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我国证券市场应适时推出国际板   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年4月国务院发布《国务院关于推进上海加快发展现代服务业和先进制造业、建设国际金融中心和国际航运中心的意见》,将上海证券交易所国际板的推出提上议程。促进上海证券交易所的国际化,成为上海建设国际金融中心的重要内容。本文分析归纳了我国已经基本具备推出国际板的条件,对推出国际板的利弊进行了简要分析,提出加快推出国际板的对策性建议。  相似文献   

王东 《河北金融》2013,(8):18-20
国际板市场的推出对规范我国资本市场发展,提升资本市场话语权,推进人民币国际化进程有着重要的意义.本文在分析我国推行国际板现状的基础上,进一步阐述了推出国际板对证券市场带来的影响,并对国际板的推出可能带来的问题进行了分析,最后提出了相关的建议.  相似文献   

面对房地产市场异常火热的局面,国家先后出台了一系列宏观调控政策,虽然有所成效,但是房价依然居高不下,而且房地产业所显露的高价格、高空置率、高不良贷款等问题在短时间内也没有得到有效的解决。我国的房地产业涉及面广,其波动势必影响到各行业的发展,直接对我国国民经济造成影响。为此,本文在分析我国房产现状的基础上,并参考美国的房地产市场及房产指数期货发展状况,指出我国推出房产指数期货的必要性。  相似文献   

面对房地产市场异常火热的局面,国家先后出台了一系列宏现调控政策,虽然有所成效,但是房价依然居高不下,而且房地产业所显露的高价格、高空置率、高不良贷款等问题在短时间内也没有得到有效的解决.我国的房地产业涉及面广,其波动势必影响到各行业的发展,直接对我国国民经济造成影响.为此,本文在分析我国房产现状的基础上,并参考美国的房地产市场及房产指数期货发展状况,指出我国推出房产指数期货的必要性.  相似文献   

随着世界经济的发展,证券市场日益活跃,并且成为金融市场发展中的重要部分,为了提高我国资本市场的国家化程度,同时优化我国资本市场的多层次结构,进而促进我国产业结构的调整,实现资源的优化配置,退订证券市场国际板监管模式,对我国证券市场的发展有着重要的意义。因此,本文基于我国证券市场的发展现状,证券市场的国际板监管模式进行分析。  相似文献   

中国应适时推出国债期货   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全国政协委员、华东师范大学终身教授黄泽民先生在今年“两会”期间递交了关于适时恢复推出国债期货的提案。《国际融资》诚邀他撰文阐述观点。他在文中强调指出:当前,中国国内利率风险暴露已经进入活跃期,风险管理需求日趋旺盛,重推国债期货的要求已经比较紧迫  相似文献   

货币市场基金是投资于货币市场短期的金融工具,比如短期国库券、大额定期可转让存单、银行承兑汇票、商业票据、债券回购等,这些货币市场的金融工具通常具有期限短、风险低、流动性强、收益稳定的特点,使得货币市场基金也相应具有风险低、流动性强、收益稳定的特点,其较强的流动性通常可以达到投资人通过基金账户开出支票对外付款的程度.  相似文献   

一、农产品期权市场研究现状 中国农产品期货市场起步比较晚,仅有十几年的发展历程,但发展迅速.然而,和发达国家的期货市场相比还有很大的差距.一个明显的差距就是,我国至今还没有一个上市的农产品期权.  相似文献   

仝睿 《云南金融》2012,(1X):65-65
从国际板设立的缘由和现实条件谈起,提出推出国际板可能产生的影响,最后提出相应的思考和建议。  相似文献   

我国证券审计市场的集中度与注册会计师独立性   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
近年来,我国证券审计市场经过脱钩改制、合并重组等重人变革,在职业准则制定方面也不断完善.住这种形势下,我国的证券审计市场格局和注册会计师独立性又随之出现了哪些新的变化?本文拟对此做一研究.  相似文献   

证券市场中的审计师变更研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究审计师变更的动因、信息披露、市场反应等,有助于分析特定审计服务市场的特征,并为监管部门、投资者和审计职业界提供重要的决策依据.本文分析了有关发达证券市场审计师变更文献的观点、经验发现与结论,提出了我国开展相关研究的初步想法.  相似文献   

Informed speculation and hedging in a noncompetitive securities market   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We examine an adverse selection model of trading in which bothinformed and uninformed traders are rational, maximizing agents.Replacing the price inelastic 'noise' or 'liquidity' traderswith strategic, utility-maximizing hedgers permits an explicitanalysis of the uninformed traders' welfare, and demonstratesthat several comparative statics obtained from the standardparadigm of Kyle (1984, 1985) are altered significantly uponendogenizing the trading motives of these agents. In contrastto extant models, market liquidity and price efficiency areboth nonmonotonic in the number of uninformed hedgers in themarket. Also, the welfare of hedgers monotonically decreaseswith the number of informed traders, despite greater competitionbetween the informed.  相似文献   

This paper derives a call option valuation equation assuming discrete trading in securities markets where the underlying asset and market returns are bivariate lognormally distributed and investors have increasing, concave utility functions exhibiting skewness preference. Since the valuation does not require the continouus time riskfree hedging of Black and Scholes, nor the discrete time riskfree hedging of Cox, Ross and Rubinstein, market effects are introduced into the option valuation relation. The new option valuation seems to correct for the systematic mispricing of well-in and well-out of the money options by the Black and Scholes option pricing formula.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the presence of liquidity premia in the relative pricing of assets traded on the Spanish government securities market. First, a classification of bonds into four different categories based on their degree of liquidity is proposed. Second, liquidity premia are estimated introducing liquidity parameters in the estimation of the zero-coupon yield curve. Results suggest the existence of a liquidity premium for post-benchmark bonds (both strippable and non-strippable). The size of this premium is relatively small. In the case of pre-benchmark bonds, the lack of liquidity does not seem to be priced. It is also shown that these pricing discrepancies are robust to the impact of taxes on bonds.  相似文献   

We assess dealer behavior in the specials market for US Treasury securities by comparing dealer participation in the Federal Reserve's securities loan auctions with prices in the private market. Dealer behavior is generally consistent with the law of one price and apparent violations can largely be explained by institutional differences between the private market and the Fed's program. However, for auctions that are effectively noncompetitive, dealers regularly pass up true arbitrage opportunities and frequently overpay to borrow securities. Dealers apparently do not realize that certain auctions are noncompetitive, even though the information needed to discern this fact is publicly available in advance.  相似文献   

证券市场信息披露中注册会计师的法律责任   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当前弥漫我国证券市场的虚假信息强烈冲击着注册会计师行业的可信度和社会地位,广大投资者通过起诉注册会计师来保护自身利益成为一种趋势,而注册会计师法律责任问题也对现行相关法律法规提出了新的挑战.本文集中讨论了虚假报告界定的法律标准、民事责任性质、归责原则及举证责任设置、虚假报告的鉴定制度等部分问题,并提出了对虚假报告的鉴定可以考虑建立独立的审计鉴定人名册制度和具体案件的鉴定人随机选任制度.  相似文献   

Although single-stock futures (SSFs) are useful multi-purpose stock derivatives, they have not received much attention in developed markets. We analyze SSFs in the Indian market to understand their contribution in price leadership. The findings indicate that trades in the stock market contribute more to price discovery than trades in the SSF market (72% and 28%, respectively), while quotes in the SSF market are more price innovative than quotes in the stock market (39% and 61%, respectively). Our analysis suggests that while stock and SSF trade returns have predictive ability for each other, in the case of quotes, only SSF quotes have predictive ability for stock and SSF returns.  相似文献   

The market for auction rate securities (ARS) made headlines during the second week of February 2008 when auctions at which the bonds’ interest rates reset experienced a wave of “failures.” Contrary to headlines that attribute the failures to a “frozen” market or investors’ “irrationality,” we find that (1) even at their height, less than 50% of ARS experienced auction failures, (2) the likelihood of auction failure was directly related to the level of the bonds’ “maximum auction rates,” (3) the implied market clearing yields of bonds with failed auctions were significantly above their maximum auction rates, and (4) ARS yields were generally higher than yields of various cash equivalent investment alternatives. We infer that investors priced the possibility of auctions failures into ARS yields and rationally declined to bid for bonds for which required market yields exceeded their maximum auction rates.  相似文献   

The well-documented phenomena of departures from the absolute priority rule (APR) have provoked an important public policy debate over their consequences. Some scholars argue that APR violations increase economic efficiency because they play an important role in the avoidance of inefficient liquidations and also mitigate inefficient risk incentives. Another group argues that APR violations should be abolished because they add greater uncertainty to the security valuation process; that is, they increase noise in security prices. To date, however, no evidence has been presented on the issue of how much noise APR violations add. We develop a theoretical model that allows an empirical test of the effect of APR violations on noise; our results suggest that APR violations importantly increase noise. Indeed, at least 30 percent, and as much as 85 percent of the noise in security prices may be attributable to APR violations. This does not suggest that the beneficial effects of APR violations are nonexistent or unimportant, but it does imply that failing to account for the effect of APR violations on noise in any modelling of optimal bankruptcy rules may lead to a suboptimal design. We also find that the amount of noise in this market appears to have declined over time as more institutional/informed investors have entered the market for bankrupt firms' securities and the effect of change in the bankruptcy law has become clearer, both consistent with the noisy rational expectations hypothesis.  相似文献   

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