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良好的企业形象是保证企业在竞争中取胜的重要砝码,在诸多涉及企业形象的要素中,人力资源管理者形象是其中的核心与代表,它对外影响企业的形象,对内影响企业的凝聚力.  相似文献   

管理者与员工间心理契约的价值在于它考虑了个体的实际问题和需要,通过了解管理者和员工之间真正的相互期望,为管理者在动态中进行管理提供强有力的管理工具,帮助员工更好的进行组织社会化,增强对企业的忠诚度和归属感,进而对提高员工绩效起到积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

China's significance as a destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) is a major factor in Asia-Pacific economic growth. This paper identifies important yet unexplored matters of human resource management (HRM) in multinational enterprise (MNE) subsidiaries in China. Specifically, the study explores the alignment issues between managers and employees with respect to their knowledge of HR practices, their experience of HR practices, and their perceived effectiveness of HR practices. Both interviews and a survey covering seven MNE subsidiaries operating in China finds a lack of alignment between managers and employees in each instance, for example, in their views of intended and actual HR practices and perceived effectiveness of these practices in the areas of performance assessment, recruitment and selection and career development. The implications of the differences for managers of MNEs operating in China are identified and discussed. The limitations of the study are acknowledged and areas for further study are also suggested.  相似文献   

While positive psychological capital (PsyCap) is a significant antecedent of favorable work outcomes, it is unclear whether this is true for global employees during an exogenous shock. Applying conservation of resources theory, we found that, under conditions of crisis-induced role novelty, global employees leveraged PsyCap to follow a resource-gain route to job satisfaction, whereas their ability to mitigate resource loss was limited. We differentiate among global employees, finding that role novelty compensated for lower PsyCap in motivating job engagement for those with higher travel obligations. Our results stress the importance of PsyCap in international human resource management scholarship and practice.  相似文献   

We investigate whether social ties between SME managers and bank employees affect SME access to lending, investment, growth and profitability. On the one hand, we examine the influence of social ties on financial indicators based on SME financial statements; on the other hand, we study the impact of social ties on SME managers' perceptions of their firms' main banks. Using a dataset from Poland, we find that social ties improve SMEs' access to bank financing and stimulate their investments. However, this positive impact occurs only when social ties involve bank decision-makers. In contrast, SME managers perceive all types of social ties with bank workers as valuable.  相似文献   

The department store as a retail format created special demands on the organization of staff and the creation of a harmonious and productive workplace. Despite a lack of theoretical knowledge of human resource management strategy, early 20th century department store owners used the business strategy to guide strategic decisions about internal communication and staff training. The most obvious area of training was in selling. However, the more innovative department stores also recognized the need for management development programs. This study examines how the business strategy which embraced business growth, efficiency and effectiveness, building the firm's image and creating a supporting culture, strategically guided selected human resource management policies and practices in an Australian department store.  相似文献   

This study explores similarities and differences in human resource management (HRM) in the European Union (EU). Common factors in the development of European HRM are the importance of consultation, the emergence of flexible work patterns, the role of work and the employer in the life of employees, and the introduction of the Euro. National, company, and regional factors create divergence in European HRM. National factors include societal hierarchy, different cultures and mental models, societal structure, and language. Company factors include size of companies, public versus private, and multinational or local. Regional factors differentiate along north‐south and east‐west axes. The EU had relatively little impact on HRM in terms of harmonization of labor and tax laws but had major impact on the opening up of markets to foreign competition and privatization of public sector companies. While cultural diversity remains strong, the influence of large multinational companies may lead to more regional integration in the practice of HRM. European HRM is much more comfortable operating in a polycentric mode than U.S. HRM, which seeks universality and standardization. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ethical issues in contemporary human resource development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Training and development activities are perhaps the aspects of HRM that are least likely to come under ethical scrutiny. However, despite an espousal of ethical humanism, and various attempts to develop professional standards, training and development activities can be vulnerable to unethical practice.  相似文献   

The present study describes age differences in the occurrence of career activities among profit sector and non‐profit sector employees in the Netherlands. Three different types of variables have been studied, i.e. individual, job‐related and organizational variables. Hypotheses have been tested with original survey data from 423 profit sector employees and 136 non‐profit sector employees. The employees are all working in higher‐level jobs in large organizations. Overall, we may conclude from this study that the differences between profit sector and non‐profit sector workers are not consistent at all. For some factors the situation is more advantageous for profit sector employees, whereas for other factors the outcomes point in the opposite direction. Regarding age effects, we have found that, in general, for profit sector employees the differences between starters (20–34 years) and middle‐aged workers (35–49 years) are not univocal, whereas the differences between middle‐aged workers and seniors (over‐fifties) imply that the amount of individual initiatives and organizational activities is less for the latter group of employees. When the three age groups are compared for the non‐profit sector employees, most factors do not vary significantly. For the factors where the F‐test is found to be significant, by and large, the situation regarding the possibilities for a further career development is worst for the seniors.  相似文献   

试论人力资源管理在高校后勤管理中的功能作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要分析了人力资源管理的主要功能及高校后勤人力资源管理的现状,并就人力资源管理在高校后勤管理中的重要意义及作用提出了相应见解.  相似文献   

This study examines the ethical beliefs and behavior of a sample of Israeli managers (n=97) and comparable data from the United States. Israeli managers rated themselves both highly ethical and more ethical than their peers. These results are similar to those found for the U.S., and indicate that the best predictor of respondents' ethical behavior is their beliefs and perceptions concerning their peers' behavior. In addition, this study examines the managers' predisposition to promote social responsibility by joining social networks of managers and other business people, established for that purpose. Seventy-eight percent are of the opinion that networks for the promotion of social responsibility in business are needed and 57% are ready to join them.Dove Izraeli is Associate Professor of Marketing Management and Social Responsibility at the Faculty of Management, Tel-Aviv University. He published nine books and numerous articles. He was a Visiting Professor at U. C. Berkeley and N. Y. U., and chaired the International Conference on Marketing for Developing Countries. His research interests include marketing channels, sales management macromarketing and business ethics.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to discuss how women managers themselves interpret the factors that constrain and those that facilitate management careers for women. We will do this by first reviewing some of the interpretations that have been put forward in the academic literature to explain the relatively small number of women managers and particularly the small number of very senior women managers. In the light of these interpretations, we will examine the opinions of a sample of intermediate and senior women managers in the public and private sectors in Ontario and Québec. More specifically we will look at their answers to questions about what blocks and what facilitates management careers for women generally and what obstacles they themselves have met. We will then compare their interpretations of their own career development with the interpretations that exist in the literature.Caroline Andrew, Cécile Coderre and Ann Denis teach at the University of Ottawa; Caroline Andrew in the Department of Political Science, Cécile Coderre and Ann Denis in the Department of Sociology. All three are actively involved in the Women's Studies Programme at the University of Ottawa.We wish to acknowledge with thanks the financial support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and of the University of Ottawa for this study.  相似文献   

Recent human resource development (HRD) scholarship has called for greater focus on social responsibility and ecological sustainability. The purpose of this article is to explore the engagement of HRD professionals in corporate social responsibility (CSR), examining one central question: how do HRD professionals perceive their roles and challenges in implementing CSR in organizations that claim CSR to be a key focus of their corporate identity and operation? Understandings of CSR vary and are widely contested, but for the purposes of this discussion, CSR is defined as treating the stakeholders of the firm ethically or in a responsible manner. Drawing from a qualitative study of HRD managers in eight large North American firms declaring explicit commitment to CSR, the evidence shows that their engagement tends to focus on employee learning and promotion, employee ownership of development, and employee safety and respect. Overall, however, HRD appeared to be only marginally involved or interested in the firms' CSR activities. The article concludes with an argument for greater engagement of HRD in CSR and offers suggestions for research and practice towards this end.  相似文献   

This paper is based on case studies from the subsidiaries of Japanese manufacturing firms in Brazil and Mexico. It presents empirical findings on the influence of human resource development (HRD) in knowledge transfer, using the case studies in an attempt to delineate appropriate emphases in HRD practices that enhance the transfer of knowledge. The paper examines the proposition that the provision of both on-the-job and off-the-job training constitutes best practice to enhance knowledge transfer. The findings are related to the theory of human capital as a basis for refining the research framework.  相似文献   

Globalization speeds up the competition for human resources among nations. In East Asia, increasing pressure on developing human resources for better economic performance has led governments to implement more skill development policies. In addition, enterprises have also been encouraged to do so in order to improve their market competitiveness. As the leading economy in the region, Japan has increased spending on training, education, and other human resource development activities. Economic stagnation forced both government and enterprises to develop new polices to upgrade workforce skills and to reduce the mismatch between jobs and skills. This paper illustrates the changes in the area of human resource development in Japan in recent years as in response to the challenges of globalization.  相似文献   

This article considers the factors causing stress to retail managers and their coping strategies. The findings from a series of group discussions add to existing knowledge of causes of managerial stress. While some findings corroborate previous research into executive stress, other findings are of particular relevance within the retail sector. Most notably these were the nature and pace of change within the industry, new technological developments, quantitative work overload, staff shortages, customer demands and attitudes, threat of violence, the service orientated environment and the general organisational structure and climate. Problem focused and palliative coping strategies are adopted by individuals and organisations to cope with these pressures. Recommendations are provided to ensure retail companies avoid future threats of litigation and loss of productivity because of stress related illness. These may include re-examining traditional ways of working, instigating written policies on stress and employing occupational health advisors.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine human resource development (HRD) at various levels and in different dimensions. We develop a framework to locate the context and outcomes of HRD. Using South Korea as an example, we analyze the importance of human resources (HR) and HRD, providing some macro and micro empirical evidence, such as expenditure in the area of training and development (T&D) over time in various aspects. We also develop hypotheses regarding the relationship of spending on T&D. This is both organizational (e.g., product differentiation, learning culture) and HR (e.g., employee empowerment, long-term worker attachment to companies) aspects. The implications for business and management of developments in each of these areas are also spelt out.  相似文献   

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