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As the largest post-Soviet transition economy with substantial labour immigration and a considerable informal-sector Russia serves as an interesting case to study informal employment in the service and non-service economic sectors. The study fills the gap of the lack of empirical papers grounded on the reliable massive individual data. This article discusses almost twenty years’ dynamics of informal employment rates within the service and non-service industries based on the nationally representative Labour Force Survey primary data, collected quarterly for 2010–2015 with a sample size of about 200 thousand respondents per quarter. The unexpected finding is that the rate of informal employment is higher in non-service economic activities. Informal workers in the service sector in Russia are typically male, not very young, without tertiary education, living in urban areas. The paper also provides a comparative regression analysis on the probability of being informally employed in the service and non-service sectors.  相似文献   

长期以来,人们从微观经济理论出发,认为竞争是有效的,垄断是无效的。但从世界范围内的产业发展来看,寡头垄断是当今国际市场结构发展的主流。作为一种极具效率的市场结构,寡头垄断的优势有助于推进我国全面小康建设的顺利进行。  相似文献   

We analyse the determinants of labour productivity across (a sample of) EA member states. We focus on the divergent dynamics before and after the financial crisis, and of core countries relative to peripheral countries. We ground our empirical analysis in Paolo Sylos-Labini's productivity equations. We test different models, including a Panel 2S-LS model and a Panel vector autoregression model. Our preliminary findings confirm and strengthen Sylos-Labini's main insights. Labour productivity in manufacturing industries is strongly and positively correlated with the market size (Smith effect), the relative cost of labour (Ricardo effect), the absolute cost of labour (organization effect) and past investment, whereas it is negatively correlated with current investment. Furthermore, we find evidence that the crisis has affected the size of these effects. Focusing on the core periphery dichotomy, the signs of the effects are the same for both groups of countries, although the Smith, Ricardo and long-run investment effects are usually stronger for core countries compared to peripheral countries. The opposite holds for the organization effect, while investment effects are less clear.  相似文献   

Internet-based surveys have recently become a popular means of data collection among researchers in the service industries. However, there has been little discussion regarding the validation of Internet-based surveys in this services discipline. From the perspective of positivist and quantitative research, failure to organise a scientific and rigorous research design will damage the validity, reliability, and generalisability of a study's findings and, in turn, its contributions. This paper identifies nine key issues from theoretical discussions and accordingly examines the Internet-based survey studies published in The Service Industries Journal between 2001 and 2008 to demonstrate the current status of the Internet-based survey development in this field. Further, an empirical study with a carefully designed methodology is presented to serve as a useful guide in planning and executing Internet-based surveys.  相似文献   

A number of theories explain the competitiveness of international firms. However, the role of the relationship between the supplier and potential customers is often neglected. Thus, a framework is developed that combines resource-oriented arguments with recent insights gained from transaction cost theory. The framework does not only serve to further our understanding of international competitiveness but also explains under which circumstances certain modes of foreign market entry promise success.  相似文献   

Logrolling Procedure for Multi-Issue Negotiation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In order to better deal with the complexity in multi-issue negotiation, a quantitative method which produces Pareto optimal solutions through jointly improving exchange of issues is proposed. The trade-off process is modelled using logrolling, in which loss in some issues is traded for gain in others, resulting in overall gain for all parties. This mutual gain approach is designed based on the integrative negotiation strategy. The objective of the logrolling method is in negotiation support by providing a structure and systematic analysis for ill-defined multi-issue negotiation problems. This study presents a formal representation of logrolling, the sequential logrolling procedure that is based on the exchange of two issues, and the general properties of the efficient frontier produced by logrolling under a linear preference assumption. The study also includes some discussion on implementation aspects of the logrolling method.  相似文献   

This study investigates the types of international competitive strategies (ICS) followed by Chinese and Indian firms. Using firm-level primary data, the contribution analyses the factors that affect ICS choices and whether these factors differ between the two countries. It argues that firms' resources and capabilities influence firms' propensity to choose a specific ICS and that the strategies differ in relation to firms' location, sector and destination market as well.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(7):1055-1076
This article addresses early modern guild-based hallmarks from the perspective of modern branding. Although guilds could have firm-like functions and create ‘brand names’, collective marks at least in ‘strong guilds’ (on the continent) served a primarily socio-political function for small manufacturing masters who controlled and sanctioned branding practices themselves. While helping to solve problems of information asymmetry, the collective marks objectified product quality by locating it in the political standing and ‘quality’ of guild-based masters. The crucial shift at the end of the Ancien Régime involved the disappearance of this link between the status of urban ‘freemen’ and the cultural identity of their products.  相似文献   

Competitive strategy in the market-focused business   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
Market orientation is a business culture which enlists the participation of all employees for the purpose of creating superior value for its customers and superior performance for itself. A substantial body of research finds a positive relationship between a business's magnitude of market orientation and its performance. However, there has been no research into the competitive strategies through which a market-oriented business creates customer value. This paper extends previous work by showing that market-oriented businesses aggressively develop new products and services, focus on opportunities in market segments rather than in the mass market, and attempt to achieve competitive advantage both by increasing customer benefits and by reducing costs.  相似文献   

Emerging‐market multinational enterprises (EMNEs) have become major players in the global economy, with an increasing share of global foreign direct investment (FDI). Indigenous mobile network operators (MNOs) in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA) are not left out in this pursuit, as they seek growth and competitiveness beyond their domestic markets. We investigate the FDI location choices and competitive interactions of the five indigenous SSA MNOs that had internationalized as of 2014 and find that, contrary to the literature, these EMNEs, operating in a key and rapidly developing industry, did not tend to commence their cross‐border expansion in geographically close markets. In addition, the MNOs are more likely to invest in countries with stronger control over corruption and do not appear to engage in heavy head‐to‐head competition with their rivals. These findings contribute to the internationalization literature in the context of the investment and competitive behaviors of the currently underexplored indigenous SSA multinationals.  相似文献   

The paper considers a country (home) in which consumers have heterogeneous preferences over ex ante incompatible domestic and imported products and benefit from a network externality. We analyze the cases with trade under perfect competition and the international duopoly, in which both governments strategically use policies toward compatibility but cannot use conventional trade policies. In both cases, the equilibrium outcome of the non-cooperative game depends upon the strength of the network externality effect and involves either an excessively high equilibrium level of compatibility (in combination with either too much or too little trade) or very low equilibrium levels of both compatibility and trade. The paper concludes with the analysis of the international agreements on policies toward compatibility and evaluates the existing provisions in the WTO legal system aimed at minimizing the trade-inhibiting impact of standards and regulations in the area of technical compatibility.  相似文献   

This paper is about managerial routines in professional service firms (PSFs) and takes a resource-based perspective. It describes how managerial routines can be used to transform capabilities into competitive advantages. The empirical data explore three PSFs facing dilemmas concerning the management of their human resources and their professionals, and show how new managerial routines have been established. It further shows that PSFs' innovations are routine and are mainly reactive. Most routines are directed towards exploration, which is caused by the need to focus on projects for clients who in the daily routines supersede the need for developing HRM routines. Due to the importance of the projects and the markets the PSFs operate in, we will also look at the relations between PSFs and their markets. The concept of managerial routines is seen in relation to exploration and exploitation, which are subsequently used in an empirical analysis. In doing this, the analysis reveals a conflict between external demands from the clients and the internal utilization of the capabilities within the firms.  相似文献   

We use the 2008 short-selling ban to examine the impact of single-stock futures (SSFs) trading on options market quality. We show that there is a substitution effect between options trading and SSFs trading during the ban period. In addition, our results show that SSFs trading had a significant effect in narrowing the bid-ask spreads of options contracts. Moreover, compared to stocks without SSFs, stocks with SSFs were less likely to violate put-call parity during the ban period. Our results suggest that SSFs trading helps mitigate the negative effect of the short-selling ban on options market quality documented in the literature.  相似文献   

Can domestic political capital be transferable to more or less similar institutional contexts abroad? Motivated by contradictory results in two streams of research, this study seeks to combine the insights from two theoretical arguments and conceptualize the role of domestic political ties in international expansion as a dual problem of securing key resources from home governments and looking for opportunities in foreign markets and matching resources to capture them. We adopt the notion of network complementarity to examine the complementarity effect of domestic political ties and foreign ties on international expansion. The implication is that EMNE research that concentrates on either looking for foreign opportunities or securing domestic resources, but not both, is likely to be incomplete when international expansion is being studied. Using a longitudinal panel dataset of Chinese international new ventures expanding to 105 foreign markets, we find a positive interactive effect of domestic political ties and foreign ties on Chinese MNEs’ internationalization. This positive interactive effect on internationalization is found to be stronger for expanding to developing host markets than to developed host markets. We discuss the implications of these findings for research on domestic political ties, the international expansion literature, the network complementarity literature, and the international entrepreneurship literature.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the effect of both firm survival and market delimitation on stochastic growth behaviour in the realm of service industries. Two samples of firms were selected for the study, one of them representing the surviving firm population in the tourism industry and the other one representing the firm total. The activity of firms was used for measuring the influence of market delimitation. Stochastic growth behaviour is found to hold for the sector as a whole, whereas it does not do so for the population of surviving firms. Market delimitation is also observed to influence growth behaviour, but only when combined with firm survival.  相似文献   

We propose to introduce inflation via conflicting-claims, an endogenous labour productivity regime à la Kaldor-Verdoorn and an explicit account for the labour market into an SFC model that combines an endogenous autonomous expenditure component with the induced investment behaviour of firms. The aim of the paper is to analyse the dynamics of real wage and productivity growth and the impacts on the long run growth trend, income shares and the employment rate of: (a) changes in the propensity to consume; (b) changes in the bargaining power of workers; and (c) changes in the labour productivity under different institutional settings.  相似文献   

2011年是风云变幻莫测之年,中国猛然发现其最大的贸易伙伴欧盟、美国和日本全都深陷经济危机,现在看来他们早已罹患沉疴。有人在问中国外向型经济路在何方?对此自然的反应是转向依靠内需。扩大内需当然是当务之急,但并不因此而需要改变改革开放的大方向。  相似文献   

The vital role of entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial bricolage in creating sustained competitive advantage in retail and consumer service firms is increasingly acknowledged in modern markets. Using data from 246 retail and consumer service firms (hereafter R&CSFs) in Japan, this paper develops and empirically tests a framework delineating how entrepreneurial-oriented R&CSFs strategically combine existing resources while managing risks to differentiate their service portfolios to be competitive. The findings reveal that entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial bricolage influence differentiation advantage and risk management, which, in turn, is associated with creating a sustained competitive advantage (hereafter SCA). This paper adds novel insights to the dynamic capabilities view and retail and service marketing literature by identifying entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial bricolage, and risk management as dynamic capabilities, which allows R&CSFs to create service innovations in resource-constrained environments.  相似文献   

2011年是风云变幻莫测之年,中国猛然发现其最大的贸易伙伴欧盟、美国和日本全都深陷经济危机,现在看来他们早已罹患沉疴。有人在问中国外向型经济路在何方?对此自然的反应是转向依靠内需。扩大内需当然是当务之急,但并不因此而需要改变改革开放的大方向。  相似文献   

Organizational learning for innovation is critical for the success of multinationals. In this study, we examine two multinationals and their learning and innovation, when operating in Indonesia as the host country. As research on organizational learning has largely overlooked the influence of regional contexts, we examine the role of contextual conditions of the host country with regard to its economic, political and competitive conditions, and the changing customer demands, on organizational learning and innovation. We also consider organizational learning process, taking into account organizational factors that influence such process. The implications, contributions and limitations of the study are then discussed.  相似文献   

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