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Despite the passage of almost two decades since the enactment of the Americans With Disabilities Act in the United States, individuals with disabilities are still underrepresented in the workforce, tend to hold lower status jobs, and receive lower wages. This study examines whether disabled workers also continue to encounter more negative workplace experiences in terms of discrimination and injustice. A sample of 1,880 employees of a large university, including 90 self-identified disabled individuals completed a work experience survey. Analyses indicate that disabled employees reported more overt and subtle discrimination and more procedural injustice than their non-disabled counterparts. Examination by the type of disability also revealed that those with non-physical disabilities reported more negative experiences than employees with physical disabilities. Perceived organizational and supervisory support were shown to have promise in reducing the effects of disability status on workplace attitudes and perceptions.  相似文献   

Efforts to recruit and retain employees with disabilities are often tempered by employers’ concerns over potential workplace accommodation costs. This study reports on accommodations requested and granted in intensive case studies of eight companies, based on more than 5,000 employee and manager surveys, and interviews and focus groups with 128 managers and employees with disabilities. Two unique contributions are that we analyze accommodations for employees without disabilities as well as for those with disabilities, and compare perspectives on accommodation costs and benefits among employees, their coworkers, and their managers. We find people with disabilities are more likely than those without disabilities to request accommodations, but the types of accommodations requested and the reported costs and benefits are similar for disability and non‐disability accommodations. In particular, fears of high accommodation costs and negative reactions of coworkers are not realized; all groups tend to report generally positive coworker reactions. Multilevel models indicate granting accommodations has positive spillover effects on attitudes of coworkers, as well as a positive effect on attitudes of requesting employees, but only when coworkers are supportive. Consistent with recent theorizing and other studies, our results suggest the benefits from a corporate culture of flexibility and attention to the individualized needs of employees. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A little-known provision of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits covered employers from taking an adverse employment action against a qualified employee if a determinative factor in the adverse employment action is the disability of an associate or relative of the employee. A review of the reported court opinions indicates that plaintiff employees often encounter difficulty in these cases. Some plaintiffs are unable to prove that they are “qualified” employees at the time of the adverse employment action, and other plaintiffs find it difficult to prove that a determinative factor in the adverse employment action was the disability of the associate or relative. However, plaintiffs have achieved some success as evidenced in the 2008 U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals holdings in Dewitt v. Proctor Hospital and Trujillo v. PacifiCorp. This paper describes reported U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals opinions about ADA association discrimination, its relationship to the Family and Medical Leave Act and Employee Retirement Income Security Act, and the implications for employers, employees, and lawmakers. It also offers practical guidance to both employees and employers for asserting and managing rights and potential liability in this area.  相似文献   

Potential Discrimination in Structured Employment Interviews   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This experimental study examines the effects of bias toward persons with disabilities (PWDs) upon the employment interview decision process. The design and operationalization of the study permitted examination of the effects of specific disabilities, interview performance, and the resulting interaction between disability and interview performance, using 630 undergraduate students at a major university in the southwestern United States as subjects. The results indicate that (1) interview performance has a favorable, significant main effect upon subsequent HRM decisions, (2) specific disabilities, that is, child care demands, HIV-positive status, and being wheelchair-bound, have unfavorable, significant main effects upon subsequent HRM decisions, and (3) the presence of any of the disabilities decreased the favorable impact of superior interview performance. The limitations of the structured interview to mitigate bias were demonstrated. Given the pervasive, unfavorable treatment directed toward PWDs, it appears that the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (1993) is warranted. The public policy implications of these results and recommendations for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

文章概述了我国残疾人服务标准的发展现状,以目前实际工作为基础,介绍了残疾人服务标准的特点,探讨了残疾人服务标准体系的建立,为残疾人各方面服务标准的制定打下基础。  相似文献   

杨淑艳 《价值工程》2010,29(20):130-132
本文通过对详尽的历史数据进行统计分析,深入研究了中国从业人员的总体分布情况,具体包括从业人员的总体变动趋势分析,产业分布情况、城乡分布情况、城镇从业人员的行业分布情况以及从业人员的地区分布情况等方面的分析。  相似文献   

The Americans With Disabilites Act (ADA) of 1990 provides broad protection to an estimated 43 million Americans against discrimination in many facets of their lives. Title I of the Act prohibits discrimination in employment. Title III of the Act, which prohibits discrimination in public accommodation, has also impacted the employment relationship. Eight years after the passage of the Act, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its first ruling under the ADA. Two subsequent decisions have been rendered that further interpret the statute and the Court has repeatedly denied to review cases that deal with another key interpretation of the ADA. This paper analyzes these cases and decisions and their implications for management practices.  相似文献   

Participatory research, a concept developed in the Third World, has been increasingly applied to community and health research in developed countries. However, little is known about attitudes to the participatory process in the context of workplace research, especially that carried out in health care settings. In this qualitative study, employees participating in a quality of work-life (QWL) project at a Canadian cancer centre were asked about their perceptions of the participatory research process. Using a phenomenological approach, the author interviewed 12 employees. The following themes emerged from the analysis of interview data: (1) The role of management and senior management was viewed as being important but employees were uncomfortable with the presence of management at meetings; (2) The desired composition of the committee was more complex than ensuring representation from workers and there may have been a natural process by which this composition was attained; (3) Participatory research without action was unacceptable; and (4) Full participation in all aspects of the project was difficult to achieve. These findings have important implications because they challenge some existing notions in the literature about participatory research. Recommendations regarding trust issues, membership recruitment, and the role of members in the participatory process are outlined.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the effect of organizational‐level and individual‐level signals on sex discrimination experiences, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions in a sample of South Korean female employees and organizations. Results indicate that the percentage of women employed in organizations was negatively associated with sex discrimination experienced by women. The number of family‐friendly policies was also negatively associated with sex discrimination in a panel design but not in a cross‐sectional design. We also found that the relationship between individual participation in development activities (e.g., leadership development course, academic degree) and sex discrimination experiences was moderated by organizational‐level participation in development activities. Specifically, the negative impact of participation in development activities on sex discrimination is stronger for individuals in organizations with lower compared to higher levels of overall participation. The same was true for the individual educational level. The negative impact of individual educational level on sex discrimination is stronger for individuals in organizations with high educational level than for those in low organizational educational level. Further, experienced sex discrimination influences individual turnover intention via job satisfaction. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The ability of employers to require employees to submit claims of discrimination to final and binding arbitration in lieu of exercising their statutory rights represents a significant change in public policy. The methods traditionally used by enforcing agencies to investigate discrimination claims provide assistance and intervention that redress power asymmetries between employees and employers. Depriving employees of these enforcement mechanisms and requiring them to use arbitration may have adverse effects on perceptions of justice, both in procedural and distributive terms. We propose that mutuality, equality, and remediality are issues that must be addressed in situations of mandatory arbitration. We also suggest that mandatory arbitration may have other effects including expanding the scope of issues well beyond discrimination claims.  相似文献   

Organizational culture allows workers in an organization to develop a shared understanding about events that occur within the organization. The US Army has developed its own culture, which allows it to pursue a variety of challenges that it must face. Today’s US Army relies heavily on citizen soldiers, consisting of the Army Reserve and the National Guard. These soldiers come from a different background than the active component soldiers, and as a result, interpret actions taken by the organization and its leaders differently, based on the subculture from which these soldiers come. The present paper examines the effects that culture and status have on perceptions of discrimination and fairness during a recent US military operation. An historical frame of reference of similar experiences in previous military operations is provided, and implications for organizations that employ both permanent and temporary workers are discussed.  相似文献   

谢奎 《价值工程》2011,30(1):121-121
本文针对目前企业培训的状况,从战略角度对培训和开发进行了全方位的阐述。  相似文献   

The recent passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), considered the most far-reaching civil rights legislation since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, promises to raise demanding new challenges for employers. This article alerts readers to one example of what may prove to be a long list of unanticipated, but potentially onerous, repercussions from this legislation. Specifically discussed is the role of the ADA in the likely emergence of the issue of employee physical appearance. In addition to the role of the ADA, we explain how other legal forces, as well as organizational and economic forces, may propel physical appearances to the level of a formidable social issue.An earlier draft of this paper was presented as a symposium at the 1989 Employee Responsibilities and Rights Conference, Orlando.  相似文献   

Compensation is widely acknowledged as an important job element in the eyes of employees. Health care is a special industry in which compensation received by employees differs greatly. This study examines empirically the relationships between hospital employees' perceptions of compensation fairness and their work attitudes, taking into account the roles of employee specialty, hospital level and ownership. Using data from 2,938 employees of thirty hospitals in Taiwan, the results indicate that fairness perceptions and work attitudes differ significantly among hospital employees according to their specialties. Hospital level and ownership exert impacts on employees' fairness perceptions, although not on their work attitudes. A positive relationship is observed between fairness perceptions and work attitudes of hospital employees.  相似文献   

文章首先对知识型员工在职业生涯各个阶段的特点进行了分析,然后对现在管理理论的一些新发展进行了分析和综述,接着阐述目前企业知识型员工职业发展管理中存在的主要问题和原因,并提出相应的改良措施,以科学引导知识型员工职业发展方向。  相似文献   

良好的沟通交流能够有效地提高职工的工作效率。对于党支部书记来说,其与职工进行良好的沟通交流,能够帮助职工更好地释放自己的思想情绪,激发职工工作的积极性和热情,构建更加和谐的工作氛围,从整体上提高企业的工作效率与管理水平。论文主要对党支部书记应怎样与职工沟通交流进行了分析,希望能够找到党支部书记与职工进行有效沟通交流的途径,确保职工能够最大限度地发挥自身的作用和价值。  相似文献   

文章以某厂的发展历程为视角,阐述了企业进行用人体制变革时会产生的不合理问题,分析了劳务工存在于企业发展过程中的原因及其对企业产生的重要作用,并从完善劳务工管理模式和福利待遇等方面对构建和谐的企业环境提出建议.  相似文献   

思想是行动的先导,只有思想统一才能步调一致。近年来,随着油田改革的不断深入以及基层单位定位的转变,加之职工的思想观念在互联网、信息化技术的影响下日益多元化,如何加强和改进职工思想教育工作,使思想教育工作与基层单位改革发展有机结合,成为当前采油管理区一项十分重要的工作。  相似文献   

服务组织、一线员工以及顾客形成的互动系统,是实施成功的服务过程生产率和质量管理与控制的关键。新时期中,酒店的顾客结构及层次发生变化,主客互动视角下,酒店应结合一线员工需求心理变化,从效率、业绩、情感、文化出发,通过提供优良的环境、有效的培训、顾客管理、构建学习型组织,以保证管理策略的有效。  相似文献   

论文研究了工程研制单位的人才培养方案,通过分析高校和用人单位的各自特点,归纳总结了新员工从学生到员工的身份转变过程中,在学习方式、考核评价、责任义务、外部环境、能力要求等方面的差异。论文立足于用人单位,明确新员工培养需要重点强化的职业能力,从而有针对性地制定新员工培养计划,对其进行合理的引导,引导新员工较快地适应身份的转变、实现快速成长,使其成为工程研制单位的新生力量。  相似文献   

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