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A difficult but successful survival
Guangdong province is universally acknowledged to be the forefront of the country s reform and opening up. Since 1978, GDP in Guangdong has increased by an average of 13.45 percent,3.5 percentage points higher than the nation's average.  相似文献   

Guangzhou is an ancient city with a history of 2800 years. It is named "the spring city" because with long summer the cityis always with green plants and blooming with fresh flowers all years round. Myth legend tells of Guangzhou was founded by Five Immortals riding five rams,  相似文献   

Algeria is a gateway between Africa and Europe. With active policy reforms, the nation is aiming for an economic takeoff based on its vast natural resources.  相似文献   

Scandinavian Airlines has launched the direct route from Stockholm to Beijing. China's Foreign Trade had an interview with Mr.Lars Lindgren,CEO of Scandi- navian Airlines International (SAS).He pointed out that they expect to see that all across Scandinavia will be opened to China,and before long Beijing will become Scandinavian Airlines' gateway to China.The follows are the interview. By Editor  相似文献   

2007年9月,正当美国准备庆祝一年一度的劳工节(每年9月第一个星期一),以及全国最低工资水平近10年首次止跌回升之际,一项最新的研究报告几乎彻底摧毁绝大多数美国人的欢快心情。  相似文献   

Guangzhou is the trading port and transportation hinge of South China as well as the southern gate of China. As the foreland of China's reforming and opening-up, Guangzhou upholds the general idea of enhancing new advantages and constructing modernized central city, and sticks to the economic and social development target of "three guarantees". A series of policies and measures have been carried out to promote economic and social development. A continuance, steady and rapid development has been maintained on macro economy.  相似文献   

Uhder the economic depression and domestic market saturation, some medium and small sized foreign companies become eager to expand to a market with more profits and development spaces. Foreign inves- tors hope to enter the biggest market in Asia, while they are still worrying about the risks. The investors have doubts:  相似文献   

广州大学座落在中国历史文化名城、华南经济文化中心和改革开放前沿广州市,位于国内一流大学园区-广州大学城的西南端。学校濒临珠江,三面环水,绿草如茵,环境优美,是陶冶情操、读书治学的好地方。  相似文献   

<正>广州大学座落在中国历史文化名城、华南经济文化中心和改革开放前沿广州市,位于国内一流大学园区--广州大学城的西南端。学校濒临珠江,三面环水,绿草如茵,环境优美,是陶冶情操、读书治学的好地方。  相似文献   

从津与京沪穗三市居民收入存在较大差距且逐步扩大的事实出发,从各分项收入的角度分析得出全民集体经济、其他所有制得到的收入和转移收入是津与京沪穗居民收入差距的主要原因;这三种收入之所以对实际收入差距的贡献较大,既有其收入比重差距的原因,又有其内部差距较大的原因;探讨了收入差距之外的因素:所有制、经营机制和产业发展。  相似文献   

从津与京沪穗三市居民收入存在较大差距且逐步扩大的事实出发,从各分项收入的角度分析得出全民集体经济、其他所有制得到的收入和转移收入是津与京沪穗居民收入差距的主要原因;这三种收入之所以对实际收入差距的贡献较大,既有其收入比重差距的原因,又有其内部差距较大的原因;探讨了收入差距之外的因素:所有制、经营机制和产业发展.  相似文献   

Aggregation analysis of exhibitions held in Beijing Shanghai and Guangzhou
Based on the statistics of exhibitions held in the major venues of the three cities, a total of 837 exhibitions were staged in 2009 in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, with a decrease of 29 compared to that in 2008. As shown in the Figure, the most exhibitions have been organized in Shanghai, with a total of 369, accounting for 44% of all exhibitions; followed by Beijing, where 253 exhibitions have taken place, accounting for 30%; and the least is Guangzhou, where 215 exhibitions have been held, accounting for the remaining 26%.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一个全新的概念:个人网关(PG:Personal Gateway)。它可以克服以往IP电话的种种缺陷,为个人用户提供单独的一路IP语音服务,而且使用户在上网的同时也可通过话机方便地拨打和接听电视。本文着重讨论了个人网关的设计思想、原理、体系结构、应用环境和前景。  相似文献   

到欧洲旅行的海外游客绝对不应错过到维也纳游览.坐上一架马车,欠就可以饱览该市鳞次栉比的建筑、丰富的历史遗迹和具有特色的当地文化.  相似文献   

南航:“绿色飞行”先行者   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哥本哈根会议召开之前,欧盟单方面公布了其计划——将在2012年对所有抵离欧盟的商业航班实施碳排放权配额制度。这一由倡议上升到实质性的环保步伐,在过去两年的航空业中掀起了一场"低碳革命"。按照时间表,全球200多家进出欧盟以及在欧盟内部航线飞行的航空公司,将自身监测排放情况提交欧盟的工作正在进行。  相似文献   

From its origins in 1910 the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) has been characterised by striking asymmetries in policies, levels of development and administrative capacity. Following the demise of apartheid in 1994, the five member countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland) began negotiations to reform the SACU. Eight years later, a new Agreement was signed in October 2002. In this paper, we outline the main characteristics of the 2002 Agreement and assess whether it addresses the criticisms of the preceding arrangement. Most importantly, the 2002 Agreement introduces shared decision-making and provides for a sustainable revenue-sharing arrangement. But varying levels of trade policy capacity along with policy divergences between the members present new challenges. Moreover, the exclusion of Services, Intellectual Property Rights and Singapore issues gives the 2002 Agreement a somewhat jaded appearance. Nevertheless, the reconstituted SACU could form the core of a larger regional customs union that would facilitate a realignment of the existing regional organisations. This will depend on the ongoing trade negotiations with both the EU and the United States. These negotiations will also put pressure on SACU to address excluded issues and reduce cross-border transaction costs in order to realise the benefits from economic cooperation.  相似文献   

Most business histories of the nineteenth-century southern upcountryfocus on the shift from a protocapitalist, yeoman-oriented antebellumperiod to the rapid commercialization and industrializationof the New South era. These studies generally argue for a sharpbreak in the economic leadership of the region either throughthe rise of a new business elite, or the reorientation of anagrarian regime. Through a study of Spartanburg, South Carolina,my work challenges this notion of a sharp break and insteadfinds a vibrant, town-based entrepreneurial elite in both theantebellum and postbellum periods. The revolution that occurredwas in the nature of South Carolina's political economy. Spartanburg'sentrepreneurs, who struggled to achieve their goals in the antebellumera, found new opportunities as a result of post-war politicalrealignments and the racial politics of Reconstruction. Thisbusiness history at the community level adds an important chapterto our understanding of the political economy of the Old andNew Souths.  相似文献   

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