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本刊讯(记者张丹)阿联酋迪拜于1月10~13日总共举办了3项行业大展,分别是第1届中东金属展、第5届阿拉伯电线电缆展及第12届阿拉伯塑料展。其中,前两个展会均是首次在中东地区举行。对于阿拉伯塑料展,组织方表示,海湾地区的化工产业在过去10年中以年均11%  相似文献   

<正>阿拉伯联合酋长国位于阿拉伯半岛东部。西北部与卡塔尔为邻,西部、南部和西南部与沙特阿拉伯接壤,东部和南部与阿曼交界,隔波斯湾与伊朗相望。全国总面积为8.4万平方公里。阿拉伯联合酋长国是由7个酋长国(阿布扎比、迪拜、沙迦、阿治曼、哈伊马角、乌姆盖万和富查伊拉)组成的松散  相似文献   

在中东地区,超过50%的展览都在阿联酋举办。每当国际组展商打算在中东举办展会时,往往首先会想到阿联酋的阿布扎比和迪拜。不过,当沙迦酋长国宣布今年将首次向国际组展商敞开大门时,中东地区的展览目的地开始形成三足鼎立的态势,为国际组展商在中东地区开展国际展会活动提供了更多选择。  相似文献   

在中东地区,超过50%的展览都在阿联酋举办。每当国际组展商打算在中东举办展会时,往往首先会想到阿联酋的阿布扎比和迪拜。不过,当沙迦酋长国宣布今年将首次向国际组展商敞开大门时,中东地区的展览目的地开始形成三足鼎立的态势,为国际组展商在中东地区开展国际展会活动提供了更多选择。  相似文献   

The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (CCIFC) recently received its 1,000th member as more French companies arrive amid increasing bilateral trade between the two countries.  相似文献   

7月20日深夜,英国首相托尼·布莱尔抵达北京,开始对中国进行3天的正式访问。这是相隔5年之后布莱尔首相第二次访问中国。 布莱尔的中国之行重点有两个:一是为英国政府做公共宣传,特别是参与“创意英国”的宣传活动,二是为英国在中国扩大商机。布莱尔的行程里安排了多项与经济合作相关的项目。在北京,他出席了清华清洁能源研究中心和“英国中心”的启用仪式;在上海,他在中  相似文献   

盛卫红 《国际市场》2005,(11):28-29
来阿联酋工作已逾半年,面对陌生的环境,为了把业务做起来,每一步都走得很艰难,甚至走了许多的弯路。现把我的所见所闻记录下来,以供读者参考。  相似文献   


This paper examines the usage of third party logistics services in the United Arab Emirates using empirical research, which explores (a) the extent of usage of logistics services by companies, (b) the duration of such usage, (c) antecedent decision-making processes and (d) consequent impact on the organization. Data collected from 142 firms indicate that more than 90% of firms are satisfied with their service providers and regard the usage of third party logistics services favorably. Almost 85% of firms surveyed indicate a moderate to substantial increase in their usage of logistics services in the five years preceding the collection of data. Finally, this paper outlines implications for logistics managers based on evidence gathered.  相似文献   

We aimed to study the anatomical distribution, severity and outcome of hospitalised interpersonal violence-related injured patients in Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates so as to give recommendations regarding the magnitude of this problem, its causes and priorities of prevention. Data were retrieved from Al-Ain Hospital Trauma Registry, which was prospectively collected over three years. There were 75 patients (males = 85.3%) having a mean age of 30 years. Eighty-one percent had blunt trauma. The estimated annual injury hospitalisation of interpersonal violence in Al-Ain city was 6.7 per 100,000 population. Females were significantly more injured by a family member (p = 0.02), at home (p = 0.005), and had more severe injuries (p = 0.003). There was a trend for children less than 18 years old to have more penetrating trauma (p = 0.06) and to be injured by a family member (p = 0.09). There was only one case of woman sexual assault and two cases of child abuse. The mean (SD) hospital stay was 7.87 (14.1) days. Less than 3% (n = 2) were admitted to the intensive care unit with no deaths. In conclusion, the majority of patients in our study had minor injuries. Nevertheless, the psychological impact may be major. This highlights the need to develop suitable mental health services in support of victims of interpersonal violence.  相似文献   

Wasseem Mina 《The World Economy》2008,31(11):1443-1453
This paper reviews the WTO's first Trade Policy Review (TPR) of the United Arab Emirates. The TPR raises a number of concerns about barriers to foreign investment and competition. In reviewing the evaluation, the approach adopted in this paper is to elaborate on two main issues, insufficiently developed in the TPR. The first is investment treaties, which are treated by the UAE as legally superior to and prevailing over domestic legal instruments. The second is free trade zones, which constitute an economic enclave free of barriers to foreign investment and competition. The paper provides preliminary statistical evidence on the relationship between inward FDI, free trade zones and bilateral investment treaties, suggesting the presence of a statistically significant positive association between the three. The evidence lends initial support to the concerns raised by the review.  相似文献   

行业迅猛发展得益于政策的开放 记:货物运输是上海外贸发展的一个重要管道.国际货运代理行业.和外贸、航运休戚相关,现在上海一年的国际贷运代理行业营业额大约有多少?  相似文献   

This article explores the training and development strategies and practices of large business organisations in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The survey reveals that Emirati companies are very aware of best training and development practice as implemented in their foreign counterparts, and that they generally adopt similar methods and strategies. The article considers the influence of national culture, religion, government policies, education and the economic environment upon the training and development strategies and practices of companies in the UAE. It is argued that despite the negative effects of a dwindling oil sector, the UAE's companies are well placed to maintain their current regional success and that they will soon be playing an increasingly important role in international trade, thus significantly contributing to the continuing economic growth of the country.  相似文献   

阿联酋没有汽车制造工业,所有汽车完全依赖于进口。但阿较高的收入、强有力的金融措施、较优惠的价格以及便于转口的特殊地理位置,促使阿汽车市场非常繁荣。  相似文献   

Injury is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE is a rapidly developing country with fast economic growth, demographical and environmental changes that are associated with new hazards emerging at a similar pace. The UAE as a federal entity has federal and local systems responsible for safety policy, regulations and enforcement. To set priorities for safety promotion and injury prevention, it is necessary to have data on the most frequent external causes of injury and the main individual, equipment and environmental risk factors that contribute to injury. However good quality data for injury prevention are scarce. The aim of this paper is to describe the scale of injury as a public health problem in the UAE, and the development of safety policies, regulations and promotion efforts with special emphasis on traffic, occupational and child safety.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions are increasingly employing competitive formats such as case study competitions in business education to enhance students’ learning experience. The authors explore students’ perceptions and experiences regarding affective, cognitive, and skills development factors and whether these perceptions and experiences determine students’ participation in case study competitions in the United Arab Emirates. The authors attempt to contribute to the rather nascent body of literature on case study competitions. The results highlight statistically significant differences between perceived and actual learning with respect to cognitive and affective benefits. Furthermore, a significant positive association is found between participation in case study competitions and respondents’ perceptions and real experiences about various aspects of learning.  相似文献   

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