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In the financial capability intervention known as Child Development Accounts (CDAs), incentives with savings or investment accounts enable families (especially vulnerable ones) to accumulate assets for children's developmental and life‐cycle needs. With data from SEED for Oklahoma Kids (OK), a randomized statewide policy experiment, we examined a CDA intervention's effects on a subsample of low‐income families in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Head Start. Results from simultaneous equation modeling suggest that the intervention has positive, statistically significant impacts on financial and social‐development outcomes. Findings provide empirical support for a new model for integrating the accounts with other social services for economically vulnerable populations. The centralized account platform used in SEED OK seems essential to providing CDAs on a large scale, which would enable opportunities for integration with federal‐ and state‐funded social service programs.  相似文献   

经济和信息的全球化,给我国经济快速发展带来了新的机遇,同时也给我国财经类人才培养带来了全新的挑战。财经类专业作为应用型和实践性很强的专业,应侧重于高层次、应用型经济管理类人才的培养。在实践教育体制下,构建财经类专业人才培养评级体系必须突破现行评估体系结构性问题限制。高校应加快推进教育改革,优化人才评价方式,更新人才评价内容,扩大人才评价主体,建立科学的评价过程,使学生的知识、实践能力和综合素质满足经济社会发展需求。  相似文献   

This study uses data from the 2009 and 2012 waves of the National Financial Capability Study to examine the effects of neighborhood characteristics on financial literacy. Controlling for individual characteristics, multivariate regression analysis shows that a zip code's education level has a significant impact on financial literacy. This finding is consistent with social learning as a mechanism of financial knowledge acquisition, with neighborhood education serving as a proxy for the level of financial knowledge of one's social network. Although social effects are not the only possible explanation for this finding, the result is robust even after controlling for a host of other factors such as getting advice from financial professionals, receiving financial education, and living in a zip code with greater employment in the financial industry. This study additionally documents that zip code education effects are present with various savings and credit measures.  相似文献   

金融业人才竞争力取决于金融机构自身的管理能力尤其是人力资源管理能力的提升,必须从企业文化、人员结构、能力建设、职业发展、激励机制、变革意识等方面全方位推进人力资源管理改革,而这场人力资源管理变革,也已成为金融行业进行国际化改造的重要课题。分析了新形势下金融行业面临的人力资源管理的挑战并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

Recent economic troubles in the US and abroad highlight the importance of family financial capability, including an understanding of financial markets. Financial capability is the foundation for desired financial behaviours, such as saving, budgeting, using credit wisely and planning. Study participants, a subsample of respondents to a Turkish university financial literacy survey (n = 374), who reported uninterrupted income for a 3‐year period were grouped as ‘planners’ and ‘non‐planners’. These groupings allowed examination of the relationships between planning, financial management decisions, and differential outcomes in daily household financial well‐being. The practice of preferred financial management behaviours was predictive of debt. This research makes a unique contribution to the literature, demonstrating the importance of uninterrupted income over income amount in support of the planning process. Findings of this study have implications for professionals in the family and consumer sciences field and other practitioners assisting consumers with improving financial management outcomes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore potential effects of financial education on the financial capability of American consumers. Data from the 2012 National Financial Capability Study were used to test the hypothesis that financial education is positively associated with financial capability. Four financial literacy and behaviour variables were used to form a financial capability index. Multivariate linear regression results showed that, after controlling for demographic and financial variables, respondents who ever received financial education had higher scores in all financial capability indicators (objective financial literacy, subjective financial literacy, desirable financial behaviour, perceived financial capability and the financial capability index). In addition, high school, college and workplace financial education variables showed positive associations with these financial capability indicators. Additional state comparison analyses provided evidence suggesting high school financial education may have direct impacts and spillover effects on consumer financial capability.  相似文献   

Globalization has created new consumer needs and wants, and resulted in consumer confusion regarding the increasing complexity of products and services. This has stimulated global interest in educating and empowering consumers. The UK government has made a very ambitious commitment to ensure that the framework for consumer empowerment and support is at the level of the best in the world by 2008. The government, many consumer organizations and regulators believe that empowered consumers are key to the success of competitive markets. Two national strategies to co‐ordinate activities in the UK have been developed by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) and the Financial Services Authority (FSA). The OFT consumer education strategy aims to deliver targeted, effective consumer education by increasing co‐ordination and making the best use of available resources. The FSA is leading a financial capability strategy designed to deliver change to improve the UK's financial capability. Both strategies share a vision of educated and confident consumers making informed choices about the products and services they buy, and both aim to empower vulnerable consumers. Given the global interest and the development of national strategies, it is useful to consider what is meant by the term consumer empowerment. Is there a shared view of consumer empowerment internationally? Does the education of consumers result in empowered consumers? To what extent do the national strategies address the empowerment of vulnerable, disadvantaged, excluded or susceptible consumers? These questions will be addressed in this article which reviews the global context for the consumer education and empowerment agenda and considers key UK developments, with particular reference to the needs of vulnerable consumers. The study found that the language of consumer empowerment is gaining prominence in policy and strategy documents at the highest levels internationally in the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development and the European Community, and nationally in the UK.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of social enterprises in providing fair services to vulnerable consumers, focusing on the vulnerability of low-income consumers to high-cost exploitative credit as a result of a lack of access to mainstream financial services. It will be argued that both the state and the corporate sector have a role to play in providing the means with which vulnerable consumers can overcome financial exclusion, through access to fair services. However, this cannot and should not be achieved through increased welfare provision or through reliance on corporate social responsibility initiatives alone. In rejecting solutions focused on increased welfare or voluntary corporate social responsibility initiatives, this article suggests that regulatory support for the development and growth of social enterprises, such as community development finance institutions, will most effectively give rise to a social framework in which vulnerability and unequal opportunity with respect to financial services is addressed.  相似文献   

Currently, everyone is brandishing financial literacy education as the answer to the global personal financial crisis. However, there are a few advocates against financial literacy education. There is contention whether financial literacy education actually leads to effective financial behaviours. The purpose of this theoretical article is to state the various arguments for and against financial literacy education and suggest possible guidelines for interventions by governments and institutions in an effort to increase financial well‐being. There are no easy answers to this complex problem and financial illiteracy should not be presented as the sole culprit. Basic financial literacy education is needed to manage day‐to‐day finances; however, specialist areas such as investments and retirement planning should be left to professionals. It is suggested that financial literacy education should focus not only on cognitive factors but also on non‐cognitive and affective factors that might override rational decision making.  相似文献   

独立学院金融专业人才培养模式的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国金融业迫切需要与国际金融接轨的金融人才,然而独立学院金融专业人才培养中存在师资队伍规模和素质有待提高,金融人才培养与社会需求脱节,人才培养层次模糊且评价方式单一等问题。加强师资队伍建设,提高教学与科研水平,加强实践教学环节,注重金融学与其它相关学科的交叉融合,形成独立学院金融人才培养的特有优势,才能提高我国金融人才数量和质量,满足社会需求。  相似文献   

This article delves into a potential mindset that may be responsible for the recent financial meltdown. Research relating to this mindset from different perspectives is reviewed. The findings from this literature review are used to create a conceptual framework for the empirical, ethical, and corporate social responsibility study of financial professionals. Data were collected from a survey of the professional membership of a large national association of financial professionals. This article reports the results of the analysis of data relative to the relationships among the four constructs—financial professionals’ perceived organizational value clusters, ethics, corporate social responsibility, and corporate performance. The findings indicate that organizational core values significantly affect corporate ethics, social responsibility, and financial performance. We propose that organizations in the financial industry can move toward being more ethical and socially responsible by adopting organic core values (e.g., democratic, open, trusting, enterprising, creative, stimulating) and moving away from mechanistic values (e.g., structured, regulated, procedural, authoritarian, closed, callous). We also found the adaptation of organic core values does not require the organization to suffer a loss in financial performance.  相似文献   

为了促进经济金融协调发展,建立金融普惠制,对弱势人群的金融服务就尤为重要.从我国当前经济社会发展现状来看,主要指的是以农民、城市下岗失业人员和贫困学生等为服务对象的弱势人群的金融服务.  相似文献   

Budgeting is an important step in consumer finance. Budgeting behaviour is considered a desirable financial behaviour to indicate consumer financial capability. However, systematic research on budgeting behaviour with a large scale national sample is limited. The purpose of this study was to address this research gap and examine characteristics of budgeting behaviour from the perspective of a behavioural hierarchy, which is related to mental accounting. The assumption holds that consumer financial behaviours may be performed in a hierarchical manner along with an increase in economic resources. Using data from the 2015 National Financial Capability Study, evidence suggests that budgeting behaviour is at the lower end of the behavioural hierarchy. This finding has implications for consumer financial professionals.  相似文献   

Many financial education providers still do not have a basic level of evaluation capacity and are unable to identify program outcomes and design effective evaluation instruments. It is difficult to propose a national evaluation strategy without a basic understanding of current evaluation capacity and of the critical gaps in program evaluation. In addition, there has been little discussion about the challenges facing financial professionals and educators who are on the “front lines” delivering and evaluating programs. The purpose of this survey article is to address these critical gaps in the literature and to provide an overview of the current state of financial education and program evaluation. Using qualitative and quantitative data collected from financial professionals and educators nationwide, this study provides insight into what can be done to build national evaluation capacity and conduct more effective program evaluations.  相似文献   

Today's changing market environment demands financial capability even from young consumers. This article concentrates on the perceptions of young people on the roles and responsibilities of school, public, private and non‐profit sector actors in promoting financial capability among the young. The qualitative data were collected via focus group discussions among young people aged 15–26 in schools and education institutions across Finland. Educational institutions play an important role in the everyday lives of the young but tend to focus on macro‐finance issues in financial education. Banks are seen as professional actors promoting financial capability to the young, but their activities are recognized as profit driven. Public sector and non‐profit organizations are less familiar to young people as providers of financial information but are considered impartial and reliable. It is apparently difficult for young people to differentiate between the activities of the various parties offering financial advice. They would welcome finance‐related information from several actors and from different perspectives. Financial education and financial matters are only interesting to the young when topical. In order to promote a financial capability among young people, the actors involved should become more proactive and cooperate with each other.  相似文献   

Using a stratified random sample drawn from 11,709 business professionals’ survey responses across 26 societies, we investigated and failed to find support for the construct validity of the Schwartz Values Survey’s (SVS) a priori 10-factor circumplex model of human values, originally developed from student and teacher responses. Subsequent exploratory factor analysis estimated an initial five-factor solution, the Business Value Dimensions (BVD) model. In turn, CFA supported the cross-cultural validity of this alternative configuration of values for business professionals. Internal consistency reliabilities for these five values factors are reported for the 26 societies plus an additional 25 societies that did not meet sample size criteria to be included in the analyses. As a result, findings are provided for a total of 51 societies (14,724 business professionals). We present the five-factor BVD model for use in future international research with business professional populations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study is to ascertain the impact of family, business, and community factors on the socially responsible processes of small family businesses, and investigate the influence of financial success and attitudes toward community on these processes. The research is grounded in the Sustainable Family Business Theory, which has been enhanced to include the interactive and collaborative action, both economically and socially, of family businesses and their communities. Data are from the National Family Business Survey, 2000 panel. The processes studied include interpersonal transactions in the form of community leadership and holding an elected or appointed office, and resource transactions in the form of providing financial or technical assistance in community development, and providing donations to local programs. Models assessed the probability and intensity of assistance provided by family businesses. The findings indicate that the social and economic climate of the community may contribute to the performance of responsible actions by businesses because human, social and financial capital resources from both the family and the business can be used to solve problems in the community. The most robust result was that individuals with very positive attitudes about their local communities were more likely to serve in leadership positions and make financial and technical contributions to the community. Business owners in economically vulnerable communities were willing to assume more responsibility to fill leadership positions in the community and make substantial contributions of financial and technical assistance than those in less vulnerable communities. Policymakers must recognize the many contributions of family businesses and forge rural developmentpolicies that not only help sustain existing businesses and fuel the engine of economic growth, but encourage human capital development, and, in turn, enhance the contributions of the family and the business to their community.  相似文献   

Rent‐to‐own enterprises represent a lucrative and rapidly growing industry. They are of particular concern to social service agencies, policy makers and consumers because they target a vulnerable, economically disadvantaged segment of the population. This article presents an investigation of a major player in the industry in one US state that fell under scrutiny by the courts because of a question of whether it is a retail enterprise covered by truth in lending legislation. Findings indicate that the average time price differentials charged by the largest retailer in this state exceed by more than three times the regulated 30% cap on interest rates. Rent‐to‐own is an example where regulation must be put into place so consumers can make more informed decisions. Such regulation, however, must be accompanied by financial literacy education that will further empower vulnerable consumers in the marketplace.  相似文献   

本文构建了一个两期的世代交叠模型,通过理论演绎发现,如果公共财政教育支出让家庭感知到其作为生育补贴的方式进入家庭生育决策模型中,那么增加公共财政教育支出的确会促进社会生育。进一步采用2006-2017年省级面板数据,进行经验研究和异质性分析发现:增加公共财政教育支出会促进社会生育但不显著;教育早期阶段财政投入越大,越会显著地促进社会生育,尤其在幼儿园阶段,财政教育支出每增加1%,出生率上升0.495‰;相比补贴给教育供方,补贴给教育需方家庭的财政教育支出更可能会促进社会生育,等等。给我们的政策启示在于,让民众感知到财政教育支出对生育成本的降低作用,加大幼儿园以及学前的财政教育支出,增强对教育需求方家庭的补贴。  相似文献   

随着高等教育规模的快速增长,政府的投入已远远不能满足高等教育发展的要求,实行高等教育收费制度成为必然。高等教育收费对我国经济、社会公平和社会稳定产生了积极和消极两方面影响。高等教育收费改革应合理确定收费标准,完善助学制度,实行投资多元化,以拓展经费来源。  相似文献   

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