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唐瑛 《现代商贸工业》2014,26(19):76-77
受"三公"禁酒、白酒"塑化剂"事件以及国内居民消费疲软等一系列国家政策和市场环境的影响,白酒行业进入深度调整期。白酒企业需要对当前白酒广告投放现状进行分析,整合资源、倾斜布局战略、重塑品牌构建体系,对产品、技术、营销体系等方面进行改革和创新,才能实现良性可持续的发展。  相似文献   

张铭 《品牌》2013,(5):66-67
正白酒产业需要新的创新点来推动整个行业的发展,以保证未来行业能够继续高歌前进。也就在这样的环境下,中国白酒营销的创新诞生了不少硕果,形成了几种白酒创新的典型。模式创新:圣鹿源,养生白酒跨界合作的先河  相似文献   

本文探讨了建立白酒营销人员职业技能鉴定标准的必要性,即:白酒行业整体发展现状需要进一步提高营销人员职业技能,我国白酒企业营销管理状况和白酒营销人员的职业技能和素质现状需要增设更多的相关培训和考核鉴定,我国职业技能鉴定工作的开展需要进一步拓宽现有鉴定工种类型;同时从政策出台、机构设置和制度规范三方面讨论了建立白酒营销人员职业技能鉴定标准的可行性。  相似文献   

刘合心 《致富时代》2010,(9):128-128
近年来,在国家对白酒行业的宏观调控政策下,白酒行业得以进一步发展,各名酒企业纷纷打造品牌内涵,开展强势品牌营销来提升其品牌竞争力。但是,汾酒集团作为全国最大的清香型白酒生产企业,在品牌营销方面却显得步伐缓慢,在激烈的竞争中,落在了其他名酒企业的后面。汾酒的品牌资产、品牌定位和品牌传播直接关系着汾酒的行业竞争力。  相似文献   

两位专家的演讲激起了热烈的讨论,这种讨论一直延续到糖酒会后。目前白酒的营销环境和消费环境正在发生着深刻的变化,这种变化决定了未来白酒业残酷的优胜劣汰游戏规则。谁最先洞察到这种变化。谁就能在新一轮的白酒竞争中挖掘到第一桶金。在王朝成老师所提到的四种变化的基础上。厂商代表提供了大量的案例。对白酒行业新的游戏规则进行了解读。  相似文献   

近年来,由于中国白酒行业的整体环境发生了深刻的变化,行业内广泛性竞争向垄断竞争的发展趋势致使白酒竞争十分激烈。然而多年来,白酒行业的厂家们却一直被获得远远高于社会平均收益的行业利润所吸引,行业内的竞争空前激烈,市场争夺战在销售的各个环节硝烟弥漫。为了使本企业在白酒市场上,占据一定的优势,必须做好营销策略。笔者通过分析产品策略、价格策略、分销策略这三种不同的营销方式,总结它们的优劣,望能给各位同仁提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

随着我国经济步入新常态和宏观、微观环境的多重变化,我国白酒行业发展进入到一个新的发展阶段。而互联网时代的到来使得人们的消费观念和消费方式日益转变,对于白酒企业来说,互联网已经不仅仅是一种营销工具或手段,而是将对整个行业产生全方位的影响,白酒企业能否适应和运用好互联网,将成为白酒企业转型升级的关键。在此背景下,建议白酒企业积极拥抱互联网,引入"互联网+"思维,注重社群经济和粉丝经济,通过对产品、品牌、营销、人才培养等方面的创新,努力实现白酒产业转型升级和持续健康发展。  相似文献   

崔旭超 《糖烟酒周刊》2005,(14):A016-A016
白酒行业企业多.品牌多,营销专家也多有人说白酒行业无序混乱.但根据笔者在白酒圈多年工作的体会,白酒营销专家这个圈了同样混乱无序。  相似文献   

目前,白酒的替代品越来越多,加上国家对白酒行业的限制发展,我国的白酒市场竞争越来越激烈。而玉泉酒业在激烈的市场竞争中要想脱颖而出就不得不对营销策略进行调整和规划,这样才能提升产品的层次,提高玉泉酒业的经济效益。  相似文献   

中国白酒行业可谓是中国传统名牌最多、受WTO影响最小、营销环境最为激烈、竞争手段最为复杂的行业之一。其市场竞争历程可以划分为几个阶段,1994年前处于供小于求阶段,此时的竞争无需什么做秀只要产品不错就不愁销量。但到了1994年  相似文献   

白酒是中国的国酒,有着千年历史,白酒也承载着中华的文化。同时酒类行业具有很高的回报率和利润率。正是因为这样诱人的企业利润,酒饮料市场在我国竞争日益激烈,分析高端白酒所面临的机遇与挑战有助于其在该市场的竞争,保持并不断扩大市场份额。同时探讨解决品牌白酒扩大酒饮料市场份额的可行方法和白酒营销在市场中的创新,为确立品牌白酒在酒饮料市场中的龙头地位,发扬中华文化有着积极而深远的意义。  相似文献   

曹家为 《商业研究》2000,(12):130-134
企业的市场营销活动,不可避免地会受到变化中的社会环境制约和影响。研究社会环境的变化特 征与作用,分析人口、技术、经济、政治、法律、文化环境新变化给企业营销创造的机会和带来的威胁, 探索企业利用环境机会和回避环境威胁的对策,目的在于使企业营销战略计划和营销策略与变化中的社 会营销环境保持动态平衡。  相似文献   

20世纪下半叶,世界经济正在从工业经济向知识经济转变,这一转变使企业营销环境也大为改变,导致网络营销产生。我国企业为加快知识经济时代的网络营销,必须从思想上对网络营销竞争意识的重视,实施有效的营销策略组合,完善金融安全认证体系,在实施过程中不断去发展与创新。  相似文献   

The stature of the market research industry appears threatened by uccusations including invasion of respondent privacy, excessive interviewing and disguised sales appeals. The much publicised lawsuit involving Beecham vs. Yankelovich questions the very foundation of the industry; the validity and reliability of the information generated by marketing researchers. Just how well is the industry performing? This article reports the results of an assessment of the quality of services provided by the research industry by measuring both suppliers' and buyers' perceptions of a number of service performance dimensions. Reactions to industry threats and attitudes toward certification are also examined.  相似文献   

现代服务业已成为一个国家或地区经济发展的重要动力和经济发达程度、生活水平高低的重要标志。现代服务业的核心是生产性服务业,大力发展生产性服务业,是我国建设新型工业化的必由之路。我国生产性服务业的市场化程度低、产业关联程度低,没有形成有效的集聚。应加强生产性服务业的市场化建设,优化外部环境,强化生产性服务业专业分工优势,推进生产性服务业的集聚发展。  相似文献   

Neuromarketing is an emerging field in which academic and industry research scientists employ neuroscience techniques to study marketing practices and consumer behavior. The use of neuroscience techniques, it is argued, facilitates a more direct understanding of how brain states and other physiological mechanisms are related to consumer behavior and decision making. Herein, we will articulate common ethical concerns with neuromarketing as currently practiced, focusing on the potential risks to consumers and the ethical decisions faced by companies. We argue that the most frequently raised concerns—threats to consumer autonomy, privacy, and control—do not rise to meaningful ethical issues given the current capabilities and implementation of neuromarketing research. But, we identify how potentially serious ethical issues may emerge from neuromarketing research practices in industry, which are largely proprietary and opaque. We identify steps that can mitigate associated ethical risks and thus reduce the threats to consumers. We conclude that neuromarketing has clear potential for positive impact on society and consumers, a fact rarely considered in the discussion on the ethics of neuromarketing.  相似文献   

As a major Fortune 500 corporation and manufacturer of significant drug products for the pharmaceutical industry, Johnson & Johnson has also had its share of marketing crisis, including the classic case example of The Tylenol Scare in Fall, 1982, so they can appreciate the need for effective marketing performance and customer responsiveness. This article will examine how Johnson & Johnson has adapted to a highly volatile business environment and how they can be benchmarked for highly competitive marketing strategies and practices.  相似文献   

在服务经济的迅速发展中,饭店业作为服务业中一个传统而又富有活力的产业既得到了空前发展,又面临着激烈的市场竞争。针对目前我国饭店营销存在的问题及特点,运用4Rs整合营销理论,从饭店业与客户共赢视角构建"3212"的饭店整合营销模式,促使饭店业持续发展。  相似文献   

In the wake of catastrophic natural disasters and rising threats of terrorism, the hotel industry has been hit hard by declining revenues and increasing competition. To avoid such a downward spiral, the hotel industry should find remedies to make its operations lean and robust. These remedies may include: niche marketing, reduced debt ratio, increased profit margin, and continuous improvement of hotel service quality. These remedies, however, would be of no avail, unless the hotel management finds a way to compare its financial strengths and weaknesses against its competitors. In an effort to help the hotel management enhance its financial efficiency and price leverage in the increasingly competitive hotel industry, this article aims to develop a meaningful set of financial benchmarks that will dictate best practices and shape up a successful hotel business model. Thus, we propose a data envelopment analysis (DEA) that is proven to be useful for measuring the financial efficiency of various profit or non-profit organizations. Using the examples of first-class, luxury hotels in Korea, this article illustrates the usefulness of DEA for the continuous improvement of hotel business practices.  相似文献   

三峡地区旅游市场营销策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭英之  沈茑 《商业研究》2003,(10):92-95
从三峡地区旅游市场的环境营销优势、劣势、机会、威胁等方面入手 ,探讨三峡地区的旅游市场营销的目标定位 ,市场营销的基本原则、营销创新以及营销战略 ,为把中国三峡地区建设成为世界级的旅游品牌产品 ,实施具体的营销战略 ,为政府及有关决策部门提供依据和发展建议。  相似文献   

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