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In this paper, we investigate the role of inflation rates in determining economic growth in 15 sub‐Saharan African countries, which are all members of the Southern African Development Community, between 1980 and 2009. The results, based on panel time‐series data and analysis (we use the fixed effects and fixed effects with instrumental variables estimators to account for heterogeneity and endogeneity in thin panels), suggest that inflation has had a detrimental effect to growth in the community. We highlight that inflation has offset the Mundell–Tobin effect and consequently reduced the much needed economic activity in the community, and also the importance of an institutional framework conducive to a stable macroeconomic environment as a precondition for development and prosperity in the community.  相似文献   

We present an endogenous growth model in which both the investment to develop a new technology—that upgrades the quality of machines—and entry of imitators are determined endogenously. According to the model, how soon the new‐technology machine is launched after the patent is granted is influenced by two factors: returns to scale in technology development and “strategic delays.” Strategic delays in technology development are most likely to occur when earlier dates of success enable imitators to enter an industry, that is, when imitation is swift and relatively cheap and/or patent protection is relatively lengthy. We then explore the link between the optimal patent length and economic growth and find that the equilibrium investment in technology development and thus the expected rate of technological progress exhibit an inverted U‐shape relationship with respect to the legal patent length.  相似文献   

主要是从经济制度的角度研究制度变迁对经济增长的影响,对于制度变量的量化,采取大多数学者普遍采用的指标进行研究:非国有化水平、市场化程度、对外开放程度和政府对财政的干预程度。通过研究1981年~2013年全国的指标,运用柯布-道格拉斯生产函数模型,分析制度变迁因素对经济增长的影响,根据以上数据运用软件对数据进行一系列的检验得出结果并分析其经济含义,并在此基础上给出一些建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of China's outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) on its economic growth. By using a provincial‐level panel dataset and applying fixed‐effects and instrumental variable regression techniques, the study finds that both OFDI from provincial firms and OFDI from state‐owned enterprises have a positive impact on China's provincial economic growth. The positive impact of OFDI on provincial economic growth may be the result of reverse knowledge spillovers from OFDI to the home provincial economy through demonstration and imitation, labor movement, and backward and forward industrial linkages, thus increasing the productivity and the efficiency of home firms and promoting the growth of the home economy.  相似文献   

The stylized facts that motivate this article include the diversity in growth patterns that are observed across countries during the process of economic development and the divergence over time in income distributions both within and across countries. We construct a dynamic general equilibrium model in which technology adoption is costly and agents are heterogeneous in their initial holdings of resources. We interpret the adoption cost as the resources expended in acquiring skills associated with new technologies. Endogenous growth occurs in our model largely as a result of human capital deepening. The analytical results of the model characterize three growth outcomes associated with the technology adoption process depending on productivity differences between the technologies. These outcomes are labeled ‘poverty trap,’ ‘dual economy,’ and ‘balanced growth.’ The model is then capable of explaining the observed diversity in growth patterns in addition to the divergence of incomes over time and across countries.  相似文献   

After compiling an index of economic integration that accounts for global (GATT) as well as regional (European) integration of the EU member states we test for permanent and temporary growth effects in a growth accounting framework, using a panel of fifteen EU member states over the period 1950–2000. While the hypothesis of permanent growth effects is rejected, the results—though not completely robust to controlling for time-specific effects—suggest sizeable level effects: GDP per capita of the EU would be approximately one-fifth lower today if no integration had taken place since 1950. JEL no. C33, F15, F43, O52  相似文献   

Based on the convergence hypothesis and referring to the experience of East Asian high‐performing economies from 1950 to 2010, this paper projects and plots the potential growth rate of the Chinese economy over the next 20 years. It predicts that the potential growth rate of per capita GDP adjusted by purchasing power parity averages at 6.02 percent from 2015 to 2035, while the potential GDP growth rate of 2015 would still be above 8 percent, which implies that the realized rate of growth has not reached its potential since 2012. Besides, based on the per capita GDP projected and on cross‐country comparison, the paper plots the trajectory of structural change of the Chinese economy from 2015 to 2035. The result shows that: (i) the value‐added share of primary industry will drop more rapidly than the employment share; (ii) the value‐added share of secondary industry will decline and employment share will present an inverted U shape whose turning point will probably come between 2020 and 2025; (iii) both the value‐added and employment share of tertiary industry will increase continuously.  相似文献   

Using a simultaneous equations approach, this paper empirically investigates the impact of two types of public infrastructure, transportation infrastructure and knowledge infrastructure, on industrial geography, regional income disparities, and growth across 286 cities in China. It is found that an improvement in transportation infrastructure that reduces trade costs on goods increases growth and decreases income gap at the expense of increasing industrial agglomeration between cities. Therefore, this paper confirms the existence of a trade‐off between spatial equity (more even spatial distribution of economic activities) and spatial efficiency (higher growth rate). However, for knowledge infrastructure that reduces trade costs on ideas, it is found that it increases growth but also decreases income gap and industrial agglomeration simultaneously. Moreover, the impact of knowledge infrastructure is found to be larger in the case of high labor mobility.  相似文献   

程伟 《现代日本经济》2008,159(3):42-45
20世纪90年代末以前,由于担心其弱质农业遭受严重冲击等原因,日本一直对区域一体化持消极甚至批评的态度。此后,其对原有的政策进行了谨慎的调整,先后与8个国家和1个区域组织签署了包括贸易自由化内容的经济伙伴关系协定。在日本与有关国家就签署经济伙伴关系协定的谈判过程中,农产品市场开放问题一直是焦点问题之一,谈判的进展、有关协定的内容都在很大程度上受此影响。从其对弱质农业的保护政策来看,尽管日本将会更加积极地参与区域经济合作,但与主要农业大国达成有关协议的难度将非常大。  相似文献   

More than 80 percent of US growth between 1950 and 1993 can be attributed to transition dynamics (increases in R&D intensity and educational attainment), with less than 20 percent of growth deriving from population growth. Similarly, growth accounting shows that 80 percent of economic growth in Korea can be attributed to transition dynamics. However, the specific factors that have moved Korea far from its steady state are significantly different from the factors that have done so for the USA. In addition to the growth rates of the two countries, we also analyzed the (steady‐state) level of output per worker to determine where the Korean economy is headed relative to the USA. In 1960, Korea was characterized as poor (0.111) relative to its own steady state (0.765), and incomes were at 11.1 percent of those in the USA. Since then, however, Korea has been growing more rapidly than the USA. In our analysis, we also consider the extreme case where total factor productivity levels converge completely. Interestingly, in this case, the USA and Korea exhibit unconditional convergence similar to what is generally observed in the OECD. As the economy approaches the steady‐state income level, however, the growth rate of output per capita will decline.  相似文献   

中国经济增长的减贫效果评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用Kakwani等人提出的测度方法--减贫经济增长率,定量分析了我国20世纪80年代以来经济增长对于城乡贫困的影响.结论显示,经济增长对高阶贫困指数的影响大于低阶贫困指数,表明反贫困成本(转移支付金额)相对于贫困人口而言,对经济增长更加敏感.同时,减贫经济增长率的波动幅度要明显高于实际收入增长率,这意味着贫困人口更易受宏观经济波动的冲击.因此,保持宏观经济的稳定以及改善收入分配、加强社会保障等有利于社会公正.  相似文献   

李书娟  王贤彬 《南方经济》2020,39(11):83-98
中国地方政府肩负着实现地方经济增长的任务,在其面临经济增长压力时,必然想法设法稳增长。文章进一步拓展已有文献,提出了一个地方政府借助国有企业投资扩张保障地方经济增长目标实现的逻辑框架。文章采用2001-2016年地级市经济增长目标数据,构造了一个度量地方政府面临的经济增长压力的指标,结合A股上市公司微观数据对理论逻辑进行验证。实证发现:增长压力显著提高了国有上市公司的投资,对非国有上市公司则没有明显影响。这一规律在中国经济受到重大冲击的情况下更加明显。最后,发现在经济增长压力下的国有上市公司投资扩张对企业投资效率有不利影响。文章的研究增进了对国有经济作用以及中国经济增长规律的学理认识。  相似文献   

傅晗彧  刘敬  谢小平 《南方经济》2022,41(8):92-112
不同创新类型因技术含量不同,对提高经济增长效率的影响也不同。充分发挥不同类型的技术创新对经济增长效率提高的促进作用,需要结合地区实际技术条件,正确处理技术创新活动中政府与市场的关系。实证检验不同类型的技术创新对经济增长效率的影响发现:(1)技术含量较高的创新对经济增长效率具有显著的负向作用,技术含量较低的创新对经济增长效率没有显著影响;(2)政府支持可以促进技术含量较高的创新提升经济增长效率,市场化改革有利于促进技术含量较低的创新提高经济增长效率;(3)在技术基础较弱地区,政府支持技术含量较高的创新提高经济增长效率,市场引导技术含量较低的创新不能显著提高经济增长效率;在技术基础较好的地区,以财税优惠为主的政府直接支持,难以促进技术创新提高经济增长效率,甚至产生消极影响,市场引导的技术创新可以提高经济增长效率。采用发明专利和高技术产业专利两种方法测度技术含量较高的创新,采用非发明专利和非高技术产业专利两种方法测度技术含量较低的创新,基本上得到了稳健的估计结果。因此,破解中国技术创新困境,关键在于结合地区技术条件实际情况,分别通过政府支持与市场化改革引导不同类型的创新,才能有效促进经济增长效率提升,形成创新驱动。  相似文献   

本文在"新开放经济宏观经济学"框架下,将技术进步要素引入生产过程中,分析其对生产、消费、闲暇、汇率等经济变量的冲击以及对各国国民福利的影响,并对技术进步带来的增长率、汇率和通货膨胀的变动作了实证分析。理论结果显示,黏性价格下的货币扩张性政策在短期内促进了消费和闲暇的增长,而在长期内使产出、消费、闲暇都有明显的增长,实证研究表明国内外的福利水平均有显著的提高。  相似文献   

We examine the finance‐growth nexus in South Africa accounting for the role of bond markets, stock markets, and bank and non‐bank financial intermediaries using a vector autoregressive technique. Extant empirical literature has largely accounted for only banks and stock markets, ignoring bond market and non‐bank financial intermediaries. We find that bond market development affects economic growth in South Africa, and no similar effect is observed for the bank and non‐bank financial intermediaries and the stock market. Our finding shows that examination of individual elements of the financial system is important in understanding the unique effect of each on growth. The observation that the bond market rather than stock market, bank and non‐bank institutions promote economic growth in South Africa induces an intriguing question as to what unique roles bond markets play that the intermediaries and equity market are unable to play.  相似文献   

High‐speed rail (HSR) has been an important driver of China's economic expansion over the last decade. Using data of 285 prefecture‐level cities over 2010–2014, this paper proposes an endogenous economic growth model to explain how and why HSR may have propelled China's economic growth by reducing the time‐space between cities. The research results show that HSR has a potent effect on urban economic growth and regional convergence. Ceteris paribus, HSR appears to have accelerated economic growth by more than 0.6 percent and the pace of regional economic convergence by approximately 2 percent per annum over the data period. Our research findings have important policy implications for the sustainability of China's economic development, backed by HSR.  相似文献   

现代农业在获得巨大发展的同时,也产生了诸如土地资源和生态环境破坏严重、人类安全健康突出、农村与城市发展失衡等问题。文章认为,未来时期以追求人、经济、社会、生态协调可持续发展的后现代农业是我国农业发展的导向,应坚持农业生产与环境保护并重;创新农业生产经营模式,同步促进农业发展、扩大就业和民生改善;加强农村教育建设,推进农业产业水平提高和农村与城市的协调发展。  相似文献   

金融发展与经济增长:基于两部门模型的中国实证研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
有关金融发展与经济增长关系的研究越来越深入,本文的研究侧重于金融发展与经济增长关系的微观经济基础和关联机制,通过两部门模型揭示金融发展影响经济增长的两个方式:外部性和边际生产力差异。中国的实证检验结果表明,以M2为测度指标的金融发展与经济长期增长存在显著的正向关系,并且金融发展是经济增长的Granger原因。  相似文献   

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