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《阿凡达》是美国电影史上最卖座的影片之一,在影片中,"阿凡达"是一个由人通过意念控制的角色,行动能力却远胜于人类。据美国国防部相关部门透露,美方正进行一项名为"阿凡达"的研究项目,在项目中,被意念遥控的机器人将成为士兵的完美替身,从事清洁房间、站岗放哨、沙场鏖战等一系列工作,最终成为名副其实的"未来战士"。  相似文献   

走进重庆中国三峡博物馆之《历代钱币》 钱币,既是老百姓见惯不惊的物品,也是人人都感兴趣的东西。它是人类经济活动的产物,同时,也是一种文化现象。一枚铜币,一张纸钞,能折射时代的枯荣,诉说贫富的悲欢,反映不同时代的工艺技术和文化特色。  相似文献   

王松奇 《新财经》2006,(8):22-22
今年上半年,中国宏观经济似乎又出现了2003年6月“非典”疫情结束后的偏热增长势头:投资增速偏高、生产资料价格上扬、房地产投资过快、银行信贷和货币供应量超速增加。还有一个新的  相似文献   

800年前的某个清晨,一队马帮正在云南边境的山峦重嶂之间穿行。这个普普通通的盐商刚从缅甸跋涉回国,然而这次他没有往常的疲倦,而是脸上充满了一种莫名的激动和兴奋。他不时把手放在一匹马的背上,抚摸着裹挟在粗麻口袋里的那块晶莹透亮的绿石头。  相似文献   

K.N. Raj 《World development》1984,12(3):177-185
Diverging trends in productivity since the late 1960s, if not before, between the United States and its competitor countries, lie at the heart of the global slump. Over the 1970s, these trends began to be reflected in large deficits in commodity trade - but the tendency was to resolve them by means other than increased investment: at first devaluation, later restrictive monetary policies and rising unemployment. None of these policies helped significantly to achieve the needed structural adjustments but they did serve to aggravate the position and prospects of the poorer developing countries. By the 1980s, this became a crisis situation of serious proportions. Often drought and war or civil strife have reinforced economic difficulties, compounded further in many countries by rising debt service obligations and declining real commodity prices.This combination of external and internal difficulties certainly contributed in the poorer countries to the slowdown, since the 1960s, in reducing infant mortality and in tackling basic child survival and development issues. The impressive progress in reducing IMR by an average of 2% or more a year by a number of developing countries, however, shows what can be done. Although rising expenditure is by no means a sufficient condition for child progress, declining expenditures and severe balance-of-payments problems greatly constrain programmes for expanding child services.  相似文献   

Summary Postwar economic development in Europe can be subdivided in two periods. In the first subperiod 1950–1973 growth is determined by catching up vis-d-vis the US. The second subperiod 1973–1993 is characterised by a reorientation with respect to the international division of labour. This sets the stage for future developments, which are presented in the form of three different scenarios. In the European Decline scenario Europe cannot match developments in the US and Japan. As appears from a scenario called Fortress Europe import protection provides no sensible solution. To compete on a world scale Europe needs more technological dynamics as sketched in the European Recovery scenario. Calculations of future paths are based on the WorldScan model of the Central Planning Bureau.Theo van de Klundert is Professor of Economics at Tilburg University. Ben Geurts and Hans Timmer are staff members of the Central Planning Bureau, The Hague. We are indebted to Martin Fase and Simon Kuipers for useful comments on an earlier version of the paper.  相似文献   

《World development》1987,15(5):685-700
This article traces the evolution of international trade flows in raw and basic materials in order to draw some conclusions about such issues as comparative advantage, dependence and interdependence, self-sufficiency, etc. It looks particularly at the relationships among various categories of developing countries and the CMEA countries. The first part of the discussion concludes that any argument that developing countries may be increasing their bargaining power in commodity markets is illusory. The author argues that the oversupply of raw materials in the world market and the consequent depressed prices will continue indefinitely. He concludes with some consideration of the future options for CMEA raw materials export policy in light of the broader prospects and policies of the OECD and developing country groups.  相似文献   

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