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近年来,中国汽车市场风起云涌,卡车市场则是举足轻重,而占据我国卡车市场份额56%的轻型卡车,更是重中之重。在轻卡领域,表面上看国内有大大小小40多家企业角逐其中,似乎是群雄并起,局面混沌。实际上,真正具有实力争霸的只有北汽、东风、江淮、江铃、庆铃,一汽红塔、跃进等几家轻卡制造商。据有关统计,前述几家的生产集中度目前是轻卡行业的80%。  相似文献   

This paper provides a preliminary study of the way in which the births and deaths of firms interactover time. It uses the retailing sector as a case study, although the results also have relevance for other sectors. Section I of the paper introduces the background to the paper. Section II provides a non mathematical theoretical framework for analysing the births/deaths interrelationship. It identifies three separate types of effect operative in these interrelationships: the competition, multiplier and Marshall (life cycle) effects. The data used in this study (Value Added Tax registrations and deregistrations) and their limitations are considered in Section III. Section IV presents the preliminary empirical results. This section utilises panel data vector autoregression techniques to identify the salient birth-death relationships. The final section concludes the paper and draws out possible policy conclusions. It also suggests avenues for further work.  相似文献   

Pedestrian injuries are a significant health risk to children, particularly those 5–9 years of age. Surprisingly, few studies have explored parent-related factors that may moderate this risk. We examined parental supervision choices in the context of child pedestrian experience, parent perceptual factors and varying levels of environmental risk. A series of street crossing scenarios were used to examine the roles of child, parent and environmental factors in determining parents’ supervision choices. Parents recognised differing levels of risk across environmental conditions and altered their supervision choices accordingly. Child age and parental risk perception were significantly predictive of supervision choices. Our results demonstrate that parents assess multiple factors when determining the intensity of supervision necessary for their children. Notably, parents adjust their supervision in direct relation to changes in the physical environment. Implications of these findings for injury prevention and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Pedestrian injuries are a significant health risk to children, particularly those 5-9 years of age. Surprisingly, few studies have explored parent-related factors that may moderate this risk. We examined parental supervision choices in the context of child pedestrian experience, parent perceptual factors and varying levels of environmental risk. A series of street crossing scenarios were used to examine the roles of child, parent and environmental factors in determining parents' supervision choices. Parents recognised differing levels of risk across environmental conditions and altered their supervision choices accordingly. Child age and parental risk perception were significantly predictive of supervision choices. Our results demonstrate that parents assess multiple factors when determining the intensity of supervision necessary for their children. Notably, parents adjust their supervision in direct relation to changes in the physical environment. Implications of these findings for injury prevention and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the pattern and magnitude of deaths in road traffic crashes (RTCs) in Sindh province of Pakistan. This cross-sectional study used data obtained from government documents and content analysis of daily newspapers' reports on incidents of deaths in RTCs. Results showed that the total annual number of RTCs, fatal RTCs and deaths in RTCs were 2272 (+/-293), 1104 (+/-89) and 1321 (+/-136) respectively. On average, there were four deaths per day in RTCs. The victims were 85% male and the majority were between 15 and 49 years of age. Pedestrians, passengers, motorcyclists and drivers were most commonly the victims. Deaths in RTCs were double in rural areas compared to urban areas. The most common causes of fatal RTCs were by being hit by a vehicle, breakdown and collision of motor vehicles and speeding. The frequent involvement of the men of working age in RTCs may have serious social and economic implications; therefore, the prevention of RTCs, as far as possible, is imperative.  相似文献   

2004年上半年,汽车工业继续保持了近几年的快速增长态势,各项产值均有较大幅度提高。上半年共生产汽车267万辆,同比增长27.1%,销售汽车255万辆,同比增长24.15%。其中载货车及重卡的销量及市场份额见表1。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the impact of pedestrian countdown signals (PCS) on the rate of motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) in Toronto, Canada. A quasi-experimental design was used to compare rates of single and two vehicle MVCs before and after installation of PCS in Toronto, Canada between January 2005 and December 2009. Collision incidence rates were compared using Poisson regression analyses with adjustment for relevant cofounders and reported as incidence rate ratios (IRR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Secondary analyses were performed on subsets of collisions by collision type and injury severity. A total of 94,175 MVCs occurred at or near 1965 intersections at which PCS were installed over the five-year study period. Overall, the MVC incidence rate increased 7.5% (IRR = 1.075; 95% CI: 1.042–1.109; p < 0.0001) after installation of PCS. The installation of PCS led to an increase in MVCs. PCS may have an unintended consequence of increasing the rate of MVCs.  相似文献   

通过在大跨度结构中使用轻钢实腹门式刚架的工程实践,阐述了该结构的计算方法和计算要点,论述了在大跨度结构中使用实腹门式刚加的可行性及其优点,证明在大跨度结构中使用实腹门式刚架能取得良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

干细胞即起源细胞,干细胞研究为治疗多种"不治之症"带来了福音,所以具有极大的应用前景.据统计,近两年全世界干细胞医疗潜在的市场大约为800亿美元,到2020年前后全球市场规模每年可高达4000亿美元--  相似文献   

The objective was to study the external causes of death reported in the autopsy centre in Kathmandu, Nepal. A retrospective review of case report documentation of all violent and traumatic death autopsies was conducted in Kathmandu from mid-July 2000 to mid-July 2004. A total of 4383 autopsies were conducted by the Department of Forensic Medicine in Kathmandu. There were 1072 (25%) cases of suicide, 380 (9%) homicide, 1399 (32%) accidental, 598 (14%) deaths as a result of natural diseases and 923 (21%) undetermined causes of death. The number of males was almost twice that of females (sex ratio 2.2:1). Persons aged 15 to 44 years comprised about two-thirds of the total reported fatalities (65.4%). Suicides were mostly reported due to hanging, homicides mostly due to firearms and explosives, accidents mostly due to road traffic injuries. More than 60% of road traffic injuries resulted among pedestrians. Suicides, homicides and accidental deaths remain a poorly identified public health issue in Nepal. Medico-legal autopsy reports can serve as an important tool in understanding fatalities from violence and injuries for countries similar to Nepal. Strengthening a regular mechanism for compilation and utilization of the information, however, remains a major challenge.  相似文献   

建筑设计就是要截取无所不在的光,并在特定场合去表现光的存在.建筑将光凝缩成最简约的存在,建筑空间的创造即是对光之力量的纯化和浓缩.大面积的明暗对比和光影变化,反映着光与建筑的完美交融.  相似文献   

建筑设计就是要截取无所不在的光,并在特定场合去表现光的存在.建筑将光凝缩成最简约的存在,建筑空间的创造即是对光之力量的纯化和浓缩.大面积的明暗对比和光影变化,反映着光与建筑的完美交融.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that common stock investors are exclusively interested in earning the highest level of future cash-flow for a given amount of risk. This view suggests that investors select a well-diversified portfolio of securities to achieve this goal. Accordingly, it is often assumed that investors are unwilling to pay a premium for corporate behavior which can be described as socially-responsible.Recently, this view has been under increasing attack. According to the Social Investment Forum, at least 538 institutional investors now allocate funds using social screens or criteria. In addition, Alice Tepper Marlin, president of the New York-based Council on Economic Priorities has recently estimated that about $600 billion of invested funds are socially-screened (1992). MOSES L. PAVA is Associate Professor of Accounting and the Alvin Einbender Chair in Business Ethics at the Sy Syms School of Business, Yeshiva University. His research interests include financial reporting and business ethics. He has recently published articles in the Journal of Accountancy, Management Accounting, The Financial Executive, and Journal of Applied Business Research. His first book, The Shareholder's Use of Corporate Annual Reports, was published in 1993. JOSHUA KRAUSZ is Gershon and Merle Stern Professor of Banking and Finance at the Sy Syms School of Business, Yeshiva University. His research interests are in the areas of financial analysis, ethics and social responsibility, financial accounting, options and derivatives, price behavior, capital budgeting and taxation. He has published in The Review of Economics and Statistics, The Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Accounting Horizons, Applied Economics, The Journal of Extractive Industries Accounting, and The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business.  相似文献   

To investigate the association of psychological symptoms with injury risk, psychological symptoms were measured using symptom checklist-90 revised (SCL-90-R) and the unintentional injury information was followed up for 1 year among retired employees at a university in China. The injury rate had a significant difference between groups of raw mean score > or =2.0 and <2.0 for SCL-90-R global factor and subscale factors of obsessive compulsiveness, interpersonal sensitivity, depression and anxiety. After accounting for the factors of daily housework, physical activities, living alone and demographic factors, SCL-90-R global factor (odds ratio (OR) = 1.87, 95% CI: 1.20-2.91) and subscales factors of obsessive compulsiveness (OR = 1.93, 95% CI: 1.31-2.85), interpersonal sensitivity (OR = 2.05, 95% CI: 1.09-3.02), depression (OR = 2.09, 95% CI: 1.40-3.12) and anxiety (OR = 1.58, 95% CI: 1.03-2.44) were still significantly associated with an elevated risk of unintentional injury among the retired employees. In order to reduce the risk of unintentional injuries among the elderly, a psychological health service should be provided in the community.  相似文献   

The paper argues that Harrodian instability is an instance of what Hicks in his book Capital and Growth (1965) called static instability, related to the direction (and not to the intensity) of the disequilibrium adjustment process. We show why such instability obtains in demand‐led growth models in which the ratio of capacity creating private investment to output ratio is given exogenously by the aggregate marginal propensity to save. We also show that Sraffian Supermultiplier model overcomes the Harrodian instability and that its demand‐led equilibrium is statically stable. It is explained that the latter results do not follow from the presence of autonomous non‐capacity creating expenditure component as such but from its presence within a model in which investment is driven by the capital stock adjustment principle (i.e., the flexible accelerator). Finally, we argue that, although being statically stable, the equilibrium growth path of the Sraffian Supermultiplier model can be dynamically stable or unstable depending on the intensity of the reaction of investment to demand. We then provide a discrete time sufficient condition for the dynamic stability of such equilibrium that implies that the marginal propensity to invest remains lower than the marginal propensity to save during the adjustment process, a modified Keynesian stability condition.  相似文献   

Crisis contagion, or how a crisis spreads from one company to another, has received very little attention from researchers. This is surprising as the negative consequences of crisis contagion can be significant when customers make assumptions of guilt by association. This article focuses on this important issue and describes four risk factors—country of origin, industry, organizational type, and positioning strategy—that increase the likelihood of crisis contagion. Valuable guidance is also provided on whether a company should issue a denial or remain silent if it faces the risk of crisis contagion.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main findings of an application of several models to predict the go-home decision of pedestrians in shopping streets. Two compensatory multinomial logit models, one with a linear utility function of time and the other with a nonlinear utility function of time, and a non-compensatory conjunctive model are specified. Data about pedestrian behaviour in a major shopping street in Beijing served as input for model estimation. The conjunctive model performs best, suggesting that pedestrians use simplifying heuristics to decide when to end the shopping trip and go home. In addition, the nonlinear multinomial logit model outperforms the linear model, indicating that marginal utility of time decreases with increasing time.  相似文献   

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