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We provide new large‐scale experimental evidence on policies that aim to boost household saving out of income tax refunds. Households that filed income tax returns with an online tax preparer and chose to receive their refund electronically were randomized into eight treatment groups, which received different combinations of motivational saving prompts and suggested shares of the refund to save—25% and 75%—and a control group, which received neither. In treatment conditions where they were presented, motivational prompts focused on various savings goals: general, retirement, or emergency. Analysis reveals that higher suggested that allocations generated increased allocations of the refund to savings but that prompts for different reasons to save did not. These interventions, which draw on lessons from behavioral economics, represent potentially low‐cost, scalable tools for policy makers interested in helping low‐ and moderate‐income households build savings.  相似文献   

Low‐ and moderate‐income households often struggle to save, but the annual tax refund represents a prime opportunity for these households to save toward their financial goals or build their emergency savings. This paper presents the results of a randomized, controlled experiment embedded in a free tax‐preparation product offered in 2013 to low‐ and moderate‐income households. The experiment involved approximately 470,000 filers and assessed the impact of behavioral interventions on their savings behaviors. The results show that filers exposed to the treatments, which involved the established behavioral‐economics techniques of anchoring, choice architecture, and persuasive messaging, were more likely than a control group to save their tax refund and, on average, saved more of the refund. A follow‐up survey of these tax filers found that the treatments were associated with saving more of the tax refund six months after filing. The findings also show that anchors encouraging filers to deposit certain amounts are more effective than persuasive messaging emphasizing savings.  相似文献   

Alternative financial services (AFS) such as check cashing and payday loans may help unbanked households meet transaction and credit needs, yet often at a very high price. Saving tax refunds can help low‐ and moderate‐income (LMI) households build emergency savings as a way to reduce dependence on AFS and cope effectively with irregular cash flows and financial shocks. This study examined the impact on AFS use of message‐based interventions encouraging LMI households to save their refunds when they electronically filed their federal income tax returns. We found that 3 out of 18 interventions resulted in statistically significant reductions in credit‐related AFS use with small effect sizes. None of the interventions resulted in reduced transaction‐related AFS use. Other factors—especially prior AFS use and financial shocks—were strong predictors of AFS. Financially vulnerable households may need additional opportunities and protections to reduce dependence on AFS.  相似文献   

The MyAccountCard provides tax filers with a low‐cost prepaid card account for the electronic delivery of their tax refunds. Under the pilot, 808,099 low‐income individuals were randomly assigned to one of eight treatment groups that differ along three dimensions: (1) no monthly fee vs. $4.95 monthly fee, (2) savings account vs. no savings account, and (3) convenience vs. safety messaging. We find that individuals are price sensitive, the savings account (as designed) was not valuable, and that messaging did not influence behavior. The $4.95 fee (vs. no fee) decreased MyAccountCard take‐up by 42% and the likelihood of depositing a tax refund into the card account by 50%. Individuals with the highest propensity to be unbanked were three times more likely to take up the card and nearly 2.5 times more likely to use it to receive a tax refund as those with the lowest propensity to be unbanked.  相似文献   

This article explores savings outcomes for participants in the $aveNYC tax‐time matched savings program compared with a group of New York City tax filers who were not offered the program. $aveNYC was administered at Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites during the 2008–2010 tax seasons. The program offered taxpayers the opportunity to open a savings account with their tax refund and receive a 50% match on their initial deposit. The study's primary outcome is savings held by respondents 6–11 months after receipt of matching funds. We compare participants in the 2009 program cohort to a comparison group on the following outcomes: level of savings, having nonzero savings, and having enough savings to cover one or two months of expenses at current consumption levels. We find significant differences on savings levels, the presence of any savings, and the likelihood of having savings to meet one month's expenses.  相似文献   

This paper discusses findings of a study that investigated income, savings and consumption patterns of low income people and critical factors that influence the use of microcredit—a form of small instant loans targeted for low income people—for household income and consumption smoothing. The sample of the study consisted of households from low income communities living in a lower‐middle income country—Sri Lanka. It was found that microcredit borrowers were using the loans for purposes that can be identified as income and consumption smoothing, which is beyond the ideas and intended practice of microcredit. The findings suggest that the consequences of using microcredit for income and consumption smoothing could be costly for households and the society at large.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of consumerism and consumer culture on low‐income British adolescents. Specifically, it investigates the effects of branding and advertising on the formation of selfconcept clarity (SCC) and consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence (CSII). A comparative study was conducted between two groups, low‐ and high‐income teenagers, assessing SCC and CSII by means of quantitative scales. It was found that low‐income teenagers are less clear in their self‐concept and are more susceptible to interpersonal influence than their high‐income counterparts. A significant negative correlation between the two scales revealed that the less clear one's self‐concept is, the more susceptible one is to interpersonal influence. It is proposed that an inability to “keep up” with the latest fashion trends (due to restricted consumption opportunities) may result in a damaged self‐concept among low‐income teenagers, which leads to heightened susceptibility to consumption pressures and hence heightens the negative socio‐psychological impacts of living in poverty. The results of the study are reviewed in terms of branding, advertising, and consumer behavior and a proposed conceptual model of branding's impact on low‐income teenagers is presented as a “vicious cycle.” © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study documents the extent to which first‐time homebuyers seeking a mortgage accurately estimate their borrowing capacity and how this is associated with their decisions regarding mortgage debt and the take‐up of a free offer of financial coaching. We find that consumers who underestimate their nonmortgage debt (31.5% of the sample) also take out larger mortgages relative to income. Consumers who underestimate or overestimate their total debt as well as their monthly debt payments are more likely to accept the offer of financial coaching. Moreover, overconfidence in financial matters reduces the take‐up of financial coaching. These biases in perceived financial status appear to be systematically related to behavior among a group of relatively inexperienced consumers. These findings suggest that efforts to extend homeownership may need to include debiasing mechanisms to help less informed consumers accurately assess their current debt levels and ability to make ongoing mortgage payments.  相似文献   

An economy is investigated where parents observe wage rates, interest rates and child mortality and decide about savings and the quantity and quality of their children. Expenditure on child quality causes human capital accumulation as an external effect. If mortality is high parents prefer to have many children and spend only essential rearing effort. Without human capital accumulation the economy may stabilize in an equilibrium of economic stagnation and high population growth. If mortality is low parents prefer to have only few children and spend comparatively large fractions of income on their quality. With human capital accumulation the economy is capable of long‐run growth. The paper also shows the possibility of an endogenously explained demographic transition and a development aid program on education is discussed.  相似文献   

This study is the first to focus on saving patterns of a growing group of newcomers to Canada—people of Asian origin who arrived as refugees. Data are from personal interviews with 649 Boat People (Chinese Vietnamese, ethnic Vietnamese, and Laotians) who settled in Canada between 1979–81. Saving money was reported by 80 percent, with the usual pattern being to save money left after paying expenses. Main reasons for saving are emergencies and education of children. Nontraditional methods (bank accounts and Registered Retirement Savings Plans) indicate that the newcomers have access to and are using formal financial services. Several variables (i.e., age and marital status) that are usually associated with savings were not significant; but, as in other studies, higher education, satisfaction with income, and employment were associated with having savings. Ethnic differences suggest differing rates of acculturation for this group.  相似文献   

Tax refunds are an opportunity for lower-income households to accumulate emergency savings so they have cash on hand to cover expenses when income is insufficient. Our field experiments testing different behavioral interventions to encourage refund saving via online tax filing show small effect sizes (0.12–0.14) and a low aggregate savings rate (12%) that might be increased were filers to receive financial incentives. We test a key provision of the Refund to Rainy Day Saving and Financial Security Credit Acts using a survey experiment, finding that hypothetical refund saving jumps from 16% with no financial incentive, to 71% and 80% with 25% and 50% matches, respectively, findings which are mostly insensitive to refund size. Our results suggest that public policies to provide greater financial support—including stronger income supports—will better prepare lower-income households for financial emergencies than behavioral interventions to nudge refund saving.  相似文献   

The present study uses data from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals 1994–1996, 1998 in order to analyse milk consumption by type, specifically high‐fat milk vs. low‐fat milk. Whereas trend analysis displays an overall increase in low‐fat milk consumption over the last few decades in the United States, a number of individuals still consume high‐fat milk varieties, and overall dietary intakes have yet to achieve recommended levels. In light of recent research regarding fat intakes, it is important to understand what factors might cause consumers to purchase high‐fat options given the number of low‐fat options available in the market. Through the use of Logistic regression, key socio‐economic and demographic variables are analysed in order to determine their impacts on the probability of consuming low‐fat milk vs. high‐fat milk. The results indicate that a number of factors do influence probability of low‐fat milk consumption as compared with high‐fat milk consumption. Most notably, probability of low‐fat milk consumption appears to be positively related to age, education level, and income level. African Americans and other minorities had a lower probability of consuming low‐fat milk when compared with White people in the sample population. Also, those respondents designated as low income or living in the South were less likely to consume low‐fat milk.  相似文献   

Using data acquired from a four‐time longitudinal survey, we tested a model linking two measures of self‐agency, i.e., problem‐solving orientations and financial self‐efficacy, to student‐loan repayment stress. Of those participants who responded at Wave 4 (N = 855) of a longitudinal study, 396 who had acquired student loans were included in our structural equation model's Mplus analysis. After we controlled for gender, college financial education, ethnicity, and participant annual income, we found that both financial self‐efficacy and negative problem‐solving orientation were related to perceived difficulty. More specifically, those participants with a greater financial self‐efficacy at Wave 4 perceived less difficulty in paying off their loans, while those with a more negative problem‐solving orientation perceived more difficulty in paying off their loans. We also found perceived difficulty to be directly related to the actual difficulty of repaying a loan, and this perceived difficulty was, in turn, associated with loan‐specific stress. We provide implications for financial education.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of group characteristics and educational interventions on young respondents' objective financial knowledge level. We examine six questions about personal finance and covariates selected from the 2015 National Financial Capability Study. Because these questions include “Don't Know” or “Refuse” (DK/RF) responses, a simple regression model could cause researchers to reach misleading conclusions if DK/RF responses are not random. Thus, we suggest a binomial‐latent regression model to evaluate the effect of educational interventions and group differences that are hidden in DK/RF responses. The estimation result shows that rejecting financial education opportunities is disadvantageous to obtaining proper financial knowledge. In addition, both formal and informal financial education are less effective in improving objective financial knowledge in our preferred model. We also find few or no gender, income, and age differences in young adults' objective financial knowledge level after controlling for financial education interventions.  相似文献   

We study the evasion of US anti‐dumping duties by some Chinese exporters through trade rerouting via third countries or regions. Using detailed monthly trade data reported by China and the US Customs during the period of 2002–06, we find that US anti‐dumping actions against China lead to a stronger positive correlation between US imports from third countries and Chinese exports to the same third countries. Such a positive correlation is more pronounced for the products subject to anti‐dumping duties (treatment groups) than similar products not subject to these duties (control groups). The evidence is stronger for less‐differentiated products whose certificates of origins are easier to be modified and is stronger for third countries where the rerouting cost is low. These findings are consistent with a trade rerouting story, rather than a simple story of trade diversion (i.e., increase in some third countries' imports from China) and trade deflection (i.e., increase in some third‐country exports to the US). We also rule out other alternative stories, consider prior production in third countries and concurrent anti‐dumping actions against China or third countries, pay a particular attention to the many zero trade flows in the monthly level data and check the robustness to using an alternative control group and quarterly data, etc.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the determinants of people's attitudes towards foreign direct investment (FDI) using a survey‐based data set that covers a wide range of rich and poor countries. We find that both individual socioeconomic characteristics and macroeconomic and institutional factors shape agents’ attitudes towards multinational firms. Moreover, we find that the influence of an individual's characteristics—such as education and the status as an entrepreneur—on her/his perspective on multinationals depends on the respective country's per‐capita income. Our results confirm the conjecture that relative individual attitudes towards multinationals reflect distributional interests as suggested by economic theory.  相似文献   

The performance of maltodextrin gel as a replacement (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) for shortening along with sucrose and high fructose corn syrup‐90 (HFCS‐90), adjusted for sweetness in each treatment, was evaluated in a high‐ratio white‐layer cake formulation. Two controls were used as a reference to fat‐replaced cakes: control A (100% fat and 100% sucrose) and control B (100% fat with 50% sucrose/50% HFCS‐90), which closely matched the sugar system of the fat‐replaced cakes. Volume of cakes showed that treatment F (100% fat‐substituted) was significantly (P < 0.05) different from the other treatments. Crust and crumb L‐ and b‐values indicated that control B produced a dark crust (P < 0.05) with a light crumb (P < 0.05) whereas treatment E (75% fat substituted) produced a light crust (P < 0.05) and treatment F a darker crumb (P < 0.05) with a significantly (P < 0.05) higher moisture content. Degree of staling significantly (P < 0.05) increased over time for all treatments. Sensory results indicated that treatment F produced a significantly (P < 0.05) moister, less adhesive and cohesive cake. Tenderness and sweetness scores indicated that treatments E and F were significantly (P < 0.05) tougher and less sweet, respectively, when compared with the other treatments. Results from both the physical and sensory analyses indicated that the combination of maltodextrin gel up to a 75% reduction for shortening and sucrose/HFCS‐90 resulted in satisfactory cakes.  相似文献   

We examine two important issues related to health and financial burden in middle‐aged and older Americans: (1) whether or not new health events affect a consumer's unsecured debt, and (2) to what extent the associated out‐of‐pocket medical expenses (OOP) contribute to unsecured debt. We use six biennial waves (1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008) from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). We estimated fixed effects models and conducted mediation analyses. We find that new health events affect the accumulation of unsecured debt. Our estimates suggest that new health events increase unsecured debt by 6.3% ($230) to 9.3 % ($339); approximately 20% of the increase in unsecured consumer debt comes from OOP when experiencing new health events. New severe health events increase debt for the 50–64 age group, but do not increase it for the 65+ group.  相似文献   

This paper investigates food waste at the consumer stage of the food chain. The authors conducted a questionnaire survey with 259 respondents to identify the key characteristics of food‐wasting consumers and to suggest strategies to improve food‐wasting behaviour. The results of the survey confirmed that the rate at which food is wasted depends on the age, economic status and education of the person managing food in a household, on the household's income per person and on total household income. Younger people, students, economically active people and people from higher‐income households (both per household and per person) waste more, while pensioners waste much less than other groups. However, the sex of the food manager is not associated with food waste. These demographic characteristics should be considered when designing consumer education campaigns focussed on changing consumer motivation and behaviour. This paper also recommends other solutions tailored for specific demographic groups: Younger people and students may be influenced by the actions of opinion leaders within social networks, and technical devices enabling better food management could help them reduce waste. Supporting work‐life balance, broadening the network of food delivery services and implementing corporate initiatives that support food waste prevention could help economically active people reduce their food waste. Additionally, offers of ready‐to‐eat food should be expanded for people with higher incomes.  相似文献   

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