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汤业国  徐向艺 《财贸研究》2012,23(2):127-133
以股权激励的利益趋同效应假说与壕沟效应假说为基础,利用中国中小上市公司2007—2010年的平衡面板数据,对经营者股权激励与技术创新投入的非线性关系进行实证检验,并基于终极控制人的不同性质,将上市公司分为国有控股与非国有控股两组分别进行检验,研究发现:中小上市公司的经营者股权激励与技术创新投入之间存在倒U型曲线关系;终极产权性质对这种关联性具有显著影响,即在国有控股公司中,股权激励与技术创新投入之间存在正相关关系,而在非国有控股公司中,股权激励与技术创新投入之间则存在倒U型曲线关系。  相似文献   

This paper provides rare empirical evidence on employment creation by innovative small firms in the U.K. over the eleven years between 1980 and 1991. Drawing on a database of firms which were recognised as having introduced important innovations, the paper examines the extent of employment growth in these companies and compares their growth with that discovered by other studies of small firms in the U.K. This shows that the innovative firms have grown at a significantly faster average rate than small firms generally. Some of the factors associated with employment change in small firms are assessed. This shows that the initial size, age, sector of activity and type of innovation introduced by the firms were all associated with differences in their average rate of growth. The employment created was, however, highly concentrated in a few firms, but even the fastest growing of these companies (directly) created hundreds rather than thousands of new jobs over the period of analysis.  相似文献   

商业性小额贷款公司能惠及三农和微小客户吗?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用42家小额贷款公司的调查数据,剖析小额贷款公司的业务活动特征和影响小额贷款公司贷款覆盖深度的因素。通过描述统计和计量模型分析,研究发现:小额贷款公司倾向于服务微小企业和农村大户,其贷款以短期、非信用贷款为主,利率水平较高;采用的信贷技术、营业费用率、所在地区经济发展水平和金融市场的竞争程度对小额贷款公司的贷款覆盖深度有显著影响,而资产规模和资产回报率对小额贷款公司的贷款覆盖深度影响不显著。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of our investigation into the operation of the managerial labour market in small and medium sized manufacturing companies. Using a sample of some 40 or so companies we study the sensitivity of managerial pay and tenure to company performance. Managerial pay in this type of firms is much lower than the six digit figures quoted for large public companies and CEO turnover is much higher than we expected. We find some evidence to suggest that pay in small companies is sensitive to sales growth and that CEO tenure in public companies responds to the growth in sales.  相似文献   

Innovation in small firms is important both because of its direct contribution to the competitiveness of those companies but also because of the potential for the small firm sector to act as the initiator, catalyst and medium for wider technical change. In this paper data from the Product Development Survey, a new international survey of firms' product innovation activity and strategy, is used to examine the relationship between product innovation and growth in German, Irish and U.K. small firms. In each country the output of innovative small firms was found to grow significantly faster than that of non-innovators. In Germany, output growth was achieved by a product innovation strategy which sharply increased productivity but reduced employment. U.K. and Irish small firms adopted a more balanced approach with increases in both employment and productivity associated with innovative behaviour. Comparison of the organisation of product innovation indicated that German small firms adopted a less market-oriented, less risky, and more formally organised approach than their U.K. and Irish counterparts. The revealed characteristics of U.K. and Irish small firms suggested that they may be the most effective initiators and catalysts for wider technological change. The larger proportion of German small firms which were innovating, however, suggested that the German small firm sector may be the more effective technology transfer medium.  相似文献   

本文运用B-Index模型,计算出我国一般企业、中小企业、高新技术企业在新企业所得税法实施后的税收补贴值分别为0.1382、0.1036、0.0732,这一税收补贴值处于OECD公布的《2009年度科学、技术、产业记分榜》所考察的38个国家中第14位,中小企业R&D投资的税收补贴值处在第20位,高新技术企业税收补贴值处中小企业中第24位,处在大企业中第23位。按照免税条件下计算的税收补贴值来比较,中小企业处在第11位,一般企业处在第7位,高新技术企业处中小企业中第16位,处在大企业中第13位。研究表明,中国属于R&D税收激励强度较大国家,但在强度较大的19个国家中排名靠后。中国R&D税收激励政策的改革方向应当适当增加税额型优惠、完善税基式优惠。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(5):549-561
Who owns an individual's electronic communications data, who should have access to it, and what can be done with it? The battle of privacy versus security is currently raging between U.S. technology companies and national security forces. U.S. technology companies are adopting corporate foreign policies to respond to sovereign states’ efforts to access customer data, which could change and possibly even destroy their business models. This article discusses the struggles faced by these companies and the policies influencing the possible outcome, as will be determined in the European Union within the next few years.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ingredients that stimulated the development of the biotechnology industry in the US and contrasts conditions with those in Europe. It examines relationships between established firms and new start-ups; the financing and managerial environment and the organizational environment, whereby firms were able to set up networks of alliances. Its main findings are that: 1) The funding of the medical science research base has been substantially more generous in the U.S. than Europe. It is the funding of the science base rather than of the biotechnology industry directly that has provided the foundations for start-ups to be created out of the science base. 2) It has been easier for U.S. academics to found start-ups, close to their research establishment, and to retain their academic posts and status as well as be involved in a commercial enterprise. In Europe, the scientific/academic and commercial worlds have a wider divide. 3) Start-ups have been concentrated in the therapeutics and agricultural fields, with strong scientific research inputs into their commercialization, in contrast to other sectors where downstream processing innovations have been more important, which have been undertaken in-house by the large incumbent companies. 4) Financing and managerial conditions have been significantly easier in the U.S. for start-ups, in terms of access to venture capital specialising in high technology, ability to use the stock market to raise capital, and access to people able to forge links between scientists and entrepreneurs, and to introduce managerial expertise into new companies. 5) There has been a greater facility in the U.S. than in Europe for alliances to be formed between incumbent companies and indigenous U.S. start-ups; European start-ups have not found similar backing from European incumbent companies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of investment in information technology (IT) on the performance of Japanese firms. My findings imply that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between IT and firm profitability and innovation, but only for small firms. These results underscore the importance of investment in IT for small companies. The acceptance of IT by this sector is fundamental to the success of structural adjustment in the Japanese economy.  相似文献   

本文通过建立理论模型的方式,采用静态均衡分析的方法,讨论了竞争效应对外商投资企业向国内企业技术外溢的刺激作用。通过分析,本文证明了当东道国劳动力工资受到内外资企业劳动力需求的影响,且国内经济有一个有效的研发部门时,那么外商投资企业生产技术的改进会通过竞争效应推动国内企业的技术进步,且东道国的整体国民收入亦会随着外商投资企业技术水平的上升而增加。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the strategic and organizational determinants of superior corporate performance in retailing. Previously published studies on excellent companies at large, and on excellent retailing companies are reviewed, and the results of a content analysis of a small sample of excellent retailing companies are reported. Cheif among the hallmarks of excellent retailing companies uncovered are: excellence in human resources, focus on planning and control, market dominance, intimate knowledge of the served markets, technology edge and equitable sharing.  相似文献   

小额贷款公司相对商业银行而言,资金来源渠道较窄。而商业银行相对小额贷款公司而言,贷款条件较苛刻,独立经营小额贷款成本较高。商业银行和小额贷款公司可以在相互竞争的环境下更好地合作发展小额贷款业务,建立小额贷款批发机制,创新以外包零售业务方式、以资源共享为主和以技术输出为主的双赢的合作模式,为中小企业和"三农"提供更多贷款。  相似文献   

While project marketing and systems selling are mainly concerned with market relations of companies organized on a project basis, it is important to conceptualize the interactions between market conditions and long term technology problems of these firms.The paper deals with strategic problems of system companies. By system companies the authors mean those large, multi-technology, multi-business firms that are typically active in systemic industries in most industrialized countries. In these industries market demand has some peculiar features: discontinuity, heterogeneity and customization, long and complex buying process, variable specification capability of customers. On the supply side, system companies produce unique or small series products, on a customized basis, by using a large array of technologies.System integration is the distinctive strategic capability of these companies. It is argued that system integration involves the management of a peculiar kind of uncertainty. The long run strategic objective of system companies is to maintain the global control of the technological dynamics of the system. However, there are many possible changes in the boundaries of product systems that may threat the viability of control. To gain strategic control, system companies have to manipulate simultaneously market and technology leverages. The paper offers a rich conceptual discussion of these problems.  相似文献   

In light of the current investment trends,mid and small cap stocks are the stocks of choice for institutional capital.Currently,101 listed companies have released their performance reports.Repots show that increased stocks from 55 companies are held by institutions,some heavy-weight blue-chip stocks were sold with large margins,while some mid and small cap stocks were widely welcomed by investors.  相似文献   

For some companies, especially in the high technology sector, internationalisation is no longer a matter of choice, but of necessity. This paper explores the strategy development patterns of internationalising small high-technology companies in an environment where windows of opportunity close quickly. Findings from in-depth interviews suggest that emergent strategies within or outside established networks are likely to trigger small high-technology companies' initial internationalisation. Further overseas expansion is constrained by resource availability. This study demonstrates that internationalisation is an iterative process that happens in a holistic way much more than a systematic one. Rather than trying to fit small and medium enterprises' (SMEs') internationalisation patterns into a stage model, managers and policy-makers should recognise the importance of networks. Training and programs could, therefore, help identify strategic networks of importance for the companies and assist them in both contributing and taking advantage of these.  相似文献   

This paper provides additional evidence that manager-controlled firms do not pursue the same objectives as owner-controlled firms. Using recent data of the Fortune 500, it is shown that 1) manager-controlled companies have a significantly greater tendency to engage in conglomerate mergers than do firms with strong owner control; 2) the income streams of manager-controlled firms are more diversified than those of companies with strong owner control; 3) individual owners tend to monitor their managers closely even if their ownership interest is relatively small, while financial institutions that are owners do not monitor closely unless their interest is large; and 4) the value-to-sales ratio is lower for manager-controlled companies than for owner-controlled ones.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to explain the continuing reduction in the number of small food manufacturing companies in Ireland by examining food manufacturers' self perceived performance and investment intentions in the context of retailers' supplier selection processes. The paper finds that the greatest and most immediate risk to small suppliers survival is their under—performance in generating retailers' sales andmargins. The paper also identifis a set of inconsistencies in suppliers' investment intentions. It is argued that small manufacturers, while appreciating their relative under—performance in commercial performance, are failing to divert resources into this area. The study also raises concerns about small food manufacturers understanding of their market and the principles that direct their innovation efforts.  相似文献   

The paper examines the extent to which collaboration between large and small companies has been able to deal with the effects of discontinuous technological change. In applying an evolutionary perspective, the paper examines the process by which technological competencies and resources of large firms evolve and its effects on the characteristics of their collaboration with smaller companies. In focusing on the issue of complementary between local and international sourcing of capabilities and resources in the mobile telecommunication industry, it combines an empirical analysis of the structure of Finnish Science Parks with an examination of internationalisation strategies of large Finnish companies. The papershows that Nokia has increasingly become engaged in sourcing capabilities internationally, this might, however, pose some long-term problems for the local embeddedness of the company in Finland.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the financial return of universities' taking equity in their spin-off companies, and the prevailing attitudes toward taking equity. The reasons for taking equity include: the flexibility it gives licensing managers in structuring deals, the possibility that the university will still hold something of value if their technology is replaced, and, the reduced time required to generate revenue compared to a traditional license. A traditional license is preferred when the technology is not suitable for a spin-off company, or when the technology is one of the rare jackpot licenses that bring in millions of dollars every year.The financial reward of taking equity was determined by comparing the value of equity sold in public spin-off companies to the return on an average license. A traditional license consists of a license issue fee between $10,000 and $250,000 and an annual royalty on sales. In 1996 the average annual income from a traditional license was $63,832. The average value of equity sold in 16 university spin-off companies is $1,384,242. If one assumes that half the spin-offs fail before they go public, the average value of equity is $692,121. This is more than 10 times the average annual income from a traditional license, and is significantly higher than the amount usually received as a license issue fee.The high average value of equity depends on the presence of a few million-dollar equity sales. If those sales are excluded, the average value of equity is $139,722, which is within the range that can be received as a license issue fee. There is a high correlation between million-dollar equity sales and the amount of venture capital spending in the region. The million-dollar sales in this study all occurred in the top 11 states in the country in terms of venture capital spending in 1997.From a financial viewpoint it makes sense for licensing managers to take equity in their start-up companies. Our data show that even if none of the start-ups produces a million-dollar equity sale, the financial return of equity will be within the range normally received as a license issue fee. Taking equity leaves the door open for the occasional jackpot, which will bring in significantly more money than a standard license. When combined with a strong program of traditional licensing, taking equity in start-up companies maximizes the financial return that universities realize from their intellectual property.  相似文献   

This paper studies how the presence of cross-border as opposed to domestic venture capital investors is associated with the growth of portfolio companies. For this purpose, we use a longitudinal research design and track sales, total assets and payroll expenses in 761 European technology companies from the year of initial venture capital investment up to seven years thereafter. Findings demonstrate how companies initially backed by domestic venture capital investors exhibit higher growth in the short term compared to companies backed by cross-border investors. In the medium term, companies initially backed by cross-border venture capital investors exhibit higher growth compared to companies backed by domestic investors. Finally, companies that are initially funded by a syndicate comprising both domestic and cross-border venture capital investors exhibit the highest growth. Overall, this study provides a more fine-grained understanding of the role that domestic and cross-border venture capital investors can play as their portfolio companies grow and thereby require different resources or capabilities over time.  相似文献   

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