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Voluntary Corporate Disclosure by Swedish Companies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sweden is of interest because of the rapid growth in the Stockholm Stock Exchange and because of the country's disproportionate number of multi-national enterprises. This paper reports on the extent of voluntary disclosure in the corporate annual reports of unlisted and listed Swedish companies. A wide-ranging definition of voluntary disclosure is adopted because of the flexibility of approach accepted in Sweden. This should not be construed that Swedish accounting is largely unregulated, rather it reflects a problem of interpretation of what constitutes generally accepted accounting principles in Sweden. In addition, the paper assesses whether there is a significant association between a number of independent variables and the extent of disclosure.  相似文献   

我国上市公司自愿信息披露的普及度和披露的质量都不尽人意,目前多是从经济动机、政府监管力度、市场缺陷、制度盲点等方面进行分析,而忽视了社会文化对自愿信息披露的影响。本文通过对我国传统文化中制约我国自愿信息披露的思想(如功利思想、重人情、轻工商)进行反思,分析了西方文化中有助于鼓励自愿信息披露的思想理念,在借鉴国外先进文化思想的基础上,从文化氛围营造和培育角度提出了提升我国自愿信息披露水平的相关建议。  相似文献   

Voluntary Disclosure in the Annual Reports of New Zealand Companies   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
New Zealand is currently experiencing a liberal and competitive economic environment which has led to a greater investment interest in corporate securities. Likewise, New Zealand firms are also developing strategies to attract investors, for example, through voluntary disclosure of information. Therefore, the level of information voluntarily disclosed by New Zealand companies is of interest to prospective investors. The purpose of this study is to examine empirically the relationship between five firm-specific characteristics and the general level of accounting information voluntarily disclosed by companies listed on New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZSE). In this study the a priori expectations are based on agency theory. The five firm-specific characteristics examined are: firm size, leverage, assets-in-place, type of auditor, and foreign listing status. The results obtained from cross-sectional regression show that firm size, foreign listing status and leverage are significantly related to the extent of voluntary disclosure. In contrast assets-in-place and type of auditor are not significant explanatory variables. A study of this type would be of particular relevance to accounting policy makers because, inter alia, it helps them in (a) understanding corporate disclosure behaviour, (b) explaining why firms adopt certain disclosure strategies, and (c) developing a coherent and acceptable set of mandatory disclosure requirements.  相似文献   

随着我国资本市场的发展,上市公司自愿性披露信息将呈增长趋势,加强自愿性披露信息的研究,有利于推动和引导我国上市公司自愿性披露信息工作的开展。本文对自愿性披露信息进行了价值分析,总结了影响上市公司自愿性披露信息的主要因素,并提出提高上市公司自愿性披露信息质量政策的若干建议。  相似文献   

上市公司自愿性信息披露若干问题研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着我国资本市场的发展,自愿性信息披露将呈增长趋势,加强自愿性信息披露的有关问题研究,有利于推动和引导我国自愿性信息披露工作的开展。本文对自愿性信息披露的价值进行分析,总结上市公司自愿性披露的信息类别和主要的影响因素,并对上市公司自是性信息披露中应;主意的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

信息披露监管:强制披露与自愿披露的协调   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从信息是否可观测、可核实的经济特性出发,分析强制性信息披露制度有限性的根源及其与自愿性信息披露制度共存的问题.强制性信息披露制度对披露一些动机不可观测、内容不可核实的信息存在一定的有限性,而自愿性信息披露制度则能很好地对这类信息进行披露,因此两种信息披露制度可以实现一定的共存,使信息披露制度体系从单纯以管制为主转变为激励与管制并重.  相似文献   

季荣花  王金龙 《价值工程》2010,29(32):34-35
目前在我国的证券市场中存在着一定程度的诚信危机,投资者对上市公司信息披露的质量不是很满意,证券市场的发展已经引起了市场参与者的普遍关注,而我国对信息披露的探索主要局限于强制披露,较少涉及自愿披露的内容,因此我国应当吸取国外发达资本市场国家的经验将强制披露和自愿披露看做是互补而非替代的关系,以满足信息使用者的需求。  相似文献   

We study a firm's decisions to engage in socially responsible activities, voluntarily report on them, and purchase external assurance of the report. In our signaling model, neither firm type nor the level of activity is observed. We show that if voluntary assurance is not too expensive, the firm that engages in more socially responsible activities purchases external assurance and thus “selects” a separating equilibrium. As a result, CSR reports can be used to infer the level of activity and this causes all firms to engage in more socially responsible activity. Further, when voluntary assurance is required to support a separating equilibrium, greater monitoring by social activists increases the chosen quality of voluntary assurance—voluntary assurance and monitoring by social activists are complements, not substitutes.  相似文献   

上市公司自愿性披露信息是指除强制性披露的信息外,上市公司基于公司形象、投资者关系、回避诉讼风险等动机主动披露的信息,是企业披露信息的重要组成部分,也是上市公司展示核心竞争力的有效途径。本文在分析我国上市公司自愿性披露信息中存在问题的基础上,提出了构建上市公司自愿性披露信息监管体系的建议。  相似文献   

面临日益增长的环境信息披露外部压力和环境信息需求,上市公司是否有动机披露更多的环境信息?是什么因素制约着中国上市公司的环境信息披露水平?本文在对上市公司环境信息披露的动因进行了理论分析之后,以沪市制造业为样本,实证检验了公司特征和所有权结构对环境信息披露水平的影响.结果表明,代表公司特征的四个变量中,公司规模、公司盈利能力和公司营运能力与环境信息披露水平显著正相关.代表公司所有权结构的三个变量中,股权集中度与流通股比例与环境信息披露水平显著正相关.  相似文献   

方伟  朱卫东 《价值工程》2010,29(7):29-30
采用内容分析的方法,选取2008年安徽省上市公司作为研究样本,使用VDI来测度上市公司的自愿性信息披露水平,实证检验了公司特征与自愿性信息披露的关系。  相似文献   

自愿性披露信息是对强制性披露信息的补充和深化,其对提高公司信息披露质量,揭示公司价值具有重要作用。本文试图为上市公司自愿性披露信息行为动因给出理论解释,并在分析我国自愿性披露信息的现状和产生原因的基础上,提出强化自愿性披露信息的建议,以期为上市公司自愿性披露信息研究提供参考。  相似文献   

自《萨班斯--奥克斯利法案》颁布以来,美国上市公司内部控制信息披露方式由自愿性披露转变为强制性披露。而在2008年我国五部委联合发布的《企业内部控制基本规范》标志着我国上市公司内部控制信息也开始向强制性披露方式转变。论文试图用经济学的公平与效率理论分析内部控制信息由自愿性披露方式转变为强制性披露方式背后的原因,经过分析发现披露方式的转变是促进资本市场效率向保障资本市场公平的转变。  相似文献   

武蕴 《价值工程》2011,30(4):155-156
本文主要是从当前我国上市公司信息披露管理办法入手,分析上市公司会计信息披露中存在的问题,继而找出存在这些问题的原因。  相似文献   

上市公司信息披露策略的理论基础   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
上市公司信息披露策略的理论基础是寻租理论、经济后果理论和印象管理理论。寻租理论说明上市公司为什么披露信息,经济后果理论解释上市公司为什么会选择性信息披露,而印象管理理论则说明上市公司如何通过管理信息披露以实现自己的最大利益。  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants and economic consequences of non-financial disclosure quality, which is measured according to the ratings of corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure provided by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands. We find that firms with better CSR performance, greater external financing needs, and stronger corporate governance tend to provide higher quality CSR disclosures. In return, these firms gain greater analyst coverage, higher levels of institutional ownership, greater stock liquidity, higher valuations in SEOs, and lower yields to maturity in bond issuances. These benefits apply largely to firms with strong CSR performance. Collectively, our findings suggest that higher quality CSR disclosures deliver economic benefits.  相似文献   

自愿性信息披露的短期价值效应探析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以173家深圳A股上市公司为样本,运用事件研究法和多元回归分析模型,检验了自愿性信息披露的短期价值效应.研究发现:2005年和2006年自愿性信息披露"高组合"的平均累计超额收益率显著高于"低组合",而2007年"高组合"的平均累计超额收益率与"低组合"无显著差异.自愿性信息披露的回归系数显著为正,说明自愿性信息披露具有一定的信息含量,能够对投资者的投资行为产生影响.验证了自愿性披露的短期价值效应.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between board of directors' effectiveness and voluntary climate change disclosures. Since risk management and reporting fall under the board's responsibility, we relate board effectiveness to the firm's decision to voluntarily respond to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) annual questionnaire as well as the quality of disclosures about climate‐change‐related risks and strategies to mitigate them. Our results show a positive association between board effectiveness and the firm's decision to answer the CDP questionnaire as well as its carbon disclosure quality. The paper contributes to the ongoing debate on the determinants of voluntary climate change disclosures. Our findings highlight the importance of the board of directors' role in enhancing the transparency and relevance of voluntary disclosures of climate change business impacts. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

与制度驱动型的强制性信息披露不同,自愿性信息披露属动因激励型的信息披露,即自愿性信息披露是公司在内外一系列因素的激励和影响下作出的。国家不同,其自愿性信息披露的程度也不相同。本文通过对自愿性信息披露国别差异的比较研究,为提高我国自愿性信息披露水平提供几点启示。  相似文献   

在经济全球化和贸易自由化的今天,上市公司的资产规模和质量已经成为衡量经济实力的重要根据。随着我国资本市场的发展,经济活动愈来愈复杂,投资者及其他利益相关者已不满足于仅获取以财务报表为主的传统信息,他们要求企业(尤其是上市公司)披露相关的非财务信息。文中试图通过对我国上市公司非财务信息披露的意义、内容、形式进行归纳梳理,以期更加全面地认识我国上市公司非财务信息披露问题,从而有利于从其根源入手,探寻其治理对策,针对性的提出合理的改进建议。  相似文献   

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