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Consumption of processed organic food is on the rise while fresh organic food still dominates organic food market. Drawing from the literature on authenticity and construal level theory, this study aims to investigate the role of perceived authenticity and message construal level in consumers’ evaluations of two types of organic food (fresh vs. processed). Two experiments were conducted among college students (N = 129, Study 1) and adults 18–70 (N = 249, Study 2). Our findings suggest that consumers’ evaluations of organic food are fully mediated by perceived authenticity of each organic food type. Specifically, compared to processed organic food, consumers perceive fresh organic food more authentic, which leads to more favorable attitudes and higher purchase intention. This research further demonstrates that the indirect effect of organic food type via perceived authenticity is moderated by construal level of marketing messages. That is, when messages are construed at a low level, consumers tend to have more positive attitudes and higher purchase intention toward fresh than processed organic food. By contrast, product type makes no difference when messages are construed at a high level. These findings have clear implications on message development strategy when promoting processed organic food, in particular. Future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

中国银行在日内瓦开了分行,著名小提琴家吕思清也来祝贺。一曲"梁祝"拉得如泣如诉,观众听得如醉如痴。我不懂音乐,也觉得真好!  相似文献   

Computer-mediated technologies have resulted in a proliferation of the omni-channel consumer (OCC) who shops for products and services using mobile, online, and traditional retail channels. While OCCs may have greater access to information, they do not necessarily have access to accurate information; hence the salesperson has both a challenge as well as an opportunity to use adaptive selling techniques when selling to the OCC. To better understand under what circumstances the salesperson can best be utilized to bring about the sale with the OCC, this research develops and evaluates a model of adaptive selling behaviors when selling to omni-channel consumers around the globe. Adaptive selling behaviors are conceptualized as having two dimensions, non-interactive and interactive adaptation. The efficacy of these two types of adaptive selling behaviors depends upon product type (utilitarian, hedonic) and OCCs' perceived control over the buying situation. To test the hypotheses, survey data was collected from global OCCs in four different countries and evaluated using path analysis. Results suggest salesperson’s influence depends upon product type and salesperson's adaptive selling behavior.  相似文献   

There has been a transition in the way software developers work. Mistakes in software have been treated as "normal" occurrences. "All software has bugs." However, software engineering is an emerging profession which as a profession has now said that a caviler approach to software errors is unacceptable. They have asserted a very strong ethical position in the Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice, a position which mandates concern for all those affected by their work. The Code has several unique elements as a professional Code.  相似文献   

在举国上下歌颂华夏盛世、喜度新春佳节之际,一篇来自日经BP社的报道文章“中国经济前景之忧:外商对华投资急刹车”引起笔者的关注,该文指出,在中国经历非典之后,外资对华投资开始减少,并且减幅越来越大,外资对中国投资的态度发生了相应的变化。这是一个值得高度关注的重要信号。  相似文献   

Online tutorials make access to information easier, faster and more interactive. This research seeks to investigate the role of online knowledge acquisition on the relationship between Internet users and products. In particular, we seek to develop the concept of product appropriation. A survey (N = 810) was conducted using five settings (i.e., different products and online learning media). First, findings support the two-dimensionality of product appropriation (i.e., control and identification). Second, results show a positive relationship between online consumer learning and product appropriation for novices, and a negative relationship for experts. Improved appropriation increases product attitude, word-of-mouth and purchase intention.  相似文献   

The European Child Safety Alliance is an initiative of the European Consumer Safety Association with a network of child injury prevention organizations within 25 Member States in Europe. The Alliance, launched in 2001, focuses on strategies that assist in the reduction of injury related deaths and disability amongst children 0 to 18 years of age in the European Union Members States. The Alliance work is done in partnership with stakeholders from various disciplines involved in child injury prevention in order to promote a coordinated and consistent approach across Europe.  相似文献   

This study investigates managerial and organizational factors associated with engaging in a market pioneering strategy. Specifically, top management risk taking and the firm-level capability of market responsiveness are hypothesized to be associated with market pioneering. Additionally, strategic learning self efficacy is hypothesized to moderate the effects of top management risk taking and market responsiveness on market pioneering. Moderated regression analysis based on data collected from 111 manufacturing firms supports the hypotheses. Top management risk taking and market responsiveness positively predict the use of a pioneering strategy. Strategic learning self efficacy makes market pioneering more palatable to risk-averse top managers who might not otherwise engage in pioneering. Finally, strategic learning self efficacy strengthens the relationship between market responsiveness and market pioneering. Implications for future theory, practice, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2023,66(5):667-678
Web3 technology is described as trustless in that interactions and transactions do not require trusted third parties and instead rely on smart contracts and the immutability of the decentralized blockchain. Thus, in contrast to earlier iterations of the web, Web3 users are asked to trust the technology itself rather than the human intermediaries. On its face, this shift to a trustless web calls into question the traditional conceptions of and requirements for trust. However, in this article, we caution against claims that advocate distrusting Web3 on the basis that, despite how quickly Web3 technology is advancing, the psychological processes through which people perceive and make sense of the social world remain fundamentally unchanged. Drawing on the psychology of trust and the evolution of web technologies and associated objects of trust, we argue that Web3 is not so trustless after all. We also highlight opportunities for brands to build trust in Web3 technology, including key considerations in leveraging opportunities and directions for further research. Overall, this article provides critical guidance to brand managers, policy advisors, and academics seeking to understand, build, and trust Web3 technology.  相似文献   

There is limited epidemiological data on childhood injuries in developing countries. This study assessed the incidence, patterns and risk factors for injuries among children aged 0–5 years in Wakiso District, Uganda. To determine differences, chi-square and Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used. Risk factors were assessed using Poisson regression. Overall, information from 359 children of mean age 32 months (SD: 18.4) was collected. Annual incidence of injuries was 69.8 per 1000 children/year (95% CI 58.8–80.8). One fatal injury due to burns was reported. Incidence of injuries was less associated with being female (IRR: 0.56, 95% CI 0.34–0.90) and increasing age of the caretaker (IRR: 0.96, 95% CI 0.92–0.99). The high incidence of childhood injuries necessitates the need for interventions to reduce injuries among children.  相似文献   

Ignorant consumers quite often face a risk when they purchase a brand of some commodity. Three types of risks are considered: financial risk, performance risk, and physical risk. It is attempted to quantify these risks using data fromConsumer Reports. Consumers may try to avoid these risks by buying high-priced brands, thus using price as a risk indicator. The major purpose of the paper is to investigate whether in fact price is a good risk indicator.
Der Preis als Risiko-Indikator
Zusammenfassung Verbraucher haben häufig keine gute Kenntnis von der Qualität einer Produktmarke, die sie gerade kaufen wollen, sondern empfinden eher ein gewisses Risiko beim Kauf. Anhand von Daten aus der amerikanischen TestzeitschriftConsumer Reports der Jahre 1975 bis 1985 läßt sich abschätzen, daß ungefähr 1% der üblichen Konsumgüter nicht akzeptable Produkte sind. Für Konsumenten mag es rational sein, eine teurere Produktvariante zu kaufen, um dieses Risiko zu vermeiden. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht der Frage nach, ob das tatsächlich eine erfolgreiche Einkaufs-Strategie ist. Berücksichtigt werden dabei allerdings nur die objektiven Risiko-Komponenten wie funktionale oder gesundheitliche Risiken, denn für psycho-soziale Risiken gibt es keine Daten.Analysiert man diejenigen Marken, die inConsumer Reports als nicht akzeptable bewertet wurden, so zeigt sich, daß der Preis tatsächlich ein Risiko-Indikator sein kann — vorausgesetzt allerdings, die Konsumenten kennen diejenigen Produkte, bei denen es nicht-akzeptable Varianten gibt.Ein zweiter Ansatz besteht in der Analyse derjenigen Produktmerkmale, die inConsumer Reports zu der Teilbewertung sehr schlecht geführt haben und die einem Käufer vermutlich unliebsame Überraschungen bereiten werden. Daten für über 2,000 Produktvarianten und 13,500 (Teil-)Bewertungen aus der Zeit von 1978 bis 1980 zeigen, daß das Risiko, eine Marke mit mindestens einem Merkmal mit der Teilbewertung sehr schlecht zu erhalten, tatsächlich mit steigenden Preis abnimmt — wenn auch nicht sehr stark.

Chr. Hjorth-Andersen is Associate Professor at the Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Studiestraede 6, 1455 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Financial support from the Danish Council for Social Science Research is gratefully acknowledged. Programming assistance was ably provided by Timm Larsen and data collection by Kirsten Thune. The paper has benefited from comments from a number of colleagues as well as from two anonymous referees and the Editor.  相似文献   

Organisations today need to create, maintain and reinforce relationships with customers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) seems to have helped firms to better understand their relationships. However, past studies have looked at technology and customer orientations (COs) as key factors. This paper aims to analyse the simultaneous effect of Market Orientation (MO) (rather than CO), Knowledge Management (KM) and other organisational factors in order to explain how to implement a successful CRM. Findings suggest that MO and KM may influence CRM success. Data also suggest that particular organisational factors such as employees, leadership and specific know-how may be key factors in determining the success of CRM. For efficiency resource management, this paper recommends to focus not as much in technology, but on programmes for selection, training and motivation of employees which may enhance CRM objectives. Companies may also pursue a higher customer value by putting in place and reinforcing KM schemes in specific know-hows about CRM.  相似文献   

Consumer socialization is usually associated with young consumers, but transitions that require learning new types of consumption patterns can occur at any point in life. Although the literature on transitional consumers is quite fragmented, an important body of consumer research explores transitional consumers from the perspective of role theory. Nonetheless, role theory has not problematized learning and due to its static nature role theory tends to overlook how consumer learning becomes embodied over time as well as how this learning is affected by experiences from related practices. With a practice theory approach to learning and based on an ethnographic study of mothering through dinner consumption, this paper highlights learning as an embodied experience influenced by the practitioners’ positioning in time and space as well as by multiple sources among which the market has become increasingly important.  相似文献   

Search theories suggest that a decline in search costs increases search behavior. This relationship has been well supported by prior experimental research but not by studies conducted in retail settings. Our review of the literature suggests that this discrepancy might be driven by the fact that prior experiments typically involve money-based search whereas actual search in retail settings is usually time-based. We argue that the currency of search plays a moderating role. We find that when participants spend money on search, a decrease in search costs has a significant effect on search decisions but, when they spend time on search, a decrease in search costs either has a relatively weak effect (Experiment 1) or no effect at all (Experiment 2). Furthermore, this insensitivity in time also emerges for search payoffs (Experiment 3). We also offer evidence for the processes underlying these effects. Our results provide a new lens to examine inconsistencies in the search literature, and present a view of search that is more applicable to the retail context.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study into leadership in retail bank product development. New product development is an increasingly important business activity in many services businesses. Financial services specialists involved in this activity are required to have an understanding of project working that aims to match new product concepts to potential customer needs. In the empirical study reported here all the new product projects were aimed at developing a new area of business and were of great potential importance to the sponsoring businesses in which they were pursued. It was found that success in completing a project efficiently was associated with effective co-leadership between different levels of the organisation. Lesser project success was found when leadership was confined to a single leader. Co-leadership involved a common leadership style that was enabling, participative and highly communicative. Empowering junior colleagues to act as co-leaders confronts top management with challenges to traditional concepts of authority. Our results show how enlightened top management turns these challenges to the best advantage of their business.  相似文献   

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