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This study tested a theoretical model that views female employment and fertility decisions as jointly determined by biologic, sociologic, economic, and demographic factors that determine the circumstances of individual women, families, and the labor market. The data were drawn from a multistage stratified sample of 1926 married women of childbearing age in southern Philippines. The independent variables analyzed included the exogenous wage rates of both the wife and husband, the age of the wife, the number of children ever born per year of marriage, and residence (urban or rural). Also analyzed were the social variables of time conflict, normative conflict, work commitment, and wife's relative dominance in household decision making. An exogenous change in female wage rates increased the percent of time spent in paid employment but had an insignificant effect on fertility. In contrast, a change in the male wage rate reduce female employment and current fertility. Women in municipal poblacions had lower current fertility and significantly higher labor force participation than women in rural or urban settings. Women who perceived that children interfere with work were more likely to bear a child in the study period and less likely to participate in the labor force. The husband's attitude toward female employment reduced labor force participation, but did not increase current fertility. Finally, women who play a major role in household decision making had both increased labor force participation and increased fertility. There was some variation in these trends by age cohort. A positive coefficient of the female wage on fertility was observed among women 20-29 and 40-49 years, while a negative coefficient existed for women 30-39 years. It is concluded that a common set of economic and social factors jointly determine current female employment and fertility decisions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new household panel data approach to study the gender specific effects of exports on labor force participation and household work.We construct a novel measure, the Export Exposure index, by combining information about exports and the respondent's location. The index enables us to address a key identification issue, which is to estimate the effect of exports that is unconfounded by unobserved household characteristics and macroeconomic shocks. We construct a simple model to show that if women have a comparative disadvantage in market work relative to men, and if an increase in exports increases the gender wage gap, Labor force participation of the women would be negatively related to exports. We find that in Indonesia, exports encourage women to substitute their time away from paid labor participation towards unpaid house or family work, but have no statistically significant effect on men, as predicted by our model.  相似文献   

In the decades ahead, the US labor force will reflect changes in the industrial structure, with declines in some manufacturing industries and expansion in service industries. The services sector is so diverse that the jobs within it cannot be categorized as either high wage or low wage. The service-producing sector employs 85% of professional specialty workers in the US. In general, information on compensation trends indicates that greater increases in compensation have occurred for workers in service-producing as opposed to goods-producing industries. The increase in service sector jobs has created opportunities for women to enter the labor force and, at present, 5 out of 6 women work in this sector compared to fewer than 2 out of 3 men. Productivity growth rates in the service-producing industries vary substantially and are strongly affected by the business cycle. Central to employment opportunities in the years ahead will be the effect of new technology. To date, the aggregate effect of new technology has been increased employment and higher living standards. Although retraining programs should be in place, the scenario of a huge technology-created labor surplus seems unlikely. In fact, a more likely problem is a shortage of labor resulting from earlier labor force withdrawal and demographic aging of the population. Those in the 25-54-year age group will represent a larger share of the labor force in the years ahead. In addition, blacks are expected to account for 20% of the labor force growth in the next decade. Finally, given increasing labor force participation rates among mothers, employers may have to provide more flexible work schedules, assistance with day care, and more attractive benefits packages.  相似文献   

转轨时期的中国劳动力参与率问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金剑 《商业研究》2006,(5):84-87
转轨时期中国的劳动力参与率发生了很大变化,但仍存在一定的问题。这些问题的产生,有其历史的渊源,也与当前的经济发展水平、社会保障及其它各种制度等有关。转轨时期的中国劳动力参与率与经济增长的关系也表现出一定的特殊性。针对转轨时期中国劳动力参与率问题的现状、特点、产生原因及与经济增长的关系,今后应努力采取各种措施,适当降低劳动力参与率,同时统筹考虑失业、社会保障等各种问题,以求更有利于经济的长远发展。  相似文献   

运用2008年第二次全国经济普查服务业企业数据,文章实证检验了外资进入对服务业企业劳动收入份额和技能工资溢价的影响。结果显示外资企业存在更高的劳动收入份额,且外资进入程度对当地企业的劳动收入份额存在正向的外溢效应。文章进一步将不同所有制类型与技能劳动力占比的交互项引入工资方程,发现外资企业存在更高的技能工资溢价。我们进一步验证了外资进入对当地劳动力市场技能工资溢价的影响。结果表明,在那些外资渗透率较高、市场竞争相对激烈的地区和行业,外资企业的技能工资溢价现象会产生溢出效应,促使当地企业提高对高技能员工的薪酬待遇。因此,在合理发挥服务业外资进入对收入分配优化效应的同时,也要采取相关措施防止其进一步拉大工资差距。  相似文献   

This work asks whether there is a supply-side story to be told about labor market outcomes in Latin America. We present stylized facts about the connection between the demographic transition and changes in education (the size and quality of the labor force), with labor supply, inequality, and unemployment. The main conclusion is that the neglected topics of demographics and education improve our understanding of the overall decline in employment, the changing pattern of unemployment, and the rise in wage inequality. By adding them to the well-established demand and institutional factors behind these outcomes, we can obtain a clearer picture about labor markets in Latin America.  相似文献   

国际产品内分工对我国制造业收入分配影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1992-2007年间我国制造业细分行业相关数据,先后测算了制造业参与国际产品内分工程度和劳动力相对工资差距,在此基础上通过实证模型分析了国际产品内分工对我国制造业收入分配差距的影响。研究结果表明,参与国际产品内分工是造成制造业行业收入分配差距扩大的主要原因,技术进步程度强化了技术、资本密集型行业中产品内分工对收入分配差距的影响,削弱了劳动密集型行业内产品内分工对收入分配差距的作用。  相似文献   

在农业女性化的趋势下,农产品电商模式和布局优化有助于提升女性劳动的内生动力和劳动参与绩效。文章基于10个省份2014年至2020年13068户农村女性的跟踪数据,构建倾向得分匹配下的内生扩展双重差分和溢出双重差分模型,验证电商参与对女性劳动绩效的影响和溢出机制。结果表明:农产品电商参与显著提升了农村女性的劳动收入和占比,对单位时间劳动报酬影响不显著;农产品电商参与对女性劳动增收存在溢出效应,未参与家庭电商的女性能够从社会距离适中的参与家庭处获得最大的区域电商模式红利。因此,应借助电商产销优势激励女性劳动参与,鼓励各类企业针对女性技能优势开发通勤劳动岗位并提高时薪标准,推进农村电商社会网络特色共享和良性发展。  相似文献   

We investigate the interaction between demand‐driven growth and income distribution in open economies, by combining expenditure‐switching and demand spillover effects in a neo‐Kaleckian two country model. First, we specify elasticities of wage share and real exchange rate to the money wage relative to labor productivity, in order to precisely describe the distributive pass‐through from money wages to the labor share and the real exchange rate. Second, we analyze the demand effects of an increase in the money wage for given labor productivity (a redistribution towards labor) in both Home and Foreign country, as well as globally. We derive closed form results for two identical countries. These results indicate that redistribution towards labor at Home: (i) always increases growth globally if Home is wage‐led, but can lead to lower growth at Home relative to Foreign; and (ii) will always imply lower growth at Home relative to Foreign if Home is profit‐led, but can still be growth‐enhancing at Home. Thus, to the extent that countries are concerned with their relative economic performance, a fallacy of composition can emerge. Numerical simulations suggest that these fallacies could indeed occur. As a consequence, ‘returns to coordination’ over international labor policies might be substantial.  相似文献   

"The paper shows that the diverse labor dimensions prevailing in the ASEAN region can be attributed to changes in the structure of the society and economy in the course of recent economic development. It observes the considerable variety in the growth of the population and its effect on the labor force in the ASEAN region.... The paper details the similarity and diversity in the level and type of labor force participation rates. A common feature shared by ASEAN countries is a general pattern in the age-specific participation rate of men. In contrast, the women, aside from participating in the labor force at a much lower level than men at almost all ages, display diverse patterns of participation over the working age range. Lastly, the distribution of the labor force according to major industrial sectors in the six ASEAN countries is presented...."  相似文献   

文章提出研究假设,构建理论模型,揭示了企业异质性、劳动力异质性对技能工资差距的影响机理;基于中国工业企业微观数据,对企业异质性、劳动力异质性与技能工资差距的关系进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:(1)企业异质性对技能工资差距有显著的影响。其中企业绩效越好、创新能力越强、生产率水平越高、外资参与度越高,则技能工资差距越大。出口企业与体制内企业存在明显的技能工资溢价。(2)劳动力异质性对技能工资差距有显著的影响。其中男性占比越高、受教育年限越长、技能型员工占比与技术型员工占比越高,则技能工资差距越大;人力资本异质性进一步扩大了性别技能工资差距。(3)劳动力异质性与企业异质性交互项对技能工资差距有显著的影响。其中技能型员工占比扩大了狭义技能工资差距,技术型员工占比进一步扩大了广义技能工资差距,广义技能工资差距大于狭义技能工资差距。在此基础上提出了具有一定参考价值的政策建议,并对未来的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

The paper puts forward the hypothesis that the transitory effects of trade liberalization on wage inequality can differ from the long-run outcome. In cases where the HOS theory predicts a decline in wage inequality in the long run, a temporary rise can, nevertheless, occur due to (i) the asymmetries in the speed of contraction in the import sector and expansion in other sectors, and (ii) the capital-skill complementarity in production. The asymmetric contraction and expansion causes a transitory capital accumulation that boosts the relative and the real wage of skilled labor due to capital-skill complementarity. Although the long-run HOS fundamentals are, therefore, dominated in the short run by the transient effects arising due to capital-skill complementarity, the observed rise in wage inequality is nonetheless consistent with the HOS theory appropriately extended to a dynamic setting.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of structural reforms on a comprehensive set of macro‐level labour‐market outcomes, including the unemployment rate, the average wage index, and overall and female employment levels and labour force participation rates. Together, these outcome variables capture the overall health of the labour market and the aggregate welfare of workers. Yet, to our knowledge, there seems to be no other comprehensive empirical investigation in the existing literature of the impact of structural reforms at the cross‐country macro‐level on labour‐market outcomes other than the unemployment rate. After documenting the average trends across countries in the labour‐market outcomes up to 10 years on either side of each country's structural reform year, we run fixed‐effects ordinary least squares and instrumental variables regressions to account for the likely endogeneity of structural reforms to labour‐market outcomes. Overall, the results suggest that structural reforms lead to positive outcomes for labour. Redistributive effects in favour of workers, along the lines of the Stolper‐Samuelson effect, may be at work.  相似文献   

黄晶 《商业研究》2020,(3):113-121
资本回报率下降对人力资本投资、收入不平等程度有较大影响。本文将可变资本回报率加入Galor-Zeira模型,理论推导发现:收入不平等陷阱并非不可逾越的障碍。当技能劳动力工资高于受教育固定成本时,随着资本回报率下降,接受教育的遗赠临界水平将降低,更多家庭将发现投资人力资本是有利的,稳态的技能劳动力比例将提高。在当前资本回报率下降的大背景下,提高技能劳动力工资、降低受教育成本、对教育贷款实施财政减免优惠、为农村中等教育支出减负和提升农村教育质量、倡导节俭和重视遗赠的文化氛围在长期都有助于提高技能劳动力比重以及缓和收入不平等。  相似文献   

田雪原 《财贸经济》2011,(7):5-10,135
当前的通货膨胀,属内外结合的复合型通胀。本文提出劳动年龄人口供给变动的三个阶段:第一阶段是2010年以前的总体过剩阶段,表现为劳动力买方市场,工资率被人为压低;第二阶段是劳动年龄人口占比越过峰值,但尚未达到绝对数量峰值,劳动力市场由供大于求向供求平衡转变,工资率处于劳资博弈状态;第三阶段是2017年以后,即占比和绝对数量总体短缺阶段,工资率将呈持续上涨趋势。当前处于第二阶段,由于劳动年龄人口供大于求的逐步结束和工资欠账较多,工资率理应有一个较大幅度的提升;不过要适度,因为总体上还处于劳动力由供大于求向供求平衡转变;更要着眼于实际工资的提升,因为仅仅名义工资的提升是有害的,对通胀治理不利。  相似文献   

本文利用世界银行的中国企业调查数据分析贸易自由化对工资差距的影响,结果表明贸易自由化显著提升企业内工资差距。企业进口投入品的行为使其内部普通员工的最高与最低工资之比提高约50%,总经理与中层经理的工资比提高约30%,中层经理与普通员工的工资比提高约12%-20%。进一步分析表明,自由贸易使企业对高技能劳动力的需求更大,更倾向于采用绩效工资、进行研发投资、提供员工培训和使用计算机,这些因素均导致工资差距的上升。  相似文献   

The equalization of profit rates across industries subject to firm‐level bargaining over wages generates an interindustry wage structure with higher wages in capital‐intensive sectors. The familiar inverse wage–profit relation gives way to a wage–wage‐ . . . ‐wage–profit surface on which the profit rate can vary directly with the wage paid in an individual industry. Institutional changes that decrease workers' bargaining power and increase the incomes of the unemployed tend to compress the wage distribution; these changes draw political support from cross‐class coalitions of low‐wage workers and capital‐intensive firms. Some capital‐using, labor‐saving technical changes that raise capitalists' profits in current prices lower the equilibrium profit rate.  相似文献   

The Keynesian idea that workers are subject to money illusion in their labor supply decisions is tested by estimating a labor supply function that includes the price level as an independent variable. The model is estimated with data drawn from various BLS publications and is aggregated by SMSA. The results indicate a significant negative supply response to price-level changes after controlling for the nominal wage rate, income, and the SMSA's unemployment rate. There is no significant difference between workers' supply response to the price level and the nominal wage rate, which suggests that workers are not subject to money illusion.  相似文献   

随着我国民营经济的发展,劳资关系由政府部门的行政调控为主转变成市场调节为主,作为一种劳资力量平衡及平等对话的机制,工资集体协商引起了政府、企业和学术界的广泛关注。基于对武汉市部分民营企业的调查,发现实质性工资集体协商可显著提升员工的组织承诺、工会承诺及双组织承诺,与积极劳资关系气氛中度正相关;而形式化工资集体协商显著降低员工的工会承诺及双组织承诺,与消极劳资关系气氛高度正相关;双组织承诺在工资集体协商与劳资关系气氛之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

吴振球 《财贸研究》2007,18(6):18-24
菲利普斯曲线有其微观经济基础。菲利普斯曲线描述的货币工资变化率与失业率之间的关系取决于失业工人随机寻找工作的经济决策、在岗工人与公司之间的博弈行为、工会势力与公司讨价还价力量的均衡、公司调整产品价格和工人工资的决定、劳动供给曲线的斜率等。以此为理论基础,通过对工作报价、最低工资预期水平、搜寻工作的效率、工会势力和公司势力、辞职率与临时解雇率、生产技术效率、劳动周转率、劳动市场分隔及其不平衡等因素进行政策性调节,可以使菲利普斯曲线整体性向左下方移动,从而同时降低通货膨胀率与失业率。  相似文献   

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