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In two experiments, participants received advice from another participant on a task either with a correct answer (intellective tasks) or without a correct answer (judgmental task), in which the participant had to make a forecast. In both experiments, the level of trust in the advisor and a perception of the advisor having similar values were important predictors of the acceptance of advice for a judgmental, taste forecast task, whereas advisor confidence was a more important predictor of the acceptance of advice on the intellective task. In Experiment 2, the face-to-face interactions between the decision-maker and the advisor were videotaped and coded. Advisors provided more information to decision-makers for the taste forecast than for the intellective task. Further, whether the advisor provided information to supplement their recommendation or not was a significant predictor of the acceptance of advice on the taste forecast, but not on the intellective task. The results are discussed in the context of previous research on advice, which has predominately used intellective tasks.  相似文献   

《韩非子》一书中涉及到很多管理思想,其中对领导者素质问题多有提及。多识谨慎,信守诺言,果断沉稳,节制欲望,恬淡心态,做到“不拔”、“不脱”、“自胜”及“去私”,以提高个人修养。善于识才并用才;赏罚依法;目光敏锐,能够及时发现并解决问题,属于领导能力范畴。领导者还要充分发挥自己的导向作用,不轻易暴露个人的兴趣爱好,勤俭节约并同时具有经济头脑,破除迷信,目光长远,清正廉洁,嗜鱼而不受,以塑造良好的组织风气。作为管理者和领导者,深深领悟书中散发的思想闪光点,对于提高个人素质无疑是大有裨益的。  相似文献   


This article illustrates how advice services create diverse public values within welfare reform. It develops a social impact framework using public value, realism, and complexity literature. Starting from a social return on investment study of advice, qualitative interviews are analysed with twenty-two clients, who sought advice for welfare benefits, and had disabilities, or physical or mental health conditions. Integrating these clients’ experiences with wider evidence illustrates how advice services advocated for people’s needs within a complicated (and controversial) welfare system. However, advice services face funding cuts, benefit assessment costs have risen, and welfare reforms have yet to meet their aims.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the introduction of teamwork in a British and in a German car plant owned by the same American corporation. It contributes to the current discussions about teamwork (Kochan et al., 1997; Delbridge and Lowe, 1996). Using the German concept of a 'constitutional factory' vs 'adversarial' framework, a cross-country comparison is made. The research includes interviews and surveys. Conclusions have been drawn on the actual Gestalt (form, shape) of teamwork with special attention given to the relationship between team members and team leaders. Teams in a more 'adversarial management appoints team leaders' model seem to see team leaders as a new form of supervison and split team members and team leaders into 'us and them'.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of a Swedish School company, characterized by charismatic leadership and a radical vision, trying to create and implement standard operating procedures. We illuminate how efforts to bureaucratize are given meanings quite different to conventional ones of experiences of constraints and, at best, reluctant acceptance. The charisma that the members of the organization ascribe to the founder and the linking of standardization with radical corporate vision and identity building are viewed as central. Theoretically, the paper aims to throw some new light on the theme of organizational control through showing how different forms of control may intersect. The need to develop ideas that can bridge various forms of control is emphasized. Hence, we suggest a concept that may prove helpful in such a project: the charismatization of routines.  相似文献   

首先,从创业投资发展的激励要求与企业组织模式的激励效应相匹配的角度研究了创业投资基金组织模式的选择。随后,我们分析了创业投资基金在进入,运作以及退出的关键环节存在的资本管制,个人破产,税收以及退出通道等制度障碍,并给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Quantitative methods for leaders' detection and overthrow are useful tools for decision-making in many real-life social networks. In the given research, we present algorithms that detect and overthrow the most influential node to the weaker leadership positions following the greedy method in terms of structural modifications. We employ the concept of Shapley value from the area of cooperative game theory to measure a node's leadership and to develop the leader's overthrow algorithms. Specifically, we introduce a quantitative approach to analyze prospective structural modifications in social networks to make the initially identified network leader less influential. The resulting mechanism is based on the symbiosis of game-theoretic and algorithmic concepts. It presents a useful tool for the technical analysis of the primary structural data in the initial steps of multifaceted quantitative network analysis where the raw data (i.e., linkages) is frequently the only knowledge about interrelations in social networks.  相似文献   

悖论思维帮助个体发现对立事物间的联系,有利于创造性想法或创意的生成,但过高水平的悖论思维极易导致认知过载,使个体无暇顾及需要想象力和灵感的创造性活动。基于"过犹不及效应",本文提出悖论思维对员工创造力产生非线性影响。同时,根据能力-动机-机会(AMO)的理论框架,探索个人学习能力在这一关系中的中介作用,以及领导调节聚焦行为的调节作用。本文认为:悖论思维与员工创造力呈倒U型关系,个人学习能力在上述关系中起中介传导作用,领导促进型聚焦行为强化了变量间的间接关系,而领导防御型聚焦行为削弱了变量间的间接关系。通过对313名员工的三阶段调查分析,数据支持了本研究提出的假设。虽然适度的悖论思维有助于员工提升学习能力,但过度的悖论思维反而会降低员工学习效率进而削弱员工创造力,领导调节聚焦行为决定了员工是否能完成学习能力到创造力的转化。研究结论为员工创造力的影响因素研究提供了新思路,引导企业通过甄选员工和调整领导行为来激发员工创造力。  相似文献   

本文从我国城市化迅速发展但质量不高的现实出发,以嘉兴市为例,分析其经济社会发展状况和城市化面临的问题,介绍嘉兴两分两换内涵以及规划先导、制度创新、资金保障等主要推进策略.最后分析嘉兴两分两换的城市化意义,指出我国城市化已进入新的发展阶段,需要更深刻认识并加以快速推进;新型城市化必须依靠制度创新,因地制宜,稳健推...  相似文献   

亲顾客偏离行为是指一线员工以帮助顾客、维护顾客利益、满足顾客个性化需求为首要动机,在服务交付过程中有意识偏离组织正式规章制度、服务规程或政策禁令的一种角色外行为。本文立足于亲顾客偏离行为亲顾客与偏离组织规则这两个特征,系统性揭示员工亲顾客偏离行为的形成机制与影响后果。在形成机制方面,揭示了服务型领导通过激发员工的心理安全感与工作自主性,来增强员工的自我效能感,最终促进员工的亲顾客偏离行为,组织创新氛围与员工冒险倾向在上述过程中起到正向调节作用。在影响后果方面,揭示了亲顾客偏离行为的双刃剑效应,既能引发涉事顾客的感知优待与赞许他人的道德情绪,促使其做出积极的服务评价;又会引发同属顾客的不公平感知与谴责他人的道德情绪,致使其做出消极的服务评价,涉事顾客的涉入度在上述过程中起到负向调节作用。本文有助于科学地认识、评估并有效引导员工的亲顾客偏离行为。  相似文献   

父母教养方式是指父母在促进或支持子女(从婴儿期到成年期)的身体、情感、社交和智力发展过程中对待子女的教养实践或行为态度。本研究系统梳理了父母教养方式在组织管理领域的溢出效应。首先,梳理了父母教养方式的相关构念,将其归纳为教养实践、教养态度和教养风格三大类,并介绍了相应的测量方法。然后,结合自我决定理论、社会学习理论、社会认知职业理论、心理发展以及领导力发展等多个理论视角归纳了父母教养方式对子女职业发展、领导行为以及创业的深远影响。最后,从补充结果变量、分析边界条件、拓展自变量内涵以及考察非线性关系四个方面对未来研究进行了展望,呼吁组织管理领域的学者针对这一主题开展更多有价值的研究。  相似文献   

We examine the two traditions of content analysis: the first in which one substitutes words of a text with categories, and the second in which one looks for clusters of words that may refer to a theme. In the first tradition, preexisting dictionary categories give meaning to the words; in the second, meaning comes after the fact. Preexisting dictionary categories (the substitution model) are calibrated instruments applied within experimental designs that leave no space for doubt; meanwhile, the ability of the correlational model to conjure up complex themes from fragments of a text yields no unique solution. These differences have bearings on the production of new social knowledge. We expound on the epistemological foundations of the two traditions of interpretation and draw from them decision rules upon which one may rely for choosing among appropriate content-analytic tactics. Two reasons make this essay timely and critical: (1) the increasing variety of new content-analyticsoftware for particular purposes and (2) the almost exclusive focusing on software and technology at the expense of adjusting the choice of the software to the nature of the text. Two studies, one in historiometry, the other in autobiography, illustrate the liabilities and benefits of the two models of content analysis.  相似文献   

A separation between the academic subjects statistics and mathematical statistics has existed in Sweden almost as long as there have been statistics professors. The same distinction has not been maintained in other countries. Why has it been kept for so long in Sweden, and what consequences may it have had? In May 2015, it was 100 years since Mathematical Statistics was formally established as an academic discipline at a Swedish university where Statistics had existed since the turn of the century. We give an account of the debate in Lund and elsewhere about this division during the first decades after 1900 and present two of its leading personalities. The Lund University astronomer (and mathematical statistician) C. V. L. Charlier was a leading proponent for a position in mathematical statistics at the university. Charlier's adversary in the debate was Pontus Fahlbeck, professor in political science and statistics, who reserved the word statistics for ‘statistics as a social science’. Charlier not only secured the first academic position in Sweden in mathematical statistics for his former PhD student Sven Wicksell but also demonstrated that a mathematical statistician can be influential in matters of state, finance as well as in different natural sciences. Fahlbeck saw mathematical statistics as a set of tools that sometimes could be useful in his brand of statistics. After a summary of the organisational, educational and scientific growth of the statistical sciences in Sweden that has taken place during the last 50 years, we discuss what effects the Charlier–Fahlbeck divergence might have had on this development.  相似文献   

An essential element of any realistic investment portfolio selection is the consideration of transaction costs. Our purpose, in this paper, is to determine the maximum return and the corresponding number of securities to buy giving such return, whenever practical constraints features related to budget, buy-in thresholds, and transaction costs are taken into consideration. Dealing with the portfolio selection and optimization problem in the point of view of individual investors, we will arrive to get an analytic result, leading to a new and simple alternative solution to heuristic algorithms. Moreover, this result can be considered as another approach to integer optimization.  相似文献   

Reviewing the literature about interactive leadership and its effects on human resource management in business organizations, this paper proposes that interactive leadership has two major components: interaction skills and team building. Both components have positive effects on employees' trust in their leaders, on employees' motivation and employees' commitment to their companies. Based on these hypotheses, the paper develops an empirical test of the effectiveness of interactive leadership in Singapore's banking industry. Seventy-seven middle-level managers participated in this study by responding to a questionnaire about their leaders, their motivation, their commitment and their trust in these leaders. The results support the hypotheses and suggest some important implications for human resource management in business organizations, especially for human resource management in Oriental societies.  相似文献   

文章认为湖南的轨道交通装备制造业整体实力在国内占据领先地位,相关配套产业对主导产业的支撑作用十分突出,但主体企业和配套产业各自独立发展,未能形成整体的竞争优势,因此,通过项目方式带动产业重组,构建核心企业将加快湖南轨道交通产业集群的发展,形成湖南的核心支柱产业。  相似文献   

王鑫 《价值工程》2011,30(26):187-187
"庖丁解牛"中庖丁的职业成长过程及其达到的高超技艺,对我国高职教育"工学结合"人才培养模式与培养高素质技能型人才有着借鉴作用。  相似文献   

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