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Dragis̆a Stojanović 《Socio》1985,19(3):201-204
This paper deals with direct and indirect growth rates of sectors and with the interpolated growth matrix of the economy. Its purpose is to determine the model based on the interpolated growth matrix which enables a new approach in the planning of the growth of the economy. The formulation of such a model is useful for the expression of specific structural problems as well as for the extrapolation of system elements into the future. It is characterized by the use of lower and upper projections of growth and mutual relations of sector growths as a basis for programming future sector changes. In contrast to methods in which the direct growth rates of sectors are given, in this case such trends are determined as endogenous variables. At the same time, we use a large amount of data by means of the indirect growth rates in order to describe more completely the dependences among the sectors. 相似文献
This paper considers the comparative analysis of the economic aggregates on the basis of the growth matrix and the corresponding blocks of growth. The aim is to synthetically encompass and analyze indicators of the aggregates (output, revenue, income, accumulation, etc.) through the blocks of growth. The block of growth represents a general scheme of growth of the ith and jth aggregates and enables the determination of important indicators P, Q, E and K. In other words, the block of growth is used to establish indicators of the ith and jth aggregates and, at the same time, for describing their absolute and relative changes as well as discovering the trends of these changes in the ensuing period. In this way, it is possible to analyze the structural and dynamic changes of aggregates and determine their behaviour in subsequent periods. 相似文献
Michael Carlberg 《Regional Science and Urban Economics》1981,11(2):191-203
Interregional economic growth is characterized by free trade, capital movements and labour migration. An interregional equilibrium and a steady state are likely to exist, and if a disturbance occurs, there might be a tendency back to equilibrium. Output and income grow at the same rate in all regions, although the regions differ in technology, propensity to save and natural growth of labour; these factors also determine the speed of expansion. Yet if the natural growth of labour is too fast (too slow), then capital and labour tend to a single region. 相似文献
Dragiša Stojanović 《Socio》1985,19(1):17-19
This paper considers an extended matrix of growth and corresponding dynamic system. The aim of this consideration is to define and analyse different cases of interdependences based on the extended matrix of growth. The system on the basis of the extended matrix of growth is built on the general structure of sectors growth. This generalized structure is expressed by the direct and indirect growth rates among sectors and exogenous factors. The main characteristic of this system is that it can be formulated and examined under various conditions. This is because of the fact that growth is characteristic of all economic processes, and the extended matrix of growth has the capability of including and expressing the structural and dynamic aspects of the interdependence of processes. In this sense the extended matrix of growth is used to examine various systems of interdependence. 相似文献
Philip C. Jones 《Regional Science and Urban Economics》1981,11(2):231-237
In this paper we consider a linear model of economic growth in which production and consumption occur at specific sites represented by nodes, and commodities can be shipped from one node to another along arcs. It is shown that under fairly reasonable conditions a stationary optimal growth plan will exist and that it can be computed by means of Lemke's linear complementary algorithm. 相似文献
本文从互联网金融促进经济增长机制的视角出发,在论证它是一类金融模式,归纳出它具有普惠金融、创新、知识技术密集型、产业集群化发展、支付快捷、交易成本低、信息透明和风险显性伴生等特点的基础上,引入马克思关于经济增长的理论,构建放松的古典—马克思经济增长模型,分析互联网金融通过提升资本保存率,增加资本积累,促进人力资本提升,在技术、产品和服务等领域的多重叠加创新,促进产业融合,降低经济发展成本等多种机制,能够促进社会经济增长.最后根据我国互联网金融发展现状提出几点建议. 相似文献
周绍朋 《北京市经济管理干部学院学报》2012,27(2):3-9
我国"十二五"时期经济社会发展的主线是加快经济发展方式转变,而要加快经济发展方式转变,首要的实现经济发展战略转型。本文首先分析了经济发展战略转型的必然性和基本内容,以及转变经济发展方式的重要性、长期性和主要内容;其次,分析了经济发展战略转型中要处理好的几个关系;最后,提出实现经济发展战略转型和经济发展方式转变,必须以推进技术进步和技术创新为支撑,以深化改革和扩大开放为动力。 相似文献
韩文琰 《北京市经济管理干部学院学报》2016,(3):15-20
从金融资源空间布局、金融与其他产业的关联性以及金融对经济增长的DEA效率等方面,该文分析了北京金融对经济的整体支持情况与各区县支持情况,发现北京金融业发展的波动性、金融业与其他产业的较低关联性及各区县金融资源空间布局的不平衡性不利于新常态经济增长。建议顶层做好总体规划,同时,各区县应根据整体发展需要与自身优势,提高金融对经济增长的支持效率与质量。 相似文献
James A. Yunker 《Socio》1976,10(4):173-179
Among the problems confronting those who aspire to the development of a realistic and practicable optimal growth theory is that the human population is not homogeneous with respect to age. Those who are relatively young are apt to prefer a different pattern of capital accumulation from that preferred by those who are relatively old. This paper proposes a tentative solution to this particular problem. Essentially the proposal is that society should remain with what is an optimal private plan of an individual who is at the median age of the population at the beginning of the planning period, for one planning period, after which it revises the plan to switch to the optimal private plan of another individual (one planning period younger than the first) who is at the median age at the commencement of the new planning period. Thus the optimal social plan consists of a succession of one planning period implementations of the first periods of the optimal private plans of individuals who are at the median age at that time period. An example of the application of the method is given. An important sidelight of the paper is a critique of standard constant-rate exponential discounting in social planning of optimal capital accumulation, and the proposal that it be replaced by “mortality discounting.” 相似文献
投资增长模式下经济增长因素分解与经济增长质量 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
康梅 《数量经济技术经济研究》2006,23(2):153-160
针对传统经济增长分解难以解释体现在新增资本中的技术进步对经济增长的作用,本文重新划分经济增长的三因素为规模增长、硬技术进步和软技术进步,将产出增长率分解为三因素作用之和,由此给出各因素对经济增长贡献率的测算公式,同时给出投资增长模式下经济增长质量的评价方法。 相似文献
The cumulated growth of an economy during a period of time depends on the whole economical history during this period and not only of the situation at the beginning and at the end of the interval. However, if some constraint is made on the set of possible economies, this phenomenon of history-dependence may disappear. We give a simple necessary and sufficient condition on the constraint for this to happen, generalizing results of Samuelson–Swamy and Hulten. Our approach is different, based on differential and symplectic geometry. We also solve the same question for a subsector of the economy. 相似文献
改革开放以来,中国经济平均每年9.7%的增长速度已经延续了28年。这是人类经济史上一个不曾见过的奇迹。但我认为,这样奇迹式的增长将再保持二三十年、 相似文献
文章以SWOT分析理论为基础,通过对深圳的经济发展优劣和机遇与威胁的具体分析,浅述了深圳经济发展的可行性建议. 相似文献
文章以SWOT分析理论为基础,通过对深圳的经济发展优劣和机遇与威胁的具体分析,浅述了深圳经济发展的可行性建议。 相似文献
王彩萍 《上海立信会计学院学报》2001,15(2):44-46
本文通过对发达国家经济发展过程的分析 ,说明信息产业与经济的高速增长有着密切的关系。因此 ,我们必须抓住机遇充分利用信息资源改变经济增长方式。 相似文献
Erich Weede 《Quality and Quantity》1991,25(4):421-438
Inspired by public choice theories — in particular the work of Bernholz, Downs, Olson and Tullock — two propositions are advanced.
First, the older a democracy is, the slower its growth rates should become. Second, the higher the social security spending
is, the slower economic growth rates should become. Pooled regression analysis and the growth experience of 19 OECD nations
between 1960 and 1985 allow for an empirical test. Unfortunately, results very much depend on a technical issue, i.e., on
the inclusion or exclusion of period and country dummy variables. It is argued that inclusion of the dummies is misleading.
If you accept these arguments, then the propositions linking age of democracy or social security transfers on the one hand
and lower economic growth rates on the other hand are confirmed. 相似文献
《Economic Systems》2014,38(2):269-287
The relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI), trade openness and economic growth in host countries remains one of the most important issues in the economic literature and met with renewed interest in recent years mainly for countries suffering from unemployment problems and lack of technological progress. This paper examines this issue for Tunisia by applying the bounds testing (ARDL) approach to cointegration for the period from 1970 to 2008. The bounds tests suggest that the variables of interest are bound together in the long run when foreign direct investment is the dependent variable. The associated equilibrium correction is also significant, confirming the existence of a long-run relationship. The results also indicate that there is no significant Granger causality from FDI to economic growth, from economic growth to FDI, from trade to economic growth and from economic growth to trade in the short run. Even though there is a widespread belief that FDI can generate positive spillover externalities for the host country, our empirical results fail to confirm this belief for the case of Tunisia. They go against the generally accepted idea considering the positive impact of FDI on economic growth to be automatic. The results found for Tunisia can be generalized and compared to other developing countries which share a common experience in attracting FDI and trade liberalization. 相似文献
Shin-Ichi Takekuma 《Journal of Mathematical Economics》1980,7(2):193-208
A model of capital accumulation is considered and the relation between the optimal path and the initial capital stock is analyzed. Mathematically speaking, the model is a convex model of infinite horizon in continuous time. The existence of optimal paths of capital accumulation is proved. By using the continuity of the value function, it is proved that the optimal path of capital accumulation is a continuous function of the initial capital stock. The analysis is so general that neither the smoothness of the model nor the interiority of the optimal path are made. 相似文献
在商业银行经济责任审计中,南京特派办采用数据库连接件与被审计单位会计数据库直接连接的方法,现场编写计算机语言,直接运用计算机对总行本级财务状况进行审计,取得了较好的审计效果。分析建模(一)核实汇总报表由于此次审计是离任经济责任审计,因此核实其任职期间汇总报表、上报年终决算报表的真实性显得十分重要。因此,在深入了解中行会计核算程序和规范的基础上,审计人员充分利用中行的汇总电子报表数据、并表单位电子数据,基本思路是:●核实各并表单位及汇总的电子数据报表与纸制数据报表是否一致;●运用计算机将各家并表单位的电子报表… 相似文献