文献   

离岸服务外包产业发展的好坏在当前我国实现经济转型深化改革开放的关键阶段有重要的战略意义。但未来整个行业的发展则依赖于服务外包企业在竞争日益加剧的全球离岸服务外包市场中竞争优势的建立和强化。本研究通过交大一杜克中关全球外包联合研究中心平台,就中国服务外包企业和国际服务外包企业的竞争力、业务状况及未来发展预期和增长与创新战略意愿等进行了调查研究。对比分析发现,中国服务外包企业存在整体规模偏小、服务外包经验不足、业务标准化程度不高、成本优势不显著等问题。我们分析了问题产生的原因及后果,并从企业和政府的角度提出了有关的对策建议。  相似文献   

Although research on organizational ambidexterity has exploded in the past several years, the determinants of individual‐level ambidexterity have received little scholarly attention. This is surprising given that management scholars increasingly highlight the benefits of combining explorative and exploitative activities in individual employees’ work roles. Using data collected by a two‐wave survey of 638 employees nested in 173 groups across 34 organizations, our research demonstrates that both psychological factors and leadership predict employees’ ambidextrous behaviour. Our results demonstrate that general self‐efficacy positively predicts ambidextrous behaviour through learning orientation. In addition, we show that employees exhibit higher ambidexterity when their group managers demonstrate paradoxical leadership; that is, a leadership style that couples strong managerial support with high performance expectations. Paradoxical leadership also moderates the relationship between learning orientation and individual ambidexterity such that employees’ ambidextrous behaviour is highest when paradoxical leadership and employee learning orientation are simultaneously at high levels.  相似文献   

以管理创新打造创新型企业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济的深入发展,国际化进程的加快,企业面临的竞争压力加大,随着民营经济的发展,洛铜老大的地位已不复存在,以技术力量雄厚、引领国内技术发展方向自居的局面也随着民营企业大力开展技术创新活动的发展,发生着深刻变化,文章通过对洛铜技术创新管理的分析,阐述了一些技术创新管理的方法,提出以管理创新来推动技术创新发展的理念。  相似文献   

In today’s more complex multinational and technologically sophisticated environment, the group has re-emerged in importance as the project team. Work teams are important to organizations in general, but are especially critical in product development because they span many functional areas including engineering, marketing, manufacturing, finance, etc., and new product teams must frequently be composed of individuals from different backgrounds and perspectives. In these circumstances, this paper addresses the contingency role that knowledge strategy plays in explaining the relationship between team vision and product development performance. After studying the team vision on 78 new product developments from a wide variety of firms, we found that effective team vision varies depending on the knowledge strategy—defined in terms of punctuated equilibrium in the explorative cycle, low ambidexterity and high ambidexterity. Our results demonstrate that while trade-off is positively associated with success in all strategies, clarity is only associated with low ambidexterity strategies and strategy-fit is only associated with high ambidexterity strategies.  相似文献   


Ambidexterity at the manager level focuses on the crucial, but underexplored, role of managers’ knowledge, skills, and behaviors to address competing demands and promote organizational ambidexterity. As such, to successfully complete their assigned duties, managers need to employ the appropriate interpersonal style and calibrate their behavior to different contextual demands. This study highlights the role of the individual in the ambidexterity process by introducing the concept of influence tactic ambidexterity, to denote the frequent use of both hard and soft influence and investigating its role on task performance. Drawing on the literature on ambidexterity and HRM, we analyze data from a sample of 172 middle managers and their corresponding 68 supervisors working for multinational organizations, and provide evidence that influence tactic ambidexterity relates to higher levels and less variation in managers’ task performance compared to the sole use of either hard or soft tactics. Our findings also show that political skill positively moderates the relationship between influence tactic ambidexterity and a manager’s task performance. Therefore, this study suggests that influence tactic ambidexterity and political skill can be considered valuable HR assets for managers.  相似文献   

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